Send line to console in Notepad++ - console

Is there a way to execute commands line-by-line written in NPP editor in a console.
I have already looked at the following plugins, but they seem to execute a line or chunk of code as a standalone script (i.e. not interactive):
This question is similar to this one:
Run selected line in notepad++ console
but in their case the code is being saved, executed, and stopped. But I would like an interactive console, i.e. it would bring up an instance of shell (or any other console), and I can send line-by-line code from NPP editor.

It sounds like you are looking for behaviour similar to IPython and the Jupyter Notebook or maybe just a regular debugger. I don't know of any plugin that can do that in Notepad++.
If interactive behaviour after initial execution will do (e.g. for inspection of variables), you can achieve that using the interactive flag -i in NppExec like this:
python -u -i $(FILE_NAME)


I want to run magic command % inside a jupyter notebook. However, this program requires variables from the main script

To clarify, needs variables that are generated from main.ipynb. So, when I simply do %run I get this error:
NameError: name 'viewer' is not defined
This viewer is defined in the main code above. However, now if I use %load and THEN run it, it works fine. But, the whole point of me doing this is to not show the users of my script, the nitty gritty details. I am preparing this for some students.
The documentation of the magic command %run covers use of the -i option to "run the file in IPython’s namespace instead of an empty one." You want to add that flag to your %run command:
viewer = "something"
%run -i
It applies to notebook kernel namespace as IPython was incorporated into the IPython notebook, which became the Jupyter notebook project later.

Run python script using existing ipython kernel without console

I can run a python script from a bash shell like so:
>> python
I can also start an iPython kernel and connect multiple iPython consoles to the same kernel like so:
>> ipython kernel
To connect another client to this kernel, use:
--existing kernel-8987.json
then, for as many consoles as I would like, I execute
>> jupyter console --existing kernel-8987.json
However, what I would like to do is start a kernel, but then run scripts without opening a console. I'd like to do something like this:
>> ipython --existing kernel-8987.json
Is this possible to do this somehow?
Extending on the other answer and use the %run magic command1, it's possible to do this (which works for multiple-line scripts):
$ jupyter console --simple-prompt --existing kernel-8987.json <<< '%run'
or (on Windows where <<< doesn't work)
> echo %run | jupyter console --simple-prompt --existing kernel-8987.json
Unfortunately, this method still prints some redundant prompt (In[1]:) on the console.
Alternatively, using Python API: (create a script to execute this Python code) (on my machine, this method is much faster)
from jupyter_client.manager import KernelManager
manager=KernelManager(connection_file="full path to connection file.json")
manager.client().execute("commands to execute")
The commands to execute might span multiple lines, or have the form %run
There's also silent=True, store_history=False as parameters to execute().
The full path to the connection file can be found as
Path(jupyter_core.paths.jupyter_runtime_dir()) / "kernel-8987.json", or
jupyter_client.connect.find_connection_file("kernel-8987.json") (find file with specific name), or
jupyter_client.connect.find_connection_file() (find the latest file)
See also jupyter-client documentation.
Disclaimer: Some of the code are taken from jupyter-vim plugin, and manager.load_connection_file and connect.find_connection_file appears to be undocumented.
1: As mentioned in the documentation, the file is executed in a new namespace unless you use -i.
It seems that jupyter has this functionality already built in.
$ jupyter run --existing kernel-8987.json
I don't know if this was a feature addition since the OP, or if I was really stupid and didn't RTFM.
$ jupyter run --help
Run Jupyter kernel code.
Connect to an already running kernel
Default: ''
Equivalent to: [--JupyterConsoleApp.existing]
The other answers will run the code in the existing kernel, but still open a console in the process. The run subcommand does exactly what I requested: runs the code without opening an interactive console.
% jupyter console --version
I can exec one-liners from a file like this:
% jupyter console --simple-prompt --existing kernel-8987.json <

Running a python .py file on Jetbrain Pycharm

I write my .py files using Pycharm JetBrains editors. When I run my codes, the output is shown in a console entitled "Run", without any prompt. Therefore, I dont have access to the variables of my code output. How can I force the pycharm to show the output of my codes in ipython console?
You can edit the Run Configuration and check the box "Show command line afterwards". This will run your script, but leave you in an interactive prompt. Everything from your script will have been imported and available.
As a note, if you install the IPython package (Preferences -> Project -> Project Interpreter, click + to add packages) then you can get a nicer console interpreter.
Finally, a different way to accomplish what you are looking for: run under Debug rather than Run. You can set a breakpoint and then use the debugger's Console right at the line you might be interested in.

Save ipython notebook as script programmatically

The excellent ipython notebook has a handy --script command line flag that automatically saves a copy of the notebook as a .py script file (removing any header and markdown cells). Is there a way to switch this feature on from inside the notebook itself after the notebook is opened? Apparently, this option is not accessible to the %config magic.
Is there a way to have a cell that does this conversion? Is there any command-line tool I could use to do the conversion, and just have that in a shell command run from the notebook? (It seems that nbconvert does not output to .py.)
The reason I ask is that I have a git repository of notebooks, and I need to make sure the .py files are kept up to date when users change the notebooks themselves because the .py files are used to create c++ code from the contents of the notebooks. But I can't rely on users to set the --script flag because they'll always forget. (And I include myself in that group of users.)
Better yet (at least for my purposes): ipython respects local copies of the file. So I can just add
c = get_config()
c.NotebookManager.save_script = True
to such a file in my notebook directory. Apparently, ipython first reads ~/.ipython/profile_default/, and then reads the local copy of that file. So it's safe to use without worrying about demolishing the user settings.
This was not at all clear to me from the documentation, but I just tried it and it worked.
Oh. My mistake. nbconvert can handle conversions to script. So I can do something like this:
!ipython nbconvert --to python MyNB.ipynb
Of course, this line will get saved to the script, which means the script will try to re-save the notebook to itself every time it's executed. That's a bit circular, and I can imagine it could cause problems with some of my more outlandish hacks. Instead, we can ensure that it's only run from ipython by wrapping it as follows:
try :
if(__IPYTHON__) :
!ipython nbconvert --to python MyNB.ipynb
except NameError :
Note that the conversion process will automatically convert the ! syntax to something that is acceptable to plain python. This is apparently not the case with the --script conversion. So the extra-safe way to do this is
try :
if(__IPYTHON__) :
get_ipython().system(u'ipython nbconvert --to python MyNB.ipynb')
except NameError :

gvim remote tab with command possible?

The simplified version of my question is how can I achieve a command such as the following.
gvim --remote-tab-silent -c mak
When I run this command I am hoping for a new tab to be opened, and to have the make command run. What actually happens however is there are two new tabs "-c" and "mak"
Is there a way to do this? My end goal is to be able to within vim run a command such as this to give me asynchonous make output.
!gvim --remote-tab-silent -c mak
Thanks in advance.
I found the documentation for --remote, which explains how to do a remote command with opening a file. The syntax applies to remote-tab apparently.
To do what I want I am now using
gvim --remote-tab-silent +mak MakeOutput
Similarly inside vim I can use
!gvim --remote-tab-silent +mak
It automatically opens the first error in a file for me, which is convenient I would think :)
It seems like what you're asking is how to execute commands asynchronously with updates when they complete.
Have a look at my AsyncCommand plugin. It's just wraps the vim syntax required to execute something and load it with --remote. I've uploaded AsyncCommand 2.0 that includes an AsyncMake command.
Add the script to your .vim/plugin and you can build with :AsyncMake or :AsyncMake target. Errors will be opened in your quickfix once the make completes.
