MVC/iis express failed to load resource the server responded with a status of 500 -

I have an error when trying to run MVC application in both visual studio 2015/2017.
I know it's not the code because a it's producing the 500 status on the default template, and works fine on the servers.
The above screen shot is from chrome, and i have tried it on all of the standard browsers.
I have also tried reinstalling iis and i am still getting the same issue, and have been trying to resolve it for best part of a day. any help is appreciated.


How to solve Error 503 Service Unavailable

I'm have problem with 503 Service Unavailable. My project is web application and it show data from 5 function by ajax and that function interval each 6 sec and sometime i get 503 error. i use firefox browser to run my application because i have to run autoplay audio too. Have anyone i have same project like me or have the same problem. Please share your solution to fix it. Thank you so much. I don't show my code because it's work fine and i think the problem is overloaded network. If you want to see the code please tell me.
The following list could be the resolve of your problem.
.NET CLR Version & Managed Pipeline Mode
Enable 32-Bit Applications
Also you can Log errors in Application_Error method of global.config.
The Limitation of Your Web Host
complete illustration could be found in the following code.

Trouble installing Umbraco

This is my first time working with this CMS.
I uploaded the latest release of umbraco to my host and instead of the "installation wizard" i get the following error:
Internal server error - 500
There is a problem with the resource you are looking for and it cannot be displayed
Does this error indicate a error on the server-side or is this something that i can fix?
URL to the website
Thanks for all the help!
Hi c0ral 500 is a soft error which you will need to switch debug on in the web.config file to see the actual error. You might find your hosting partner doesn't support the required dependencies for umbraco to run like ASP.Net 4.5.

Visual Studio 2010 giving error "External Component has thrown an exception"

I am running Visual Studio Ultimate on Windows 7. Here is the description of my problem:
My VS 2010 had been running absolutely fine until today when it started giving error "External Component has thrown an exception" when I try to open a new website. Creating a new web application works fine though but I am unable to run any of them.
While trying to run the previously created websites/webapps, its giving error as "Unable to launch ASP.NET development server".
And when I try to debug the website/web app, I am getting error: "Unable to launch ASP.NET development server. An attempt was made to perform an initialization operation when initialization has already been completed".
Similar errors are coming when I try to open Windows Form Applications and other projects.
No errors are getting logged on event viewer and I cannot see any other error information apart from what is mentioned above.
I searched all over internet but no help. I have already trying un-installing VS2010 using the script at this link (provided by MS). But when I re-install VS2010, it still shows me same error. To my surprise, after re-installing VS still shows the previous project list in "Recent Projects". I really doubt if VS is getting uninstalled.
I am totally clueless and any help would be highly appreciated. I am left with no other option but to format my OS if I don't find a solution here :( Please do let me know if any other details are required...
It might be caused by an adding or extension that you've installed, maybe without being aware of.
there are several ways to deal with that - one is to get inside add in manager and remove/ deactivate them.
if VS can't load there is a flag that should do the trick.
check this link for instructions on devenv flags.
you can use: /ResetAddin or /SafeMode

ReportViewer - 401: Unauthorized

I have an ASP.NET website that uses the ReportViewer control. The reporting services are on another machine on the local network. This has been working fine for over six months, but all of a sudden I'm getting the following error in my ReportViewer control:
The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized.
As far as I'm aware, nothing has changed on either of these machines, except that I installed the IIS 'URL Rewrite' module for use with another project. Could this be a factor?
Any other assistance would be appreciated.
Very odd. I ran out of ideas and just restarted the server to see if it made a difference. It did. I don't know what the problem was, but maybe this'll save someone a few hours trying to fix the same problem.

Trying to solve flex2gateway issue (Flex /ColdFusion 9 Enterprise on VPS Windows Server)

I'm migrating a Flex 3/ColdFusion 7 app over to ColdFusion 9 Enterprise. I'm getting a strange result: When a user first visits the application, I receive the following error:
faultCode:Client.Error.MessageSend faultString:'Send failed' faultDetail:'Channel.Connect.Failed error Invalid URL url: 'http://[mydomain]/flex2gateway/'
The weird thing is the error goes away if you refresh the browser. It will however reappear if you restart the browser. I have no clue as to what is going on. I did go directly to the 'http://[mydomain]/flex2gateway' and saw the request blank white page. I took a look at the logs in CFAdmin but nothing there. Wondering if it has to do with how ColdFusion and Windows Server are communicating. I did learn of a workaround here:
I'd prefer not use a hack. Any ideas on how to solve this problem would be greatly appreciated.
