R codes to call from TERR - r

I am trying to write code in TERR to call r, Kindly suggest me the list of packages that I can use. I found Rinr, SpotfireUtils, Sdatasets are not available for download in r now, if anyone have the same kindly share it.

Your question couldn't be more vague. Here's some good places to start.
TIBCO Enterprise Runtime for R (TERR)
TIBCO Enterprise Runtime for R Technical Documentation which has everything from compadibility to how-to install certain packages.


Controlling other softwares from R interfase (imageJ)

The problem
I am trying to develop a package in R to control ImageJ, I have seen several R packages that develop an R interface from R to another package, I haven found the slightest documentation on how to start developing that
Thanks to for the coment, I had seen the answer about RimageJ and bio7, but I would really like to learn to control other softwares from R.

R: error in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath)... while attempting to install SVD package on Microsoft R cloud environment

I am new to this community but have been using a lot of help from forums. As you might know, there are lots of threads titled "error in dyn.load", but while I try some of those, it is important to me to know if someone had faced similar issue while trying to install Rssa package or SVD package in Microsoft R open environment??
I have asked Microsoft guys as well but there seems to be little to no response.
There were some recommendations about installing Rcpp directly from source as well, but given that Microsoft R open has preinstalled Rcpp, would it help?
Some Restrictions:
I have windows laptop not unix, so I can't test unix based solution immediately.
The error was received while attempting to install package in cloud environment of Azure using Microsoft R Server.
Any idea would be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

Where to report bugs of R packages?

Some packages do have a reference to bug reporting system, others do not. Where should I report package bugs then? Is there any default bug reporting system for packages which don't have their own?
I found https://bugs.r-project.org/bugzilla3/ but when I look at the components it seems more like for the R core. I also tried bug.report(package = "runjags"), but it tried to start mail program which is not very useful.
If in doubt, send an email to the package maintainer.
packageDescription("thepackagename", fields = "Maintainer")
(This is what bug.report does.)

R (beginner) : Using R functions in excel (RExcel)

I have coded a project in R and I would like to export my functions to R.
Is there an add-in or any other way enabling such functionality ?
After Dabbiemiller's answer I followed the installation procedure and I successfully installed rcom and RExcel. However I am not able to use it. I have the following error message when trying to start RExcel in Excel 2010:
There seems to be no R process connected to Excel
Could someone help me with this latest problem please?
Many thanks
From my first google search, here's a try : http://rcom.univie.ac.at/download.html#RExcel.
Good Luck.

Cross-compiling R packages with Fortran shared library

I am developing an R package that relies on some Fortran subroutines. I write my code under Linux, but to be able to collaborate with my colleagues who work with Windows, I would like to be able to compile a Windows version of my package.
How to compile an R package for Windows under Linux? I have been looking into this issue on the web and found many suggestions and possible solutions, but no clear advice on how to do this with recent versions of R. It looks like cross-compiling was supported in previous versions of R, but not anymore today.
I am able to compile my Fortran subroutine for Windows under Linux using MinGW, but I am not sure about the next steps to create a package that can be installed on Windows. Does anyone have experience with this?
Any help would be much appreciated, thank you!
