Julia: Recompiling stale cache file? - julia

The following message appears everytime I attempt to use 'Gadfly', 'Bio', or several other packages (I'm using 'Bio' in the example):
julia> using Bio
INFO: Recompiling stale cache file C:\Users\CaitlinG\emacs251\.julia\lib\v0.5\Di
stributions.ji for module Distributions.
INFO: Recompiling stale cache file C:\Users\CaitlinG\emacs251\.julia\lib\v0.5\Bi
o.ji for module Bio.
Julia 0.5.1 (all packages updated)
Windows 10 (fully updated)
Emacs 25.1
This is inconvenient since I can only assume it is not a "typical" component of importing a package. Can the issue be resolved by deleting the .julia directory?

Moving my comment to an answer since that appears to have resolved the question:
Julia caches its precompiled output within the .julia/lib folder. If any of the files there are older than the original source, it'll recompile them. It seems like Julia was having trouble overwriting the cache for a few specific packages here, so it was persistently recompiling them. By deleting the lib folder, you clear out these caches. Julia will recompile all packages, but it should now write them with the correct permissions that will allow them to be overwritten in the future.
Deleting the entire .julia folder is a much more drastic step that risks losing edits you've made to packages, and you'd need to re-install all the packages you've added.

The messages about recompiling a stale cache file are not warnings, but rather for your information. It means that something changed on your system and the current cache file is no longer considered valid, so instead of providing you a potentially old cachefile, Julia automatically cleans up and recompiles the cache.


Global cache versus library -- what is used to load packages?

Can someone clarify how the global cache differs from a project library in an renv? Does renv first search a project library, then the global cache?
The global cache is an implementation detail. It never determines what packages are part of the local library, and what gets loaded in a project.
The only importance of the global cache is, well, caching installed packages, which makes setting up a new project faster because, rather than having to download and install a package, ‘renv’ can just link the already installed, cached package into the local library:
Future calls to renv::restore() and renv::install() will become much faster, as renv will be able to find and re-use packages already installed in the cache.
Because it is not necessary to have duplicate versions of your packages installed in each project, the renv cache should also help you save disk space relative to an approach with project-specific libraries without a global cache.
If you prefer, you can (mostly) ignore the existence of the global cache entirely. ‘renv’ should work as if it didn’t exist.

Maintain different versions of R package for open source contribution

Packrat is often recommended as the virtual environment for R, but it doesn't fully meet my need of contributing to R open source. Packrat's "virtual environment" is stored directly in the project directory, requiring me to modify the .gitignore to ignore them when I make a pull request to the open source upstream.
In contrast, something like conda stores the virtual environment somewhere else, leaving no trace in the project codebase itself.
So how do R open source contributors deal manage dependencies during package development? Ideally the solution would work well with devtools and Rstudio.
There is nothing wrong in having Packrat in .gitignore.
You can use .git/info/exclude file thus avoiding touching the .gitignore.

What is the recommended procedure for upgrading to a new maintenance build of oXygen XML?

Periodically we receive announcements of new maintenance builds of Oxygen XML Editor. It's easy to locate documentation on installing new versions, but I was unable to find any instructions on installing maintenance builds.
In the past I've renamed the downloaded folder, e.g, "17-1", which completely duplicates all the files in Applications (I'm using OS X), then later on deleted the older folders when it seemed safe to do so.
I would like to know the best-practice, most efficient way to routinely install these frequently released maintenance builds.
Since there is no Oxygen installer for OS X (it's just an archive), there is no straightforward way of upgrading (installing in the same folder), like there is for Windows or Linux.
The official upgrade procedure for maintenance builds (it's the same for minor version updates) goes like this:
To upgrade:
For Windows and Linux you can install the new build in the same folder as the previous installation, it will automatically upgrade it.
Before you upgrade, if you have added files or made changes to any of the files from the Oxygen installation folder (especially the frameworks folder), you may want to create a backup of them because they will be overwritten during the upgrade procedure. Custom frameworks will be preserved but we recommend backing them up anyway, just to be safe.
For Mac OS X you will have to either move the old folder from Applications to a different location and put the new version of Oxygen in its place, or install in a different folder. You can then copy any files you may have changed from the old folder (if any) to the new folder.
The Oxygen preferences will be preserved since they are located elsewhere (user home folder).
What I'd like to add is that, if you have custom frameworks and want to keep Oxygen up to date, it's a good idea to keep the custom frameworks in a different folder (from your user home) than the Oxygen installation folder and simply configure Oxygen to load them from that folder (Options > Preferences, Document Type Association > Locations, Additional frameworks directories). This greatly simplifies the upgrade procedure.
According to a colleague, his way of doing it, FWIW:
I keep all oXygen stuff in the directory /Applications/oxygen
When I get a new oxygen.zip download, I put it there, unzip it, and rename the directory to the oXygen version name. So right now I have
I usually compress the previous version and delete the directory for it, but keep the zipfile for a while in case I need to revert to the
old version
I keep the related jarfiles in /Applications/oxygen/lib so that they don't live in the same directory as an oxygen version that might get
I create an alias under /Applications named "oxygen" that points to whatever current version of oXygen Editor I'm using (and it needs to
be updated whenever the current directory changes)
I can't accept this as the best answer unless I receive confirmation that this is the ideal method on Mac OS X. If there is another proposed procedure that is conventionally accepted as the best practice, or a definitive answer from an authoritative source, then I will accept that answer.

How do I setup a shared R package directory on a server?

I have a shared R package directory on a server in order to maintain consistent package versions for all users. This becomes problematic when someone attempts to install a new version of a package that another user originally installed, or they attempt to install it when that package is loaded elsewhere. In these instances R creates a 00LOCK-PackageName directory in the shared package directory, and the permissions are such that the installer doesn't have write access to many files within the directory. This then requires several people chmod-ind the directory to allow it to be deleted, or having one of our system administrators do the same.
This is an especially acute problem since we use R packages to maintain and deploy our reporting infrastructure. It's something that we're constantly updating and deploying to our shared server.
Are there settings or programs that facilitate shared R package management? Any general tips?
One common solution is to
have everybody be a member of a common group, mayne rapps
have the directory where you share the R packages be group-owned by rapps, and you want to make that 'sticky' -- chmod g=rwt if I recall correctly
have your umask default set in /etc/profile or equivalent to make sure your default
creation mode in in fact 'g+w'; I have used a file /etc/profile.d/local_umask.sh for this with a single command umask u=rwx,g=rwx,o=rx
We ended up having our systems administrator create a script that:
Opened permissions on all directories, subdirectories, and files within our shared package directory
Deleted any directories starting with 00LOCK that were older than 15 minutes
Ran every minute
We haven't run into any problems since.

Including patches with an installer using a basic msi Installshield project

I'm currently stuck with an Installshield project for installing our ASP.Net Application and need to implement upgrading. From my initial investigation it seems extremely complicated for what is essentially copying over a number of files.
Of the options available: patches and small, minor and major upgrades, what seems to most suit our needs is a patch but it is done as a separate .exe.
Is there a way to include patches in the full setup.exe or another recommendation that makes the whole process less complicated.
Any alternative recommendation still needs to be done as part of an installer.
No, there is no way to include patches in the installer setup.exe. Patches, as well as small and minor updates, are applied to already installed application. I mean users already used the original installation package to install your application. And patch update contains only small set of files that are modified.
What you want is a major update. This kind of package contains all the required files, and it can be used to install the application for the first time. In case where the application is already installed, this kind of installation package will automatically remove the old version and install the new one.
If it involves only copying files then IMO, the best option is to give the bunch of files in needed directory structure and ask to overwrite existing copies. A slightly more user-friendly measure would be to zip up the directory structure along with a batch file and ask to unzip it in the app directory under some designated folder and then run the batch file to overwrite files.
