Meaning of Monit status codes - status

I need a way to find out what every monit xml status code means. I have some xml output which is in this format:
Or in case the link doesn't work, this:
<service name="system">
Within this code block we can see:
<status> 0 </status>
I've googled a lot to find a complete list of all possible codes and their meanings but I've been unable to find anything so far. The monit documentation does not appear to mention it at all either.


Japanese to english translation

I am trying to build power network model for Japan using OpenStreetMap data and some open source projects. When I filtered the power data I realized that most of the tag information (words such as power station, power lines etc.) is in Japanese (Japanese characters).
I am wondering whether if anyone knows of any translation packages that I can use to convert tags to English.
Does anyone know if there are any packages in Julia for translation purpose (Japanese -> English).
For map data you mostly need English name spelling rather than translation. Hence my first try would be TextUnidecode
using TextUnidecode
julia> unidecode("尾垂山")
"Wei Chui Shan"
Please also note that OSM records for popular places always have English translations (tagged with name:en) - and this is perhaps something you want to use - see the example below:
<node id="4165900342" lat="33.2750587" lon="134.1751027" version="2" ... >
<tag k="ele" v="242"/>
<tag k="name" v="尾垂山"/>
<tag k="name:en" v="Mt. Otaru"/>
<tag k="name:ja" v="尾垂山"/>
<tag k="name:ja-Hira" v="おたるやま"/>
<tag k="natural" v="peak"/>
<tag k="source" v="GSImaps/std"/>
If those approaches do not match your needs, you can just use a Python library via PyCall.jl or call a service such as AWS Translate which is directly supported via AWS.jl library. Download not working: This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it.

When I try to download Atom from, I get this error message:
This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with
it. The document tree is shown below.
<Message>The specified key does not exist.</Message>
I have no idea what's wrong, this has never happened before. Please let me know what I need to change in order to download Atom! Thanks for any help.
For some reason it is fixed, I just went back to the website and it worked. Magic!

Set Directory in WiX

I am trying to create a folder at a location different from the application installation location which happens to be C:\Program Files(x86). I am using the following fragment
<DirectoryRef Id="TARGETDIR">
<Directory Id="PhotosDir" Name="Photos" />
<!--<SetDirectory Id="PhotosDir" Value="[TARGETDIR]Photos" Sequence="execute"></SetDirectory>-->
I tried with a SetDirectory element as shown above and also with a CustomAction as shown below. (If I use both, I get an error saying Id is duplicated. Hence I commented it.)
<CustomAction Id="SetPhotosDir" Directory="PhotosDir" Value="[TARGETDIR]Photos"></CustomAction>
<Custom Action="SetPhotosDir" Before="CreateFolders"/>
I have a component also defined for this directory element as below.
<Component Id="cmpPhotosDir" Guid="{8F757344-CA0A-42BC-B292-A51CE86B19E2}" KeyPath="yes" Directory="PhotosDir"><CreateFolder/></Component>
But the directory called Photos is always getting created in D drive, even though it is nested inside of TARGETDIR. I actually want to control the location where this directory gets created, probably through UI. I googled for SetDirectory element example, but couldn't find a proper working sample. All I get to see is that I have to use a custom action type 35 or 51. But it is not clear what code should go inside of these custom actions. Also, I am not sure, if these custom actions are required in addition to the SetDirectory element or not. Can anyone please help me achieve this, with some working sample?
The problem is your directory identifier is not PUBLIC. Change its name to include no lower-case letters; use only upper-case letters, numbers, and underscores. (This came up in reverse pretty recently over here.)
I would also probably schedule the action to After="CostFinalize" , or just set the property of the same name Before="CostInitialize. Neither of those are likely to be relevant to your symptoms, however.

Is there a way to use config-default.xml globally in Oozie?

From the documentation, config-default.xml must be presented in the workflow workspace.
- /workflow.xml
- /config-default.xml
- /lib/ (*.jar;*.so)
The problem
I've created a custom Oozie action and try to add default values for retry-max and retry-interval to all the custom actions.
So my workflow.xml will look like this:
<workflow-app xmlns="uri:oozie:workflow:0.3" name="wf-name">
<action name="custom-action" retry-max="${default_retry_max}" retry-interval="${default_retry_interval}">
config-default.xml file contains the values of default_retry_max and default_retry_interval.
What I've tried
Putting config-default.xml to every workflow workspace. This works, but the problem is there will be this file everywhere.
Setting oozie.service.LiteWorkflowStoreService.user.retry.max and oozie.service.LiteWorkflowStoreService.user.retry.inteval also works, but it would affect all action types.
I've also looked at Global Configurations, but it doesn't solve this problem.
I think there should be a way to put config-default.xml to oozie.libpath and only those workflows that use this libpath will be affected.
AFAIK, there is unfortunately no clean way to do it.
You might be interested in this recently created feature request:
The only thing that worked for me was to begin the workflow with a shell step that uses a script stored in hdfs. This script holds the centralized configuration. The script would look like this:
echo "oozie.use.system.libpath=true"
echo "hbase_zookeeper_quorum=localhost"
.. etc other system or custom variables ..
Yes, the script simply prints the variables to the stdout.
Let's say the shell step action is called "global_config". All following steps are able to get the variables using following syntax:

How to see assertions, that have passed successfully in result tree

A the moment when I execute some tests, I can see only the failed assertions in the result tree listener.
Since I would like to do functional testing with this tools, I need to have all passed validations included in the report.
Is it possible in the new version of Jmeter?
You can "tell" JMeter to store results as XML - it will trigger saving assertion results in .jtl file
To switch JMeter results file to XML and store all assertion results add the next two lines to file:
You'll get output like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<testResults version="1.2">
<httpSample t="340" lt="340" ts="1430219540110" s="true" lb="HTTP Request" rc="200" rm="OK" tn="Thread Group 1-1" dt="text" by="1591" ng="1" na="1">
<name>Response Assertion</name>
See Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide for more information on JMeter properties and ways of controlling them.
