R: preventing copies when passing a variable into a function - r

Hadley's new pryr package that shows the address of a variable is really great for profiling. I have found that whenever a variable is passed into a function, no matter what that function does, a copy of that variable is created. Furthermore, if the body of the function passes the variable into another function, another copy is generated. Here is a clear example
n = 100000
p = 100
bar = function(X) {
foo = function(X) {
X = matrix(rnorm(n*p), n, p)
Which generates
> X = matrix(rnorm(n*p), n, p)
> print(pryr::address(X))
[1] "0x7f5f6ce0f010"
> foo(X)
[1] "0x92f6d70"
[1] "0x92f3650"
The address changes each time, despite the functions not doing anything. I'm confused by this behavior because I've heard R described as copy on write - so variables can be passed around but copies are only generated when a function wants to write into that variable. What is going on in these function calls?
For best R development is it better to not write multiple small functions, rather keep the content all in one function? I have also found some discussion on Reference Classes, but I see very little R developers using this. Is there another efficient way to pass the variable that I am missing?

I'm not entirely certain, but address may point to the memory address of the pointer to the object. Take the following example.
n <- 100000
p <- 500
X <- matrix(rep(1,n*p), n, p)
l <- list()
for(i in 1:10000) l[[i]] <- X
At this point, if each element of l was a copy of X, the size of l would be ~3.5Tb. Obviously this is not the case as your computer would have started smoking. And yet the addresses are different.
sapply(l[1:10], function(x) address(x))
# [1] "0x1062c14e0" "0x1062c0f10" "0x1062bebc8" "0x10641e790" "0x10641dc28" "0x10641c640" "0x10641a800" "0x1064199c0"
# [9] "0x106417380" "0x106411d40"

pryr::address passes an unevaluated symbol to an internal function that returns its address in the parent.frame():
#function (x)
# address2(check_name(substitute(x)), parent.frame())
#<environment: namespace:pryr>
Wrapping of the above function can lead to returning address of a "promise". To illustrate we can simulate pryr::address's functionality as:
ff = inline::cfunction(sig = c(x = "symbol", env = "environment"), body = '
SEXP xx = findVar(x, env);
Rprintf("%s at %p\\n", type2char(TYPEOF(xx)), xx);
if(TYPEOF(xx) == PROMSXP) {
SEXP pr = eval(PRCODE(xx), PRENV(xx));
Rprintf("\tvalue: %s at %p\\n", type2char(TYPEOF(pr)), pr);
wrap1 = function(x) ff(substitute(x), parent.frame())
where wrap1 is an equivalent of pryr::address.
x = 1:5
##256ba60 13 INTSXP g0c3 [NAM(1)] (len=5, tl=0) 1,2,3,4,5
#[1] "0x256ba60"
#integer at 0x0256ba60
with further wrapping, we can see that a "promise" object is being constructed while the value is not copied:
wrap2 = function(x) wrap1(x)
#promise at 0x0793f1d4
# value: integer at 0x0256ba60
#promise at 0x0793edc8
# value: integer at 0x0256ba60
# wrap 'pryr::address' like your 'bar'
( function(x) pryr::address(x) )(x)
#[1] "0x7978a64"
( function(x) pryr::address(x) )(x)
#[1] "0x79797b8"

You can use the profmem package (I'm the author), to see what memory allocations take place. It requires that your R session was build with "profmem" capabilities:
## profmem
Then, you can do something like this:
n <- 100000
p <- 100
X <- matrix(rnorm(n*p), nrow = n, ncol = p)
## 80000200 bytes
## No copies / no new objects
bar <- function(X) X
foo <- function(X) bar(X)
## One new object
bar2 <- function(X) 2*X
foo2 <- function(X) bar2(X)
## Rprofmem memory profiling of:
## foo(X)
## Memory allocations:
## bytes calls
## total 0
## Rprofmem memory profiling of:
## foo2(X)
## Memory allocations:
## bytes calls
## 1 80000040 foo2() -> bar2()
## total 80000040


R: instrument function to capture all assignments

Given a regular R function f, I'd like to be able to create a new function f_debug that acts just like f, but lets me keep track of all the assignments to function-local variables that happened inside it.
For example:
f <- function(x, y) {
z <- x + y
df <- data.frame(z=z)
# This function doesn't work as intended - would like it to (in the case of `f` above)
# write out a list containing `z` and `df` to an RDS file
capturing <- function(func) {
e <- new.env()
altered <- function(...) {
parent <- parent.frame()
e <- something...(func, environment(), parent, etc., etc.)
result <- func(...)
saveRDS(as.list(e), 'foo.rds')
environment(func) <- e
f_debug <- capturing(f)
I'm not sure whether my knowledge gap to do this is large or small, anyone have a solution?
Solution 1: Steal the function's code
Here's a solution which doesn't return a new function which captures intermediate calculations, but rather calls the given function's code internally. There's some limitations, such as it probably only works with named arguments. Instead of storing the intermediate calculations as an RDS, it attaches them as an attribute.
capturing <- function(fun, ...) {
fun <- match.fun(fun)
code <- body(fun)
parent <- environment(fun)
env <- new.env(parent = parent)
for (val in names(list(...))) {
env[[val]] <- list(...)[[val]]
result <- eval(code, envir = env, enclos = parent.frame())
attr(result, "intermediate") <- env
my_add <- function(x, y) {
z <- x+y
u <- x-y
w <- x*y
x + y
intermediates <- function(x) {
attr(x, "intermediate", exact = TRUE)
value <- capturing(my_add, x = 1, y = 7)
ls(envir = intermediates(value))
#> [1] "u" "w" "x" "y" "z"
#> [1] 1
# Created on 2022-02-08 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)
Solution 2: Modify the function's code
One weakness of this solution is that if the chosen function features a call to on.exit(add=FALSE), some additional work needs to be done to modify the function so the internal environment is captured. However, it does work when the function accepts ... arguments.
my_add <- function(x, y) {
z <- x+y
u <- x-y
w <- x*y
x + y
insert_capture <- function(code) {
# `<<-` assigns into the global environment if no variable of the given name is found
# while traveling up to the global environment. If you need this assignment to go elsewhere,
# I'd recommend passing in `assign()`. Of course, you could also modify the `on.exit()`
# to use saveRDS.
"on.exit(._last_capture <<- environment(), add = TRUE)",
after = 1L))
capturing2 <- function(fun) {
fun <- match.fun(fun)
code <- insert_capture(body(fun))
body(fun) <- code
my_add2 <- capturing2(my_add)
my_add2(1, 7)
#> [1] 8
ls(envir = ._last_capture)
#> [1] "u" "w" "x" "y" "z"
#> [1] -6
Created on 2022-02-08 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)
What you are describing is already implemented in base R with utils::dump.frames, in an even more sophisticated way. It saves the frame (environment) associated with each call in the call stack to an object of class "dump.frames", which you can explore retroactively with utils::debugger as if you had actually run your code under a debugger.
capturing <- function(func, ...) {
cc <- as.call(c(quote(utils::dump.frames), list(...)))
cc <- call("on.exit", cc, add = TRUE)
body(func) <- call("{", cc, body(func))
capturing injects the call on.exit(utils::dump.frames(...), add = TRUE) into the body of func and returns the modified function.
Here, ... is a list of arguments to dump.frames:
dumpto, a character string giving the name to be used for the "dump.frames" object
to.file, a logical flag indicating whether the "dump.frames" object should be assigned in the global environment or save-ed to paste0(dumpto, ".rda") in the current working directory
include.GlobalEnv, a logical flag indicating whether the global environment should be saved as well
A quick example, which you should try yourself:
tmp <- tempfile()
cwd <- setwd(tmp)
f <- function(x, y) {
z <- x + y
z + 1
g <- capturing(f, dumpto = "zzz", to.file = TRUE)
h <- function(a, b) {
d <- g(a, b)
d + 1
h12 <- h(1, 2)
## $`h(1, 2)`
## <environment: 0x14c16cb58>
## $`#2: g(a, b)`
## <environment: 0x14c16ca40>
## attr(,"error.message")
## [1] ""
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "dump.frames"
## [1] "a" "b"
## [1] "z" "x" "y"
## Message: Available environments had calls:
## 1: h(1, 2)
## 2: #2: g(a, b)
## Enter an environment number, or 0 to exit
## Selection: 2
## Browsing in the environment with call:
## #2: g(a, b)
## Called from: debugger.look(ind)
## Browse[1]> ls()
## [1] "x" "y" "z"
## Browse[1]> x == 1 && y == 2 && z == x + y
## [1] TRUE
## Browse[1]> Q
unlink(tmp, recursive = TRUE)
See ?browser if you are unfamiliar with R's environment browser.
My capturing function has the limitation that on.exit calls in the body of func must also use add = TRUE. If you have written func yourself, then it is not much of a limitation at all, and passing add = TRUE is a good habit anyway.
Ultimately, there is no completely safe way to inject code into functions, but, in an interactive setting, I would say that this level of "unsafety" is fine.

R optim(): unexpected behavior when working with parent environments

Consider the function fn() which stores the most recent input x and its return value ret <- x^2 in the parent environment.
makeFn <- function(){
xx <- ret <- NA
fn <- function(x){
if(!is.na(xx) && x==xx){
cat("x=", xx, ", ret=", ret, " (memory)", fill=TRUE, sep="")
xx <<- x; ret <<- sum(x^2)
cat("x=", xx, ", ret=", ret, " (calculate)", fill=TRUE, sep="")
fn <- makeFn()
fn() only does the calculation when a different input value is provided. Otherwise, it reads ret from the parent environment.
# x=2, ret=4 (calculate)
# [1] 4
# x=3, ret=9 (calculate)
# [1] 9
# x=3, ret=9 (memory)
# [1] 9
When plugin fn() into optim() to find its minimum, the following unexpected behavior results:
optim(par=10, f=fn, method="L-BFGS-B")
# x=10, ret=100 (calculate)
# x=10.001, ret=100.02 (calculate)
# x=9.999, ret=100.02 (memory)
# $par
# [1] 10
# $value
# [1] 100
# (...)
Is this a bug? How can this happen?
Even when using the C-API of R, I have a hard time to imagine how this behavior can be achieved. Any ideas?
library("optimParallel") # (parallel) wrapper to optim(method="L-BFGS-B")
cl <- makeCluster(2); setDefaultCluster(cl)
optimParallel(par=10, f=fn)
optimize(f=fn, interval=c(-10, 10))
optim(par=10, fn=fn)
optim(par=10, fn=fn, method="BFGS")
library("lbfgs"); library("numDeriv")
lbfgs(call_eval=fn, call_grad=function(x) grad(func=fn, x=x), vars=10)
fn_mem <- memoise(function(x) x^2)
optim(par=10, f=fn_mem, method="L-BFGS-B")
Tested with R version 3.5.0.
The problem is happening because the memory address of x is not updated when it is modified on the third iteration of the optimization algorithm under the "BFGS" or "L-BFGS-B" method, as it should.
Instead, the memory address of x is kept the same as the memory address of xx at the third iteration, and this makes xx be updated to the value of x before the fn function runs for the third time, thus making the function return the "memory" value of ret.
You can verify this by yourself if you run the following code that retrieves the memory address of x and xx inside fn() using the address() function of the envnames or data.table package:
makeFn <- function(){
xx <- ret <- NA
fn <- function(x){
cat("\nAddress of x and xx at start of fn:\n")
cat("address(x):", address(x), "\n")
cat("address(xx):", address(xx), "\n")
if(!is.na(xx) && x==xx){
cat("x=", xx, ", ret=", ret, " (memory)", fill=TRUE, sep="")
xx <<- x; ret <<- sum(x^2)
cat("x=", xx, ", ret=", ret, " (calculate)", fill=TRUE, sep="")
fn <- makeFn()
# Run the optimization process
optim(par=0.1, fn=fn, method="L-BFGS-B")
whose partial output (assuming no optimization run was done prior to running this code snippet) would be similar to the following:
Address of x and xx at start of fn:
address(x): 0000000013C89DA8
address(xx): 00000000192182D0
x=0.1, ret=0.010201 (calculate)
Address of x and xx at start of fn:
address(x): 0000000013C8A160
address(xx): 00000000192182D0
x=0.101, ret=0.010201 (calculate)
Address of x and xx at start of fn:
address(x): 0000000013C8A160
address(xx): 0000000013C8A160
x=0.099, ret=0.010201 (memory)
This problem does not happen with other optimization methods available in optim(), such as the default one.
Note: As mentioned, the data.table package can also be used to retrieve the memory address of objects, but here I am taking the opportunity to promote my recently released package envnames (which, other than retrieving an object's memory address, it also retrieves user-defined environment names from their memory address --among other things)

How could I define an application method on an S3 object in R? (like a "function object" in c++)

The problem I am trying to tackle here is needing to apply (execute) an S3 object which is essentially a vector-like structure. This may contain various formulas which at some stage I need to evaluate for a single argument, in order to get back a vector-like object of the original shape, containing the evaluation of its constituent formulas at the given argument.
Examples of this (just to illustrate) might be a matrix of transformation - say rotation - which would take the angle to rotate by, and produce a matrix of values by which to multiply a point, for the given rotation. Another example might be the vector of states in a problem in classical mechanics. Then given t, v, a, etc, it could return s...
Now, I have created my container object in S3, and its working fine in most respects, using generic methods; I also found the Ops.myClass system of operator overloading very useful.
To complete my class, all I need now is a way to specify it as executable.
I see that there are various mechanisms that will do what I want in part, for instance I suppose that as.function() will convert the object to behave as I want, and something like lapply() could be used for the "reverse" application of the argument to the functions. What I am not sure how to do is link it all up so that I can do something like this mock-up:
new_Object <- function(<all my function vector stuff spec>)
vtest <- new_Object(<say, sin, cos, tan>)
myvec(.8414709848078965 .5403023058681398 1.557407724654902)
(Yes, I have already specified a generic print() routine that will make it appear nice)
All suggestions, sample code, links to examples are welcome.
PS =====
I have added some basic example code as per request.
I am not sure how much would be too much, so the full working minimal example, including operator overloading is in this gist here.
I am only showing the constructor and helper functions below:
# constructor
new_Struct <- function(stype , vec){
stopifnot(is.character(stype)) # enforce up | down
structure(vec,class="Struct", type=stype)
# constructor helper functions --- need to allow for nesting!
up <-function(...){
vec <- unlist(list(...),use.names = FALSE)
down <-function(...){
vec <- unlist(list(...),use.names = FALSE)
The above code behaves thus:
> u1 <- up(1,2,3)
> u2 <- up(3,4,5)
> d1 <- down(u1)
> d1
[1] down(1, 2, 3)
> u1+u2
[1] up(4, 6, 8)
> u1+d1
Error: '+' not defined for opposite tuple types
> u1*d1
[1] 14
> u1*u2
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 3 4 5
[2,] 6 8 10
[3,] 9 12 15
> u1^2
[1] 14
> s1 <- up(sin,cos,tan)
> s1
[1] up(.Primitive("sin"), .Primitive("cos"), .Primitive("tan"))
> s1(1)
Error in s1(1) : could not find function "s1"
What I need, is for it to be able to do this:
> s1(1)
[1] up(.8414709848078965 .5403023058681398 1.557407724654902)
You can not call each function in a list of functions without a loop.
I'm not fully understanding all requirements, but this should give you a start:
new_Struct <- function(stype , vec){
stopifnot(is.character(stype)) # enforce up | down
stopifnot(is.vector(vec) || is.function(vec))
structure(vec,class="Struct", type=stype)
# constructor helper functions --- need to allow for nesting!
up <- function(...) UseMethod("up")
up.default <- function(...){
vals <- list(...)
stopifnot(all(vapply(vals, is.vector, FUN.VALUE = logical(1))))
vec <- unlist(vals, use.names = FALSE)
up.function <- function(...){
funs <- list(...)
stopifnot(all(vapply(funs, is.function, FUN.VALUE = logical(1))))
new_Struct("up", function(x) new_Struct("up", sapply(funs, do.call, list(x))))
up(1, 2, 3)
#[1] 1 2 3
#[1] "Struct"
#[1] "up"
up(1, 2, sin)
#Error in up.default(1, 2, sin) :
# all(vapply(vals, is.vector, FUN.VALUE = logical(1))) is not TRUE
up(sin, 1, 2)
#Error in up.function(sin, 1, 2) :
# all(vapply(funs, is.function, FUN.VALUE = logical(1))) is not TRUE
s1 <- up(sin, cos, tan)
#[1] 0.8414710 0.5403023 1.5574077
#[1] "Struct"
#[1] "up"
After some thought I have come up with a way to approach this, it's not perfect, it would be great if someone could figure out a way to make the function call implicit/transparent.
So, for now I just use the call() mechanism on the object, and that seems to work fine. Here's the pertinent part of the code, minus checks. I'll put up the latest full version on the same gist as above.
# constructor
new_Struct <- function(stype , vec){
stopifnot(is.character(stype)) # enforce up | down
structure(vec,class="Struct", type=stype)
# constructor helper functions --- need to allow for nesting!
up <- function(...){
vec <- unlist(list(...), use.names = FALSE)
down <- function(...){
vec <- unlist(list(...), use.names = FALSE)
# generic print for tuples
print.Struct <- function(s){
outstr <- sprintf("%s(%s)", attributes(s)$type, paste(c(s), collapse=", "))
# apply the structure - would be nice if this could be done *implicitly*
call <- function(...) UseMethod("call")
call.Struct <- function(s,x){
new_Struct(attributes(s)$type, sapply(s, do.call, list(x)))
Now I can do:
> s1 <- up(sin,cos,tan)
> length(s1)
[1] 3
> call(s1,1)
[1] up(0.841470984807897, 0.54030230586814, 1.5574077246549)
Not as nice as my ultimate target of
> s1(1)
[1] up(0.841470984807897, 0.54030230586814, 1.5574077246549)
but it will do for now...

Can I avoid the `eval(parse())` defining a function with `polynomial()` in R?

I want to avoid using parse() in a function definition that contains a polynomial().
My polynomial is this:
polynomial(c(1, 2))
# 1 + 2*x
I want to create a function which uses this polynomial expression as in:
my.function <- function(x) magic(polynomial(c(1, 2)))
where for magic(), I have tried various combinations of expression(), formula(), eval(), as.character(), etc... but nothing seems to work.
My only working solution is using eval(parse()):
eval(parse(text = paste0('poly_function <- function(x) ', polynomial(c(1, 2)))))
poly_function(x = 10)
# 21
Is there a better way to do want I want? Can I avoid the eval(parse())?
Like you, I though that the polynomial function was returning an R expression, but we were both wrong. Reading the help Index for package:polynom would have helped us both:
#Class 'polynomial' num [1:2] 1 2
So user20650 is correct and:
> poly_function <- as.function(pol)
> poly_function(10)
[1] 21
So this was how the authors (Venables, Hornick, Maechler) do it:
> getAnywhere(as.function.polynomial)
A single object matching ‘as.function.polynomial’ was found
It was found in the following places
registered S3 method for as.function from namespace polynom
with value
function (x, ...)
a <- rev(coef(x))
w <- as.name("w")
v <- as.name("x")
ex <- call("{", call("<-", w, 0))
for (i in seq_along(a)) {
ex[[i + 2]] <- call("<-", w, call("+", a[1], call("*",
v, w)))
a <- a[-1]
ex[[length(ex) + 1]] <- w
f <- function(x) NULL
body(f) <- ex
<environment: namespace:polynom>
Since you mention in your comments that getAnywhere was new then it also might be the case that you could gain by reviewing the "run up" to using it. If you type a function name at the console prompt, you get the code, in this case:
> as.function
function (x, ...)
<bytecode: 0x7f978bff5fc8>
<environment: namespace:base>
Which is rather unhelpful until you follow it up with:
> methods(as.function)
[1] as.function.default as.function.polynomial*
see '?methods' for accessing help and source code
The asterisk at the end of the polynomial version tells you that the code is not "exported", i.e. available at the console just by typing. So you need to pry it out of a loaded namespace with getAnywhere.
It seems like you could easily write your own function too
poly_function = function(x, p){
sum(sapply(1:length(p), function(i) p[i]*x^(i-1)))
# As 42- mentioned in comment to this answer,
# it appears that p can be either a vector or a polynomial
pol = polynomial(c(1, 2))
poly_function(x = 10, p = pol)
#[1] 21
poly_function(x = 10, p = c(1,2))
#[1] 21

Writing functions to handle multiple data types in R/Splus?

I would like to write a function that handles multiple data types. Below is an example that works but seems clunky. Is there a standard (or better) way of doing this?
(It's times like this I miss Matlab where everything is one type :>)
myfunc = function(x) {
# does some stuff to x and returns a value
# at some point the function will need to find out the number of elements
# at some point the function will need to access an element of x.
# args:
# x: a column of data taking on many possible types
# e.g., vector, matrix, data.frame, timeSeries, list
x.vec <- as.vector(as.matrix(as.data.frame(x)))
n <- length(x.vec)
ret <- x.vec[n/3] # this line only for concreteness
Use S3 methods. A quick example to get you started:
myfunc <- function(x) {
myfunc.data.frame <- function(x) {
x.vec <- as.vector(as.matrix(x))
myfunc.numeric <- function(x) {
n <- length(x)
ret <- x[n/3]
myfunc.default <- function(x) {
stop("myfunc not defined for class",class(x),"\n")
Two notes:
The ... syntax passes any additional arguments on to functions. If you're extending an existing S3 method (e.g. writing something like summary.myobject), then including the ... is a good idea, because you can pass along arguments conventionally given to the canonical function.
print.myclass <- function(x,...) {
You can call functions from other functions and keep things nice and parsimonious.
Hmm, your documentation for the function is
# args:
# x: a column of data taking on many possible types
# e.g., vector, matrix, data.frame, timeSeries, list
and if one supplies an object as you claim is require, isn't it already a vector and not a matrix or a data frame, hence obviating the need for separate methods/specific handling?
> dat <- data.frame(A = 1:10, B = runif(10))
> class(dat[,1])
[1] "integer"
> is.vector(dat[,1])
[1] TRUE
> is.vector(dat$A)
[1] TRUE
> is.numeric(dat$A)
[1] TRUE
> is.data.frame(dat$A)
I would:
myfunc <- function(x) {
# args:
# x: a column of data taking on many possible types
# e.g., vector, matrix, data.frame, timeSeries, list
n <- length(x)
ret <- x[n/3] # this line only for concreteness
> myfunc(dat[,1])
[1] 3
Now, if you want to handle different types of objects and extract a column, then S3 methods would be a way to go. Perhaps your example is over simplified for actual use? Anyway, S3 methods would be something like:
myfunc <- function(x, ...)
UseMethod("myfunc", x)
myfunc.matrix <- function(x, j = 1, ...) {
x <- x[, j]
myfunc.default(x, ...)
myfunc.data.frame <- function(x, j = 1, ...) {
x <- data.matrix(x)
myfunc.matrix(x, j, ...)
myfunc.default <- function(x, ...) {
n <- length(x)
> myfunc(dat)
[1] 3
> myfunc(data.matrix(dat))
[1] 3
> myfunc(data.matrix(dat), j = 2)
[1] 0.2789631
> myfunc(dat[,2])
[1] 0.2789631
You probably should try to use an S3 method for writing a function that will handle multiple datatypes.
A good reference is here: http://www.biostat.jhsph.edu/~rpeng/biostat776/classes-methods.pdf
