I am currently dealing with a problem. I am working on a package for some specific distributions where among other things I would like to create a function that will fit an mixture to some data. For this I would like to use for example the fitdistr function. The problem is that I don't know from what distributions and weights and number of components the mixture will be composed of. Hence I need a function that will dynamically create an density function of some specified mixture so the fitdistr function can use it. For example if the user will call:
to use ML method the code needs to create an density function
function(x,mean,sd,df) 0.5*dnorm(x,mean,sd)+0.5*dchisq(x,df)
so it can call optim or fitdistr.
An obvious solution is to use a lot of paste+eval+parse but I don't think this is the most elegant solution. A nice solution is probably hiding somewhere in non-standard evaluation and expression manipulation, but I have not enough skills in this problematic.
P.S. the params can be used as starting values for the optimizer.
Building expressions is relatively straight forward in R with functions like as.call and bquote and the fact that functions are first class objects in R. Building functions with dynamic signatures is a bit trickier. Here's a pass at some function that might help
to_params <- function(l) {
z <- as.list(l)
setNames(lapply(names(z), function(x) bquote(args[[.(x)]])), names(z))
add_exprs <- function(...) {
x <- list(...)
Reduce(function(a,b) bquote(.(a) + .(b)), x)
get_densities <- function(f) {
lapply(paste0("d", f), as.name)
weight_expr <- function(w, e) {
bquote(.(w) * .(e))
add_params <- function(x, p) {
as.call(c(as.list(x), p))
call_with_x <- function(fn) {
as.call(list(fn, quote(x)))
fitmix <- function(data, dist, params, weights) {
fb <- Reduce( add_exprs, Map(function(d, p, w) {
weight_expr(w, add_params(call_with_x(d), to_params(p)))
}, get_densities(dist), params, weights))
f <- function(x, args) {}
body(f) <- fb
Note that I changed the types of some of your parameters. The distributions should be strings. The parameters should be a list of named vectors. It would work with a call like this
ff <- fitmix(data, dist=c("norm","chisq"), params=list(c(mean=0,sd=3),c(df=2)),
It returns a function that takes an x and a list of named arguments. You could call it like
ff(0, list(mean=3, sd=2, df=2))
# [1] 0.2823794
which returns the same value as
x <- 0
0.5 * dnorm(x, mean = 3, sd = 2) + 0.5 * dchisq(x, df = 2)
# [1] 0.2823794
I'm trying to use the curve3d function in the emdbook-package to create a contour plot of a function defined locally inside another function as shown in the following minimal example:
testcurve3d <- function(a) {
fn <- function(x,y) {
Unexpectedly, this generates the error
> testcurve3d(2)
Error in fn(x, y) : could not find function "fn"
whereas the same idea works fine with the more basic curve function of the base-package:
testcurve <- function(a) {
fn <- function(x) {
The question is how curve3d can be rewritten such that it behaves as expected.
You can temporarily attach the function environment to the search path to get it to work:
testcurve3d <- function(a) {
fn <- function(x,y) {
e <- environment()
The problem comes from this line in curve3d:
eval(expr, envir = env, enclos = parent.frame(2))
At this point, we appear to be 10 frames deep, and fn is defined in parent.frame(8). So you can edit the line in curve3d to use that, but I'm not sure how robust this is. Perhaps parent.frame(sys.nframe()-2) might be more robust, but as ?sys.parent warns there can be some strange things going on:
Strictly, sys.parent and parent.frame refer to the context of the
parent interpreted function. So internal functions (which may or may
not set contexts and so may or may not appear on the call stack) may
not be counted, and S3 methods can also do surprising things.
Beware of the effect of lazy evaluation: these two functions look at
the call stack at the time they are evaluated, not at the time they
are called. Passing calls to them as function arguments is unlikely to
be a good idea.
The eval - parse solution bypasses some worries about variable scope. This passes the value of both the variable and function directly as opposed to passing the variable or function names.
testcurve3d <- function(a) {
fn <- eval(parse(text = paste0(
"function(x, y) {",
"x*y*", a,
eval(parse(text = paste0(
"curve3d(", deparse(fn)[3], ")"
I have found other solution that I do not like very much, but maybe it will help you.
You can create the function fn how a call object and eval this in curve3d:
fn <- quote((function(x, y) {x*y*a})(x, y))
eval(call("curve3d", fn))
Inside of the other function, the continuous problem exists, a must be in the global environment, but it is can fix with substitute.
testcurve3d <- function(a) {
fn <- substitute((function(x, y) {
c <- cos(a*pi*x)
s <- sin(a*pi*y/3)
return(c + s)
})(x, y), list(a = a))
eval(call("curve3d", fn, zlab = "fn"))
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
I am eager to use the R package BB to solve a system of non-linear equations, but the syntax does not seem to allow for parameters to be passed to the system of equations. Very strange since this would severely limit what appears to be an otherwise very appealing and powerful alternative to nleqslv().
To be clear: "Normally", you expect a solver to have a space for passing parameters to the underlying objective function. For eg. in nleqslv:
out <- nleqslv(in_x, obj_fn, jac = NULL, other_pars1, other_pars2, method = "Broyden")
Where "in_x" is the vector of initial guesses at a solution, and the "other_pars1, other_pars2" are additional fixed parameters (can be scalars, vectors, matrices, whatever) required by "obj_fn".
In BBsolve, on the other hand, you just have
out <- BBsolve(in_x, obj_fn)
With no space to put in all the "other_pars1, other_pars2" required by obj_fn.
Create a function that "attaches" additional parameters to your objective function. The key concept here is that the return value is itself a function:
gen_obj_fn <- function( obj_fn, other_pars1, other_pars2 )
function(x) { obj_fn( x, other_pars1, other_pars2 ) }
The output of gen_obj_fn can now be passed directly to BBsolve:
## Previous call using nleqslv():
out <- nleqslv( in_x, myFun, jac = NULL, myParam1, myParam2, ... )
## Equivalent call using BBsolve():
myObjF <- gen_obj_fn( myFun, myParam1, myParam2 )
is.function( myObjF ) ## TRUE
out <- BBsolve( in_x, myObjF )
You haven't shown how you are using BBsolve. As I said in my comment BBsolve certainly does accept additional function arguments.
But you must name those arguments.
See this example for how to do what you seem to want:
f <- function(x,p1=3,p2=2) {
y <- numeric(2)
y[1] <- 10*x[1]+3*x[2]^2 - p1
y[2] <- x[1]^2 -exp(x[2]) -p2
xstart <- c(1,1)
nleqslv(xstart, f)
Try slightly different values for p1 and p2:
Both functions find the same solution.
I recently (very) started looking into creating S3 functions in R. I am working in a function where I foresee having common operations between different methods. Not sure how this should be done. For example:
myfun <- function (x) {
myfun.numeric <- function(x) {
myfun.character <- function(x) {
The function at this time is not too long. I guess technically I can have a function that perform the part represented by letter "a" then have a common function that perform steps "b", "c", and "d". In some cases the functions could be quite short and having an additional function seems not to be the best practice. What is usually done in cases like this?
Here are two possibilities. There is some danger in using the default method since it might get invoked in unanticipated situations so the common function seems more reliable but either would work in the example you show.
1) default method Put the common code in the default method and use NextMethod().
myfun <- function (x) UseMethod("myfun")
myfun.numeric <- function(x) {
myfun.character <- function(x) {
x <-as.numeric(x)+9
myfun.default <- function(x) {
2) common function Alternately just put the common code in a separate function called common, say, and call it.
myfun <- function (x) UseMethod("myfun")
myfun.numeric <- function(x) {
y <-x+5
myfun.character <- function(x) {
y <-as.numeric(x)+9
common <- function(x) {
I am facing some problem with the apply function passing on arguments to a function when not needed. I understand that apply don't know what to do with the optional arguments and just pass them on the function.
But anyhow, here is what I would like to do:
First I want to specify a list of functions that I would like to use.
functions <- list(length, sum)
Then I would like to create a function which apply these specified functions on a data set.
myFunc <- function(data, functions) {
for (i in 1:length(functions)) print(apply(X=data, MARGIN=2, FUN=functions[[i]]))
This works fine.
data <- cbind(rnorm(100), rnorm(100))
myFunc(data, functions)
[1] 100 100
[1] -0.5758939 -5.1311173
But I would also like to use additional arguments for some functions, e.g.
power <- function(x, p) x^p
Which don't work as I want to. If I modify myFunc to:
myFunc <- function(data, functions, ...) {
for (i in 1:length(functions)) print(apply(X=data, MARGIN=2, FUN=functions[[i]], ...))
functions as
functions <- list(length, sum, power)
and then try my function I get
myFunc(data, functions, p=2)
Error in FUN(newX[, i], ...) :
2 arguments passed to 'length' which requires 1
How may I solve this issue?
Sorry for the wall of text. Thank you!
You can use Curry from functional to fix the parameter you want, put the function in the list of function you want to apply and finally iterate over this list of functions:
power <- function(x, p) x^p
funcs = list(length, sum, Curry(power, p=2), Curry(power, p=3))
lapply(funcs, function(f) apply(data, 2 , f))
With your code you can use:
functions <- list(length, sum, Curry(power, p=2))
myFunc(data, functions)
I'd advocate using Colonel's Curry approach, but if you want to stick to base R you can always:
funcs <- list(length, sum, function(x) power(x, 2))
which is roughly what Curry ends up doing
One option is to pass the parameters in a list with the arguments needed for each function. You can add those parameters to the others needed for apply using c and then use do.call to call the function. Something like this. I also wrap all the output in a list here rather than using print; your usage may vary.
power <- function(x, p) x^p
myFunc <- function(data, functions, parameters) {
lapply(seq_along(functions), function(i) {
p0 <- list(X=data, MARGIN=2, FUN=functions[[i]])
do.call(apply, c(p0, parameters[[i]]))
d <- matrix(1:6, nrow=2)
functions <- list(length, sum, power)
parameters <- list(NULL, NULL, p=3)
myFunc(d, functions, parameters)
You can use lazyeval package:
my_evaluate <- function(data, expressions, ...) {
lapply(expressions, function(e) {
apply(data, MARGIN=2, FUN=function(x) {
lazy_eval(e, c(list(x=x), list(...)))
And use it like this:
my_expressions <- lazy_dots(sum = sum(x), sumpow = sum(x^p), length_k = length(x)*k )
data <- cbind(rnorm(100), rnorm(100))
my_evaluate(data, my_expressions, p = 2, k = 2)
I have a question with importing functions.
Say I have a R script named "functions" which looks like this:
mult <- function(x,y){
divide <- function(x,y){
Currently I am importing all functions in the script:
The problem is that the (actual) R script is getting very large.
Is there a way to import the "mult" function only?
I was looking at evalSource/insertSource but my code was not working:
insertSource("C:\\functions.R", functions="mult")
It looks like your code will work with a slight change: define an empty object for the function you want to load first, then use insertSource.
mult <- function(x) {0}
insertSource("C:\\functions.R", functions="mult")
Which gives:
Object of class "functionWithTrace", from source
function (x, y)
return(x * y)
## (to see original from package, look at object#original)
The mult object has some additional information that I suppose is related to the original application for insertSource, but you could get rid of them with mult <- mult#.Data, which will set mult to the actual function body only.
Also, you might be interested in the modules project on github, which is trying to implement a lightweight version of R's package system to facilitate code reuse. Seems like that might be relevant, although I think you would have to split your functions into separate files in different subdirectories.
I ended up creating functions to do what you recommended.
This first group allows for multiple functions in one call:
LoadFunction <- function(file,...) {
dots <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)$...
dots <- sapply(dots, as.character)
output <- lapply(dots, function(x,file){eval(parse(text=paste(x," <- function(x) {0}",sep="")),envir = .GlobalEnv)
suppressMessages(insertSource(file, functions=x))
eval(parse(text=paste(x," <- ",x,"#.Data",sep="")),envir = .GlobalEnv) },file=file)
UnloadFunction <- function(...) {
dots <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)$...
dots <- sapply(dots, as.character)
output <- lapply(dots, function(x,file){eval(parse(text=paste("rm(",x,",envir = .GlobalEnv)",sep="")))},file=file)
They are called like this:
The second is only one function per call:
LoadFunction2 <- function(file,function_name) {
eval(parse(text=paste(function_name," <- function(x) {0}",sep="")),envir = .GlobalEnv)
suppressMessages(insertSource(file, functions=function_name))
eval(parse(text=paste(function_name," <- ",function_name,"#.Data",sep="")),envir = .GlobalEnv)
UnloadFunction2 <- function(function_name) {
eval(parse(text=paste("rm(",function_name,",envir = .GlobalEnv)",sep="")))
They are called like this: