What URL should I give to clients for SOAP wsdl deployed on API Manager of WSO2 - wso2-api-manager

I have deployed my SOAP Web Service in API Manager of WSO2 and I'm stuck in what URLs should I give to clients so that clients can generate, see the WSDLs and use it.
API Manager:
XML generated:

I always download WSDL and add it an example in SOAPUI


how to handle backend credentional in wso2 api manager?

I am using wso2 apimanager 3.2.0 and I am going to design some rest service that use my backend service. this backend service has basic authentication, so how to invoke and handle it in apim?
You can define endpoint security when you are developing the API the Endpoints section of the API in the Publisher portal.
For more information, see documentation.

Publish Unprotected API on wso2 api manager 3.0.0

I am looking forward to having an API that is not protected by OAuth or basic Application Level Security. How to publish an unprotected API on WSO2 API Manager 3.0.0
You can set the security of the Resource in api publisher as shown below.
You need to un-set the security of all the resources in order to make the full API unprotected.

Enable ws-security for proxy service

Currently we have enabled ws-security in wso2 esb using policy file and role based authorization using Active Directory.
We would like to transition some of these services to wso2 api manager and implement the same security model.
How do we secure these APIs (that are facing web service client and not the backend web service) using ws-security on api manager?
To secure the APIs on API manager you can follow this guide. It provides various methods that can secure the APIs. Further if you need to implement role based authorization to the APIs in API manager you can refer to this tutorial.
Hope this helps.

Redirect to IdP(Eg. ADFS) when accessing APIs on API Manager

Is it possible in WSO2 API Manager to redirect to IdP(Eg. ADFS) when accessing any of the APIs on API Manager. If so, how it can be achieved. Please forward any link as such.

Can I create a wsdl from a c# WCF service the same as I used to do with c# web service?

I have to write a web service and I want to use WCF. The developer im working with wants me to provide a wsdl. What im wondering is will I be able to use the WCF service we have in place and use a credential header like I used to with web services?
Yes you can.
You need to add a mex endpoint (meta data exchange) and allow http get for metadata exchange.
All of these are on by default.
You just browse your service and click on the wsdl link.
