I am trying to write an OpenCL kernel that uses OpenCL pipes. The kernel code is given below.
uint tid = get_global_id(0);
uint numWorkItems = get_global_size(0);
int i;
int rid;
int temp = 0, temp1 = 0;
int val;
int szgr = get_local_size(0);
int lid = get_local_id(0);
for(i = tid + start_index; i < rLen; i = i + numWorkItems){
temp = 0;
val = input[i];
temp = hashTable[val - 1];
temp1 = projection[val - 1];
reserve_id_t rid1 = work_group_reserve_write_pipe(c0, szgr);
while(is_valid_reserve_id(rid1) == false){
rid1 = work_group_reserve_write_pipe(c0, szgr);
write_pipe(c0,rid1,lid, &temp);
work_group_commit_write_pipe(c0, rid1);
reserve_id_t rid2 = work_group_reserve_write_pipe(c1, szgr);
while(is_valid_reserve_id(rid2) == false){
rid2 = work_group_reserve_write_pipe(c1, szgr);
write_pipe(c1,rid2,lid, &temp1);
work_group_commit_write_pipe(c1, rid2);
But the work_group_reserve_write_pipe function always fails and because of this the kernels hangs at the while loop. If I remove this while loop then the code doesnt hang but writing to the pipe doesnt happen. Can someone tell me why this is happening?
The pipe is declared as a _write_only pipe.
About work_group_reserve_write_pipe:
This built-in function must be encountered by all work-items in a
work-group executing the kernel with the same argument values;
otherwise the behavior is undefined.
the loop starts from tid + start_index so after some loop iterations, some work items doesn't hit this instruction. Also a while loop is doing same undefined behaviour.
I know atomic functions with OpenCL-1.x are not recommended but I just want to understand an atomic example.
The following kernel code is not working well, it produces random final values for the computation of sum of all array values (sum reduction) :
#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_int64_base_atomics : enable
void atom_add_double(volatile __local double *val, double delta)
union {
double f;
ulong i;
} old, new;
old.f = *val;
new.f = old.f + delta;
while (atom_cmpxchg((volatile __local ulong *)val, old.i, new.i) != old.i);
__kernel void sumGPU ( __global const double *input,
__local double *localInput,
__global double *finalSum
uint lid = get_local_id(0);
uint gid = get_global_id(0);
uint localSize = get_local_size(0);
uint groupid = get_group_id(0);
local double partialSum;
local double finalSumTemp;
// Initialize sums
if (lid==0)
partialSum = 0.0;
finalSumTemp = 0.0;
// Set in local memory
int idx = groupid * localSize + lid;
localInput[lid] = input[idx];
// Compute atom_add into each workGroup
atom_add_double(&partialSum, localInput[lid]);
// See and Check if barrier below is necessary
// Final sum of partialSums
if (lid==0)
atom_add_double(&finalSumTemp, partialSum);
*finalSum = finalSumTemp;
The version with global id strategy works good but the version above, which passes by the using of local memory (shared memory), doesn't give the expected results (the value of *finalSum is random for each execution).
Here the Buffers and kernel args that I have put in my host code :
// Write to buffers
ret = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(command_queue, inputBuffer, CL_TRUE, 0,
nWorkItems * sizeof(double), xInput, 0, NULL, NULL);
ret = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(command_queue, finalSumBuffer, CL_TRUE, 0,
sizeof(double), finalSumGPU, 0, NULL, NULL);
// Set the arguments of the kernel
clSetKernelArg(kernel, 0, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&inputBuffer);
clSetKernelArg(kernel, 1, local_item_size*sizeof(double), NULL);
clSetKernelArg(kernel, 2, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&finalSumBuffer);
and Finally, I read finalSumBuffer to get the sum value.
I think my issue comes rather from the kernel code but I can't find where is the error.
If anyone could see what's wrong, this would be nice to tell me.
I nearly manage to perform this reduction. Following the propositions suggested by huseyin tugrul buyukisik, I have modified the kernel code like this :
#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_int64_base_atomics : enable
void atom_add_double(volatile __local double *val, double delta)
union {
double d;
ulong i;
} old, new;
old.d = *val;
new.d = old.d + delta;
while (atom_cmpxchg((volatile __local ulong *)val, old.i, new.i) != old.i);
__kernel void sumGPU ( __global const double *input,
__local double *localInput,
__local double *partialSum,
__global double *finalSum
uint lid = get_local_id(0);
uint gid = get_global_id(0);
uint localSize = get_local_size(0);
uint groupid = get_group_id(0);
// Initialize partial sums
if (lid==0)
partialSum[groupid] = 0.0;
// Set in local memory
int idx = groupid * localSize + lid;
localInput[lid] = input[idx];
// Compute atom_add into each workGroup
atom_add_double(&partialSum[groupid], localInput[lid]);
// See and Check if barrier below is necessary
// Compute final sum
if (lid==0)
*finalSum += partialSum[groupid];
As said huseyin , I don't need to use atomic functions for the final sum of all partial sums.
So I did at the end :
// Compute final sum
if (lid==0)
*finalSum += partialSum[groupid];
But unfortunately, the final sum doesn't give the value expected and the value is random (for example, with nwork-items = 1024 and size-WorkGroup = 16, I get random values in the order of [1e+3 - 1e+4] instead of 5.248e+05 expected.
Here are the setting of arguments into the host code :
// Set the arguments of the kernel
clSetKernelArg(kernel, 0, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&inputBuffer);
clSetKernelArg(kernel, 1, local_item_size*sizeof(double), NULL);
clSetKernelArg(kernel, 2, nWorkGroups*sizeof(double), NULL);
clSetKernelArg(kernel, 3, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&finalSumBuffer);
Could you see where is my error in the kernel code ?
Not an error but logic issue:
atom_add_double(&finalSumTemp, partialSum);
is working only once per group (by zero-local-indexed thread).
So you are just doing
finalSumTemp = partialSum
so atomics here is not needed.
There is race condition for
*finalSum = finalSumTemp;
between workgroups where each zero-index local thread writes to same address. So this should be the atomic addition (for learning purposes) or could be written on different cells to be added on host side such as sum_group1+sum_group2+... = total sum.
int idx = groupid * localSize + lid;
localInput[lid] = input[idx];
here using groupid is suspicious for multi-device summation. Because each device has its own global range and workgroup id indexings so two device could have same group id values for two different groups. Some device related offset should be used when multiple devices are used. Such as:
idx= get_global_id(0) + deviceOffset[deviceId];
Also if atomic operation is inavoidable, and if exactly N times operated, it could be moved to a single thread(such as 0-indexed thread) and looped for N times(probably being faster) in a second kernel unless that atomic operation latency can't be hidden by other means.
So, my assignment is to write a spell check program and then parallelize it using openMPI. My take was to load the words from a text file into my array called dict[] and this is used as my dictionary. Next, I get input from the user and then it's supposed go through the dictionary array and check whether the current word is within the threshold percentage, if it is, print it out. But I'm only supposed to print out a certain amount of words. My problem is, is that, my suggestions[] array, doesn't seem to fill up the way I need it to, and it gets a lot of blank spots in it, whereas, I thought at least, is that the way I wrote it, is to just fill it when a word is within threshold. So it shouldn't get any blanks in it until there are no more words being added. I think it's close to being finished but I can't seem to figure this part out. Any help is appreciated.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <mpi.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define SIZE 30
#define max(x,y) (((x) > (y)) ? (x) : (y))
char *dict[50000];
char *suggestions[50000];
char enterWord[50];
char *myWord;
int wordsToPrint = 20;
int threshold = 40;
int i;
int words_added = 0;
int levenshtein(const char *word1, int len1, const char *word2, int len2){
int matrix[len1 + 1][len2 + 1];
int a;
for(a=0; a<= len1; a++){
matrix[a][0] = a;
matrix[0][a] = a;
for(a = 1; a <= len1; a++){
int j;
char c1;
c1 = word1[a-1];
for(j = 1; j <= len2; j++){
char c2;
c2 = word2[j-1];
if(c1 == c2){
matrix[a][j] = matrix[a-1][j-1];
int delete, insert, substitute, minimum;
delete = matrix[a-1][j] +1;
insert = matrix[a][j-1] +1;
substitute = matrix[a-1][j-1] +1;
minimum = delete;
if(insert < minimum){
minimum = insert;
if(substitute < minimum){
minimum = substitute;
matrix[a][j] = minimum;
return matrix[len1][len2];
void prompt(){
printf("Enter word to search for: \n");
scanf("%s", &enterWord);
int p0_compute_output(int num_processes, char *word1){
int totalNumber = 0;
int k = 0;
int chunk = 50000 / num_processes;
for(i = 0; i < chunk; i++){
int minedits = levenshtein(word1, strlen(word1), dict[i], strlen(dict[i]));
int thresholdPercentage = (100 * minedits) / max(strlen(word1), strlen(dict[i]));
if(thresholdPercentage < threshold){
suggestions[totalNumber] = dict[i];
totalNumber = totalNumber + 1;
return totalNumber;
void p0_receive_output(int next_addition){
int num_to_add;
MPI_Comm comm;
MPI_Status status;
printf("--%d\n", num_to_add);
suggestions[next_addition] = dict[num_to_add];
next_addition = next_addition + 1;
void compute_output(int num_processes, int me, char *word1){
int chunk = 0;
int last_chunk = 0;
MPI_Comm comm;
if(50000 % num_processes == 0){
chunk = 50000 / num_processes;
last_chunk = chunk;
int start = me * chunk;
int end = me * chunk + chunk;
for(i = start; i < end;i++){
int minedits = levenshtein(word1, strlen(word1), dict[i], strlen(dict[i]));
int thresholdPercentage = (100 * minedits) / max(strlen(word1), strlen(dict[i]));
if(thresholdPercentage < threshold){
int number_to_send = i;
MPI_Send(&number_to_send, 1, MPI_INT, 0, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
chunk = 50000 / num_processes;
last_chunk = 50000 - ((num_processes - 1) * chunk);
if(me != num_processes){
int start = me * chunk;
int end = me * chunk + chunk;
for(i = start; i < end; i++){
int minedits = levenshtein(word1, strlen(word1), dict[i], strlen(dict[i]));
int thresholdPercentage = (100 * minedits) / max(strlen(word1), strlen(dict[i]));
if(thresholdPercentage < threshold){
int number_to_send = i;
MPI_Send(&number_to_send, 1, MPI_INT, 0, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
}//if me != num_processes
int start = me * chunk;
int end = 50000 - start;
for(i = start; i < end; i++){
int minedits = levenshtein(word1, strlen(word1), dict[i], strlen(dict[i]));
int thresholdPercentage = (100 * minedits) / max(strlen(word1), strlen(dict[i]));
if(thresholdPercentage < threshold){
int number_to_send = i;
MPI_Send(&number_to_send, 1, MPI_INT, 0, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
}//me == num_processes
}//BIG else
void set_data(){
MPI_Bcast(&enterWord,20 ,MPI_CHAR, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
main(int argc, char **argv){
int ierr, num_procs, my_id, loop;
FILE *myFile;
loop = 0;
suggestions[i] = calloc(SIZE, sizeof(char));
ierr = MPI_Init(NULL, NULL);
ierr = MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &my_id);
ierr = MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &num_procs);
printf("Check in from %d of %d processors\n", my_id, num_procs);
myWord = enterWord;
myFile = fopen("words", "r");
if(myFile != NULL){
dict[i] = calloc(SIZE, sizeof(char));
fscanf(myFile, "%s", dict[i]);
}//read word list into dictionary
else printf("File not found");
if(my_id == 0){
words_added = p0_compute_output(num_procs, enterWord);
printf("words added so far: %d\n", words_added);
printf("Threshold: %d\nWords To print: %d\n%s\n", threshold, wordsToPrint, myWord);
ierr = MPI_Finalize();
printf("my word %s*\n", enterWord);
compute_output(num_procs, my_id, enterWord);
// printf("Process %d terminating...\n", my_id);
ierr = MPI_Finalize();
printf("*%s\n", suggestions[i]);
}//print suggestions
return (0);
Here are a few problems I see with what you're doing:
prompt() should only be called by rank 0.
The dictionary file should be read only by rank 0, then broadcast the array out to the other ranks
Alternatively, have rank 1 read the file while rank 0 is waiting for input, broadcast input and dictionary afterwards.
You're making the compute_output step overly complex. You can merge p0_compute_output and compute_output into one routine.
Store an array of indices into dict in each rank
This array will not be the same size in every rank, so the simplest way to do this would be to send from each rank a single integer indicating the size of the array, then send the array with this size. (The receiving rank must know how much data to expect). You could also use the sizes for MPI_Gatherv, but I expect this is more than you're wanting to do right now.
Once you have a single array of indices in rank 0, then use this to fill suggestions.
Save the MPI_Finalize call until immediately before the return call
For the final printf call, only rank 0 should be printing that. I suspect this is causing a large part of the "incorrect" result. As you have it, all ranks are printing suggestions, but it is only filled in rank 0. So the others will all be printing blank entries.
Try some of these changes, especially the last one, and see if that helps.
I have just started getting into OpenCL and going through the basics of writing a kernel code. I have written a kernel code for calculating shuffled keys for points array. So, for a number of points N, the shuffled keys are calculated in 3-bit fashion, where x-bit at depth d (0
xd = 0 if p.x < Cd.x
xd = 1, otherwise
The Shuffled xyz key is given as:
The Kernel code written is given below. The point is inputted in a column major format.
__constant float3 boundsOffsetTable[8] = {
uint setBit(uint x,unsigned char position)
uint mask = 1<<position;
return x|mask;
__kernel void morton_code(__global float* point,__global uint*code,int level, float3 center,float radius,int size){
// Get the index of the current element to be processed
int i = get_global_id(0);
float3 pt;
pt.x = point[i];pt.y = point[size+i]; pt.z = point[2*size+i];
code[i] = 0;
float3 newCenter;
float newRadius;
if(pt.x>center.x) code = setBit(code,0);
if(pt.y>center.y) code = setBit(code,1);
if(pt.z>center.z) code = setBit(code,2);
for(int l = 1;l<level;l++)
for(int i=0;i<8;i++)
newRadius = radius *0.5;
newCenter = center + boundOffsetTable[i]*radius;
if(newCenter.x-newRadius<pt.x && newCenter.x+newRadius>pt.x && newCenter.y-newRadius<pt.y && newCenter.y+newRadius>pt.y && newCenter.z-newRadius<pt.z && newCenter.z+newRadius>pt.z)
if(pt.x>newCenter.x) code = setBit(code,3*l);
if(pt.y>newCenter.y) code = setBit(code,3*l+1);
if(pt.z>newCenter.z) code = setBit(code,3*l+2);
It works but I just wanted to ask if I am missing something in the code and if there is an way to optimize the code.
Try this kernel:
__kernel void morton_code(__global float* point,__global uint*code,int level, float3 center,float radius,int size){
// Get the index of the current element to be processed
int i = get_global_id(0);
float3 pt;
pt.x = point[i];pt.y = point[size+i]; pt.z = point[2*size+i];
uint res;
res = 0;
float3 newCenter;
float newRadius;
if(pt.x>center.x) res = setBit(res,0);
if(pt.y>center.y) res = setBit(res,1);
if(pt.z>center.z) res = setBit(res,2);
for(int l = 1;l<level;l++)
for(int i=0;i<8;i++)
newRadius = radius *0.5;
newCenter = center + boundOffsetTable[i]*radius;
if(newCenter.x-newRadius<pt.x && newCenter.x+newRadius>pt.x && newCenter.y-newRadius<pt.y && newCenter.y+newRadius>pt.y && newCenter.z-newRadius<pt.z && newCenter.z+newRadius>pt.z)
if(pt.x>newCenter.x) res = setBit(res,3*l);
if(pt.y>newCenter.y) res = setBit(res,3*l+1);
if(pt.z>newCenter.z) res = setBit(res,3*l+2);
//Save the result
code[i] = res;
Rules to optimize:
Avoid Global memory (you were using "code" directly from global memory, I changed that), you should see 3x increase in performance now.
Avoid Ifs, use "select" instead if it is possible. (See OpenCL documentation)
Use more memory inside the kernel. You don't need to operate at bit level. Operation at int level would be better and could avoid huge amount of calls to "setBit". Then you can construct your result at the end.
Another interesting thing. Is that if you are operating at 3D level, you can just use float3 variables and compute the distances with OpenCL operators. This can increase your performance quite a LOT. BUt also requires a complete rewrite of your kernel.
I'm working in a GPU Kernel and I have some problems copying data from global to local memory
here is my kernel function:
__kernel void nQueens( __global int * data, __global int * result, int board_size)
so I want to copy from __global int * data to __local int aux_data[OBJ_SIZE]
I tried to copy like a normal array:
for(int i = 0; i < OBJ_SIZE; ++i)
aux_data[stack_size*OBJ_SIZE + i] = data[index*OBJ_SIZE + i];
and also with the functions to copy:
event_t e = async_work_group_copy ( aux_data, (data + (index*OBJ_SIZE)), OBJ_SIZE, 0);
wait_group_events (1, e);
And in both situations I get different values between the global and local memory.
I don't know what I'm doing wrong...
One of the problems with the way you are copying data in the first answer is that you are assigning data to parts of an array that don't exist. aux_data[stack_size*OBJ_SIZE + i] will overflow whenever stack_size > 1.
The problem with answer two might be that you need to pass an array of events, not just a single event.
One thing to make sure is to understand what index is referring to. I'm assuming for my solutions that it is referring to the group ID and not the thread ID. If it is indeed the thread ID, then we have other problems.
Possible Solution 1:
int gid = get_group_id(0);
int lid = get_local_id(0);
int l_s = get_local_id(0);
for(int i = lid; i < OBJ_SIZE; i += l_s)
aux_data[i] = data[gid*OBJ_SIZE + i];
Possible Solution 2:
int gid = get_group_id(0);
event_t e = async_work_group_copy (aux_data, data + (gid*OBJ_SIZE), OBJ_SIZE, 0);
wait_group_events (1, &e);
I cant find the error in this code, Im looking at it for hours... Valgrind says:
==23114== Invalid read of size 1
==23114== Invalid write of size 1
I tried debugging with some printfs, and i think that the error is in this function.
void rdm_hide(char *name, Byte* img, Byte* bits, int msg, int n, int size)
FILE *fp;
int r;/
Byte* used;
int i = 0, j = 0;
int p;
fp = fopen(name, "wb");
used = malloc(sizeof(Byte) * msg);
for(i = 0; i < msg; i++)
used[i] = -1;
while(i < 3)
if(img[j] == '\n')
for(i = 0; i < msg; i++)
r = genrand_int32();
p = r % n;
if(!search(p, used, msg))
used[i] = (Byte)p;
if(bits[i] == (Byte)0)
img[j + p] = img[j + p] & (~1);
else if(bits[i] == (Byte)1)
img[j + p] = img[j + p] | 1;
i --;
for(i = 0; i < size; i++)
fputc( (char) img[i], fp);
Thanks for help!
==23114== Invalid read of size 1
==23114== Invalid write of size 1
I am pretty sure that's not all valgrind says.
You should
Build your program with debug info (most likely -g flag). This will let valgrind tell you exactly which line triggers invalid read and write
If the problem doesn't become obvious, edit your question and include entire valgrind output.
Re-running valgrind --track-origins=yes your-exe may provide additional useful info.
Lastly, your algorithm appears to be totally bogus. As far as I can tell, the j becomes 3 after the first while loop and never changes after that (in which case you should just use const int j = 3; and do away with j++). Also, you reference img[j + p], where p is between 0 and n. If n is indeed the size of img, then it's little surprise that j + p indexes outside of the img limits, and triggers both errors.