Passing variable into a modal through spacebars - meteor

Is there a way without going to JavaScript that Spacebars can pass a variable to a modal?
For example, when I try:
<button type="button" id="genbtn" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#entryModal">Pass</button>
{{> newentry var=item}}
It does not work inside the modal:
<template name="newentry">
{{#with var}}It displays here!{{/with}}
<div id="entryModal" class="modal fade" role="dialog">
{{#with var}}Does not display here!{{/with}}
(Rest of modal works just fine)
I can't figure out why the variable can get into the template, but not past the modal. Otherwise the modal's non-var related functions work just fine. Why does this interrupt? Can it be overcome? If so, how?
Note: If this cannot work without going to the JavaScript, I can do it, but it feels like the wrong solution to this problem.

I had the slimier Issue recently so I just share my working example. I am using the below code and it's work perfectly.
{{>userInfo userId=customer._id userType='Customer'}}
then in userInfo template i got the userType as:
<div class="panel panel-{{currentColor ../userType}} user-info">
Please note the ../ before userType. and I am also using userId in js as:
so that can be used in any way like am doing as a helper
relatedUser: function(){
return Meteor.users.findOne({_id: Template.currentData().userId})
hope my examples can help :)
make a helper in newentry Template as :
myReactiveHelper: function(){
return Template.currentData().var
and then in your template bind that helper instead of var as :
{{#with myReactiveHelper}}Does not display here!{{/with}}

I think it would be better and simple to use Jquery lightbox_me plugin which wrap your modal into meteor templates.
For example.
$body = $('body')
UI.render Template.release_info, $body[0] //rendering template
$popup = $body.find("#releases-info-popup-container") // modal Id
centered: true
destroyOnClose: true
<Template name="release_info">
<div id="releases-info-popup-container">


FullpageJs and Meteor : Capture event from template

I'm struggling with fullpage.js in Meteor.
When I add a button inside a template, the function does not fire on event.
For example:
Template HTML (messages.html)
<template name="messages">
{{#each mess}}
<li>{{ messContent}}</li>
<button class="addMessage">Add Message!</button>
Template JavaScript (messages.js)
mess: function(){
return Messages.find();
'click .addMessage' : function(event){
{{> full}}
<template name="full">
<div id="fullpage">
<div class="section active">
<h1>First slide</h1>
{{> messages}}
<div class="section">
<h1>Second slide</h1>
My fullpage initialisation:
Template.full.rendered = function(){
If I remove the fullpage initialisation then the click event gets logged. Still new at Meteor, I didn't manage to grasp what's going wrong here.
All help much appreciated,
Use delegation or use verticalCentered:false and scrollOverflow:false.
From the fullPage.js FAQs:
My javascript/jQuery events don't work anymore when using fullPage.js
Short answer: if you are using options such as verticalCentered:true or overflowScroll:true in fullPage.js initialization, then you will have to treat your selectors as dynamic elements and use delegation. (by using things such as on from jQuery). Another option is to add your code in the afterRender callback of fullpage.js
Explanation: if you are using options such as verticalCentered:true or overflowScroll:true of fullPage.js, your content will be wrapped inside other elements changing its position in the DOM structure of the site. This way, your content would be consider as "dynamically added content" and most plugins need the content to be originally on the site to perform their tasks. Using the afterRender callback to initialize your plugins, fullPage.js makes sure to initialize them only when fullPage.js has stopped changing the DOM structure of the site.

Is it possible to pass parameters to a dynamic template in Meteor?

I've seen the various discussions on using a dynamically selected template in Meteor (ex. here, here, and here).
But what if I want to pass a parameter into the dynamic template, that is:
{{> UI.dynamic template=templateName data=dataObj param1=17}}
Is there any way to do this? Essentially, I have three templates, which all take the same parameter. I want to create a generic template that can dynamically call one of those three, passing along the parameter.
It feels like there should be a way to do it with a helper, but I can't quite figure it out.
Thanks to the comment from David Weldon, I managed to overcome my writer's block.
Here's the answer for others who manage to end up on this page.
<title>dynamic test</title>
{{> generic detailsTemplate="y"}}
<template name="generic">
{{> Template.dynamic template=detailsTemplate data=updatedata}}
<template name="x">
edit={{edit}} - this shows nothing if the data context isn't modified
updatedata: function () {
this.edit = true;
return this;

How do i get an onload function on the body for a specific template using meteor.js?

I'm trying to get the following behavior for a certain template:
<body onload="someInitFunction();">
Let's say i have the following markup (i'm using mrt router, not iron-router, for {{renderPage}}):
// Main Template
{{> header}}
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="row">
{{> footer}}
That renderPage is the secondTemplate:
<template name="secondTemplate">
{{#if currentUser}}
<div class="col-md-2">
<div class="list-group">
<a class="list-group-item" href="{{render thirdTemplate please...}}">Third Template</a>
<a class="list-group-item" href="{{render fourthTemplate please...}}">Fourth Template</a>
// In this case let's say thirdTemplate gets rendered
{{render the choice taken above please...}}
And within this template, depending on which link was clicked on, (in this case the third) there will finally be a thirdTemplate, which will show a data visualization with some help by a javascript framework, which will be in need of a <body onload="initFunction();">in order to display the data:
<template name="thirdTemplate">
<div class="col-md-5">
<h2>THIS!! section needs a "<body onload="initFunction();"> in order to work" ></h2>
<div class="col-sm-5">
<h2>Some other related content here</h2>
To sum up i have three questions:
1a. How could i get the third template to get a <body onload="initFunction();">
2a. In which way can i render different templates within the secondTemplate?
2b. Can i use a {{renderPage}} within this template even though this template is the renderedPage in the main template or should i do it in some other way?
In order to get the <body onload="initFunction();"> i had to do the following:
First add the following function to a .js file in the client folder:
Template.thirdTemplate.rendered = function() { // Template.thirdTemplate.created - also worked.
onload: 'init();'
This however got me an error saying that initFunction is not defined. In an standard html page my could work just fine, but in meteor i had to change my function from:
function initFunction(){
//what ever i wished to do
init = function() {
//what ever i wished to do
Regarding the rendering of pages, iron-routing is the way to go since the router add on is not under development any more.
1a. How could i get the third template to get a <body
You probably want to call initFunction when the third template has been rendered, so just put your call to it in the rendered callback.
Template['thirsTemplate'].rendered = function(){
2a. In which way can i render different templates within the
2b. Can i use a {{renderPage}} within this template even though this
template is the renderedPage in the main template or should i do it in
some other way?
Listen for clicks on the links, and when one happen you manually render the desired template (possible with Meteor.render, if you need reactivity) and add it to the right node in the document. See this question.
It may be possibly to achieve with router (I don't know that package).
I think that what you want to use is the created callback, that will be called each time your template is created, and not the rendered callback, that would be called each time a change has caused the template to re-render.
Template.thirdTemplate.created = function(){
See the documentation for templates for other types of callbacks:

Meteor Block Helper that acts like a template

Here's what I want, a custom block helper that can act like a template, monitoring for it's own events etc. The html would look like this:
{{#if expanded}}
<div id="toggle-area"></div>
<div id="toggle-area"></div>
And here's some javascript I have put together. This would work if I just declared the above as a template, but I want it to apply to whatever input is given to that expandable block helper.
Template.expandableView.created = function() { = false; = new Deps.Dependency();
'click .toggle-area': function(e, t) { = !;;
Template.expandableView.expanded = function() {
return this._isExpanded;
I know I can declare block helpers with syntax like this:
Handlebars.registerHelper('expandable', function() {
var contents = options.fn(this);
// boring block helper that unconditionally returns the content
return contents;
But that wouldn't have the template behavior.
Thanks in advance! This might not be really possible with the current Meteor implementation.
The implementation given by HubertOG is super cool, but the expanded helper isn't accessible from within the content below:
<template name="expandableView">
{{expanded}} <!-- this works correctly -->
<!-- in an appropriate 'home' template -->
{{expanded}} <!-- this doesn't work correctly. Expanded is undefined. -->
<button class="toggle-thing">Toggle</button>
{{#if expanded}}
Content is showing!
In the actual block helper, expanded is undefined, since the real thing is a level up in the context. I tried things like {{../expanded}} and {{this.expanded}}, but to no avail.
Strangely, the event handler is correctly wired up.... it fires when I click that button, but the expanded helper is simply never called from within the content, so even console.log() calls are never fired.
Meteor's new Blaze template engine solves this problem quite nicely.
Here's an excerpt from the Blaze docs showing how they can be used.
<template name="ifEven">
{{#if isEven value}}
{{> UI.contentBlock}}
{{> UI.elseBlock}}
Template.ifEven.isEven = function (value) {
return (value % 2) === 0;
{{#ifEven value=2}}
2 is even
2 is odd
You can achieve this by making a helper that returns a template, and passing the helper options as a data to that template.
First, make your helper template:
<template name="helperTemplate">
<div class="this-is-a-helper-box">
<p>I'm a helper!</p>
This will work as a typical template, i.e. it can respond to events:{
'click .click-me': function(e, t) {
Finally, make a helper that will return this template.
Handlebars.registerHelper('blockHelper', function(options) {
return new Handlebars.SafeString(Template.helperTemplate({
helperContents: new Handlebars.SafeString(options.fn(this)),
The helper options are passed as a helperContents param inside the template data. We used that param in the template to display the contents. Notice also that you need to wrap the returned HTML code in Handlebars.SafeString, both in the case of the template helper and its data.
Then you can use it just as intended:
<template name="example">
Blah blah blah
<div class="click-me">CLICK</div>

Meteor js - how to hook into the 'rendered' event of a recursive template?

I've got a situation where I'm rendering a Handlebars partial recursively based on a Mongodb tree structure, something like this :
<template name='menu'>
<ul class='menu'>
{{#each topLevelChildren}}
<template name='menu-item'>
{{#if listChildren.count}}
{{#each listChildren}}
where the mongodb docs look like this :
{ _id : ObjectId("525eb7245359090f41b65106"),
name : 'Foo',
children : [ ObjectId("525eb60c5359090f41b65104"), ObjectId("525eb6ca5359090f41b65105") ]
and listChildren just returns a cursor containing the full docs for each element in the children array of the parent.
I want to do a bit of jquery makeup on the rendered tree, but I can't seem to hook into the 'rendered' event for the entire tree, something like = function(){
// console.log('done!');
Trying this = function(){
console.log($('menu li'));
Not only doesn't this return the right results (brackets filled with commas), it also freezes web inspector (but not the app...).
Any help would be much appreciated !
This is an interesting problem :)
In the current version of Meteor (0.7.x) the rendered callback is called once when the template is first rendered, and then again once any partial inside the template is re-rendered. (This behavior will change when Meteor 0.8 - the shark branch or "Meteor UI" - lands.)
I've never tried doing things recursively, but it's going to be very hard to tell which callback you get is actually for the parent. One thing you might want to try is to start the recursive rendering in a template called menu-parent or something. That way, when the rendered callback is called for the first time (and as long as your data is loaded), you know the whole tree is rendered.
However, I suspect there might be a better way to do this. Generally, you should not be using jQuery to modify classes and attributes on DOM elements, as you'll confuse yourself as to what Meteor is doing and what jQuery is doing. Can you elaborate on what you are trying to achieve with the following, and I'll update my answer?
I need to find a specific anchor tag within the fully rendered template and add a class to it... and then add a class to each of its parents
Petrov, your code actually works for me, with just some minor modification to the jquery part. But perhaps I'm misunderstanding. Here is what I did:
Created a brand new project.
Added your template in the .html with minor change: <li><span class="name">{{name}}</span>
Created a new collection List. = function() { return List.find(); };
Then I added this handler: = function(e){
$('.name').each(function(i, e) {
Now, upon render, for instance when new data is inserted into the List collection, I get a printout on the console like this:
<span class=​"name">​second​</span>​
<span class=​"name">​second2​</span>​
<span class=​"name">​second21​</span>​
<span class=​"name">​second22​</span>​
<span class=​"name">​third​</span>​
<span class=​"name">​third2​</span>​
<span class=​"name">​third21​</span>​
<span class=​"name">​third22​</span>​
<span class=​"name">​third​</span>​
<span class=​"name">​third2​</span>​
<span class=​"name">​third21​</span>​
<span class=​"name">​third22​</span>​
This is just a flat list of the tree elements I had added (where second2 is nested in second, and second2x is nested in second2, etc.). So from what I understand you could just take the selection coming back from jquery and find the tag you are looking for and change its class, as you wanted. Please let me know if I misunderstood something.
Complete code below.
{{> menu }}
<template name='menu'>
<ul class='menu'>
{{#each topLevelChildren}}
<template name='menu-item'>
<li><span class="name">{{name}}</span>
{{#each children}}
List = new Meteor.Collection("List");
if (Meteor.isClient) { = function() {
return List.find();
}; = function(e){
$('.name').each(function(i, e) {
if (Meteor.isServer) {
Meteor.startup(function () {
// code to run on server at startup
