I am new in Azure. I want to open IIS to external access. My VM is WS 2012 R2, and all is configured by default.
The only access I get from internet is RDP, which I use for admin.
I tried both FTP and HTTP, but none works to find my server from outside. Same for nslookup.
If I do an RDP connexion on sp16fu12.westeurope.cloudapp.azure.com, it succeeds.
If I try http://mymachine.westeurope.cloudapp.azure.com, it fails.
I have added inbound and outbound security rules for protocols http and ftp on my network security group.
DNS is default Azure DNS.
What is wrong ?
According to your description, please ensure you had open ports(FTP and HTTP) on Azure network security group and Windows Firewall.
1.Open Ports on Azure network security group(NSG Inbound rules).More information about NSG please refer to this link.
Notes:Azure NSG could associate on NIC and subnet. Please refer to this link.
2.Open ports on Firewall. More information about open ports on Windows Firewall please refer to this link.
I created an asp.net core web app that works locally.
not configured for https if that matters.
I did the port forwarding for the app through my router in two ways
dmz way
firewall rules way
I set the firewall on the computer and router for port numbers 4999-5002
here are the settings for the firewall on the computer
inbound rule
outbound rule
Here is the console window that comes up when running the website
console window
So when I try to access the app using my IP that I get from IP chicken.com the browser will say too long to respond.
What am I missing?
My Isp is att and I do believe they allow hosting of a web server with my plan
I have Google Cloud instance (RHEL 6.7 and I have an application working on HTTPS protocol on port 10614). This is perfectly working when I am using the internal IP
I have an external IP with which I am connecting to this machine which is
So i would like to expose my application to the internet using this IP address. Could you please help, how should I be doing the mapping for this?
I have already created the firewall rule for this, but it is not working.
You need to open port 10614 in your Google Cloud Console firewall. You can use the following link: https://console.cloud.google.com/networking/firewalls/list?project=your-project-id. Just replace your-project-id with your project id.
I deployed a web site into a Azure VM and did the following
1) Create a HTTP Endpoint with TCP protocol and port 80 (both
internal and external) for the VM
2) configure the web site to be assigned with the internal IP
I can browse to the site within the VM, but can not connect to it from external using either the DNS or the public VIP assigned by Azure. the browser said "can not connect to [vip]".
Have I missed any steps or any advice on how to trouble shoot this issue?
If this is a "normal" VM and not a Cloud Service then you need to connect to the VM and open port 80 in the Windows Firewall directly on the machine as well.
In the end, i found it is caused by the selection of "direct connect" at the Endpoint setting.
Untick it, it works...
I and unable to RDP Azure VM on my corporate network using "DNS:Port" (like vmname.cloudapp.net:3389). It works fine on my home network, which means, endpoints are set correctly.
However, it was possible to RDP VM using Public IP but not anymore. With public IP, I was able to RDP VM on my corporate network, but not sure this has restricted recently?
Any way of to access a VM using Public IP rather DNS:Port format?
It is common for enterprise IT to block outbound ports because some argue this provides better security. I don't think this necessarily makes sense, but here's what you can do to verify. As a best practice, always connect to Windows Azure VMs using DNS names rather than IP addresses because the addresses are subject to change, while DNS names will not.
1 Confirm the port you're trying to connect to. By default, Windows Azure assigns a port in the dynamic range (49152–65535) for Remote Desktop, which is mapped internally to the usual RDP port 3389. You can see which one this is by checking your VM endpoint public port in the Windows Azure portal (Select Virtual Machines > Your VM > Endpoints tab > RemoteDesktop entry). You need to connect using this port after the name (using the Connect button in the portal gives you an RDP shortcut file that does this for you). If my public port is 62472, I put this in the Remote Desktop Connection computer field:
If you like, you can edit the public port here in the portal using the "Edit the endpoint" option on the RemoteDesktop entry. That way you can make it 3389 if your IT department asks you for a single port number to allow outbound.
2 Test your DNS resolution to your VM using nslookup or ping. If you get "non-existent domain", then your corporate DNS is blocking Windows Azure resolution. This is what you want to see:
>nslookup percepten-vm1.cloudapp.net
Non-authoritative answer:
Name: percepten-vm1.cloudapp.net
3 If you can resolve DNS, then try using an outbound port scan tool to verify port 3389 is allowed out. I found a nice one at portquiz.positon.org. To use, open the site with a port appended in the URL. In this case, open "http://portquiz.positon.org:3389". You should see this on the page:
Outgoing port tester
This server listens on all TCP ports, allowing you to test any
outbound TCP port. You have reached this page on port 3389.
4 If you receive "page not available", then the port is blocked. Try contacting IT to ask them to open port 3389 (or the entire dynamic range if you're feeling ambitious). If they want to open it only to specific places on the Internet, provide them this list of all Windows Azure IP address ranges:
Windows Azure Datacenter IP Address Ranges
Hope that helps!
Noah Stahl
I am hosting an asp.net MVC 3 application on my local IIS 7.5 server. People can connect using my IP and the port I set. I can connect by typing localhost:port in a browser. If I type the IP:port however, the browser says it cannot connect.
Using wamp and other hosting programs (and even IIS at one point if memory serves), I could always connect using my own IP.
How can I set IIS to let me connect using my own IP? Or is the problem somewhere else?
My firewall is disabled, the port is forwarded and other people can connect just fine (people outside my LAN) and I have tried 3 browsers.
You cannot connect to your IIS using static IP, but, howerver you can by adding your Static IP as a lookup entry.
Please check this link:
How to Edit Your Windows Hosts File
The article explains how to resolve the IP to reach the IIS locally.