How to use a % wild card in a query to an sqlite3 table with user input where clause - wildcard

I have written a query which allows a user to search a table in an sqlite3 database with any of 4 different fields. It will only return data if what the user enters is an exact match is there a way to put a wild card in for each field. Code below
import sqlite3
conn = sqlite3.connect("lucyartists.db")
cursor = conn.cursor()
#Get user input
print ('Search for an Artist')
print ('You can search by Name, DOB, Movement or Description')
print ('')
name = input("Enter Artists Name: ")
dob = input("Enter Date of Birth: ")
movement = input("Enter Movemment: ")
description = input ("Enter Description: ")
#query database with user input
sql = ("select name, dob, movement, description from artists where name like (?) or dob like (?) or movement like (?) or description like (?)")
values = (name, dob, movement, description)
#Run query
cursor.execute(sql, values)
result = cursor.fetchall()
#print results without quotes and comma separated
for r in result:
print("{}, {}, {}, {}".format(r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3]))


Sqllite - IntegrityError: UNIQUE constraint failed:

I am wondering why in the following example my Sqllite3 in Python command does not work:
I am creating the following table
query = """
CREATE TABLE customers2 (
"customer_id" serial PRIMARY KEY,
"active" bool NOT NULL DEFAULT TRUE,
constraint test unique(name, name2)
Then I am inserting some values
query = """
INSERT INTO customers2(name, name2, email)
('IBM', 'a',''),
('Microsoft','b', ''),
('Intel', 'c','');
Then I would like to insert a combination of name = "Microsoft" and name2 = "a" which values already exist but not in combination. The following command gives an error
query = """
INSERT INTO customers2 (name, name2, email)
ON CONFLICT (name, name2)
DO UPDATE SET name2 = name2+"b";
IntegrityError: UNIQUE constraint failed: customers2.name2
What is the reason for this?

Binary data is not getting stored in SQLite, returns null

Printing out the data gives me:
So the binary data is present. However, when I try inserting the value with this code:
for i in check_row:
if i[0] == 0:
db.execute("INSERT INTO profiles (profile_id, city, country, interest, bio, picture) VALUES (:user, :city, :country, :interest, :bio, :picture)",
[user, city, country, interest, bio, empPicture])
flash("profile completed")
return redirect("/")
db.execute("UPDATE profiles SET city = :city, country = :country, interest = :interest, bio = :bio, picture = :picture WHERE profile_id = :profile_id",
[city, country, interest, bio, user, empPicture])
flash("profile updated")
return redirect("/profile")
empPicture is the variable holding the binary data. This returns no error however, data never gets inputted into the picture BLOB column, it just shows NULL and prints out None when ran.
This is my table:
CREATE TABLE "profiles" ( "profile_id" INTEGER, "city" TEXT VARCHAR(255), "country" TEXT VARCHAR(255), "interest" TEXT VARCHAR(255), "bio" TEXT VARCHAR(255), "picture" BLOB )
I believe you have to wrap your insert into sqlite3.Binary as follows:
db.execute("INSERT INTO profiles (profile_id, city, country, interest, bio, picture) VALUES (:user, :city, :country, :interest, :bio, :picture)",
[user, city, country, interest, bio, sqlite3.Binary(empPicture)])
More details can be found here.

u-sql script to search for a string then Groupby that string and get the count of distinct files

I am quite new to u-sql, trying to solve
how do i get just "\europe\Moscow\12345\File1.txt" from the strings variable str1 & str2, i want to just take ("\europe\Moscow\12345\File1.txt") from str1 and str2 then "Groupby(\global\europe\Moscow\12345)" and take the count of distinct files from the path (""\europe\Moscow\12345\")
so the output would be something like this:
to solve the above case i tried the below u-sql code but not quite sure whether i am writing the right script or not:
#inArray = SELECT new SQL.ARRAY<string>(
filepath.Contains("\\europe")) AS path
FROM #t;
#filesbyloc =
path.Trim() AS path1
FROM #inArray
EXPLODE(path1) AS r(location);
OUTPUT #filesbyloc
TO "/Outputs/distinctfilesbylocation.tsv"
USING Outputters.Tsv();
any help would you greatly appreciated.
One approach to this is to put all the strings you want to work with in a file, eg strings.txt and save it in your U-SQL input folder. Also have a file with the cities in you want to match, eg cities.txt. Then try the following U-SQL script:
#input =
EXTRACT filepath string
FROM "/input/strings.txt"
USING Extractors.Tsv();
// Give the strings a row-number
#input =
FROM #input;
// Get the cities
#cities =
EXTRACT city string
FROM "/input/cities.txt"
USING Extractors.Tsv();
// Ensure there is a lower-case version of city for matching / joining
#cities =
SELECT city,
city.ToLower() AS lowercase_city
FROM #cities;
// Explode the filepath into separate rows
#working =
new SQL.ARRAY<string>(filepath.Split('\\')) AS pathElement
FROM #input AS i;
// Explode the filepath string, also changing to lower case
#working =
x.pathElement.ToLower() AS pathElement
FROM #working AS i
EXPLODE(pathElement) AS x(pathElement);
// Create the output query, joining on lower case city name, display, normal case name
#output =
COUNT( * ) AS records
FROM #working AS w
#cities AS c
ON w.pathElement == c.lowercase_city
// Output the result
OUTPUT #output TO "/output/output.txt"
USING Outputters.Tsv();
//OUTPUT #working TO "/output/output2.txt"
//USING Outputters.Tsv();
My results:
Taking the liberty to format your input file as TSV file, and not knowing all the column semantics, here is a way to write your query. Please note that I made the assumptions as provided in the comments.
#d =
EXTRACT path string,
user string,
num1 int,
num2 int,
start_date string,
end_date string,
flag string,
year int,
s string,
another_date string
FROM #"\users\temp\citypaths.txt"
USING Extractors.Tsv(encoding: Encoding.Unicode);
// I assume that you have only one DateTime format culture in your file.
// If it becomes dependent on the region or city as expressed in the path, you need to add a lookup.
#d =
SELECT new SqlArray<string>(path.Split('\\')) AS steps,
DateTime.Parse(end_date, new CultureInfo("fr-FR", false)).Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") AS end_date
FROM #d;
// This assumes your paths have a fixed formatting/mapping into the city
#d =
SELECT steps[4].ToLowerInvariant() AS city,
FROM #d;
#res =
SELECT city,
COUNT( * ) AS count
GROUP BY city,
TO "/output/result.csv"
USING Outputters.Csv();
// Now let's pivot the date and count.
OUTPUT #res2
TO "/output/res2.csv"
USING Outputters.Csv();
#res2 =
SELECT city, MAP_AGG(end_date, count) AS date_count
FROM #res
GROUP BY city;
// This assumes you know exactly with dates you are looking for. Otherwise keep it in the first file representation.
#res2 =
SELECT city,
date_count["2016-11-21"]AS [2016-11-21],
date_count["2016-11-22"]AS [2016-11-22]
FROM #res2;
Based on the data you sent me (after the extraction and counting of the cities that you either could do with the join as outlined in Bob's answer where you need to know your cities in advance, or with the taking the string from the city location in the path as in my example, where you do not need to know the cities in advance), you want to pivot the rowset city, count, date into the rowset date, city1, city2, ... were each row contains the date and the counts for each city.
You could easily adjust my example above by changing the calculations of #res2 in the following way:
// Now let's pivot the city and count.
#res2 = SELECT end_date, MAP_AGG(city, count) AS city_count
FROM #res
GROUP BY end_date;
// This assumes you know exactly with cities you are looking for. Otherwise keep it in the first file representation or use a script generation (see below).
#res2 =
SELECT end_date,
city_count["istanbul"]AS istanbul,
city_count["midlands"]AS midlands,
city_count["belfast"] AS belfast,
city_count["acoustics"] AS acoustics,
city_count["amsterdam"] AS amsterdam
FROM #res2;
Note that as in my example, you will need to enumerate all cities in the pivot statement by looking it up in the SQL.MAP column. If that is not known apriori, you will have to first submit a script that creates the script for you. For example, assuming your city, count, date rowset is in a file (or you could just duplicate the statements to generate the rowset in the generation script and the generated script), you could write it as the following script. Then take the result and submit it as the actual processing script.
// Get the rowset (could also be the actual calculation from the original file
#in = EXTRACT city string, count int?, date string
FROM "/users/temp/Revit_Last2Months_Results.tsv"
USING Extractors.Tsv();
// Generate the statements for the preparation of the data before the pivot
( "#s1", "EXTRACT city string, count int?, date string FROM \"/users/temp/Revit_Last2Months_Results.tsv\" USING Extractors.Tsv();"),
( "#s2", "SELECT date, MAP_AGG(city, count) AS city_count FROM #s1 GROUP BY date;" )
) AS T( stmt_name, stmt);
// Now generate the statement doing the pivot
#cities = SELECT DISTINCT city FROM #in2;
#pivots =
SELECT "#s3" AS stmt_name, "SELECT date, "+String.Join(", ", ARRAY_AGG("city_count[\""+city+"\"] AS ["+city+"]"))+ " FROM #s2;" AS stmt
FROM #cities;
// Now generate the OUTPUT statement after the pivot. Note that the OUTPUT does not have a statement name.
#output =
SELECT "OUTPUT #s3 TO \"/output/pivot_gen.tsv\" USING Outputters.Tsv();" AS stmt
// Now put the statements into one rowset. Note that null are ordering high in U-SQL
#result =
SELECT stmt_name, "=" AS assign, stmt FROM #stmts
UNION ALL SELECT stmt_name, "=" AS assign, stmt FROM #pivots
UNION ALL SELECT (string) null AS stmt_name, (string) null AS assign, stmt FROM #output;
// Now output the statements in order of the stmt_name
OUTPUT #result
TO "/pivot.usql"
ORDER BY stmt_name
USING Outputters.Text(delimiter:' ', quoting:false);
Now download the file and submit it.

SQLite3 in python - can't output

I'm having an issue with SQL in python, I am simply creating a table and I want to print it out. I'm confused D: I am using python 3.x
import sqlite3
print ("-" * 80)
print ("- Welcome to my Address Book -")
print ("-" * 80)
new_db = sqlite3.connect('C:\\Python33\\test.db')
c = new_db.cursor()
c.execute('''CREATE TABLE Students
(student_id text,
student_firstname text,
student_surname text,
student_DOB date,
Form text)
c.execute('''INSERT INTO Students
VALUES ('001', 'John','Doe', '12/03/1992', '7S')''')
input("Enter to close")
firstname = "John"
surname = "Foo"
c.execute("SELECT * FROM Students WHERE student_firstname LIKE ? OR student_surname LIKE ? ", [firstname, surname])
while True:
row = c.fetchone()
if row == None:
break# stops while loop if there is no more lines in table
for column in row: #otherwise print line from table
print col, " "
output should be:
001 John Doe 12/03/1992 7S
and any other row from table that contain first name John OR surname Foo

I am trying to use the UPDATE function in SQLite3 on Python 3 although I keep recieving errors

I am not really sure why this is not working. When I try to run the any part of the loop I get sqlite3.OperationalError: near "WHERE": syntax error.
con = sqlite3.connect('DatabaseName.sql')
cur = con.cursor()
if changes == "1":
Fname = input("Enter new first name: ")
Lname = input("Enter the last name of the person whom first name you wish to change: ")
cur.execute("""UPDATE Contacts SET Fname WHERE Lname""")
elif changes == "2":
Lname = input("Enter new last name: ")
Fname = input("Enter the first name of the person whom last name you wish to change: ")
cur.execute("UPDATE Contacts SET Lname WHERE Fname")
elif changes == "3":
Phone = input("Enter new telephone number(no dashes or spaces): ")
Fname = input("Enter the first name of the person whom telephone number you wish to change: ")
Lname = input("Enter the last name of the person whom telephone number you wish to change: ")
Phone = int(Phone)
cur.execute("""UPDATE Contacts SET Phone WHERE Fname AND Lname""")
Python and SQL are two completely indepent languages; you cannot directly access variables of one from the other.
To pass the values of Python variables into your SQL commands, use parameters, like this:
cur.execute("UPDATE Contacts SET FirstName = ? WHERE LastName = ?", (Fname, Lname))
(Here, FirstName and LastName are the column names in the table, and may or may not be identical with the Python variable names.)
