WooCommerce product change URL - wordpress

I need some help on how I can change WordPress WooCommerce category URL
I want show URL like this

Under www.example.com/wp-admin/options-permalink.php
There option to change the behavior,see screenshot.


to change url structure for blog posts in wordpress

I want to add parent to posts in wordpress, for that I need to change the permalinks, but I am not able to figure it out.
for e.g. if the current url is www.abcd.com/postname
I want it like this, www.abcd.com/posts/postname
Thank you in advance
First, you need to visit the Settings » Permalinks page in your WordPress admin. There you need to click on the ‘custom structure’ option under the common settings area.
Next, you need to add /%category%/%postname%/ in the field next to the custom structure.
I have used /%category%/ just as an example. Change it accordingly.

Wordpress link change

I need to modify the structure of the links in woocommerce. In this moment as you may no the link is http://yourwebsite.com/product/name_of_the_product...and I want to change the product in category, the link should be this http://yourwebsite.com/category/name_of_the_product...
How can I do this?
I would say not to change /product/ to /category/ for woocommerce. By Default WordPress use category taxonomy to display category page e.g example.com/category/xyzcategory/. Also change of woocommerce fixed urls can be problem for shop. WooCommerce also advise not to change those https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/removing-product-product-category-or-shop-from-the-urls/

Wordpress custom post type modify data in rows

Check the image below
I have already modify the link for Edit link using "post_row_actions" filter.. But i need the help with this..
You can't change links for the backend. If you want to change link of your post use Settings -> Permalinks. You can change the links of posts, pages, etc.

Wordpress: How to change the clean URL of posts under a parent page?

I managed to create a page for all my posts and it works ok. But I want to change the clean URL of my posts. How can I change that via the wp admin area? or do I have to fiddle with the code?
For instance,
I have a page called Blog and its url is,
So I need to have blog/ in front of all my posts.
Any ideas?
Go to Settings -> Permalinks in the WordPress admin.
Under custom enter into the field blog/%postname%/.

Changing WooCommerce Permalink

After installing the language files from WooCommerce, the site's permalink becomes non-english. I have found Product permalink base & Product category base & Product tag base & Product attribute base in the permalink setting page.
However, where is the settings for shopping cart & checkout page & my account?
If you have installed woocommerce pages, in your admin area go to "Pages" and look for the pages you want to change permalink, all is there. I think if you change your desired page Slug, you'll get the answer. Woocommerce works with Page ID and changing that slug makes no problem and just changes the URL.
