Let's encrypt 502 bad gateway docker - nginx

I tried to set an nginx proxy with let's encrypt, all dockerized, by following this tutorial :
The problem is that my application exposes port 1337 instead of 80, and I can't change this for now.
Do someone know how I could tell nginx to listen on the app container's at 1337?

After looking at that tutorial and the available source code, the nginx configuration files are using a placeholder _APPLICATION_PORT_ which gets replaced with the nginx docker container's environment variable $APP_PORT_80_TCP_PORT in it's start.sh script. It appears that specific environment variable would need to be added to the docker-compose.yml file:
You would also need to make sure that the docker-compose.yml has the correct port for your application (if docker-compose is launching your application container) so docker exposes the correct port.
Hope that helps


Add new port in running docker compose

I am trying to add a SSL certificate to a wordpress container but the default compose configuration only redirects port 80.
How can I add a new port in the running container? I tried to modify the docker-compose.yml file and restart the container but this doesn't solve the problem.
Thank you.
You should re-create container, when listening new port, like this
docker-compose up -d --force-recreate {CONTAINER}
Expose ports.
Either specify both ports (HOST:CONTAINER), or just the container port (an ephemeral host port is chosen).
Note: When mapping ports in the HOST:CONTAINER format, you may experience erroneous results when using a container port lower than 60, because YAML parses numbers in the format xx:yy as a base-60 value. For this reason, we recommend always explicitly specifying your port mappings as strings.
- "3000"
- "3000-3005"
- "8000:8000"
- "9090-9091:8080-8081"
- "49100:22"
- ""
- ""
- "6060:6060/udp"
After you add the new port to the docker-compose file, what I did that works is:
Stop the container
docker-compose stop <service name>
Run the docker-compose up command (NOTE: docker-compose start did not work)
docker-compose up -d
According to the documentation the 'docker-compose' command:
Builds, (re)creates, starts, and attaches to containers for a service
... Unless they are already running
That started up the stopped service, WITH the exposed ports I had configured.
Have you tried like in this example:
Should work like this:
- "80:80"
- "443:443"
you just add the new port in the port section of the docker-compose.yml and then you must do
docker-compose up -d
because it will read the .yml file again and recreate the container. If you do just restart it will not read the new config from the .yml and just restart the same container.

How can I dynamically reconfigure upstream servers on nginx OSS?

I have multiple upstream servers from an nginx load balancer:
upstream app {
# Make each client IP address stick to the same server
# See http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/load_balancing.html
# Use IP addresses: see recommendation at https://www.nginx.com/resources/wiki/start/topics/tutorials/config_pitfalls/
server; # app-server-a
server; # app-server-a
Right now I ue the servers in an active/passove configuration by taking down each servers (eg systemctl myapp stop) then letting nginx detect the server is down.
However I'd like to be able to change the upstream server dyamically, without having to take either app server or nginx OSS down. I'm aware of the proprietary upstream_conf module for nginx Plus but am using nginx OSS.
How can I dynamically dynamically reconfigure the upstream server on nginx OSS?
You can use:
openresty an OSS nginx bundle with lua scripting ability
nginx with lua scripting (you can configure it by yourself using nginx OSS and luajit) to achieve this.
dynx can achieve exactly what you are looking for, it's still work in progress but the dynamic upstream functionality is there and it's configurable through a rest API.
I'm adding the details on how to deploy and configure dynx:
you need to have a docker swarm up and running (for testing purpose
you can have a 1 swarm machine), follow the docker documentation to do that.
after you need to deploy the stack, for example, with this command (you need to be on the dynx git root):
docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml dynx
To check if the application deployed correctly, you can use this command:
docker stack services dynx
To configure an location you can use through the api you can for instance do:
curl -v "http://localhost:8888/configure?location=/httpbin&upstream=http://www.httpbin.org/anything&ttl=10"
To test if it works:
curl -v http://localhost:8666/httpbin
Do not hesitate to contact me or open an issue on github if you are not able to get it to work

503 Service Temporarily Unavailable with gitlab docker and nginx-proxy docker

I've set up the nginx-proxy container which works really great with one of my two docker containers. Which is just a mini go web server on dev.MY_IP_ADDRESS.com.
I've set it up for my gitlab docker container as well which runs on MY_IP_ADDRESS.com:10080 but doesn't seem to work with gitlab.MY_IP_ADDRESS.com
I've done the same configurations as with my web server, by setting by adding an environment variable:
#other configs here
#more configs here
The only difference is that I set up my go server and nginx-proxy server in the same docker-compose.yml and the gitlab one uses a different docker-compose.yml file. Unsure if this has anything to do with it.
I've attempted to docker-compose up each file in a different orders to see if that was an issue.
This is what I get when I go on gitlab.MY_IP_ADDRESS.com:
503 Service Temporarily Unavailable
Why isn't the reverse proxy for gitlab.MY_IP_ADDERSS.com working for gitlab? Is there a conflict somewhere? It works fine on MY_IP_ADDRESS.com:10080
If any logs are needed or any more information let me know. Thanks.
I completely forgot about this question, I actually found a solution which worked for me:
The problem is that your docker-gen is not able to find your GitLab and therefore does not generate the Nginx configuration for gitlab.MY_IP_ADDERSS.com.
To solve this you have three options:
1.) If you are using the solution with separate containers and launch the docker-gen container with the -only-exposed flag this might prevent it from finding GitLab. This was the issue in my case which is why I am mentioning it.
2.) In your case it will probably be because your GitLab container and your Nginx container do not share a common Docker network. Create one like docker create network nginx-proxy and add all your containers to it.
3.) Another solution proposed in this issue is to add a line network_mode: bridge to your GitLab container. I did not test this myself.

Docker Nginx disable default exposed port 80

Is there a way to disable the default EXPOSE 80 443 instruction in the nginx docker file without creating my own image?
I'm using Docker Nginx image and trying to expose only port 443 in the following way:
docker run -itd --name=nginx-test --publish=443:443 nginx
But I can see using docker ps -a that the container exposes port 80 as well:
ddc0bca08acc nginx "nginx -g 'daemon off" 17 seconds ago Up 16 seconds 80/tcp,>443/tcp nginx-test
How can I disable it?
The expose instruction is in the docker file which the image is built from.
You need to create your own customized Image for that.
To get the job done:
First locate the dockerfile for the official nginx (library)
Then Edit the dockerfile's expose instruction to 443 only.
Now build your own image modified image using official(customized) dockerfile.
To answer your edited question:
Docker uses iptables, While you could manually update the firewall rules to make the service unavailable at a certain port, you would not be able to unbind the Docker proxy. So port 80 will still be consumed on the docker host and docker proxy.
according to nginx docker image configuration , you can set this before container starts passing an environment var like :
docker run -itd -e NGINX_PORT=443 --name=nginx-test nginx
see :
using environment variables in nginx configuration
then in your nginx you can set :
listen ${NGINX_PORT};
There is a workaround to free the port (but not to unexpose it). I tried avoiding to publish the port but it didn't work and I got errors about the por being already in use anyway. Until I found that the trick is to publish the exposed port but mapped to a different one.
Let me explain with an example.
This will still try to use port 80:
docker up -p 443:443
But this will use 443 and some other random port you pick
docker up -p 443:443 -p<some free port>:80
You can do this in your commands, docker-compose or ansible playbooks to be able to start more than one instance on the same machine. (ie: nginx, which exposes port 80 by default)
I do this from docker-compose and ansible too.

Restarting Containers When Using Docker and Nginx proxy_pass

I have an nginx docker container and a webapp container successfully running and talking to eachother.
The nginx container listens on port 80, and uses proxy_pass to direct traffic to the IP of the webapp container.
upstream app_humansio {
server humansio:8080 max_fails=3 fail_timeout=30s;
"humansio" is set in the /etc/hosts file by docker because I've started nginx with --link humansio:humansio. The webapp container (humansio) is always exposing 8080.
The problem is, when I reload the webapp container, the link to the nginx container breaks and I need to restart that as well. Is there any way I can do this differently so I don't need to restart the nginx container when the webapp container reloads?
I've tried to do something like connecting them manually by using a common port (8001 on both), but since they actually reserve that port, the 2nd container cannot use it as well.
I prefer to run the proxy (nginx of haproxy) directly on the host for this reason.
But an option is to "Link via an Ambassador Container" https://docs.docker.com/articles/ambassador_pattern_linking/
If you don't want to restart your proxy container whenever you have to restart one of the proxied ones (e.g. fig), you could take a look at the autoupdated proxy configuration approach: http://jasonwilder.com/blog/2014/03/25/automated-nginx-reverse-proxy-for-docker/
if u use some modern version of docker the links in nginx container to your web service probably get updated (u can check it with docker exec -ti nginx bash - then cat /etc/hosts) - problem is nginx doesnt' use /etc/hosts every time - it caches the ip and when it changes - he gets lost. 'docker kill -s HUP nginx' which makes nginx reload its config without restart helps too.
I have the same problem. I used to start my services with systemd unit files - and when u make one service (nginx) dependant on other (webapp) and then restart the webapp - systemd is smart enough to restart the nginx as well. Now I'm trying my luck with docker-compose and restarting webapp container confuses nginx.
