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Closed 2 years ago.
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What is the grey dot on scrollbar in Visual Studio 2017?
Code Suggestions
A scenario I ran into was forgetting to capitalize my method.
Another suggestion I saw was a recommendation for improving how I initialized a collection.
When I select the line with the grey mark I can then try quick actions to view suggestions.
In Visual Studio 2017, it corresponds with Error List - Messages.
Usually it is a Naming rule violation:(definition), but, it could be any Message.
Error List Window
One of several markers that you can enable, on mass, on the scrollbar under Tools | Options | Text Editor | {Language} | Scroll Bars | Show annotations over vertical scroll bar.
(Extensions can further extend this, eg. Productivity Power Tool's Match Margin adds indicators for search.)
VS 2015 docs for this are easily found.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to move my button in tkinter, i am making game chess and want to click first time on figure and on second click move this, someone know how does it possible ?
Thx !
I believe you can use buttons for this although it is uncommon. Make pure black/white frames for the empty squares. Manage the alias of the buttons of the figures individually (maybe you should manage white/black background in the figure subclasses). Use a 8x8 grid in a frame and make them show/hide using grid() and grid_remove() / grid_forget().
You can find a nice reference here and here.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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There are tons of resources on how to program using the APIs of various widget toolkits but I can't seem to find much in the way of a tutorial on how to create widget toolkits themselves or how they work n detail. They are basically just black boxes to me right now.
There is some info on QT:
but it seems quite specific to QT and not geared towards general theory.
Could anyone point me to some resources?
Thanks for reading
There are powerpoint presentaion slides on the following link:
Also you may have a look on pdf given on the following link:
It would have been great to know which programming language you are using (or you'll use) to develop widgets.
Anyways,there is a link which shows the basic concepts behind widgets and also their creation:
Go through the tutorial/description to see if it meets your need.
Hope it'll help you.
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Closed 10 years ago.
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When I launch an app (default Browser for example), it seems that there is no way to exit except reboot. I'm using PlayBook emulator.
Swipe up from the bottom of the screen
Use a "bottom-swipe" gesture (starting in the bottom bezel region, drag up into the screen area). The app window will minimize itself, at which point you can click on its X widget to close it, or drag it up to "toss it" away.
The basic gestures are described in the Getting Started guides, which all new developers should read (along with the associated docs, including the UI Guidelines and Development Guide). All these bezel gestures are reserved for the OS itself, except the "top-swipe" which is reserved for context menus and such in the apps themselves.
Swipe up from the bottom of the screen to go to home page and swipe down from top of screen for top menu.
Checkout this for more detailed information about using the PlayBook simulator.
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Closed 10 years ago.
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Reports are printed without margins. With the margins of the printer the text appears cut off.
The same occurs for the pdf files (without margins).
We had the same issue - the reports printed out correctly (both on PDF & printed material) for some users, but not for others.
The Remote Desktop Connection 7.0 client update for XP was installed - users are now able to view / print reports correctly.
You are not giving enough information.
Is it standard or custom reports?
You can start by checking the following properties:
On the ReportDesign, is the fitToPage property set?
Is the Orientation of the report correct?
Are the margins set to something specific?
What papersize is your printer set to?
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We don’t allow questions seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more. You can edit the question so it can be answered with facts and citations.
Closed 3 years ago.
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Does anyone know of a good .Net2.0+ compatible dual listbox control that either offers dragging and dropping between lists, or simple buttons to move items between lists and also sort the items in a particulr list. This is for a web based app and I would prefer some nice javascript to make this one speedy.
I decided to write my own drag and drop list control for this one using JQuery and JQuery UI. You can try out a sample here: demo. The right side sort list will scroll down if the left list is too long thus making it easier to drag and drop. I still have more testing and a few bug fixes on this one, but it seems to be working pretty well.
Perhaps this answers your question?
From that post the infinity links to meadmiracle for a jQuery implementation and a demo. I personally don't like the horizontal layout of the buttons though although I'm sure that could be fixed pretty easily.
Also I've found this jQuery multi selection control interesting over on the UX Stack-Exchange.