How to center a block in Google AppMaker - google-app-maker

I'm trying to center a 940px widget in my page.
In the layout panel it's not possible to set Left and Right to auto at the same time.
So far I can only attach a block to left or right. Is it possible to center it to have all the element to stay in the center on large display like ?

It is possible to do that. An approach that you can take is to change the page layout to vertical.
Then change the widget's Layout align attribute value to center.
I hope this information helps!


Place items in center and lower right corner of a fullscreen flexbox?

On my site, I've created a flex box which fills the whole window. It has a width of 100% and a height of 100vh. I've placed a text and a button in the center of it. Now I want to add a footer to the page. If I place the footer under the div (flexbox) It'll only show up if I scroll down a little bit. So can I create another div inside the flexbox which will place it's items in the lower right corner of the page?
Without code it is hard to help but maybe try in the css float:right

How to make this complex layout in JSF?

i am trying to make my general layout in primefaces, with 5 different regions (top, left, center, right, bottom).
I already had try a full layout page but in the center container i need a tabview with scroll bar only in the child element and not at center container. If my implement this image layout with full layout page, the scoll bar will be present on the center container. How i can do this?
I dont want to do this with divs. I only want use primefaces components.
thanks for all your help!

How can I position this drupal block?

I have created a block for my first client's website, im newish to Drupal and web development. On their contact page, I would like to position the block with the contact details to the right of the contact form which I have floated left.
I've tried floating the block right and position with absolute positioning, however when I resize the window it doesn't look right, all the text sqaushes up.
What I need is to move the block down, which I know I will have to put some css into the responsive css files to make the block move under the form when the window is resized but how should I position this text next to the form?
Thank you
You can float that block to the right and give both blocks a specific width
Which theme are you using? Isn't there a sidebar block you can position the contact details in? You shouldn't need to do any floating to achieve this, but rather the positioning of the blocks should be happening at the theme layout and template level.

Off-Canvas, fixed width left column on desktop

I'm trying to implement an Off Canvas layout and I'm stuck (have spent half the day trying to figure this out). I basically want to use this off canvas layout from bradfrost Right Side Off-Canvas responsive pattern
What I want is:
On mobile the left and the right content should each be 100% width. The left content should be the one that is displayed by default and you click on a button to slide in the right content.
On desktop the left content should be set to 300px width and the right content should fit the rest of the width.
It seems like in the above code example, the width on desktop is set on the right content and the left content just fits the rest of the width. I basically want the opposite of that on desktop (left content fixed width, right side fits rest of width).
Another version of the code FOUND HERE is also similar (and might be easier to edit) but the problem is that the right content is what's displayed by default on mobile view. I need the left to be displayed by default on mobile view.
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Is it what you want?
Animating top/left really sucks on mobile devices. You should use css transform instead.

My master page has empty space on the bottom and right side. Can I "center" my master page and set a background image?

Here's how it looks like right now:
my screenshot
Is there a way for me to center the area that has content, and place a repeating background image so the site doesn't look so empty?
Centering horizontally can be accomplished by wrapping the content you wish to center in a div, and applying the style:
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
to said div.
This will take care of your issue of space on the right. You can place a background image (repeating or not) using CSS as well.
Your larger issue will be the vertical centering. As far as I'm aware, there's (currently) no easy, cross-browser (including IE6/7) way of accomplishing that. I'd like to be proven wrong here by another user, though. :)
It looks to me like you just need some padding on the top and left in your content area.
Sorry I didn't realize your page was only a portion of the screen.
Why not splice your site into parts (divs) and use a fluid layout? Here is an article from Smashing Magazine about Fixed vs Fluid layouts.
