Calling a Specific custom_field BigCommerce Stencil - handlebars.js

Currently I can get custom fields all or none. Like this
{{#each product.custom_fields}}
{{ id }} : {{ name }} : {{ value }}
but what if i want to call just one of them by id or name like the below. Is there a way to do that with stencil or otherwise?

You can select a list item by id. {{}}, however, if you want to select by name you'll need to implement a conditional as #alyss suggested.
See: How do I access an access array item by index in handlebars?

You can use the existing {{if}} helper to accomplish this
{{#if display_name '===' 'material'}}
{{#each product.custom_fields}}
{{id}} : {{name}} : {{value}}


Passing through variable into partial and using an #is helper - Handlebars

I'm trying to pass a variable (tag name) into a Handlebars partial and use an #is block helper on the tag but for some reason it just won't play ball. This is my code:
Call to my partial and passing through the tag name.
{{> nav tagged='page' }}
In the partial itself I do the following (tagged is the variable name passed through):
{{#each tags}}
{{#is tag tagged}}
{{#each pages}}
// Do code here
If I just render the tagged variable it displays the variable value as expected so a bit confused as to why its not working.
The issue you have is that the tagged variable is in the parent context but you're trying to reference it within the #each tags loop.
You can reference the parent context with ../ so the working code would be
{{#each tags}}
{{#is tag ../tagged}}
{{#each pages}}
// Do code here

Meteor access parent each value

I have nested each and want to use parent this value.
{{#each county}}
Country name : {{this}}
{{#each state}}
{{this}} is one of the state of {{country}} //here how to use country
I have tried {{../this}} but it shows
Can only use `this` at the beginning of a path.
Instead of `foo.this` or `../this`, just write `foo` or `..`.
simply you can do
{{#each county}}
Country name : {{this}}
{{#each state}}
{{this}} is one of the state of {{..}} //here how to use country
see {{..}}
EDIT: edited answer

Meteor blaze each inside each

I've been trying to use blaze Each with a Each inside
ColA being one collection
ColB another different collection (not inside ColA)
{{#each colA}}
{{#each colB}}
{{this}} // refer the outer Loop?
like this guy asked on this Stack Post but when i try that the app brokes. Seems its pretty old... 2012.
Is there an effective way to do that ?
ColA has: title, author
ColB has comment, user
{{#each colA}}
{{#each colB}}
{{ ../title }} by {{ ../author }}
{{ comment }} by {{ user }} // refer the outer Loop?

With clause changes keypath

I have the following template:
{{#each Posts}}
{{#with { Post: this } }}
<h2 on-click="doSomething">{{Title}}</h2>
When I click on the header and doSomething get called, I get "${{Post:Posts-0}}" in event keypath. But I need to get access to the post keypath: "Posts.0" to modify some of its properties. What is the right way to achieve that?
Using a {{#with { a: b } }} block for aliasing in Ractive has some limitations, as it's not true aliasing, it's simply creating an expression with an object literal. It's a needed enhancement to offer true aliasing with something like {{#each Post in Posts}} or {{#each Posts as Post}}.
As far as what you can do today, you can add the keypath to the with block:
{{#with { Post: this, keypath: #keypath } }}
And then either pass in:
<h2 on-click="doSomething:{{keypath}}">{{Title}}</h2>
Or access in the event via this.event.context.keypath. See for both of these in action.
You also could use {{#each Posts:p}} in which case you could get the keypath via 'Posts.' + this.event.index.p.

{{#if foo }}{{ foo}}{{/if}} is there a better way to check for value in handlebars.js? (Quiet Reference Notation)

Is there a better way?
{{#if firstName }} {{ firstName}} {{/if}}
{{#if middleName }} {{ middleName}} {{/if}}
{{#if lastName }} {{ lastName}} {{/if}}
I often have missing data.
You can also use
{{#with firstName}} {{this}} {{/with}}
Best way would be to save the name as an object {name:{first:'James', last:'Bond'}} and then:
{{#with name}}{{last}}, {{first}} {{last}}{{/with}}
With handlebars if the value is null or empty handlebars will spit out an empty string as Nick Kitto mentioned.
so just {{firstName}} {{middleName}} {{lastName}} would be fine. However, if the middle name were blank you'd end up with 2 spaces between the first and last name, that's about the only possible problem I can see.
