The requested URL not found in this server in Wordpress? - wordpress

Whenever I click a link it says:
Not Found
The requested url /project/contact/ was not found in this server
Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu) Server at localhost Port 80
I found out that index.php is not showing in the url, and my .htaccess file is also looks fine.
Can anyone help me find the solution?

Goto settings > permalinks > Common settings > Activate the Post name
then Do the correction in .htaccess
Goto settings > permalinks > Common settings > Activate the Plain
then it will run good.


Using uninitialized "redirecttoindex" variable

Suddenly out of nowhere I can not log in into my WordPress site. The site is working but wp-admin is not. In the error log I get:
2022/07/04 23:45:58 [warn] 31793#31793: *300658 using uninitialized "redirecttoindex" variable, client: ip.000.000.000, server:, request: "GET /wp-admin/HTTP/2.0", host: ""
How can I debug this? I have just got this site for maintenance and I am not very familiar with WordPress. Should I diff it with the original version and see if files are modified?
I scanned the code and there are no redirecttoindex variables. Is something up with nginx?
I also can not find anything on google with such a query.
Server API: FPM/FastCGI
PHP Version 7.4.26
You confirm the other pages in the sites this working well ? If the answer is Yes, you need the check if exists some plugin what redirect the route of wp-admin for new route. First we have to activate the debug mode in the wordpress in the file wp_config find de const WP_DEBUG and set true.
P.S: DonĀ“t activate the DEBUG in the product view.

I get a 404 NOT FOUND error when trying to use a ngrok server

I'm currently using webstorm to program my webpage and when I open it through Google chrome and host it locally, the url the browser uses is
When I open Terminal in order to host it on ngrok, I type in ./ngrok http 63342
and then a window opens with the ngrok url that I can use
but when I go to that URL ( all I get is a 404 NOT FOUND error.
I'm not sure why this is happening, any help would be appreciated
Access your page with the full URL:
Add your path to web (.html) files after the page.
You were hosting from the root directory http://localhost:63342/, but forgot to point to a file. So as expected, the error:
GET / 404 Not Found
Is saying there is no file at the root directory.
I'd imagine the fix for most users is to append /index.html to the end of their ngrok link: ... /index.html

Changing .htaccess in wordpress file gives an internal server error

So i'm working with the wpmudev snapshot plugin which gives an 'max_execution_time' warning (30 is to low), when I update this to 180 by adding
php_value max_execution_time 180
to the .htaccess file (wp root) my site gives an internal server error. Is there an reason why this happens? And how can I fix this?
your code is correct and refer below scenario,
Check with your error log and if it is a PHP error try to troubleshoot that.
what is your server engine, because Apache engine only have .htaccess file others like nginx not support .htaccess file
If not got solution check with your hosting before that make sure your site not have an issue.

Wordpress Multisite SubSites: 302 Moved Temporarily

I've recently changed the domain for Multisite website, I followed the instructions from here
Now, only main site( works but the other sites (e.g: are giving error "302 Moved Temporarily" and redirected to itself (
Under Network Admin > Sites > Edit(for sub site i.e: > Settings, Siteurl and Home is also same as the main URL rather than I tried to change it to but, opening the URL updates it back to
in my wp-config.php file these lines are commented out
Is there something I am missing? Please help.

Moving Wordpress website to another server

A friend of mine asked me to move wordpress website from development server to production. I've copied all the files, backed up and restored database. After that I'd changed sitename and home values in database (_options table) to new domain and it started. Though only home page is working fine. When I navigate to any other page it gives me 500 error. In error_log I got following errors:
1423021301: /home1/crankst1/public_html/fish-dev-site/ssv3_payload_extractor-r0Xkqq2xFD.php startup
[24-Feb-2015 19:16:59 UTC] PHP Warning: require_once(/home1/crankst1/public_html/fish-dev-site/wp-content/plugins/js_composer_theme/include/classes/core/class-vc-sort.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home1/crankst1/public_html/fish-dev-site/wp-content/plugins/js_composer_theme/js_composer.php on line 168
[24-Feb-2015 19:16:59 UTC] PHP Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required '/home1/crankst1/public_html/fish-dev-site/wp-content/plugins/js_composer_theme/include/classes/core/class-vc-sort.php' (include_path='.:/usr/php/54/usr/lib64:/usr/php/54/usr/share/pear') in /home1/crankst1/public_html/fish-dev-site/wp-content/plugins/js_composer_theme/js_composer.php on line 168
Paths that cause errors are related to development server and I can't find where to change them. I'm not very good with wordpress, so I suppose that solution should be very simple.
I'm sure there is an issue with a plugin try to see if there are any hardcoded paths on the plugin dashboard.
Delete your .htaccess file then go to the permalinks page change to another permalink type save page then change back to permalink you had this will force wordpress to recreate the .htaccess file and it will allow all pages you have to show correctly on the site. :-)
