How to properly track multiple checkout flows in Google Enhanced Ecommerce? - google-tag-manager

I am trying to setup the checkout steps feature in Google Enahanced Ecommerce through Google Tag Manager. One issue I currently have is that the official doc has no mention on what if my checkout process has slight variations and there is more than one route checking out.
For example:
If user isn't logged in, the checkout flow is something like this:
For logged in user, it will skip step 2.
Someone asked the same question a year ago and got no reply. So would love to get some insights/suggestions on this topic.

I would fire step 2 on step 3.
For step 2 (regardless of page), I would also include a checkout option based on logged-in status.
'event': 'checkoutOption',
'ecommerce': {
'checkout_option': {
'actionField': {'step': 2, 'option': ["loggedIn"|"signIn"|"signUp"|"guest"]}
So if a user is logged-in when they are redirected to the billing page, checkout step 2 and step 3 fires, as well as the checkout option "loggedIn" fired for step 2.
When reviewing the enhanced ecommerce checkout report, you can create segments based on the logged-in status.
Similar to how you could apply "View Cart" in this photo:

I would suggest to leave the cart and sign in steps out of the checkout process. I’ve seen many guides including these steps in the checkout funnel, but I think they should not be there.


Shopping Behavior Analysis shows wrong data in Google Analytics in Initiate checkout

It happens that the shopping behavior funnel is showing a strange behavior in Initiate checkout, the number of events launched is higher compared to those added to the cart and that could not be possible. I would like you to help me with this please.
enter image description here
I think you should check your e-comm settings: when event "check out" fires.
The issue strictly correlates with the way of how and where you're triggering the checkout started event. It looks like the event is triggered multiple times.
I had similar issues and in my case it was caused by incorrectly configured Google Tag Manager trigger which was firing at checkout and also on the order confirmation page.

Google Analytics goal funnel - step drop to the same page

I have a Google Analytics universal analytics goal with 5 steps:
Shopping Cart
Contact Information
Shipping Information
Payment Information
The destination is the "thank you" page and the goal conversion works properly. But at each step, I see drops pointing to the same page and can't see how it's possible. The dropouts are in almost all the steps, but the one that annoys me the most is the shopping cart, as it shows a user leaving the cart to the "/cart" page (the cart URL doesn't have variations).
I saw this tutorial online where they discuss the drops of each step of the example funnel, but if have a closer look in the image below, it's possible to see that the same issue happens: (sorry I don't have reputation to post the in-text image)
Is it possible to fix this? Right now I'm using a simple regex "/cart" to match my shopping cart page.
Thanks for your help.
Super annoying, right?
Disclaimer: I Operate a Google Analytics Consulting firm... but I'm gonna whine about GA anyway
There is no way to "fix" this in GA. Here is GA's documentation on how funnel steps, entrances, and exits are counted.
Assuming you have read the GA doc, you'll know that the exit is assigned to the deepest point in the funnel (regardless of order). And the page of the exit is the first page that doesn't match the next expected step in the funnel.
In your funnel this sequence of page views would generate an exit from the /cart to /cart:
Home > Shopping Cart > Shopping Cart
Crazy, but this counts as an exit b/c the expected next step in the funnel from "Shopping Cart" is "Contact Information".
Hypothesizing a bit, this could be a super common user experience if adjusting quantities in the cart causes a refresh of the cart page.
Mostly, don't use goal funnels for tracking ecommerce actions. Use the enhanced ecommerce and shopping behavior report:

Track VirtualPageiew Datalayer with GTM

This is my very first post on stackoverflow ever. I'm most likely doing something wrong....
I'm setting up some gtm on my site and I have a checkout page that doesn't change urls, so there is virtual page views that populate the datalayer at certain steps. I need some help how to track these events in gtm and how I can get them in to GA as page views.
I've tried to look for exact solutions but I haven't found anything that has helped me, so even linking to an article you think might help me would be awesome.
The datalayer looks like this and gets pushed at certain steps it would be /checkout 1, /checkout 2, /payment method, and finally /purchase.
Structured like this:
event: 'VirtualPageview',
page: '/Test/test',
title 'test | test',
Edit: I know how to set up an event to the virtualpageview, but not sure how to configure it to pas the information forward to google analytics, my goal is to make a funnel.
Just to make sure I'm answering the right thing: It sounds like you already know how to trigger an event during the checkout process, but you're not sure how to get that data into Google Analytics itself.
Assuming that what you want to see in Google Analytics is a new pageview for each step in the checkout process, you need to set the "page" field in the virtual pageview tag so that whenever it fires, it records a pageview.
In the tag, under "More Settings" -> "Fields to set", you can add "Field name": page and then set "Value" to whatever dataLayer variable stores /checkout 1, /checkout 2.

Track behavioral flow from google tag manager event

I want to see which pages a visitor went through, when filling in a contact form. To track the submitting of the form, I setup google tag manager with google analytics.
So now when submitted I see an event "FormSubmitted" in Analytics.
Only now I can't get to figure out, how I can check the behavior flow of only the user which submitted the form.
Is anyone known with this, and knows how to filter that specific usertype out? Tried some filters in the behavior flow section, but couldn't get the right one.
Hope to get a solution here!
Only now I can't get to figure out, how I can check the behavior flow of only the user which submitted the form.
Create a segment with conditions for example "Sessions includes event category = ...".
And apply it on report "Behavior Flow".
Ussually to track steps of form filling it's better to set it before. You need to set sending virtual pages in GTM for each step you want and then create goal in GA type Destination and add steps there. After successful setup you'll see funnel in report 'Funnel Visualization'.

how to do multiple tracking like a series of pages one after another?

I have a blog with a "demo button" with leads the user to a sign up page.
On sign up page, the user fill the general entries. Then he is brought to a payment page to enter his card details. and then from there he is taken to a confirmation page.
Now, I want to track every page. Basically, whether any user coming from a blog becomes a user or atleast how far he goes before closing the tab
Use Enhanced E-Commerce Tracking.
The EEC in Google Analytics lets you assign step numbers to the various steps in a checkout. It then creates a custom funnel report (remember that EEC must be enabled and configured not just in your code, but also in your view settings) that show how many users completed the checkout and how many dropped of at each step.
