Google App Maker app not working after deploy - google-app-maker

I have built an app with Google App Maker which has a Suggest Box linked to a table by a Query parameter.
The app works correctly in Preview mode, but when I deploy it, the Suggest Box doesn't suggest anything!
I have deployed it once before (without a select box as I recall) and it worked correctly.
I tried redeploying to the original deployment and deploying to a new deployment, same result.
Am I missing some security setting or something?

I am using Drive Tables as my datasource. The kind people at Google sent me a couple of links which helped me to understand what's going on: previewing and publishing your application and running as user or developer.
The crux of the issue is that when you deploy an app and run it as user (default), it doesn't take any Drive Table data with it. If you want to add Drive Table data to the deployed app, you have to do this:
Open App Maker
Go to App Settings
Go to Deployments
Select your most recent deployment and click: “EXPORT DATA”
Make sure you select Preview from the Deployments drop down list.
Click Export
This will export all your Preview data to a new Google Spreadsheet.
Now go to your Drive models in the App Maker and click “IMPORT DATA FROM SHEET”
Here you can choose to import data to your Deployed version.
After completing the import process, you will have all your data in the Deployed app.
All courtesy of Google but I didn't find it in the docs, so it might help someone.

Use the browser console to see if there's an error on the connection, make sure the user has access to the datasource and if you're using cloud SQL check the parameters of cloudSQL in the publication


Testers can't download AppBundle build from the App Distribution

I started to distribute application by Firebase App Distribution using AppBundle instead of APK. But when testers are trying to download build from "App Tester" application it opens Play Store but it opens "Internal beta" page, not Internal App sharing page with this build. Clearing data of Play Store application helps and they see correct Internal App Sharing page with correct build, but only once, when they are trying to download another build it opens "Internal beta" page and they need to clear data again.
I checked on my phones, on two test devices where I have only one authorised account in Play Store, everything works fine. But on my personal device where I have two account I see this issue. Testers have only one account on device but also have this issue, so I don't thing that the problem with amount of accounts.
Has anyone had this issue before and can help me resolve it?

Firebase dynamic links data doesn't survive the app installation process in Expo app

I'm using Firebase dynamic links for referrals in an Expo app (managed workflow), but the link data isn't surviving the app installation process. The links worked fine when testing with a standalone app: when the user didn't have the app, they got directed to the App Store/Play Store* and when they did have the app, the link was handled using Expo's Linking.getInitialUrl().
I've actually gone ahead and published a native binary that displays a modal with the link data upon signing up to the app** (again, using Linking.getInitialUrl()). The modal only displays the app's custom url scheme myapp://. This same test displayed the link as expected when testing with a standalone app.
Note that the links work as expected if the app is already installed.
*This answer seems to suggest that this is enough to ensure the data will pass
**Fortunately we are very early stage with no users lol

Why does my deployment have no data but my preview has all the data?

My preview works and has data but my deployment has no data. I'm using the (Recommended) DEFAULT CLOUD SQL database configuration.
Note: This is only day 4 with Google App Maker. Finding answers to App Maker-specific questions has been super difficult, but I'm making rapid progress on my application, so overall tired but good. :{)
As written in the documentation,
App Maker deployments can use the same Cloud SQL instance, but have separate databases on that instance. Data that you had in preview mode is not available in other deployments. You have a few options for how to handle this situation:
To use data from the preview instance in your published deployment, export the deployment data from the preview instance and import it to the published deployment.
To share a database across all deployments (preview and published), use a custom Cloud SQL database.
When you deploy your app, AppMaker create a new database in your google cloud SQL instance for the deployment. All the data create in previews is in another database.
To use the same database as the preview mode you have to go in the settings of your app in the tab "DATABASE" and copy the Database Key. Then go to your cloud sql instance in google cloud platforme and on the details of the instance in the overview tab just copy the instance connexion name.
then edit your deployments and select "Use Custom Cloud SQL database" and copy with the format
"instanceConnexionName/DatabaseKey" then save and appmaker should ask you to enter you username and password of your google cloud sql insatnce.
On app settings, database page you should see
Databas key: iTIJQaCj491a4111
(Actually this is the name of the mySQL instance)
In GCP console, go to SQL, click on Instance ID, and on the Instance ID overview page is the instance connection name, e.g., MyProject-123456:us-central1:instancename
Back in app settings
Select Switch to custom database and enter the full connection string
projectname:instancename/schema as
Provide username and password
and follow the steps to confirm existing database
Turns out the issue is when you publish it doesn't push the data, you have to manually re-upload the data into the live version. This is actually a good thing, but I wish it'd been explicitly documented. I found it, after figuring it out on my own, in some early release notes from a few years back. I guess I wasn't the only one this stupid.

Copy App Files and Install in a new domain using Google App Maker

After I create an app with App Maker, can I let someone copy that file and install it on a different Google Enterprise Account (i.e., a different domain). The question assumes the Domain Administrator would want this and approve it.
Definitely, you can easily export app as zip file on one domain and import it on other one. Just go to Menu -> Export (.zip):
The story about data associated with app deployments is little bit different. You can read more about this topic in official App Maker documentation:

MeteorJS application not working once deployed on MeteorJS cloud

I deployed my MeteorJS web application ( but for some reason it is not working. User should be able to sign in/sign up and be able to add meals and the meals should be displayed under the date in a table once the meals are added.
It is working locally but I'm not sure why its not working once I deployed it. I've been attempting to look at possible errors and I've looked at the console under developer tools but there seems to be nothing coming up there either.
So I'm a little lost on what is exactly going on. Please advise.
I just think of different data on server vs. your local instance. Maybe your code require certain data to be available.
My suggestion:
Reset your local instance (note: your local database will be cleaned!): $ meteor reset
or just create a local copy with empty database
