Symfony FOSUserBundle Role array - symfony

I use This function to get data
public function UserAction()
$easyuser = $this->getDoctrine()->getrepository('AppBundle:User')->findall();
foreach($easyuser as $user){
$id = $user->getid();
$username = $user->getUsername();
$email = $user->getEmail();
$roles = $user->getRoles();
return $this->render('easycall/user.html.twig', ['easyuser' => $easyuser, 'roles' => $roles]);
and in twig i use this code to show data
{% for entity in easyuser %}
{% for role in entity.roles %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
The problem is that i get all the roles if the user is ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN, i want to get only the first value from every array.
i tried something like reset() but it did'nt work, any suggestion??
This is also a picture how the results look likes.

1st item from array shoul be somethink like
{{entity.roles | first}}
but it's simply 1st item from array, i'm not sure if it always be more "powerfull role"


Print user role when submitting comments in Drupal 8

In my Drupal site, user profile has username, role and group Taxonomy term. There is a Article content type setup to take comments from users. Every time when a user comments, I would like to show as:
Submitted by: username, role, group
I tried to read the role and category fields through template_preprocess function as below:
function bartik_preprocess_comment(array &$variables) {
if (isset($variables['elements']['#view_mode'])) {
$variables['view_mode'] = $variables['elements']['#view_mode'];
else {
$variables['view_mode'] = 'default';
But the dump does not show "group" field. Unsure what's missing.Rightnow, only the username is showing up. My comments.html.twig looks as below:
<div class="author-comments">
<p class="comment-submitted">{{ submitted }}</p>
<div{{ content_attributes.addClass('content') }}>
{% if title %}
{{ title_prefix }}
<h3{{ title_attributes }}>{{ title }}</h3>
{{ title_suffix }}
{% endif %}
{{ content }}
any help on how to pull out the role and category field and plug into the twig template? Thanks!
Alright, I'm able to figure this out. Below is my answer:
In mytheme.theme file:
* Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for comment.html.twig.
function mytheme_preprocess_comment(array &$variables) {
$user = \Drupal::currentUser();
$user_entity = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
$roles = $user->getRoles();
$variables['user_roles'] = $roles ;
This variable can be printed on comment.html.twig as: {{ user_roles }} as however needed.

Symfony Twig : get Object property with a variable property

Symfony 3.0 :
In my project, I have many entities which contain more than 50 fields, so for the twig which shows every entity, I decided to automate the display of the 50 fields by a simple loop.
First problem: how to get entity's all fields names, I resolved this by creating a custom twig filter:
// src/HomeBundle/Twig/HomeExtension.php
namespace HomeBundle\Twig;
class HomeExtension extends \Twig_Extension
public function getFilters()
return array(
new \Twig_SimpleFilter('object_keys', array($this, 'getObjectKeys')),
public function getObjectKeys($object)
//Instantiate the reflection object
$reflector = new \ReflectionClass( get_class($object) );
//Now get all the properties from class A in to $properties array
$properties = $reflector->getProperties();
foreach ($properties as $property)
$result[] = $property->getName();
return $result;
public function getName()
return 'app_extension';
The second problem which generates the error right now is: how to access object properties within a loop:
{% for property in article|object_keys%}
{# that's work clean #}
{{ attribute(article,property) }}
{# that's generate the error #}
{% endfor %}
The error :
An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template
("Notice: Array to string conversion"). 500 Internal Server Error -
Finally, the error is fixed on the getObjectKeys method of the filter,
so when it returns an array that I create manually it works:
return array("reference","libelle");
But, when I send an array created within a loop => Error.
I dumped the two arrays in the twig, they were equivalents, but the second still generating an error.
Most likely one of your properties is returning an array rather than a simple string, integer, .... A solution here could be to store the value in a variable and check whether the stored value is an array. Depending on that check do something with the value or otherwise just output the variable
{% for property in article|object_keys%}
{% set value = attribute(article,property) %}
{% if value is iterable %}{# test if value is an array #}
{{ value | join(', ') }}
{% else %}
{{ value }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor%}

edit only the first entity inside an embedded collection

I have a parent entity called Publisher and a child entity called User with a ManyToMany relation.
Inside the publisher form, I want to create/edit also the first user, which I achieve like this:
->add('users', 'collection', array(
'type' => new UserType(),
'allow_add' => true,
and in my twig template, I do
{{ form_row(edit_form.users.0.firstname) }}
{{ form_row(edit_form.users.0.lastname) }}
{{ form_row( }}
This obviously only works as long as there is just one user assigned to the publisher, because otherwise symfony tries to validate the other users as well, whose data is missing.
Can someone give me a hint how to edit only the first user item in the collection from the publisher form?
You can set the field users "rendered" after having displayed the firt user:
{{ form_row(edit_form.users.0.firstname) }}
{{ form_row(edit_form.users.0.lastname) }}
{{ form_row( }}
{% do edit_form.users.setRendered %}
With setRendered, Symfony2 won't try to validate the next users.
I solved the problem using Cerad's solution by introducing a getter and setter for the first user.
public function setFirstUser($user)
$this->users[0] = $user;
return $this;
public function getFirstUser()
return $this->users[0];
and in the form doing this
->add('firstUser', new UserType())
and calling the fields of the firstUser in the twig template The setRendered line just supresses other properties of the user object.
{{ form_row(edit_form.firstUser.firstname) }}
{{ form_row(edit_form.firstUser.lastname) }}
{{ form_row( }}
{% do edit_form.firstUser.setRendered %}
EDIT: because of Cerads feedback about the non-deterministic ordering of SQL rows I chose to create a real property "adminUser", which is a OneToOne relation to the first user attached to the entity.

symfony trying to export a csv file from a link

I have this function in the controller, that returns a form with a select box. When the values are selected, I retrieve them with
$manifestations = $form['manifestations']->getData();
then put them in a repository function that queries the database $invites = $repository->searchInviteByManif($manifestations);
public function indexAction() {
$entity = new Invite();
$form = $this->createForm(new ManifSearchType(), $entity);
$request = $this->get('request');
$invites = null;
if ($request->getMethod() == 'POST') {
$message = '';
$manifestations = $form['manifestations']->getData();
$repository = $this->getDoctrine()
$invites = $repository->searchInviteByManif($manifestations);
$response1 = $this->render('PrifProtocoleBundle:Invite:index.html.twig', array(
'form' => $form->createView(),
'entities' => $invites,
'message' => $message,
return $response1;
return array(
'form' => $form->createView(),
'entities' => $invites,
This function then returns a view index.html.twig with a table and all the fields found in the db.
What I want is to export all the queried data $invites in a CSV file, by clicking on a link directly from the HTML table.
So I've put an href="" link in the Twig file,
{% if message is defined %}
<div class="pdf">
<img height="40px" width="40px" src={{ asset('bundles/prifprotocole/images/excel.jpg') }}>
{% for entity in entities %}
<tr class="{{ cycle(['odd', 'even'], loop.index0) }}">
<td>{% if entity.etat == 1 %} Actif {% else %} Inactif {% endif %}</td>
<td>{{ entity.titreGrade }} {{ entity.prenom }} {{ entity.nom }}</td>
<td>{{ entity.fonction }}</td>
This is how I use to export the CSV file without the link :
$response2 = $this->render('PrifProtocoleBundle:Invite:export.csv.twig', array(
'entities' => $invites));
$response2->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/csv');
$csvfile = $response2->headers->set('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="export.csv"');
return $csvfile;
export.csv.twig file
{% for entity in entities %}
Id {{ }};
Etat {{ entity.etat }};
Titregrade {{ entity.titreGrade }};
Prenom {{ entity.prenom }};
Nom {{ entity.nom }};
Fonction {{ entity.fonction }};
{% endfor %}
Can someone give me a detailed solution on how to perform this? Much thanks!
You should simply pass the filter criterias, here the $manifestations array as a route parameter, by serializing it first.
Then, you should put a controller like downloadCsvAction() handling this route, querying the $invites from the database, and rendering your export.csv.twig template.
Another option, if you cannot serialize the data in URI, is to create a form with hidden fields containing the data. Then you replace the download link with the submit button of this hidden form.
Guillaume's answer is great if you don't mind fetching your data twice. Once when you display your page, and then when you download the CSV. Another way to do this is to cache the answer. I will give an example using memcache (which is what I use).
First, make sure that memcache is active in your php.ini.
Then before rendering your first page (after fetching the data), cache it:
$key = "csv.$userId";
$memcache = new \Memcache();
$memcache->connect($yourServerHost, $yourServerPort);
$memcache->set($key, json_encode($invites), MEMCACHE_COMPRESSED, 86400); // 24h
The trick is to find a good key, to add your report to the cache, and then be able to retrieve it. It has to be unique. Here, I assume that you have a user that is logged in, and I use the user ID to create a key. If that is not the case, you could create yourself a token, and pass it when rendering the page (along with $invites). This way, you can add the token to the URL to generate the CSV.
Then, in your second action, where you download the CSV, you just fetch the cached data:
$memcache = new \Memcache();
$memcache->connect($yourServerHost, $yourServerPort);
$json = $memcache->get($key);
$invites = json_decode($json , true);
That's it. You should probably create yourself a service for Memcache, so you don't have to create an object, and connect everytime.

How to get params in twig file

how can i use $_GET params in TWIG file like using PHP and alerting with JS.
URI-> ?comment=added...
in TWIG,
if($_GET['comment'] == "added"){
...echo '<script>alert("in TWIG file!");</script>';
hope it will help you
{% if app.request.get('comment') == "added" %}
<script>alert("in TWIG file!");</script>
{% endif %}
Depending on what you're really trying to achieve, the "Symfony way" of showing confirmation messages would be to use "Flash Messages":
public function updateAction()
$form = $this->createForm(...);
if ($form->isValid()) {
// do some sort of processing
'Your changes were saved!'
return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl(...));
return $this->render(...);
Your TwigTemplate.twig:
{% for flashMessage in app.session.flashbag.get('notice') %}
<div class="flash-notice">
{{ flashMessage }}
{% endfor %}
This way you have multiple advantages:
Redirecting after action prevents form reloading.
Message cannot be triggered from outside.
Flash messages are only fetched once.
See the official documentation on this topic.
The "correct" solution would be use your controller to provide a function to Twig rather than switching on the querystring. This will be more robust and provide better security:
function someAction()
$params = array('added' => false);
if( /* form logic post */ )
//some logic to define 'added'
$params['added'] = true;
$this->render('template_name', $params);
{% if added %}
{% endif %}
The reasoning is that this is more secure (I can't trigger the alert by just browsing to the url), it maintains all business logic in the controller and you're also able to handle any errors - e.g. if you browse to foo.php?comment=added and there is an error wherein your comment isn't added, the user will still receive the alert.
