As you can see from the picture, between 5am and 8am, there were strange increase in sessions.
I also see there are unusually huge amount of traffic from New Visitor session.
Language is (not set). I am pretty sure this is some kind of bot. But here is my question:
Is there anyway to track our visitor's IP address so I will know which IP is coming to spam our website shown like the picture from google analytic's point?
You can not track user IP in google analytics, as it's against analytics terms & conditions. the other way you can do is by assigning each visitor a user-ID to track more details about each user.
I was looking at my AdWords clicks, and I've recently gotten some big spikes in clicks coming from coming from Gmail (both and the gmail app,
However when I looked at my Google Analytics, I can't see ANY entrances coming from gmail on the display network.
Graph showing my recent spikes in clicks from Gmail
It's seriously confusing me. Can someone tell me why this is happening, and how to differentiate traffic that's coming from gmail via the display network?
Can you please specify, if you are talking about Adwords Ads in Gmail ( or you are thinking about some email campaign (and you would like to track such traffic coming from gmail users to your website).
Please also specify if you are using auto-taging in Google Ads (Adwords) or you manually track your campaigns.
Because if you are using Adwords auto-taging then all traffic coming from Adwords is visible in reports: Acquisition > Google Adwords.
If you are not using auto-taging, then please tag your campaigns manually (
Last but not least, I can here recommend to create also separate campaign for all "Gmail Ads campaigns".
I am not sure, if this is answer on your issue. But more details will be helpful and appreciated.
Using Google Analytics is it possible either by using goals or creating a custom chart to track month by month how much traffic a referal network site passes to my website?
I'd like to measure the traffic source from a paid directory service, let's say, Yell - so I want to see how much traffic each month comes to me from their site and ideally set a monthly target so I can monitor this ongoing.
Any help or direction with this would be very helpful.
Goals are not necessary for this. Simply ask the referring website to add utm parameters to all links on their domain that point to your website. So if your website is, any links on their website pointing to your domain would be Once that is done, you would just check the Acquisition > All Traffic > Source/Medium report and you should see a row for "yelp/affiliate". For that row, one of the columns will be sessions, which tells you how much traffic they sent you for the selected time period. More info on campaign tracking can be found here:
I am using Google Analytics to track visitors to the site. Now I have started a PPC campaign and I had a problem with the site which was down for a few hours, from 9am to 12am. So I wonder if Google Analytics can count the clicks from the PPC campaign even the application on the site is down.
There are two opinions on it, so I am a bit confused. One says GA track the visit but cannot track deeper than the visit, also Google Web Master Tools can say this information. The opposite idea says if application is down, so does the ga.js therefore GA cannot count any data.
Also, can Google Web Master tools tell me if the application is down or not. I found some services to let me know if the server is down but in this case I need to track if the app is down.
I would love to hear any comments on this question.
Thanks in advance.
User's browser can only send data to Google Analytics if the page is loaded, so if the site is down, nothing can be sent.
As for a uptime monitoring service, quick googling gives I believe that Google Web Master tools provide website alerts but they don't have an option to send notifications.
After doing some more research on the topic I have found and tried what Google said in this link
Now I can place a cookie to visitor and can match PPC cound with visitor count.
How (im)precise is Google Analytics actually? I've been using Google Analytics for years now on a pretty well visited web site (800k+ visits per month).
Now I decided to log every page request in a database table, and I'm tracking the user-agent of the request. I have also eliminated bot requests (googlebot, bingbot and many more...)
What I found out is that I have almost more than double requests to a page than Google Analytics pageviews is willing to admit.
E.g. GA shows 137 pageviews to a specific URL, but I tracked even 255!
Google Analytics is VERY precise. It's not very accurate though. And that's the difference you're seeing since you're not looking into trends but instead at absolute numbers.
Start by reading this post by Avinash:
Reflections: Accuracy, Precision & Predictive Analytics
Bots are everywhere these days and a lot of times disguised as real user agents. You should come up with a testing to make sure client have both javascript and cookies enabled. In that case he'll be tracked by Google Analytics.
Besides that that some users might have adBlocks extensions that block Google Analytics. This is fairly uncommon but depending on the public can be more common. Tech savvy users have a higher chance to use a plugin that blocks GA, thus IT blogs might be hit by this harder than an average site.
The best way to test the real accuracy of Google Analytics ignoring user agents without javascript, cookies and that block GA tracking is to track the users on your site using GA as well. You can do that in Google Analytics using the LocalRemoteServerMode.
Add the following line at the end of your GATC (GA Tracking Code):
_gaq.push(['_setLocalGifPath', '']);
Make sure to replace with a path on the same domain as your website and that respond a gif. Use a lightweight gif, like the one GA uses.
Then you can get the logs of access to this gif and see in their parameters the urls visited. You'll need to do some extra processing but you'll be using the same framework GA uses to collect data and thus will measure more efficiently GA precision.
More Info:
I am most interested in an answer for Android, though it would be great to know if the answer is generalizable to websites, iOS, etc. Can I anonymize IPs (using setAnonymizeIp()) in Google Analytics and still track unique visitors? I understand Google Analytics uses cookies for websites, and so I thought it might be possible (or perhaps even automatic).
Yes. The only effect that the anonymizeIp function is that it instructs Google to remove the last octet of the IP address from it's logs.
So, if your user's IP is:
And you run this function, Google will store it as:
The only practical effect is that this results in less accurate Geographic reporting, but that's it. It won't affect counts of unique visitors in any way, and is totally unrelated to how GA tracks unique visitors, since Google Analytics does not rely on IP addresses for unique visitor identification. For websites, maintaining unique user identification is done by the Google Analytics cookies. In this specific case, the Google Analytics Android SDK handles the user session management for you using a local storage mechanism analogous to cookies.
I dont know if the accepted answer is correct. I've enabled setAnonymizeIp myself on my app, and it had a huge effect on my analytics results.
Pages/visit shot up.
Visits halfed.
Avg time on site shot up.
Ip address is not the value used to identify a unique visitor/user on Google Analytics, so it shouldn't be an issue. Analytics uses a unique identifier in a cookie or mobile app data so attach to all of the user's hits in order to identify as a unique visitor, so I don't see a reason why ip masking should affect it.