Unable to create Qt 5.8 kit despite having all the libraries installed - qt

I'm running Arch Linux, and have installed all the qt5 and qt4 libraries, alongside qtcreator. However when I go to select my qt version when creating a new project, I cannot get 5.8 to work, only 5.7. Is this a known bug, and do you have any solutions?
Thanks in advance!


QT version seems to be older than installed

I'm new to QT and QML, I found a cool KDE Plasma addon on the internet and wanted to edit it, but flushMode property, which I want to use, was introduced in QT 5.13. I have installed QT 5.15 (to be exact, 5.15.3), rebooted and got file:///filename.qml:58:2: "VideoOutput.flushMode" is not available in QtMultimedia 5.8. I also checked that qt5-multimedia is 5.15.3+kde+r0-1 (latest from arch linux repository), checked the QT version in system settings, everything says it's 5.15, but in the logs it acts like it's 5.8. Is it possible that I have 2 different qt5 installations, or why does this happen?
Yes, you very likely have two Qt installed. You got system Qt package that comes with desktop environment, I believe it does not include development files (headers), to obtain them you installed qt-something-dev package that installed another Qt as dependency.

A mess with Qt/Qwt versions - how to revert to original state?

I'm on Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit. I obviously made a mess by installing Qt Creator and Qt4 Designer. I've built and installed the Qwt (6.1.0) libraries (widgets) that are visible to Qt4 Designer but not to Qt Creator... I'm pretty sure it is the Qt (qmake) version that made these installations incompatible and messy...
The Qt Creator reports:
Qt Creator 3.0.1
Based on Qt 5.2.1 (GCC 4.8.2, 64 bit)
The Qt4 Designer reports:
Version 4.8.6
Both installations were done through synaptic utility. Later on, I've used an online installed from Qt project and installed another (opensource) version of Qt Creator (Based on Qt 5.3.2; GCC 4.6.1, 64 bit).
What I'd like to do is use Qwt widgets in Qt Creator and have a working version of Qt Designer (not it doesn't start; Segmentation fault).
Is there a way to wipe all Qt stuff and begin from scratch? Which directories, profiles, etc. should be erased?
Many thanks.
Assuming that you want to work with a Qt creator based on Qt 5.2 and you want to build an application using Qr 4.8.
a) build and install Qwt for Qt 4.8 - like always
b) build and install Qwt for Qt 5.2 ( maybe with enabling QwtDesignerSelfContained in qwtconfig.pri ).
Use qmake from the directory of the Qt version you want to build Qwt for.
Then all that's left to do is tell the creator where to find the plugin, that has been built for Qt 5.2 - f.e. by setting the QT_PLUGIN_PATH.

QT 5.2 has no kit or qmake with MingW after installation

I downloaded the QT 5.2 build for MingW/OpenGL build and installed it. When I run QTCreator and try to create a project, I can't set it up because there is no kit available to choose from. I have MingW installed, so I tried to point QT to this installation, but there is qmake as well missing. I'm not sure if the manual configuration of the compiler would suffice to have a kit to choose from, but that would be my expectation.
So the question is, how do I setup QT properly that it recognizes my MingW installation and how do I get qmake to continue with QT? After downloading a 600MB package I would have expected that it works out of the box.
OS is Windows 7 and my MingW uses gcc 4.8 so it should be the same version that QT brings in it's package as well.

Installing Qt 5.1.1 and qwt 6.1.0 on Ubuntu 12.04

I've recently came to linux from a 1 year Windows run in Qt so I don't know how this works exactly and couldn't find any thing decent. So here it is :
As is obvious from the title I'm trying to install Qt 5.1.1 and Qwt 6.1.0 in Ubuntu 12.04. I have written a project with the same versions in Windows and now I want to run the project in Linux. The problem is I don't know If I'm doing the installing process right!
I installed Qt 5.1.1 in /opt/qt5.1.1 and compiled Qwt 6.1.0 to /usr/local. I copied the files in include, lib, plugin/designer to the related folders in qt 5.1.1. After this the plugin is fine and I can see the .h files when I type include but when I want to run my project I get the error undefined reference to ... for every method or attribute of Qwt library used!
What am I doing wrong here?

Running Qt Creator on CentOS release 5.8 - Cannot resolve 'dbus_get_version' in your libdbus-1

I succesfully build Qt 4.8 (without QtWebKit) on CentOS 5.8 (Qt Assistant and the demo's run fine). I also built Qt Creator 2.4.1 against Qt 4.8. I did not observe any errors during the process of building Qt Creator. However, when I attempt to run Qt Creator I receive the following error:
[root#localhost bin]# ./qtcreator
Cannot resolve 'dbus_get_version' in your libdbus-1.
Has anybody encountered this error before? How did you fix it? Unfortunately upgrading to a better OS (such as Ubuntu) is not an option for me.
QtDBus module loads libdbus-1 library in runtime (via dlopen). That's why you don't have compile/link errors.
You can try either to upgrade dbus package (or whatever package contains libdbus-1.so) or use previous version of Qt.
(In Gentoo QtDBus-4.8 depends on dbus-1.2 and QtDBus-4.7.4 depends on dbus-1.0.2).
