Modify query string on a form to add filter based on other fields - axapta

I have an enquiry form which works from a view with a custom query. The form has filters, which I use in the executeQuery method of the view on the form to add ranges on various fields.
A new requirement is to filter based on two fields in the query.
Example: The PurchLine table is one of the tables in the query.
A new range is needed :
if PurchLine.ItemId != “” then
filter by PurchLine.PurchStatus == None
but, if the Item has a SPECIFIC value,
then filter by PurchStatus == Received.
(Ok, this is just an example!).
I am unable to modify my query to add a range on the PurchStatus based on the Item field.
I know exactly how the string value of the query must look, but how can I modify the query string?
The current query string looks like this (if I breakpoint on super in executeQuery):
SELECT FIRSTFAST * FROM OpenPOLinesView(OpenPOLinesView) WHERE ((CreatedDateTime<='2016-11-30T23:59:59')) AND ((VendAccount = N'S000001048'))
I want to add this at the end:
AND (((ItemId = N'') AND (PurchStatus = 0)) OR ((ItemId = N'XXX123') AND (PurchStatus = 2)))
How can I modify the query string in code?

You can use query expression for this, e.g.
queryBuildRange.value(strFmt('((%1 == %2) || ((%1 == %3) && (%4 == "%5")))',
fieldStr(InventTable, ItemType),
fieldStr(InventTable, ProjCategoryId),
Please refer to this link Using Expressions in Query Ranges [AX 2012] for details.


How to remove collection or edge document using for loop in ArangoDB?

I'm using the latest ArangoDB 3.1 on Windows 10.
Here I want to remove the collection document and edge document using the for loop. But I'm getting an error like document not found (vName).
vName contains the many collection names. But I dunno how to use it in for loop.
This is the AQL I am using to remove the documents from the graph:
LET op = (FOR v, e IN 1..1 ANY 'User/588751454' GRAPH 'my_graph'
COLLECT vid = v._id, eid = e._id
RETURN { vid, eid }
FOR doc IN op
COLLECT vName = SPLIT(doc.vid,'/')[0],
vid = SPLIT(doc.vid,'/')[1],
eName = SPLIT(doc.eid,'/')[0],
eid = SPLIT(doc.eid,'/')[1]
REMOVE { _key: vid } in vName
Return output im getting from the AQL (Web UI screenshot)
vName is a variable introduced by COLLECT. It is a string with the collection name of a vertex (extracted from vid / v._id). You then try to use it in the removal operation REMOVE { ... } IN vName.
AQL does not support dynamic collection names however, collection names must be known at query compile time:
Each REMOVE operation is restricted to a single collection, and the collection name must not be dynamic.
So, you either have to hardcode the collection into the query, e.g. REMOVE { ... } IN User, or use the special bind parameter syntax for collections, e.g. REMOVE { ... } IN ##coll and bind parameters: {"#coll": "User", ...}.
This also means that REMOVE can only delete documents in a single collection.
It's possible to workaround the limitation somewhat by using subqueries like this:
LET x1 = (FOR doc IN User REMOVE aa IN User)
LET x2 = (FOR doc IN relations REMOVE bb IN relations)
The variables x1 and x2 are syntactically required and receive an empty array as subquery result. The query also requires a RETURN statement, even if we don't expect any result.
Do not attempt to remove from the same collection twice in the same query though, as it would raise a access after data-modification error.

nature of SELECT query in MVC and LINQ TO SQL

i am bit confused by the nature and working of query , I tried to access database which contains each name more than once having same EMPid so when i accessed it in my DROP DOWN LIST then same repetition was in there too so i tried to remove repetition by putting DISTINCT in query but that didn't work but later i modified it another way and that worked but WHY THAT WORKED, I DON'T UNDERSTAND ?
var names = (from n in DataContext.EmployeeAtds select n).Distinct();
QUERY THAT WORKED of which i don't know how ?
var names = (from n in DataContext.EmployeeAtds select new {n.EmplID, n.EmplName}).Distinct();
why 2nd worked exactly like i wanted (picking each name 1 time)
i'm using mvc 3 and linq to sql and i am newbie.
Both queries are different. I am explaining you both query in SQL that will help you in understanding both queries.
Your first query is:
var names = (from n in DataContext.EmployeeAtds select n).Distinct();
SELECT DISTINCT [t0].[EmplID], [t0].[EmplName], [t0].[Dept]
FROM [EmployeeAtd] AS [t0]
Your second query is:
(from n in EmployeeAtds select new {n.EmplID, n.EmplName}).Distinct()
SELECT DISTINCT [t0].[EmplID], [t0].[EmplName] FROM [EmployeeAtd] AS
Now you can see SQL query for both queries. First query is showing that you are implementing Distinct on all columns of table but in second query you are implementing distinct only on required columns so it is giving you desired result.
As per Scott Allen's Explanation
var names = (from n in DataContext.EmployeeAtds select n).Distinct();
The docs for Distinct are clear – the method uses the default equality comparer to test for equality, and the default comparer sees 4 distinct object references. One way to get around this would be to use the overloaded version of Distinct that accepts a custom IEqualityComparer.
var names = (from n in DataContext.EmployeeAtds select new {n.EmplID, n.EmplName}).Distinct();
Turns out the C# compiler overrides Equals and GetHashCode for anonymous types. The implementation of the two overridden methods uses all the public properties on the type to compute an object's hash code and test for equality. If two objects of the same anonymous type have all the same values for their properties – the objects are equal. This is a safe strategy since anonymously typed objects are essentially immutable (all the properties are read-only).
Try this:
var names = DataContext.EmployeeAtds.Select(x => x.EmplName).Distinct().ToList();
var names = DataContext.EmployeeAtds
.GroupBy(x => x.EmplID)
.Select(g => new { EmplID = g.Key, EmplName = g.FirstOrDefault().EmplName })

select single or multiple records using a single linq query

I want to pass a valid id or -1("ALL") from a drop down to the function.
Can I select 'All' rows or one row based on the selected option from ddl from a table using a single linq query?
You can add an OR to the statement to get the result. Basically, (#value = -1) OR (id = #value). Whenever value is -1, it will return all value, otherwise that we be false and only return the matching record.
Having an OR in the LINQ can sometimes result in full-table scans and non-optimal retrievals.
Instead of having a condition inside your LINQ statement, I'd recommend building your LINQ query conditionally based on whether you want a single result or "all":
// Initialize your select
var query = db.Select(r => r);
// Conditionally add the "where"
if (selectedValue != -1)
query = query.Where(n => == selectedValue);
// Collect your results
foreach (var record in query)
// ...
If you want all records, then your query won't include a where clause at all, otherwise, the where clause will include only the filter by id.

SQL SELECT STATEMENT IN ASP written in Frontpage

Current select statement:
FROM vw_svc200_open
ORDER BY ::sortcolumn::
This works and all is well. But now I need to modify this select string to apply an extra filter.
FROM vw_svc200_open
ORDER BY ::sortcolumn::
So basically I need to have my select filter on customer number and if customer number is ABC123 then I also need it to filter on Contact person... The problem with the second SELECT (using the CASE statement) is that it throws an "error near =" on the THEN line.
The ::CUSTNMBR:: and ::CNTCPRSN:: are url string variables (What are those called again?).
Am I going to have to add some logic to the asp page (i.e. IF/Then) to set a variable, and then pass that variable to the *fp_sQry=* line?
I ended up using nested if statements to set the select statement.

Drupal CCK field select option names, where are they?

I have a custom content type which has a field called "location" which is a long select list (100 or so items). I want to get an array of all locations which have a piece of content associated with them. The numeric value of this field is stored in content_type_[my_content_type], but I can't find anywhere in the database where the name of the values are stored. I hope that's not too confusing - just to be clear, I want to do something like this:
SELECT DISTINCT(field_location_value) FROM content_type_[my_content_type]
and then
SELECT field_location_name_or_something FROM where_on_earth_are_the_names_stored
and then do something with the two arrays to find the names I want.
Can anyone help?
Thanks a lot. Drupal 6, by the way.
If you mean select list field of CCK:
Get all location associated with current node (piece of content?):
$node = node_load('YOUR content ID');
print_r($node->field_location); // $node->field_location - this will array of values.
Get all values of that field (defined in "Allowed values"):
$content_field = content_fields('field_location');
$allowed_values = content_allowed_values($content_field); // array of values
I found this, after much trial and tribulation, in the database table content_node_field_instance, under the field's widget settings field.
This Drupal 6 code snipped will retrieve your cck field value options and put them in the $allowed_values variable as an array. Replace 'YOUR_CCK_FIELD_NAME' with your cck field name (name, not label)
$cck_field_name = 'YOUR_CCK_FIELD_NAME';
$cck_field = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT global_settings FROM {content_node_field} WHERE field_name = '%s'", $cck_field_name));
$cck_field_global_settings = unserialize($cck_field->global_settings);
$allowed_values = explode("\r\n", trim($cck_field_global_settings['allowed_values'], "\r\n"));
In Drupal 7 if you have a field of type List (text) then I have written the following function to return an array of options:
function get_drupal_select_options($field_name) {
$options = unserialize(db_query("SELECT
FROM field_config_instance i
INNER JOIN field_config c ON = i.field_id
WHERE i.field_name = :fieldname", array(':fieldname'=>$field_name))->fetchField());
return $options['settings']['allowed_values'];
