Angular 2: How to use same child component with different data? - angular2-routing

I have a header that has menu consist of categories which they are the same component but different query.
The first call from parent to child is executed perfectly but if i navigateto another category from inside this child component i get error!
I know this is something wrong with the link when i navigate inside this child which make [routerLink] updated instantly.
Also if i navigate from category child component to login component which is separated component will give me the same error!
Note: Same question has been asked in this link with no answer
Nacim Idjakirene Question
Router configuration
const APP_ROUTES: Routes = [
{path: 'landingpage', component: LandingpageComponent },
{path: '', component: IndexComponent, children: [
{path: '', component: HomeComponent},
{path: 'category/:cate', component: CategoryComponent },
{path: 'post/:id', component: PostComponent },
{path: 'profile/:id', component: ProfileComponent }
] },
{path: 'login', component: LogginComponent }
See the image

Problem Solved by me after a deep search. i saw the response of a person called
brandonroberts: your router link is invalid and you either need to set a terminal
and this solved my problem...


PrimeNG - Steps: how to get the current step highlighted

I'm trying to use the steps to display several steps in a wizard.
My wizard steps works, but I can't manage to have the current steps highlighted properly in the steps list.
I was able to replicate in a small stackblitz:
When I run my code, I got basically this:
But in their demo, the current step gets highlighted:
Any idea what is going on? The styles are imported, I to bind an "activeIndex", but when I move, the step doesn't.
Your routes are not matching with what you have defined app route file vs what you have listed in wizard.component.ts, i.e.
// Your routes
{ path: 'step-1', component: StepOneComponent },
{ path: 'step-2', component: StepTwoComponent }
// But your step routeLinks
label: 'Step 1',
routerLink: '/setup/mongDb',
icon: 'fa-light fa-database',
label: 'Step 2',
routerLink: '/setup/auth-token',
Once they match, the highlight starts working.
this.items = [
label: 'Step 1',
routerLink: 'step-1',
icon: 'fa-light fa-database',
label: 'Step 2',
routerLink: 'step-2'
from what I see in your code, you don't use the proper routes.
The buttons trigger step-1 and step-2 but your step component is declared with /setup/mongDb and /setup/auth-token so I think the PrimeNg component doesn't see that you are on the declared path. I didn't look at the source code but I think this could be it.

Angular fails to fetch CSS file on navigation to nested route

When directly navigating to a child component in prod mode (ng serve --prod) it fails to load the CSS file, trying to fetch it from a nested path. For instance, navigating to "localhost:4200/doc/" the CSS Request URL is:
The error that is given:
Refused to apply style from 'http://localhost:4200/doc/styles.6eab038f040a1c7c7ed6.css' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not a supported stylesheet MIME type, and strict MIME checking is enabled.
When accessing the root (localhost:4200) the CSS is loaded correctly. If you then navigate to the child component through the app itself, the problem does not occur.
It only occurs in prod mode, not on the development server. Changed nothing to the regular settings regarding styles.css, it is situated in the default folder.
"styles": [
Anyone has any idea how this problem could be caused?
Found out that the problem lies in navigating to nested routes (helped by the reply of mikegross).
On a route without a nested parameter the problem does not occur, but on a route with a nested parameter (for instance 'doc/:id') it does.
Router module:
const routes: Routes = [
{ path: '', redirectTo: 'list', pathMatch: "full"},
{ path: 'list', component: ListComponent},
{ path: 'doc/:id', component: DocumentComponent},
{ path: '**', redirectTo: ''},
imports: [RouterModule.forRoot(routes)],
exports: [RouterModule]
export class AppRoutingModule { }
Update (feb. 28)
Since it was still a small project I generated a new angular project, installed same dependencies and literally copy pasted the code.
Although I have no idea why, in the new project the problem does not occur. The only difference lies in a minor version bump (ng 9.0 to 9.1).
I know this is an older post, but I got around this by using query parameters instead of route parameters. example:
const routes: Routes = [
{ path: '', redirectTo: 'list', pathMatch: "full"},
{ path: 'list', component: ListComponent},
{ path: 'doc', component: DocumentComponent},
{ path: '**', redirectTo: ''},
(I removed the :id from "doc/:id")
Navigate to the route:
route this._router.navigate(['/doc'],{queryParams: {id: id}});
Then retrieve the query parameter:
Coming late to the party. I had the same error with React in 2022.
Initially, I declared the CSS file with a relative path, as follows:
<link rel="preload" href="./style/Avenir-Light.woff2" as="font" type="font/woff2" crossorigin>
After changing it to an absolute path, it worked
<link rel="preload" href="/style/Avenir-Light.woff2" as="font" type="font/woff2" crossorigin>
Hope it helps future readers.

dynamic switching of two styles.css file in one angular application

I have to merge two angular applications into one major angular application. Hence, now i am having two styles.css files in one angular application. On running this application after merging both, css is going completely for the angular application.
Is there any way by which we can call this two style.css files dynamically depending on the requirement? Or I need to check each class one by one?
I recommend you to use two different layouts, each one is a component, so each one has a different set of styles. That it's really easy wit angular router.
In your routing module:
// Layout 1
path: '',
component: Layout1Component,
children: [
{ path: 'pageL1_1', component: PageL1_1Component },
{ path: 'pageL1_2', component: PageL1_2Component }
// Layout 2 routes goes here here
path: '',
component: Layout2Component,
children: [
{ path: 'pageL2_1', component: PageL2_1Component },
{ path: 'pageL2_2', component: PageL2_2Component }
In your app.component.html:
The layouts templates has to include the element to in order to show child navigation componets.
IMPORTANT: Each layput controller should disable view encapsulation so styles applies ti child components:
selector: 'app-layout_1',
templateUrl: './layout_1.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./layout_1.component.scss'],
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None
export class Layout1Component implements OnInit {

Multiples instances of VideoJS playlist are deprecated

I'm developing a Wordpress Plugin that allows users to add custom video playlists to their pages or posts, and for that I'm using Videojs and Videojs Playlist libraries.
I've successfully managed to add a single playlist into a page, but when a second one is created the first player is disabled.
First Player disabled
Other problem I'm facing is that, although the vjs-playlist div is added, it only shows in the first player created.
Code display in the browser
var options = {"techOrder": ["html5","youtube", "flash"]};
var myPlayer = videojs('my-playlist-player', {options, "autoplay": false, "controls": true, "fluid": true, "liveui": true});
name: 'Test item 1 type .m3u8',
description: 'Testing for videojs-playlist-ui integration',
duration: '45',
sources: [
{src: '//',type: 'video/mp4'}
thumbnail: [
srcset: '//',
type: 'image/jpeg',
style: 'max-height: 120px;'
name: resTitle,
description: resDesc,
duration: resDuration,//'45',
sources: [
{src: resItemSrc, type: resMime}
thumbnail: [
srcset: resThumbnail,
type: resImgType,
style: thumbStyle//'max-height: 120px;'
myPlayer.playlistUi({el: document.getElementById('vjs-playlist'), horizontal: true});
I believe my errors happen because videojs functions are detecting the same id in all elements, but if so how could I avoid this?
Any other ideas or opinions on why this errors might be happening, would be great.
Thanks in advance.
A bit more of information, I wanted to check how many players the script detected and so I printed in the console the window.videojs.players and only one player is detected even if more are created. Check result
Could this be because they have the same ID? If so how could it be fixed? HTML Result

How to do multiple routing (router-outlet) in angular2 RC4?

I am finding problem while multiple routing, its loading in single router-oulet how to tell the component to load in specific named outlet? I found out that there is a property in RouterConfig from which i can use outlet to name the router-outlet but i don't know to link it with HTML.
Define a UI with two router outlets..
<router-outlet name="aux"></router-outlet>
Then have a router config that routes a component into that space.
path: 'parent/:id',
children: [
{ path: 'a', component: MainChild },
{ path: 'b', component: AuxChild, outlet: 'aux' }
NOTE: the parent route's id parameter will be provided to both children. Remove it if you aren't providing an id.
