Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise Isolated Shell project template missing? - visual-studio-extensions

Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise Isolated Shell project template missing ?Any clue if i missed any extension pack pack or individual workload while installing ?

At the time of this writing (April 10, 2017) the Visual Studio 2017 Isolated / Integrated Shells haven't been announced yet. It seems that Microsoft will provide them but they need time to accommodate to the new Visual Studio 2017 internal component structure and setup. As you may know, Visual Studio 2017 doesn't use GAC or normal Windows Registry (it uses a private Registry hive) and its setup is based on workloads and very granular individual components. For example, the standalone Visual Studio 2017 Team Explorer was announced last week, weeks after the initial launch of Visual Studio 2017 RTM. With the Shells the same will happen eventually.

And now 3 years later (March 2020), it looks like Microsoft gave up on the Isolated Shell for Visual Studio. I could not find an official retirement of the software, however 2015 is the latest version I have found any reference to.


Does IBM Database Add-Ins for Visual Studio support VS2019?

After scouting numerous articles and stack overflow for hours it seems that the IBM Database Add-Ins are not supported for Visual Studio 2019. Do correct me if I'm wrong.
Reasons for installing the Add Ins was to create entity classes in using web forms.
IBM Database Version : DB2 LUW 10.5
Reasons for the conclusions:
Installed the same fix packs for the IBM Data Server Driver Package as well as IBM Database Add-Ins for Visual Studio (Fix Pack 11)
Log Error Message : MSI (c) (98:58) [17:45:41:129]: Windows Installer installed the product. Product Name: IBM Database Add-Ins for Visual Studio, Product Version: 10.5.1100.2866, Product Language: 1041, Manufacturer: Company Name, Installation Success or Error Status: 1603
If the add in does not support Visual Studio 2019 , what would be the best replacement for Entity Framework 6.0 in order to use with IBM Db2?
If the add in does support Visual Studio 2019 is there a workaround to the following problem?
To get paid support (from IBM) for Visual-Studio 2019 in Db2, you need to have the visual studio add in that comes with Db2 v11.5.
For Db2 V10.5, it supports up to Visual Studio 2013.
It does not mean it will not work with older Db2 versions, but when you have issues (which is very likely), you won't get much help from IBM unless you have the right versions. You might be able to devise workarounds in some cases, but why bother?
If you are paying for a licence for Db2, pay for the current version and get the relevant paid support included. If you are not paying (for example, you are using a community edition) then get the latest version anyway. There seems no genuine reason for using the (out of support) Db2 v10.5 build if you are trying to use it with Microsoft software that was developed long after Db2 v10.5 was created.
Here is the link to the page that shows Db2 v11.5 supports Visual Studio 2019.

Microsoft ASP.NET and Web Tools VS2015 update tool won't detect Visual Studio 2015 although it is installed

I am trying to update Microsoft ASP.NET and Web Tools in Visual Studio 2015, but I get the following error:
"This product requires Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 or later. Please install Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 or later, then install this product again."
However, I do have Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 installed. I think this error may be related to the fact that there are several versions of Visual Studio installed in this computer (2008, 2010, 2015, 2017).
How can I make sure the update tool recognizes the correct installed version?
If your purpose is to install the .Net core and it was giving an error saying that you haven't installed VS Update 3 properly, then you can solve it by running :
DotNetCore.1.0.0-VS2015Tools.Preview2.exe SKIP_VSU_CHECK=1
Source answer

IDEs version compatibility with ASP.NET Core

I am not able to find which IDEs are compatible with Asp.NET Core.
I want to develop an app and I don´t know which are the possibilities.
Someone can list the compatible IDEs versions? Or some place where they are listed?
I am specially interested in Visual Studio versions
Visual Studio 2017. The Community edition is fully functional and free: Visual Studio 2017 Community Download
Visual Studio Code will also work and is cross platform. You can download it from here: VS Code Download
JetBrain's Rider will also work with ASP.NET Core: JetBrain's Rider, though it is not free.
Here's where MS tells you how to get started and what IDE you should use. Notice that the link to D/L the IDE takes you to a download of VS 2017 Community. This is the closest thing to an official "here's what's supported" you're going to get. .NET Core Getting Started.

Using ASP.NET 5 with Visual Studio 2013 Community Edition

I am interested in evaluating ASP.NET 5. I have installed Visual Studio 2013 - Community Edition. I am now trying to following the example provided here.That example uses Visual Studio 2015 Preview. Is there a Visual Studio Template for ASP.NET 5 for Visual Studio 2013 - Community Edition?
I cannot find one.
Thank you for your help!
ASP.NET 5 (vNext) isn't supported in Visual Studio 2013. If you want to test ASP.NET 5, you should install Visual Studio 2015.
Another option is to test ASP.NET 5 on a Mac or Linux machine. I was able to get it working on a Mac without too much hassle, and having Intellisense in Sublime Text was really cool.
Or, as Victor Hurdugaci points out, you don't need Visual Studio on Windows at all to run ASP.NET 5. The OmniSharp project has alternatives to Visual Studio listed, along with directions for setting them up.
You may develop 5/ core with the help of Visual Studio Code Without Installing VS2015

SQLite (latest) in Visual Studio 2012 not showing in Designer Data Source

I am using the latest version, (sqlite-netFx40-setup-bundle-x86-2010-, and am using the released version of Visual Studio 2012 with all the latest everything.
I do not see the SQLite in the Designer Data Source in Source Explorer (new Connections).
The download on SQLite states, "This setup package is capable of installing the design-time components for Visual Studio 2010". I presume the "Visual Studio 2010" part is why I do not see the designer in VS2012, which is what I have.
How can I get the designer to work with VS2012?
When will the team come out with a version that works with VS 2012?
(I did see a couple of posts back in July which talked about 1.0.66 and 1.0.73, but that was then and 1.0.82 includes the designers just for VS 2010 apparently. I see other file names with "-2008" presumably for Visual Studio 2008. That means that a Visual Studio 2012 will probably come, but in the mean time, I am curious about a manual registry hack or something like that.)
In order to get designer support for SQLite in Visual Studio, you have to download a very specific version of System.Data.SQLite. The downloads page has an astonishing 56 different possibilities, so it's easy to get the wrong one.
Look for the big bold text that says this:
This setup package is capable of installing the design-time components for Visual Studio 2012.
But it's still easy to miss among the zillions of downloads. If you need to, use Control-F to find the "Visual Studio 2012" text.
Don't download the 64-bit version, even if you're on a 64-bit machine. You need the 32-bit version with the text above to get designer support.
Goto Visual Studio, Manage Nuget, search for online packages, search "SQLite", install System.Data.SQLite, and boom, you can use designer and evrything is working again.
After some search I found my answer, 1.0.83, which will come out in November XX, 2012.
Visual Studio 2012 aside from the v10 to v11 registry hive difference also has what the team calls a "redesigned designer support".
Here is the link to the information. - November XX, 2012 (release scheduled)
•Updated to SQLite 3.7.15.
•Add Visual Studio 2012 support to all the applicable solution/project files, their associated supporting files, and the test suite.
•Add Visual Studio 2012 support to the redesigned designer support installer.
and other changes.
I could not find any interim solution on the web, sadly. The lack of a fix affects report based projects with DevExpress and projects that use the explorer.
