Google App Maker Many-to-Many relations - google-app-maker

I have a Google App Maker project where I have a Many-To-Many Relation between 2 tables A and B.
I can build a page for table A where I have a table of related B records and add new ones using a dialog.
However, this approach enables me to create new B records and associate them to an A record but how can I make the user able to select an existing B record and associate it to an A record via UI?
I will need to have it work both ways (Select A records from B record page as well).
I was to accomplish this by creating a separate dialog for selecting existing records which would show all available B records in a table widget with a SELECT button on each row. clicking the button will add the record to the B related records of the A record. However, I know there has to be an automatic way built by Google that will be less work and better design.
Thanks and I appreciate your help.

Your solution is a good one, another solution, depending on the number of existing records, is to use the multi-select widget. (You can bind the items to B's datasource, and values to the relation on a record in A. But as I mentioned, this only works well if the number of items in B is small.)
Making this easier is something we've been looking in to, the main challenge is the correct UI in this case depends a lot on the kind of app you're writing.

It took me a while to figure out the bindings for a multi-select but I think I am right in saying that they are
Datasource: inherited: A
Values: #datasource.item.B
Option: #datasource.B.items
With this that Values are/is what you are updating in A(ie. A.B), but the Options you are updating it with are listed in B(ie. B.items).
Devin Taylor is right in his assertion that if you have a lot of records it may not work so well.


Get Requsition ID based on PO

In FSCM I am looking to modify the Search view on Add/Update PO page (Main Menu--> Purchasing--> Purchase Orders--> Add/Update POs) to display the Requisition ID associated with the PO in the search results page. The only table I have found that has both PO_ID and REQ_ID is PS_PO_LINE_DISTRIB however unless I use a SELECT DISTINCT clause I will get multiple PO_ID rows when there are more than 1 line on a PO.
Within Purchase Order Inquiry you can see the related Requisition ID's related to a PO by clicking on Document Status link inside the Purchase Order inquiry details page.
I started looking at the PeopleCode within the the Purchase Order Inquiry to see how they are linking the PO to a Requisition and it appears to use work tables with related PeopleCode function libraries, but I wasn't able to figure our how they get linked. I am hoping someone else may know the answer to this. Thank you.
I'm on an old version of PeopleSoft (SCM 8.80, Tools 8.51), so your mileage may vary. I'm assuming you're familiar with App Designer. If not, comment below and I'll add some details about what I'm clicking on.
Find the name of the Add/Update PO component.
Open the PURCHASE_ORDER component in App Designer. Now let's find the name of the search record. Note that there is a different record for the Add Search Record, so if you want to change that too, do all of this for that record as well.
Open the PO_SRCH record, and add the REQ_ID field to it. Make sure you mark the field as a key. You should consider saving your modified PO_SRCH under a new name in case you want to be able to revert to vanilla PeopleSoft. If you do, change the Search Record in the component to your new record name.
We can see that PO_SRCH is a view. So let's modify the view to pull in REQ_ID from PO_LINE_DISTRIB. As you mentioned above, there doesn't appear to be another table with both PO_ID and REQ_ID, so you'll have to do a SELECT DISTINCT.
We should do a LEFT OUTER JOIN instead of a standard join because if you do a standard join and you enter a purchase order with no lines and save it, then you'll never be able to retrieve that purchase order in this window. Since REQ_ID is a key field, we can't have a null, so we have to do the CASE.
One odd thing that I ran into here was building the view now gave me an error about selecting fewer columns in the SQL than I had in my record definition. I solved it by modifying the view for SQL Server. I've never had to do that before and I don't know why I had to do it for this specific record. But anyway, I entered the same SQL under the record's "Microsoft SQL Server" definition.
In the properties of PO_SRCH, we can see that it has a related language record. If you're only using one language, you can probably get away without changing this, but I'll do it for completeness. Open PO_SRCHLN. Now add REQ_ID to it (mark it as a key field like you did above), and save it as PO_SRCHLN2 (I'm saving it under a new name so I don't break anything else that may be using PO_SRCHLN).
Edit the SQL the same was as you did above. Note: I didn't have to also change the Microsoft SQL Server definition like I did above. I have no idea why.
Now build PO_SRCHLN2.
Go back to PO_SRCH and change its related language record to PO_SRCHLN2.
Now build PO_SRCH.
Hopefully you didn't get any errors and your search page has the requisition ID in it now. My system doesn't use requisitions so they're all blank in the example below, but the new field is there.

How not to delete a row if it has children

I have a One to Many relation : One row in modelParent with Many row in modelChild
In a PanelList with the all modelParent rows, I want to hide the delete Icone on the row if the row has children link to this row.
What test should I do ?
Right way
Don't hide the delete button, but show confirmation dialog that would tell user how many related records would be deleted with the selected record. You can find code samples in Project Tracker, People Skills and lots of other templates.
Easy to implement way (worse performance)
Configure prefetch for your ParentModel's datasource to include records from ChildModel
Bind delete button's visibe property to this:
#datasource.item.<NameOfYourRelationField>.length === 0
Harder to implement way (better performance)
You can create calculated model with special flag that you can use on UI to show/hide the delete button. This approach will also require lots of extra scripting for CRUD operations.

How to store user responses on-the-fly temporarily for later use?

I am looking for the best way to store information that is entered within an Oracle ApEx app that is sectioned off like a wizard.
Basically there are a number of fields on the screen, i.e. text box, text area, select list, checkboxes as well as radiogroup buttons but are not attached to any particular database tables.
What I would like to do is basically have the user enter required answers say on one pane, which might have 5 items in total, i.e., 2 textfields, 1 radiogroup, 1 selectlist and 1 checkbox and when they press the "Next>" button before going to the next pane, store these answers into a ApEx Collection against a particular Id and perform the same process on the following pane of answers entered.
I am using Oracle ApEx 4.1.2. Basically want to store away values on the fly and reuse at a later stage.
As I mentioned in my last comment above, Plouf came through with the goods. I didn't require an ApEx Collection after all - regular items did the trick.

filtering datagrids

In a simple scenario there is a webpage with a datagrid containing 2 columns; first name and country. There's a filter set on the grid to filter out all Australians. There's a form on the same page to add new records and a user decides to add someone from Australia. This record does not meet the filter criteria so would not normally display. However, this might be confusing from the users perspective as they might not have confidence that the person has been successfully added or have forgotten that the filter will mean the new entry is not displayed.
What is the best way to handle this from a usability perspective?:
display the new entry but leave the list in a state inconsistent
with the filter criteria?
filter out the new entry but risk confusing the user?
provide feedback to the user that the record was successfully
added but may be filtered out of the list?
Three tools I use, Mingle, Jira, and Quicken, use this implementation very effectively; a slight modification to your number 3:
Provide feedback to the user that the record was successfully added, but won't be shown, and provide a link to the record using its record identifier (record number + title).

Qt: QSqlTableModel + QTableView sync with PostgreSQL

I'm writing a database access app for storing some data and want to ask a few questions about the model/view architecture.
(Using: Qt 4.7.4, own build; PostgreSQL 9.0; Targets: WinXP, Win7 (32/64 bit))
Let me first explain what I am trying to achieve and where I am currently.
I have two pages (subclassed QWidgets inserted in a QStackedWidget) with a QTableView bound to a model. Each view is bound to a table in the PostgreSQL server. You can add/edit/delete/sort/filter items.
Each page can be seen by only one type of users, lets call the roles Role1 and Role2.
The submit strategies of everything connected to the model are OnManualSubmit.
(Transaction isolation level = Serializable.) When two users want to edit(for example) the same row, I want to do a "SELECT ... FOR UPDATE" query - to make sure that when someone edits something, he will merge his changes with newer ones (if any, just like in SVN for example). But I see only a submitAll() method the QSqlTableModel.
Maybe catching the signals beforeUpdate(), beforeDelete(), beforeInsert() and performing manually "SELECT ... FOR UPDATE" is one option.
The other way I think is to subclass QSqlTableModel. What is the clean and nice way to achieve this?
I want to periodically update the QSqlTableView for each of the pages (one page is seen at most, Role1 users have access only to Page1 and the same for Role2 => Page2).
The first thing that came to my mind is to use a QTimer and manually call select() of the QSqlTableModel, but... not sure if this is the cool way.
I also want to periodically check if the connection to the database is ok, but I think that a QTimer + QSqlDatabase::isOpen () will do.
Now, the 2 tables have the same primary keys and some columns are the same. I want when a user with Role1 changes a row in Table1 to automatically change corresponding columns of Table2 and vice versa. Should I create a trigger in Postgres?
BTW, the database is small - each of the two tables is around 3-4000 rows with ~10 columns (varchars mostly, 1 text and 2 date colunms).
Thanks for reading and Happy New Year! :)
I think you should consider doing something of the following:
Instead of using QSqlTableModel as a model I'd implement my own model as a subclass of QAbstractTableModel. This will allow you a lot of control over what you can do in terms of data manipulation.
One thing that this will require is for certain fields in the table you would need to implement subclass of QAbstractItemDelegate that will allow for modification of data in the table as I am fairly sure you don't want to allow users updating any field in the table as for example primary key is likely have to be left alone.
For question 2 I would suggest implementing a field called transaction_counter for every row so you don't have to select every row in the table just the updated ones the transaction_counter will be updated on every row update and the new one will be inserted on the new row insert. One thing that will be required is that the counter is unique across the table. For example if initial state of the table is: row1 has counter = 0 and row2 has counter = 0. If row1 is updated counter set to 1. When row1 is then updated again counter on it is set to 2. When row2 is now updated counter on it is set to 3, etc. You can certainly do the data refreshes now using QTimer and this will be much more advantageous to for example checking the data as one user may be updating the same table as another user with the same Role.
For Question 3. I don't see any reason why not custom models and especially if you decide to separate data from the model you can manipulate data separately from it's display. Sort of Data->Model->View->Controller implementation. Each one can be maintained separately as long as you have a feedback mechanism for your delegates.
For Question 4. The answer is sure or you can implement the trigger in your application.
Hope this helps. Have a great New Year!
