How can I get the URL in Google AppMaker? - google-app-maker

I am trying to get the current URL in an AppMaker app. However, the standard JavaScript ways do not work, ScriptApp is not available in AppMaker, and the objects that are in AppMaker do not return the correct URL (that starts with
Thanks for any suggestions.

You can run a backend/serverside script and use Apps Script
See the doc ScriptApp Documentation

To have an app URL on client side, you can load it during app startup. Firstly, let's create server script that returns app URL:
* Get the URL of the published web app.
function getAppUrl() {
return ScriptApp.getService().getUrl();
Open your Project settings and put next code to App startup script section:
loader.suspendLoad(); {
appUrl = url;
Now you are able to use appUrl everywhere in Client Scripts.
Using this approach you can create initial app config on startup that requires specific data from server.


How to fix "Callback URL mismatch" NextJs Auth0 App

I am using Auth0 NextJs SDK for authentication in my NextJS App. I am following this tutorial In my local machine, everything works fine.
The configuration for Auth0 in my local server:
In the Auth0 Dashboard, I added the following URLs :
Allowed Callback URLs: http://localhost:3000/api/auth/callback
Allowed Logout URLs: http://localhost:3000/
My local app works locally fine.
I uploaded the app on Vercel. And changed the
In Auth0 Dashboard, updated the following information:
Allowed Callback URLs:
Allowed Logout URLs:
I am getting the following error:
Oops!, something went wrong
Callback URL mismatch.
The provided redirect_uri is not in the list of allowed callback URLs.
Please go to the Application Settings page and make sure you are sending a valid callback url from your application
What changes I should make it works from Vercel as well?
You can try to check if vercel isn't changing the url when redirecting to auth0. Your configurations seems good to me. The error is very explicit though. I think a good option should be to verify that the redirect (if handled by vercel) is doing with the same url as auth0 expects.
And don't forget to add the url you're currently on when performing the callback. Are you in when the callback is executed? (call auth0).
you have to change your base url in the env.local file
you can also make two more env files namely env.development and env.production and set different base urls for different cases so that the correct base url is automatically loaded depending on how ur web app is running.
You need to add handleLogin under api/auth/[...auth0].js and that will solve it:
import { handleAuth, handleLogin } from '#auth0/nextjs-auth0';
export default handleAuth({
async login(request, response) {
await handleLogin(request, response, {
returnTo: '/profile',
Don't forget to also add allowed callback url in [Auth0 Dashboard]: for your hosted app for both local and hosted instance:
http://localhost:3000/api/auth/callback, https://*

Flutter - Dynamic links send user to a website if not android

I am using the dynamic links plugin to create a link, I want that when user clicks on the link if her or she is not on android then he or she must be sent to a website as I have only an android app, but if on android then he must be sent to the app. How to get the desired result? there is no method in the plugin for fallback links for different os. I am creating a dynamic link through code and not in the firebase console.
according to firebase while constructing dynamic links manually we can give Other platform parameters as ofl:
ofl: The link to open on platforms besides Android and iOS. This is useful to specify a different behavior on a desktop, like displaying a full web page of the app content/payload (as specified by param link) with another dynamic link to install the app.
it also has a ifl, i.e if app is not installed on ios:
ifl: The link to open when the app isn't installed. Specify this to do something other than install your app from the App Store when the app isn't installed, such as open the mobile web version of the content, or display a promotional page for your app.
But can't find both ifl and ofl feature in the flutter firebase dynamic links plugin.
You can manually add ofl (or afl, or ifl) to the long Uri string and use it directly, or even build a short URL from it.
This code creates a DynamicLinkParameters variable parameters using the DynamicLinkParameters() constructor inside an async function, then uses it to create a short link that falls back to on desktop:
final DynamicLinkParameters parameters = DynamicLinkParameters(
// constructor arguments
final Uri longLink = await parameters.buildUrl();
final ShortDynamicLink shortDynamicLink = await DynamicLinkParameters.shortenUrl(Uri.parse(longLink.toString() + "&ofl="));
final Uri dynamicLinkShortUrl = shortDynamicLink.shortUrl;
If i understood your problem correctly, you want to use a link if the user is on android and other if the user is on ios. That can be done importing dart:io and doing something like this:
if (Platform.isAndroid) {
// add the link to the android page
} else if (Platform.isIOS) {
// do something else

Firebase and LinkedIn Auth integration unknown route

I've been examining this code base as an example of how to implement LinkedIn authorization to my project with a Firebase Backend. One thing I'm confused about is these lines:
var code = getURLParameter("code");
var state = getURLParameter("state");
var error = getURLParameter("error");
if (error) {
document.body.innerText = "Error back from the LinkedIn auth page: " + error;
} else if (!code) {
// Start the auth flow.
window.location.href = "/redirect";
at window.location.href = '/redirect', I believe it is meant to invoke the cloud function called "redirect". In my code base, it simply goes to an unknown route and triggers my fallback. Am I wrong about the purpose of this line of code? Does anyone know any possible reasons it's not triggering the cloud function (console says 0 invocations)? What other information should I look into to try to debug this?
To provide a bit fuller of an answer:
The example you provided relies on a Firebase.json file. This file provides configuration if (and only if) your application is hosted with Firebase hosting (see docs).
If you expect to host your app elsewhere, you'll need to make sure your /redirect path points to the Firebase function URL itself (probably something like In the authorization flow, the LinkedIn module in the example repo then will redirect to either a default or a configured callback url.

Swagger Basic Authentication Issue

i am using Swagger-ui version 2.1.4, i have hosted it locally and provided it my own Json file and API it opens the document fine and lists all the method in the json file, after i put basic authentication in it, i did all changes in the Index.html changes are
function addApiKeyAuthorization(){
var key = "Basic ************";
if(key && key.trim() != "") {
var apiKeyAuth = new SwaggerClient.ApiKeyAuthorization("Authorization", key, "header");
window.swaggerUi.api.clientAuthorizations.add("Authorization", apiKeyAuth);
swaggerUi.api.clientAuthorizations.add("Authorization", apiKeyAuth);
it gives error, screen shot attached.
it gives error when it tries to authenticate swagger get data of the method with anonymous permissions from same API.
When i hit the Curl from the command prompt it bring results. It only fails in Swagger
Did Swagger have any issue with basic Authentication?
You might open up Fiddler and make the request via the browser, like you said you did, and then make the request using Swagger 2.0. Compare the requests and make 100% sure the request headers and url are the same.

Can I request scripts for use in a Spotify app?

I'm trying to use in my spotify app and the get request for [domain]/ keeps getting canceled. I've added the domain to the manifest and everything.
Try restarting Spotify. Your app's manifest.json file is loaded when you first view your app, and cached until you quit, even if you modify it.
Note: How external resource permissions work
In order to request external resources, your application needs to specify each domain it plans to connect to in its manifest.json file.
Add a line like this:
// ...
"RequiredPermissions": [ "http://*", "", "" ]
// ...
For the full details check out the Permissions section of the Spotify Apps API Guide.
I can add that when you use it will try to initialize Flash to check if flash is available so if you find a white box in Spotify (only in Windows), remove the swbobjects initialization in the on the node server.
