React Native and Firebase authentication - firebase

I want to make a login/sign in page that navigate to another page if the user enter the correct credentials using react native and Firebase . I enabled the authentication using email in the Firebase console, but I get an alert every time like in this image:
By searching in the internet, I found possible solutions like verifying that I'm using the right database in my app, but it didn't work.
My code is here :

Not sure what you have done wrong, but few days ago i started firebase app for my own purpose, so you can check how have i done login and sign up.
there is example in pr.


Is it possible admin of app can see the firebase sms verification code

Is it possible admin of app can see the firebase sms verification code As we are developing an application used by farmers mostly in remote places around globe, There is an issue in login using OTP if it is possible that admin can see the OTP(mostly not receiving OTP due to network issues), we will be login at the other end(admin) and make it possible for the users to use the app.
No, Firebase Authentication doesn't let you see the code. You'll have to build a custom solution for it.

How to get current logged in user's email with Flutter Firebase?

Currently, I am trying to build a simple android app, along the process its quite successful with the firebase authentication. But now I faced one problem where I wanted to show the logged in user's email in my drawer widget that I used to sign in with firebase authentication but I just cant find the solution up to date. I cant show any working code because I cant find any usable examples online. Can anyone of you help me please ?

"An account already exists with the same email address" without a switched account

I'm experiencing a very weird issue with the Firebase Auth using Facebook. A month ago I've created a test user in Facebook to log in with like I always do, when I try to use it now, I get this error:
Error: An account already exists with the same email address but different sign-in credentials. Sign in using a provider associated with this email address.
I've seen this error before when people move from Facebook to Google with the same email. HOWEVER, this is not the case. This dummy Facebook user is totally not linked to a Google account. I can also find it's email address back in the Firebase console where it is still marked as Facebook:
This issue first appeared in the same timeframe as an upgrade of the Facebook plugin and SDK. I've however retested this account now on the old plugin and SDK versions and the issue remains, so this seems to be a coincidence.
Other accounts seem to work but we had a similar issue in our production environment which we now think could have been the same. This gives us the opportunity to fully debug this one.
Extra information:
The (web)app runs on Angular (Ionic cordova). We are using the firebase.auth.FacebookAuthProvider, the error appears on both the Cordova (firebase.auth().signInWithCredential) as web (afAuth.auth.signInWithPopup) version.
The network calls to Facebook and Googleapis seem to be ok and return the correct identity (see screenshot 2), it seems as if the Firebase package is incorrectly giving this error.
Console error:
Firebase Identitytoolkit Network response:

Trying to log in with google with my app, but getting Sign in with Google temporarily disabled for this app with AWS cognito

I'm working on an app that shows some specific analytics on my calendar, therefore I've implemented a Google Sign In in my app which also requests for calendar read-only permissions.
When I've tried to log in with my Google I got
Sign in with Google temporarily disabled for this app
which totally makes sense, but I remember I had a few apps that used google sign in before it was verified (with calendar API also), but I got another screen that its risky, and the user could bypass it under his responsibility.
The app is currently in development status and I want to start working on it, but currently, I'm stuck due to this block by google.
Also, I got an email from google telling me to change this app type to internal but I want it to be external so other Gmail users could use it if they want to, I don't know where can I respond to this email.
Is there a way to start developing only with my user?
How can I respond to the email from google? could not find anything on support, only billing

App is not verified when using Google Provider in firebase login

I used firebase.auth.signInWithPopup() from this documentation. However, I am getting this warning on the popup window saying that my app isn't verified yet. See image below.
I don't know where to start from here since as far as I can remember, I can't find anything about this on the firebase auth docs. Any advice?
Google now requires apps be verified when you request certain sensitive data:
Firebase is not exempt. Why should it be? Any attacker can create a Firebase account with Google provider enabled and try to phish Google users with it.
Verify your app through this link OAuth consent screen
