How to hide actions in faceted search results in alfresco 5.2+aikau-1.0.101 - alfresco-share

How to hide actions in faceted search results?.we are using alfresco 5.2+aikau-1.10.101


Is it possible to add a filter to a Kibana Dashboard

I have a dashboard of graphs all based on the same saved search. Is it possible to set add a filter to the dashboard, so I can easily toggle it on and off?

I am trying to create a custom view that shows only certain metrics (Page Views, Unique Page Views) Is this possible?

I am trying to create a custom view that shows only certain metrics, like Page Views, Unique Page Views but excludes other metrics like Bounces. I have looked in the custom reports and under Admin with no success. Is this possible, and if so how do I achieve this custom view?
Can you elaborate on what problems you are facing? In Custom reports, are you remembering to select associated dimensions as well? I don't see why you wouldn't be able to pull a flat report with pages (dimension), and pageviews and unique pageviews as metrics.
If you are looking just for a custom view, then I don't believe that would be possible. Perhaps a close approximation would be a custom dashboard:

Separate drupal view filters from the results

I implemented a search index using Drupal Search API, and then created a view using that search index. In my view I added filters on searchable fields. My search is working very well.
However, my clients want to have the search filter controls in the sidebar and the search results in the main content region. But my filter controls and results are part of a single view. It is possible to separate them?
Drupal version : 7.26
I'm assuming when you talk about a 'view' you mean you are using the views module.
If this is the case when you edit the view under the advanced section there is an option called "Exposed form in block" - it does exactly what is says on the tin.

How does instagram create huge thumbnails on its user's feeds

I would like to understand how does instagram show large image thumbnails, with each thumbnail having individual actions such as Like and comment. Is it possible to do via the Open Graph API or is this due to Instagram being a property of Facebook?
The custom action and objects API does not seem to allow such a layout. An example is shown below
This is supported by the API via the user generated photos functionality:
has the docs, and you need special approval for your actions
You add the following parameters to your existing publish calls:
image[0][url]=<URL TO IMAGE>
image[1]... etc
{edit:} Actually, i'm not sure how to render that aggregated unit - my answer above is for the photos functionality itself

Create a faceted search for custom javascript items using Views

I am trying to create a faceted search using Views. I have created several taxonomy terms for some custom javascript content nodes & want to give a visitor the flexibility to search through those nodes using those taxonomy terms.
I cannot us the faceted search module because my host does not allow me to install modules.
I know it can be created using Views, but I am simply unable to implement it.
Need help.
You want to add the taxonomy term filter, then "Expose" it, this will create a drop down menu for the user to search from.
It will probably take a lot of twiddling to get to work like faceted search (You may need to manually add the "Search box" as a header on the views page and direct it to itsself via a views argument)
