View result of plotGoogleMap - r

Similar to this question:
Plotting UK postcodes on a map in R
I am trying to plot various postcodes on a map using the plotGoogleMaps function, however when I get to the last step e.g.
m <- plotGoogleMaps(UK_Map , filename='MAP_UK.html')
Nothing happens except for the little stop sign in the corner appearing as if something is loading.
Is anyone able to tell me how I can view the map / where I'm going wrong? I have read elsewhere that you can supposedly view the file in your working directory but unfortunately it's not there so I'm not sure what to do.


Converting rectangular pixels to square pixels in R

I'm working with an asc file in R and trying to run it through some GIS processing on a script that was written by someone else. The current chunk of code I'm working on is
asc <- (raster(inputRas))
asc.extent <- extent(asc)
head <- read.ascii.grid.header(inputRas)
writeRaster(asc, "outputRas", format="SAGA", overwrite=TRUE)
which works until the last line. It's failing here because my raster is in rectangular coordinates, which SAGA doesn't like. I've spent a lot of time googling and trying different functions, but nothing has worked that didn't cause other problems down the line. I considered using projectRaster() for a while because the resolution can be changed within it, but I don't actually want to change the projection. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
Instead of raster::projectRaster, you can use raster::resample

Remove plot element without replotting everything else in R (Shiny)

This is not an specific question, but mostly a "looking for suggestions", since any kind of answer is welcome.
I built a huge website using pure shiny in R, but a really small thing is bothering me..
I'm plotting some elements over an image, let's say.. rectangles (could be anything), and interact with those elements using their position on the image. One of the actions is deleting some of those elements, but -as far as my understanding of R plotting system is- that can't be done, since an element plotted in R can't be removed, so my workaround is basically "plotting everything else" but the element i just deleted.
So, my question is, is there any way to "remove" an object in a plot without having to replot everything else (basically not making a new plot with everything but the deleted element)?
Thanks in advance!

Is there a way to save and quickly reopen surface plots in IDL (Interactive Data Language)?

I was wondering if there is a way to save surface plots in IDL in a way that is convenient to reopen them. As far as I am aware there are only two ways of doing this:
The first way is to save your surface plot as an image e.g. png. The trouble with this is that the viewing angle is fixed and you can no longer drag with the mouse to rotate the surface plot.
The second way is to save the code which generates the plot. Trouble with this is the code often generates loads of plots which are usually just saved as images.
I would like something you can open easily and which opens the surface plot as though you had just run the code to generate it. So that you are free to rotate it by dragging the mouse.
Does this exist?
I only have IDL version 8.3.
If you 'Generate code/save data' (either via the toolbar at the bottom of the window or via the generateCode method with the SAVEDATA keyword), you get a .sav file that contains your plot. Either use the code generated to restore it, or use the generated code as an example to write your own.

Interactive plots on local .html via .rmd or Shiny

I'm trying to build a .html file via RStudio in to have following function(simplified).
plot1:a simple time series plot of $y_t$, where user can manually pull/drag each dot to change it's values a each time point.
plot2:a time series dependent on $y_t$, such as $f(y_t)=2*y_t+1$, once the value in plot1 changed, the plot2 will also change accordingly.
I want the .html self contained, not cloud based. I'm thinking of plotly, shininy/knitr, but I'm not sure if I'm in the direction or how to connect the dots. Hope anyone can point me to the right direction.
A self-contained/client-side html report sounds well-suited for flexdashboard. It's based on R Markdown, and therefore can accommodate Shiny elements.
I don't know if you can modify values with a mouse, but you can certainly modify values with sliders and other inputs, as well as have a second plot react to a first plot.
You may see some more possibilities in the gallery.

SVGAnnotation to create tool tips for each value in R heatmaps

I'd like to create a heat map in R that I want to use on a website. I stumbled upon the SVGAnnotation package which seems to be very nice to process SVG graphics in R to make them more interactive. First, I was planning to add tool tips for each cell in the heatmap - if the user hovers over the cell, the value of this cell should pop up. However, I am fighting with SVGAnnotation for more than 3 hours now, reading and trying things, and I can't get it to work.
I would appreciate any help on the SVGAnnotation tool tip function. But I would also very much appreciate alternatives to SVGAnnotation to add some activity to my R SVG heatmap.
So, what I have got so far looks like this:
cars <- as.matrix(mtcars)
map <- svgPlot(heatmap(cars))
addToolTips(map, ...) # problem
saveXML(map, "cars.svg")
My problem is the addToolTips function itself, I guess. Intuitively, I would simply insert the data matrix, i.e., cars, but this does not work and R gets stuck (it's calculating, but doesn't return anything, I waited 50 minutes)
After some more online research, I found a good example of what I want to achieve:
This heat map looks really great, and the interactive features (tool tips) work very well. I am wondering how they did that. To me, it looks like the graphic was done in R using the ggplot package.
I wrote a command line tool that can do exactly that if you are still interested to add tool tips to your heat map. It runs in Windows/Linux/MacOS terminals. All you need as input is the heat map as svg file and the data table/matrix that you used as input to create your heat map as csv or other text file.
