regex single digit - r

I have a question which I think is solved by regex use in R.
I have a set of dates (as chr) which I would like in a different format (as chr).
I have tried to fool around with the below examples where the first (new_dates) gives the right format for months 1-9 and wrong for 10-12 and (new_dates2) gives the right format for 10-12 but nothing for 1-9.
I see that the code in the first case matches a single digit twice for 10-12, but don't really know how to tell it to match only single digit.
The final vector of correct dates shows the result I would like.
dates <- c("1/2016", "2/2016", "3/2016", "4/2016", "5/2016", "6/2016", "7/2016", "8/2016", "9/2016", "10/2016", "11/2016", "12/2016", "1/2017")
new_dates <- sub("(\\d)[:/:](\\d{4})","\\2M0\\1", dates)
new_dates2 <- sub("(\\d{2})[:/:](\\d{4})","\\2M\\1", dates)
correctdates <- c("2016M01", "2016M02", "2016M03", "2016M04", "2016M05", "2016M06", "2016M07", "2016M08", "2016M09", "2016M10", "2016M11", "2016M12", "2017M1")

Here's a base R method that will return the desired format:
format(as.Date(paste0("1/",dates), "%d/%m/%Y"), "%YM%m")
[1] "2016M01" "2016M02" "2016M03" "2016M04" "2016M05" "2016M06" "2016M07" "2016M08" "2016M09"
[10] "2016M10" "2016M11" "2016M12" "2017M01"
The idea is to first convert to a Date object and then use the format function to create the desired character representation. I pasted on 1/ so that a day is present in each element.

As #a p o m said it might be better to look for another solution if you are manipulating dates but if you want to stick with regular expressions you can try this one.
([02-9]|1[0-2]?)[:\/](\d{4}) example

new_dates <- sub("(\\d{1,2})\\/(\\d{4})","\\2M0\\1", dates)
It's fine.


How to match any character existing between a pattern and a semicolon

I am trying to get anything existing between sample_id= and ; in a vector like this:
My desired output would be:
How can I get this?
I've been trying several things like this, but I don't find the way to do it correctly:
clinical_data$sample_id<-c(sapply(myvector, function(x) sub("subject_id=.;", "\\1", x)))
You could use sub with a capture group to isolate that which you are trying to match:
out <- sub("^.*\\bsample_id=(\\d+).*$", "\\1", x)
[1] "10221108" "321108" "22"
x <- c("sample_id=10221108;gender=male",
Note that the actual output above is character, not numeric. But, you may easily convert using as.numeric if you need to do that.
If you are unsure that the sample IDs would always be just digits, here is another version you may use to capture any content following sample_id:
out <- sub("^.*\\bsample_id=([^;]+).*$", "\\1", x)
You could try the str_extract method which utilizes the Stringr package.
If your data is separated by line, you can do:
str_extract("(?<=\\bsample_id=)([:digit:]+)") #this tells the extraction to target anything that is proceeded by a sample_id= and is a series of digits, the + captures all of the digits
This would extract just the numbers per line, if your data is all collected like that, it becomes a tad more difficult because you will have to tell the extraction to continue even if it has extracted something. The code would look something like this:
This code will extract all of the numbers you're looking for and the output will be a list. From there you can manipulate the list as you see fit.

Parsing dates in R from strings with multiple formats

I have a tibble in R with about 2,000 rows. It was imported from Excel using read_excel. One of the fields is a date field: dob. It imported as a string, and has dates in three formats:
"XXXXX" (ie, a five-digit Excel-style date)
Let's say I treat the column as a vector.
dob <- c("1969-02-02", "1986-05-02", "34486", "1995-09-05", "1983-06-05",
"1981-02-01", "30621", "01-05-1986")
I can see that I probably need a solution that uses both parse_date_time and as.Date.
If I use parse_date_time:
dob_fixed <- parse_date_time(dob, c("ymd", "dmy"))
This fixes them all, except the five-digit one, which returns NA.
I can fix the five-digit one, by using as.integer and as.Date:
dob_fixed2 <- as.Date(as.integer(dob), origin = "1899-12-30")
Ideally I would run one and then the other, but because each returns NA on the strings that don't work I can't do that.
Any suggestions for doing all? I could simply change them in Excel and re-import, but I feel like that's cheating!
We create a logical index after the first run based on the NA values and use that to index for the second run
i1 <-
dob_fixed[i1] <- as.Date(as.integer(dob[i1]), origin = "1899-12-30")

How to lag dates in form of strings in R

The following vector of Dates is given in form of a string sequence:
d <- c("01/09/1991","01/10/1991","01/11/1991","01/12/1991")
I would like to exemplary lag this vector by 1 month, that means to produce the following structure:
d <- c("01/08/1991","01/09/1991","01/10/1991","01/11/1991")
My data is much larger and I must impose higher lags as well, but this seems to be the basis I need to know.
By doing this, I would like to have the same format in the end again:("%d/%m/%Y). How can this be done in R? I found a couple of packages (e.g. lubridate), but I always have to convert between formats (strings, dates and more) so it's a bit messy and seems prone to mistake.
edit: some more info on why I want to do this: I am using this vector as rownames of a matrix, so I would prefer a solution where the final outcome is a string vector again.
This does not use any packages. We convert to "POSIXlt" class, subtract one from the month component and convert back:
fmt <- "%d/%m/%Y"
lt <- as.POSIXlt(d, format = fmt)
lt$mon <- lt$mon - 1
format(lt, format = fmt)
## [1] "01/08/1991" "01/09/1991" "01/10/1991" "01/11/1991"
My solution uses lubridatebut it does return what you want in the specified format:
d <- c("01/09/1991","01/10/1991","01/11/1991","01/12/1991")
[1] "01/08/1991" "01/09/1991" "01/10/1991" "01/11/1991"
You can then change the lag and (if you want) the output (which is this part : '%d/%m/%Y') by specifying what you want.

Sprintf Function and Character Dates

I have a data set in which I want to pad zeroes in front of a set of dates that don't have six characters. For example, I have a date that reads 91003 (October 3rd, 2009) and I want it to read 091003, as well as any other date that is missing a zero in front. When I use the sprintf function, the code is:
Data1$entrydate <- sprintf("%06d", data1$entrydate)
But what it spits out is something like 000127, or some other other random number for all the other dates in the problem. I don't understand what's going on, and I would appreciate some help on the issue. Thanks.
PS. I am sometimes also getting a error message that sprintf is only for character values, I don't know if there is any code for numerical values.
I guess you got different results than expected because the column class was factor. You can convert the column to numeric either by as.numeric(as.character(datacolumn)) or as.numeric(levels(datacolumn)). According to ?factor
To transform a factor ‘f’ to approximately its
original numeric values, ‘as.numeric(levels(f))[f]’ is recommended
and slightly more efficient than ‘as.numeric(as.character(f))’.
So, you can use
levels(data1$entrydate) <- sprintf('%06d', as.numeric(levels(data1$entrydate)))
Here is an example that shows the problem
v1 <- factor(c(91003, 91104,90103))
sprintf('%06d', v1)
#[1] "000002" "000003" "000001"
Or, it is equivalent to
sprintf('%06d', as.numeric(v1)) #the formatted numbers are
# the numeric index of factor levels.
#[1] "000002" "000003" "000001"
When you convert it back to numeric, works as expected
sprintf('%06d', as.numeric(levels(v1)))
#[1] "090103" "091003" "091104"

extract part of a date in a dataframe column

thanks for your help in advance. i am working with the getQuote function in the quantmod package, which returns the following data frame:
is there a way to modify all the dates in the first column to exclude the time stamp, while retaining the data frame structure? i just want the "YYYY-MM-DD" in the first column. i know that if it was a vector of dates, i would use substr(df[,1],1,10). i have also looked into the apply function, with: apply(df[,1],1,substr,1,10).
Another option not mentioned yet:
tt <- getQuote("AAPL")
trunc(tt[,1], units='days')
This returns the date in POSIXlt. You can wrap it in as.POSIXct, if you want.
using ?strptime
tt <- getQuote("AAPL")
[1] "2013-01-16 02:52:00 CET"
as.POSIXct(strptime(tt[,1],format ='%Y-%m-%d')) ## as.POSIXct because strptime returns POSIXlt
[1] "2013-01-16 CET"
You can use the format argument of POSIXct, but you need to convert the tt[,1] to character before.
as.POSIXct(as.character(tt[,1]),format ='%Y-%m-%d')
[1] "2013-01-16 CET"
I would do this with lubridate
tickers <- c("AAPL","AAJX","ABR")
df <- ldply(tickers, getQuote)
rownames(df) <- tickers
df[,"Trade Time"] <- paste(year(df[,"Trade Time"]),month(df[,"Trade Time"]),day(df[,"Trade Time"]),sep="-")
There might be a more elegant way of printing the date, but this is what came to me first.
You may just use gsub. No need to convert data type.
tt <- getQuote("AAPL")
tt[, 'Trade Time']<- gsub(" [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}", "", tt[, 'Trade Time'])
It can be as simple as:
(where tt is tt <- getQuote("AAPL"), as shown in the alternative answers)
The blank before the comma means "do all rows" and the 1 after the comma means "operate on (just) the first column".
I prefer this solution because it gives you a Date object, which must be exactly what you want if you are trying to strip off timestamps.
agstudy's answer give you a date with a timezone, and that is going to bite you the first time you run your script in a different timezone. (Aside: I got some regressions in a unit test suite when I ran them in the U.K. while there at Christmas, due to a subtle timezone assumption in my test code.)
