CSS media query for the Google Pixel phones? - css

Can someone tell me the width and height in px (as used by CSS in mobile mode) for the Pixel and Pixel LG?
Surprised that the Pixels do not yet appear as options in Chrome's emulator! Note that I'm not asking for the tech specs that can be found on the Pixel website.

The specs for the Google Pixel are :
1140px x 2560px
441dp x 731dp
16:9 ratio
If you want to target it with media queries:
#media only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.77) and (orientation:landscape) // or (orientation:portrait) {}
Works for me, but it also reach other mobiles like the recent Galaxy's.


Legacy Media Queries and Device Pixel Ratio

Will standard media queries such as:
#media only screen and (min-width: 0px) and (max-width: 820px) {}
work on a device that is retina display?
I have read many articles on this, but most are about specifying the retina display css rather than how standard media queries developed for 96 dpi (the original size) will look on devices that have 300 dpi (retina display).
The main assurance I am looking for is: besides not taking full advantage of the quality being offered by the device, will the layout look the same if it was a 96dpi screen or 300dpi for example?
Much obliged for any help!
CSS pixel is not hardware pixel. This ARTICLE explains the difference.
#media only screen and (min-device-width: 768px) and (max-device-width: 1024px)
Absent references to pixel density, it will target CSS styles to any iPad, with or without a Retina display, because it’s referring to CSS pixels, and in those terms the two are the same.

About responsive sites, pixels, and density

I have coded a responsive website, in which I have CSS media queries to detect the screen size(pixels) of the device the user is navigating with.
Just standard medias. Example:
#media (max-width: 1199px){
#media (max-width: 991px){
#media (max-width: 767px){
When I test my website with my mobile, which is a Samsung Galaxy S4 with 1920x1080 pixels my website shows me the mobile version, which is in this case the #media query with a max-width of 767px.
I understand that most things would be too small to read or be seen if my mobile respected exact measures like 12px font size.
So my question is, how do I control which version of my website is shown on high resolution devices, because pixels media queries aren't working in my case.
#media (max-width: 1199px){
The max-width property in the media query works a little different. It is not the resolution of the screen. It is equivalent css pixel.
Here are a couple of articles.
A pixel identity crisis.
A pixel is not a pixel is not a pixel.
moz media query page.
If you want to target device resolution you should use
#media all and (max-device-width: 320px) {
max-device-width:This property measures the device-width. If you write css using media query using this it will get a little complex (mobiles tabs and even desktops can have 1080p resolution screens). In order to target device resolutions you might have to look into properties like -device-pixel-ratio , orientation and device-height to give better control of layouts
The problem might be that you didn't include a viewport meta-tag
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">

Media query for high resolution mobile 1080px (Xperia Z etc)

I am trying to get to grips with media queries for different devices. I have tried my new Sony Xperia Z mobile and displays in full scale site format due to the high resolution. How do I add a media query to re-size a grid and format like a standard mobiles scale? On the Xperia the font is also too small to read and needs to show bigger. Is this a problem for retina devices that act like full size monitor displays?
Xperia Z - resolution 1920 × 1080, PPI 443
How do I include media queries for such devices?
This code targets all devices with the same pixel ratio, which is actually what you need.
#media screen and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio:3) {
body {font-size: 250%}
Here is a list of devices and their device-pixel-ratio:
Yes, it would be a problem for "retina devices that act like full size monitor displays." They would be violating CSS. But since -webkit-device-pixel-ratio works for you, it sounds like this is caused by something else.
You probably omitted this:
The viewport meta tag is used in modern "mobile" browsers. (iOS/Safari, Android/Chrome, Mobile Firefox, Opera). It lets developers say "this is a properly-designed website, not desktop-specific crud". Without it, the mobile browsers assume your website is designed with an unspecified min-width, somewhere around 960 pixels.
When I say "pixel", I mean "CSS pixel". We've established that your CSS pixels are 3 physical "device pixels" on a side. And this means the largest dimension on your device works out at 640 CSS pixels. This is much less 960, so "desktop" webpages - which are assumed in the absence of a viewport meta tag - will start off zoomed out.
`#media only screen and (max-device-width: 1920px) {
/* define mobile specific styles come here */
#media only screen and (max-device-width: 640px) {
/* define mobile specific styles come here FOR I PHONE RETENA DISPLAY*/

CSS Media Query max-width and ipad

I have a set of rules I'd like to apply to all screens smaller than 960px wide.
The obvious was:
#media only screen and (max-width : 959px)
However this fails with iPad in portrait mode. I've read that iPad reports its width and height the same regardless of orientation.
Is there a standard way of making sure the iPad (or other devices that use the same logic as the iPad) respect actual width being viewed?
Obviously I'd prefer to avoid "iPad-specific" rules, or orientation queries - the query should apply to any screen less than 960 pixels wide.
Try using #media only screen and (max-device-width : 1024px) instead. That should cover an iPad in landscape or portrait.
I've read that iPad reports its width and height the same regardless of orientation.
This is tricky. The iPad reports the same max-device-width regardless of orientation. However, it correctly respects different max-width at different orientations/widths. The device is the part that doesn't change.
Hope this helps.

CSS: I always seem to need multiple identical media queries

So I always seem to do two identical media queries for smartphones, one being the min- or max-width, and the other being the min- or max-DEVICE-width (to target the iPhone and stuff)...
#media only screen
and (min-device-width : 320px)
and (max-device-width : 480px){
// Some awesome phone-specific CSS
#media only screen
and (min-width : 320px)
and (max-width : 480px){
// THE SAME awesome phone-specific CSS as above
Now I can't help but feel as though this is not the most efficient way to do things... Especially if I'm moving a lot of stuff around/restyling my site/application to be phone specific. Also especially when I have to do two more for the tablet sizes.
Now do I really need both? Does it matter and what exactly is the difference?
The difference between width and device-width can be a bit unclear. I'll try to explain.
device-width refers to the width of the device itself, in other words, the screen resolution of the device. Lets say your screen's resolution is 1280x800. This means the screen is 1280 pixels across, so it has a device-width of 1280 pixels.
In contrast, width refers to the width of your browser's viewport size.
In most cases width is more versatile when it comes to creating responsive webpages (and it is the method I would recommend you'd use), though device-width could be useful when you wish to specifically target mobile devices (and not desktops with a very small browser window).
DEVICE width will target only DEVICES and not desktops, u wouldnt hv any desktop/laptop of width 320x480, so u can use DEVICE width.
You could probably just use max-width: 767px this way you would target everything below an iPad.
I would also just specify dynamic widths so you don't have to differentiate between single devices.
