I'am building an application with Meteor. I use autoform, but I want to postprocess some inputfields after submit: add leading zeros to a number when converting to a string ( 20 -> "00020" ), change currency values to integers ( $ 20 -> 2000 or $ 21.34 -> 2134 ). I do not see how to do that. Can anybody help me with this? My issue is with triggering the postprocessing. Some examples would be great.
Regards, Roel
add a before hook to your form
From: https://github.com/aldeed/meteor-autoform#callbackshooks:
The before hooks are called after the form is deemed valid but before
the submission operation happens. (The submission operation depends on
the form type.) These hooks are passed the document or modifier as
gathered from the form fields. If necessary they can modify the
document or modifier.
somewhere in your client code where it will be loaded only once, add:
myFormId: {
before: {
// Replace `formType` with the form `type` attribute to which this hook applies
formType: function(doc) {
// Potentially alter the doc
doc.foo = 'bar';
// Then return it or pass it to this.result()
//return doc; (synchronous)
//return false; (synchronous, cancel)
//this.result(doc); (asynchronous)
//this.result(false); (asynchronous, cancel)
I have global array that works just fine and stores the URL's of the chosen images from the user after i click submit in the form.
the problem is when i want to submit another form, the global array will still have the URL's of the previous submission.
what i want to do is to create an array for every user to store his URL's, one he click submit, the array will be dropped or deleted. so if there were multiple users using the same function, every one of them will have his own array to store his URL's
How do i do this?
this is what i have tried but when i click on submit on the form page, nothing happens
first, this is the method that returns the url of the chosen image by the user, the method exists in both folder (both/file.js)
storeUrlInDatabaseSS: function( url ) {
check( url, String );
Modules.both.checkUrlValidity( url );
try {
return url;
} catch( exception ) {
return exception;
then i created the session variables in the client side (client/file.js)
Session.set("screenshots", []);
Session.set("i", 0);
var screenshots = Session.get("screenshots");
var i = Session.get("i");
and here i store the url in the array
let _addUrlToDatabaseSS = ( url ) => {
screenshots[i++] = url;
Session.set("screenshots", screenshots);
and am using Meteor Collection Hook Package
and i added these two lines of code which should be excited after the user press submit, they exist inside "client/files.js" directory
Products.before.insert(function (userId, doc) {
doc.screenShots = Session.get("screenshots");
now whenever i click submit nothing happens, i think the problem is because nothing is actually stored inside the screenShots attribute in the collection here
screenShots: {
type: [String]
when i set the screenShots attribute to an empty array by default like the code below, the submit button works
screenShots: {
type: [String],
autoValue: function() {
return [];
I tried to use the other way of using AutoForm.hooks
submitPostForm: {
before: {
insert: function(doc) {
doc.$set.screenShots = Session.get("screenshots");
the is my form in the .html file
{{> quickForm collection="Products" id="submitPostForm"
type="method" meteormethod="submitPost" omitFields="createdAt, previewImage, screenShots, sourceCode, userID"}}
and this is the method triggered once the user submit the form, it exist in the server side.
submitPost: function (app) {
// Console.log('new App:', app);
check(app, {
title: String,
description: String,
category: String,
price: Number
for some reason my before hook isn't working and i can't see why!
what am i doing wrong here?
One of the ways to create a global array per user is to use Session. This way it is also possible to persist the data across the app (only client-side).
Simple way to use Session is thus:
Create an array in Session called url_list:
Session.set("url_list", []);
Retrieve the array from Session:
var url_list = Session.get("url_list");
Make changes to url_list:
Store url_list in the Session again:
Session.set("url_list", url_list);
Note: Session can only be used on client-side and all related code should be on the client-side.
More about Session.
The best way to persist the url_list to the server, would be to insert a new document into the database collection containing the Session data.
insertToDB = function() {
var url_list = Session.get('url_list');
'url_list': url_list
Session.set('url_list', []); // To empty the client-side list
I thought it'd be easy but, yeah... it wasn't. I already posted a question that went in the same direction, but formulated another question.
What I want to do
I have the collection songs, that has a time attribute (the playing-time of the song). This attribute should be handled different in the form-validation and the backend-validation!
! I'd like to do it with what autoform (and simple-schema / collection2) offers me. If that's possible...
in the form the time should be entered and validated as a string that fits the regex /^\d{1,2}:?[0-5][0-9]$/ (so either format "mm:ss" or mmss).
in the database it should be stored as a Number
What I tried to do
1. The "formToDoc-way"
This is my javascript
// schema for collection
var schema = {
time: {
label: "Time (MM:SS)",
type: Number // !!!
// ...
SongsSchema = new SimpleSchema(schema);
// schema for form validation
schema.time.type = String // changing from Number to String!
schema.time.regEx = /^\d{1,2}:?[0-5][0-9]$/;
SongsSchemaForm = new SimpleSchema(schema);
And this is my template:
My desired workflow would be:
time is validated as a String using the schema
time is being converted to seconds (Number)
time is validated as a Number in the backend
song is stored
And the way back.
I first tried to use the hook formToDoc and converted the string into seconds (Number).
The Problem:
I found out, that the form validation via the given schema (for the form) takes place AFTER the conversion in `formToDoc, so it is a Number already and validation as a String fails.
That is why I looked for another hook that fires after the form is validated. That's why I tried...
2. The "before.insert-way"
I used the hook before.insert and the way to the database worked!
formCreateSong: {
before: {
insert: function (doc) {
// converting the doc.time to Number (seconds)
// ...
return doc;
docToForm: function (doc) {
// convert the doc.time (Number) back to a string (MM:SS)
// ...
return doc;
The Problem:
When I implemented an update-form, the docToForm was not called so in the update-form was the numerical value (in seconds).
How can I do the way back from the database to the form, so the conversion from seconds to a string MM:SS?
Is there a better way how to cope with this usecase (different data types in the form-validation and backend-validation)?
I am looking for a "meteor autoform" way of solving this.
Thank you alot for reading and hopefully a good answer ;-)
I feel like the time should really be formatted inside the view and not inside the model. So here's the Schema for time I'd use:
function convertTimeToSeconds (timeString) {
var timeSplit = timeString.split(':')
return (parseInt(timeSplit[0]) * 60 + parseInt(timeSplit[1]))
time: {
type: Number,
autoValue: function () {
if(!/^\d{1,2}:?[0-5][0-9]$/.test(this.value)) return false
return convertTimeToSeconds(this.value)
This has a small disadvantage of course. You can't use the quickForm-helper anymore, but will have to use autoForm.
To then display the value I'd simply find the songs and then write a helper:
Template.registerHelper('formateTime', function (seconds) {
var secondsMod = seconds % 60
return [(seconds - secondsMod) / 60, secondsMod].join(':')
In your template:
{{ formatTime time }}
The easy answer is don't validate the string, validate the number that the string is converted into.
With simpleschema, all you do is create a custom validation. That custom validation is going to grab the string, turn it into a number, and then validate that number.
Then, when you pull it from the database, you'll have to take that number & convert it into a string. Now, simpleschema doesn't do this natively, but it's easy enough to do in your form.
Now, if you wanted to get fancy, here's what I'd recommend:
Add new schema fields:
userValue: Match.Optional(Function),
dbValue: Match.Optional(Function),
Then, add a function to your time field (stored as Date field):
userValue: function () {
return moment(this.value).format('mm:ss');
dbValue: function () {
return timeToNumber(this.value);
Then, make a function that converts a timeString to a number (quick and dirty example, you'll have to add error checking):
function timeToNumber(str) {
str.replace(':',''); //remove colon
var mins = +str.substr(0,2);
var secs = +str.substr(2,2);
return mins * 60 + secs;
Then, for real-time validation you can use schema.namedContext().validateOne. To update the db, just send timeToNumber(input.value).
Why does running this code
var userId = Meteor.userId();
var user = Users.findOne(userId, { fields: { earnings: 1 } });
{ _id: 'Co5bMySeaqySgDP6h', earnings: { period: 0.6, total: 52.5 } }
Instead of returning all the fields on the user, including the earnings (custom field)
Also, is there a way to make user queries automatically return custom specified fields, so I dont have to manually specify it each time I need it?
Much appreciated
The reason that you only get the specified field (plus the id) is given in the docs:
To include only specific fields in the result documents, use 1 as the value. The _id field is still included in the result.
If instead you just call Meteor.users.findOne(userId) it will return all of the available fields. If this is called on the server, that will be the entire document, but if you use it on the client, it will only return the fields that have been published from the server, which by default is just the username and the emails and profile fields. Again, per the docs:
On the client, this will be the subset of the fields in the document that are published from the server (other fields won't be available on the client). By default the server publishes username, emails, and profile (writable by user). See Meteor.users for more on the fields used in user documents.
This means that if you have added a new field to you user docs, you need to explicitly publish it for it to be available on the client (assuming autopublish has been removed). Note that it's fine to do this using the previously discussed fields specifier as the other required details (username, profile) will not be overwritten by another publish function unless you try to publish the same top-level field again.
Meteor.publish('earnings', function() {
return Meteor.users.find(this.userId, { fields: { earnings: 1 } });
(Publish functions expect you to return a cursor rather than an array, so you need to use find rather than findOne even if there will only be one result).
Finally, it's easy to add your own methods to a collection to make finding stuff you want more concise.
Meteor.users.findSimple = function(selector, options) {
options = options || {};
options.fields = options.fields || {};
options.fields.earnings = 1;
\\ same thing for any other fields you want to limit this find to;
return this.find(selector, options);
I need to add or remove fields to a doc before insert or update in the allow or deny methods. I had presumed that the transform function would provide the needed functionality.
The meteor docs state
"An optional transformation function. Documents will be passed through
this function before being returned from fetch or findOne, and before
being passed to callbacks of observe, allow, and deny."
Whenever I tried to transform and return the doc from the function either from allow or deny the transformed version of the document was not what was inserted into the mongodb. I tried transforming via 2 strategies.
Strategy 1
var ts = new Date();
return _.extend(_.pick(doc, 'name', 'discounts', 'locations', 'url_map', 'client_updated_td', '_id'), { created_td:
ts, updated_td: ts, });
Strategy 2
// Discountsroutings.fields is in /lib/Discountroutings.js
Discountsroutings.fields = ['_id', 'created_td', 'updated_td', 'client_updated_td', 'name', 'discounts', 'locations', 'url_map'];
// this is in /server/discountsroutings.js var ts = new Date();
doc.created_td = ts; doc.updated_td = ts; return _.each(doc,function(value, key, list){
if(Discountsroutings.fields.indexOf(key) == -1 ){
delete doc[key];
Neither worked. In both cases fields were not removed though fields were added.
Interestingly, I tried the same two strategies from inside an insert allow and an insert deny and only Strategy #2 worked. So, for now I am just using Strategy #2 inside Deny insert/update methods. Works fine and isn't that difficult to wire up.
Am I doing this correctly? I want to add or remove fields from a collection server side the correct way.
Steeve have you tried my collection-hooks package? Sounds like what you need
you seem to know the list of fields you want to remove. So why don't you use $set and $unset to add and remove fields?
Recently needed to do the same thing and found no example here... thought I'd share how I did it:
Prospects.before.update(function (userId, doc, fieldNames, modifier, options) {
//check existence of other segment property and make sure to delete it if segment is updated from 'Other...' to something else
if (is.existy(doc.other_segment)) {
var segment = Segments.findOne({_id: modifier.$set.segment});
if (is.not.undefined(segment) && is.not.empty(segment)) {
if (is.not.equal(segment.name, 'Other...')) {
Prospects.update( {_id: doc._id} , {$unset: { other_segment : '' } } );
Hope this helps! :)
I have a mysql database with the tables "deliverables", "tags" and "deliverables_has_tags". I want to link tags to a deliverable.
This is what I do in my javascript file:
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
$(function () {
var object = {};
type: "GET",
url: "/Deliverable/Tags",
dataType: "json",
success: function (data) {
object.tags = data;
function split(val) {
return val.split(/,\s*/);
function extractLast(term) {
return split(term).pop();
// don't navigate away from the field on tab when selecting an item
.bind("keydown", function (event) {
if (event.keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.TAB &&
$(this).data("ui-autocomplete").menu.active) {
minLength: 0,
source: function (request, response) {
// delegate back to autocomplete, but extract the last term
object.tags, extractLast(request.term)));
focus: function () {
// prevent value inserted on focus
return false;
select: function (event, ui) {
var terms = split(this.value);
// remove the current input
// add the selected item
// add placeholder to get the comma-and-space at the end
this.value = terms.join(", ");
return false;
I can add multiple tags in my textbox.
But now I want to save this in my repository.
In my Action method in controller:
repository.AddDeliverable(model.Title, model.Description, model.UsernameID, data, datatwo, model.VideoUrl, model.AfstudeerrichtingID, model.ProjectID);
Tags action:
public JsonResult Tags()
var data = (repository.GetTags()).ToArray();
return Json(data, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
In my repository:
public IQueryable<string> GetTags()
return from tag in entities.tags
orderby tag.tag_name
select tag.tag_name;
I have no clue how to save this in my database.
Can anybody help me?
If I correctly understood your question, you have implemented your tag handling as follows:
There is MVC action method that returns the view with input placeholder containing no data
The placeholder itself is probably input type=text with id=tags
On 'dom ready' you fire ajax request to retrieve your tags from database, json-serialized as array; when it arrives you store it to tags variable (no error handling(!))
At the same time you decorate your input with jqueryui autocomplete that reacts on user input and returns items from the tags variable
Since input already contains tags (comma separated), your filter is first letters of the last tag
So, you have a situation when user has input a few comma separated tags (probably some of them can be new) and now wants to save it to the database. For each input, if that is a known tag you have to store it to "deliverables_has_tags". If there is a new tag, you have to store it both to "tags" and "deliverables_has_tags".
Most common scenario would be having a 'Save' button to start saving process.
Let's analyze what you have to do in the process.
1) Button click
On button click you use js to convert your comma separated tags string
using logic like split(term) to the array, and serialize it. You can
do serialization using serializeArray and manually create JSON
object, or serialize the whole form using
$('#yourForm').serialize(). I would choose the first option
because that way I get more control over JSON format and avoid
problems with MVC default model binder.
2) Ajax call
When the JSON object is ready to be sent, you fire an ajax POST
request to your MVC POST action method. When you save state always
avoid GET because new versions of browsers can scan thru your page and
actively preload urls using GET requests. You don't want this here. Of
course, use your data as a data-parameter in the ajax call.
3) Action method
When the request arrives, you have to process it in your controller
using a new action method. Typically in this case you will have
something like public JsonResult SaveTags(SaveTagsModel saveTags) {
... } which saves tags using your repository and returns result that
says something like 'OK' or 'ERROR' (sth like
response.isSaved=true/false). Tricky part can be designing view model
according to your JSON object - this could help. And regarding
collections this could be valuable info.
When saving, use transaction to ensure everything is saved at once.
First check if each tag exists in the database and insert those who
don't exist. After that, check for each tag if there is appropriate
n-n relation in deliverables_has_tags and insert it if there isn't.
I believe that you should use same repository encapsulation for both
In the post action, include FormCollection collection as argument and gather your tags from that. There is no automatic way. You could implement some custom model binding, but that is probably not worth the effort.