Unable to determine device. when i tray to load simulator in xcode 8.2.1 - ios-simulator

[![image show all window for simulator][The error i got when i launch simulator. i think accidentally i removed some of folder or directory from ~library/Developer folder. ]][i installed new xcode8.2.1 using latest Macox/Osx reboot system/simulator/xcode multiple time]

i Just Download new Xcode 8.2.1.xip extrect it ,than quit xcode and restart my mac mini it solved automatically.


Xcode 13.2.1 build archive automatically canceled just before finishing

Xcode 13.2.1 build archive automatically canceled just before finishing.
I have tried to so many thing but nothing happened
Clean DerivedData
Restart Xcode
Restart System
Nothing help me
enter image description here

Unable to launch WebDriverAgent because of xcodebuild failure: Command 'carthage bootstrap --platform iOS\,tvOS' exited with code 1

Hi Im still having an issue when running my basic script using Appium.
The issue is Unable to launch WebDriveragent because of xcodebuild failure.
Tried executing the Carthage bootstrap --platform iOS,tvOS' but returns an error
platform iOS,tvOS
IntelliJ Error
I've tried to backtrack the issue by going to my webdriveragent and entering
./Scripts/bootstrap.sh -d
but still it produce an issue
Bootstrap Issue
so I tried to use
carthage bootstrap --use-xcframeworks --platform iOS --no-use-binaries;
it does not return any issue
Appium Server Issue
Im using
MacOS = BigSur 11.5
Appium = 1.17
Xcode = 12.5.1
Carthage version = 0.38.0
Sorry I'm really new to iOS world. Followed all tutorial in the web. Manage to connect an app (IntegrationApp.app) and it works in iOS Real device and simulator but when I tried to connect Appium to real device and simulator it fails
Also tried to reinstall Carthage and even the whole Appium (tried the whole process)
Steps I did
Install Appium desktop and Appium doctor
Open the location of Appium and look for webdriveragent
Open terminal and set it to the location of webdriveragent
code I use is : mkdir -p Resources/WebDriverAgent.bundle
./Scripts/bootstrap.sh -d (didn't work so tried other which stated above)
Open the WebDriverAgent file in Xcode and set the necessary field (Build success)
Tried to open IntegrationApp.app in iOS device(real and simulator)(Success)
Tried to open Appium inspector and set the following:
DesiredCapabilities cap = new DesiredCapabilities();
cap.setCapability("platformName", "iOS");
cap.setCapability("platformVersion", "14.5");
cap.setCapability("deviceName", "iPhone 12");
cap.setCapability(CapabilityType.BROWSER_NAME, "safari");
// cap.setCapability("app");
URL url = new URL("");
IOSDriver driver = new IOSDriver(url, cap);
Manage to solve this problem (Though it has another issue on real device - still has answers here)
Download new Appium version v1.18.3
Tried to setup again but after creating the Resource Directory (mkdir -p Resource/WebDriverAgent.bundle). instead using ./Source/bootstrap.sh -d I used
sudo ./Source/bootsrap.sh -d
I'm using a company provided macbook air. And I also run the
sudo carthage bootstrap --use-xcframeworks --platform iOS --no-use-binaries;
And this is a good read to https://www.mutuallyhuman.com/blog/webdriveragent-getting-started-with-automated-ios-testing/

Can't open app on Simulator MacOS Catalina

I can't install app on my simulator after update to MacOS Catalina, it was fine on earlier versions. But Now when I try to run the app installed in the simulator I get this popup.
I have changed system Security & Privacy setting using this command in the terminal sudo spctl --master-disable and now my it looks like this.
But even after this I can't run the app, any idea, suggestion ?
My Xcode version is 11.1 & target iOS version is 13.1, app runs smoothly when ran using xcode, but exported app is causing this issue.
I was able to solve this problem by running the following command.
xattr -dr com.apple.quarantine <path_to_app>
It turns out if you download app using some browser then it adds a flag which is considered a security threat in catalina, running this commands solves the issue.

how to re-install Xcode 4.5?

My Xcode is not working properly I have downloaded from apples website.It show following error message.Basically i want to re-install Xcode as my current version having some bugs.
What is safest way to re-install Xcode ?
You can remove everything by opening a terminal and typing
sudo /Developer/Library/uninstall-devtools --mode=all
(You will need su access)
Then go to the App Store -> Categories -> Developer Tools -> xCode and install.
Source: http://osxdaily.com/2012/02/20/uninstall-xcode/

How do I force install XCode 4.1 from the app store?

the app store botched its installation of Xcode 4.1 (it turned claimed it was 4.0 but the app store claimed 4.1 was installed). So I deleted the /Developer folder thinking this would let me reinstall a clean Xcode 4.1.
The app store still thinks Xcode 4.1 is installed and will not download or reinstall any version of Xcode. How do I force install Xcode 4.1?
Just to explain further...
The App Store download had actually worked
What you saw when you looked at Xcode was your old install, because you had not yet run the installer at that point.
Just find the "XCode installer" in your applications folder and run that to complete the install.
It caught me out too.
Do you have the application "Install Xcode" in your /Applications folder. That worked for me.
Deleting the Install Xcode app works for me - after that I have the opportunity to download that monster all over again
To make a clean installation of Xcode first completely uninstall the previous Xcode version:
From a Terminal window type:
$ sudo /Developer/Library/uninstall-devtools --mode=all
That process may take a while!
Then try your installation again.
