Profibus-DP interface & library for Arduino/Pi? - arduino

I'm somewhat stuck with a prob: I have a measuring-transducer Profibus-DP Master-device here that reads probe-values (eg. temperature) and I need to get those values into a Pi or Arduino. The Device is able to do Profibus-DP, PA and Hart.
I am right that there is no finished library and hardware for that? I've found industrial grade ICs like this and opensource stuff that quickly got lawsuited and a shield for RS-485. But even that shield wouldn't help me to actually communicate, right? I still would need to figure out all the protocoll-basics, timing and stuff?


Arduino Temperature Display

i have a little 2,4" tft touch display, and i want to display Information like Temperature of the CPU and the GPU, and the usage of the CPU cores. i tried getting the temperature with wmic and the MSAcip_ThermalZoneTemperature. but my system does not support that. Could someone tell me a way to get the Temperature and the other information without buying any extra hardware? My Mainboard: Asus M5A78L/USB3 (
Thanks, and have a great day!
Without extra hardware, the best way I can think of is to write a program for your computer that is able to pick up temperature statistics from your mainboard, then have that speak to your Arduino via Serial over USB.
The other option I can think of would involve finding out where the temperature probes on your mainboard live and physically tapping into those and reverse engineering how they work. However, this stands a very high chance of voiding warranties and ruining your board.

Power problems stacked Arduino shields

I have a weird problem. I am currently building a BB-8. Therefore, I am using an Arduino Uno. On top, I have stacked an Adafruit Motor Shield v2.3 and, again, on top of this, I have stacked the Sparkfun USB Host Shield. The Arduino is powered by a 9V-Block battery, the motors are powered separately by two 18650 Li-Ion batteries. To control the two Pololu motors, which have a stall current of 1.6 amps each, I use a Xbox 360 wireless controller, where the receiver is connected to the USB Host Shield.
Now to my problem. Every seems to work fine, until i cover everything with a styrofoam hemisphere. Yes, you've read right. If that happens, the controller signals is lost and does not connect again, unless I restart the Arduino. I have uploaded a small video on youtube, where you can see the problem.
I guess, this is a power problem, since this issue does not occur, when I connect the Xbox receiver to my Mac. Has anyone an idea, how to solve this problem?
I already tried another power source. And the USB host shield should give enough power, since the specs are saying, that 500 mA is no problem, and hit is exactly the USB 2.0 spec. The combination of the shield shouldn't be a problem, too. I carefully chose this shields, because the motor shield is just using the pins A4 and A5, the USB host shield is using some of the digital pins, so I think there is no interference.
Thank you for your help.
I have tested it a bit more now and i think i can reduce the probable reasons. First, i tried some other power supplies, from AA batteries on the VIN pin to external power adaptors. Next, i tried other xbox receivers and controllers. I also tried a playstation 3 controller with a Bluetooth dongle. Nothing solved the problem. I also covered the Arduino with other things than styrofoam, like a garbage can, cardboard and some metal box. This worked, so the problem was only with styrofoam. Now i haven't covered the Arduino, but i slowly got closer. About 20 cm from the Arduino, it stopped working. My clue: static electricity. Do you think this can be a problem? And if yes, how can i solve this?
Try use single battery + separate voltage regulators for every load. Otherwise if one of the batteries discharges while other are ok, it can take all power of the system, something like short-circuit. Also you can receive a trouble if do error in ground connections.
Select good battery, which can provide enough power. If cant find a battery which can supply enough current think about using low current batteries in series to achieve extra voltage. Then reduce voltage using dc-dc step down converter.
For example if you have a battery of 24V which provides 1A (power p1 = 24*1). It can provide 5A if reduce the voltage to 5V using dc-dc. (power p2 = 5*5). Because p1*h=p2, where [h=0.8 - efficiency].
So, I solved the problem. As is mentioned in my question, the problem was static electricity. I primed the styrofoam sphere with some special primer to make the styrofoam a little more stable and so on. That's it. Luckily I didn't touch the Arduino with the sphere. I think it would have damaged the Arduino.

arduino (mega 2560) to graph numbers

i am currently studying 3rd year CSE and have little to no background in electronics but i have suddenly taken an interest in robotics
i just started using arduino and its exciting. i got a bit of understanding of to code it (i know c and java). unfortunately i am lost when it comes to interfacing it with anything else other than arduino software. my teacher gave me a project to do as a begineer.
MY QUESTION: i was told to send a number (or sequence of numbers) to the arduino board. the board should blink the pin 13 LED (i know how to do this part) when it receives a number. then it should divide the number by two and send the result back to computer. here the computer must use "processing tool" to graph the number.
1. any help/hints are appreciated.
2. any idea on what this "processing tool" is actually called? all i was told was it was a software to graph numbers.
3. how to take output from arduino into another program as input?
thanks in advance
The processing tool is literally called Processing. It is a Java-based programmatic screen-drawing system that is very easy to use. Take a look at it here.
Processing is much like Arduino in that it has the setup(), loop() architecture and is similar in syntax.
To get data from the Arduino to Processing, you will need to send serial data to the PC.

Using an arduino board to control a atercooling loop within a pc

This is an exploratory question really (I am new to arduino / programing ) but I am curious as to weather an arduino board could be programmed with C++ to automatically control the rate of flow of the pump or fan speed ect. to dynamically control and hopefully improve cooling. In addition to this could the Arduino board support a small LCD screen so that real time temperature readouts could be given (I plan to have numerous temperature sensors placed on components?
Yes this does seem feasible. The challenge here might be the temperature measurement. Many of the cheap temperature/humidity sensors that are used with the arduino are actually very slow to register changes in temperature. You may want to do some research on this. Luckily you can do some experiments with temperature measurement and an arduino pretty simply, taking the output of the temperature measurement on the arduino IDE serial console.
The LCD, pump and the fan control is a are pretty widespread and it should be easy to find documentation on those.

Communication Protocol for Transmitter Module

I am trying to figure out the communication protocol of the transmitter chip found inside an RC remote (FS-GT2B). Originally, I thought it was I2C but after some research it seems less likely because it is lacking some characteristic lines. The silkscreen says "SCK", "SCS" and "SDIO". Here's a picture of the chip's pinouts: . Can anyone offer some pointers as to what the communication protocol of this guy is?
The pins correspond to clock (SCK), chip select (SCS), and data input output (SDIO). You need to toggle the SCK pin in the appropriate way as you change or read the data on the SDIO pin. the SCS pin is likely for data direction (read or write).
There is no easy way to determine the protocol from a black box. Instead, you need to remove the RF shielding case to see the chip. A soldering iron and a solder sucker will do the job. Be careful not to overheat the circuit inside.
Use the number on chip to determine what kind of chip it is, then find the datasheet by searching the internet.
Once you have all that and write some code, this is appropriate place to ask questions about it.
