Using send() function in kamailio 4.4 - kamailio

I'm trying to use the send() funcition in kamailio 4.4, but fail. The kamailio.cfg is loading fine without using send(), but when I add a send() in the request route, kamailio refuses to start with:
ERROR: <core> [cfg.y:3231]: yyparse(): cfg. parser: failed to find command send (params 0) 0(30887) : <core> [cfg.y:3371]: yyerror_at(): parse error in config file /etc/kamailio/kamailio.cfg, line 161, c..
Perhaps it has been removed, since it's available in the documentation for the core of older versions (p.e., but not for 4.4 (
Is the function still usable? If not, what replaced it?

The function has moved to the corex modules ( So send() can still be used by doing:
loadmodule ""


Robot Framwork error: WebDriverException: Message: unknown error: Failed to create Chrome process

Getting this error when I try and run a test. I had to uninstall and reinstall chrome some time back and this then started happening. My chromedriver version is correct for my browser also
[ ERROR ] Calling method 'end_suite' of listener
failed: UnicodeDecodeError: 'charmap' codec can't decode byte 0x9d in
position 2640: character maps to
Tests.Robot.Tests.Cumulus.ESP.GS Portal.ADUX-11813.Test :: As a Po...
| FAIL | Parent suite setup failed: WebDriverException: Message:
unknown error: Failed to create Chrome process.
In this case there might be multiple reasons why you are getting this error:
running as root or administrator
chromedriver is not accessible, check $Path variable in "Environment Variables" or simply run chromedriver from command line to check if it's accessible.

UCX warn unexpected tag-receive

What can the following be due to / how to debug it? it happens when closing my MPI application
[1612979755.727913] [compute-0-9:21112:0] tag_match.c:61 UCX WARN unexpected tag-receive descriptor 0x2b2bf64cdbc0 was not matched
Assuming the application exited normally, this probably means that some process sent a message (e.g. calling MPI_Send) to a destination process that did not post a matching receive before calling MPI_Finalize. See

Invalid URL in CRAN checks

I'm trying to update a package in CRAN and I get these errors:
Found the following (possibly) invalid URLs:
From: man/EPflux.Rd
Status: Error
Message: libcurl error code 35:
schannel: next InitializeSecurityContext failed: SEC_E_ILLEGAL_MESSAGE (0x80090326) - This error usually occurs when a fatal SSL/TLS alert is received (e.g. handshake failed).
The URLs are valid and are actually created with the \doi{} macro (e.g. \doi{10.1175/1520-0469(1985)042<0217:OTTDPO>2.0.CO;2})
Even using encoded URLs (per stevec's suggestion)fail with the same error:
Found the following (possibly) invalid URLs:
From: man/EPflux.Rd
Status: Error
Message: libcurl error code 35:
schannel: next InitializeSecurityContext failed: SEC_E_ILLEGAL_MESSAGE (0x80090326) - This error usually occurs when a fatal SSL/TLS alert is received (e.g. handshake failed).
Any advice on how to solve this?
I think the reason this is happening is because<0217:OTTDPO>2.0.CO;2
is redirecting to
Can you try changing the URL to and see if that passes the check?
Another possibility
From here):
some (DOIs) require encoding so that the DOI works correctly when used in URL form
So you perhaps you can encode the url first
[1] ";2"
Also note:
We strongly recommend that only the following characters are used within a DOI name: “0–9”, “a–z”, and “-._/”.
So perhaps the < characters are causing this issue? (possibly ( too)
Another idea
Noting this from the error message:
This error usually occurs when a fatal SSL/TLS alert is received (e.g. handshake failed).
If we try again not worrying about ssl, that may work.
In otherwords, try using this url instead:<0217:OTTDPO>2.0.CO;2
Hadley suggested that those notes can be safely ignored. I sent the package to CRAN and was accepted.
The answer, then, is to just ignore these Notes.

Error in Groovy installation

I have install Groovy 2.1.1 in my unix box. While executing groovysh getting the below error.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: error:
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: error:
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
Could not find the main class: error:. Program will exit.
What could be the possible root cause for this error...???
Somewhere, you try to use the class error: (and yes, Groovy thinks that the colon is part of the class name), either in the script you execute (i.e. there must be new error: somewhere) or you wrote something like groovysh error: or you import error: (maybe indirectly)
Since you are using IBM J9, according to the Grails FAQ, the J9 need an argument to work well with Groovy, otherwise you may get a NoClassDefFound error:
Add -Xverify:none to JVM arguments
Download Groovy Binary From
Download zip: Binary Release
Extract Local Disk say D;\GROOVY\ groovy-2.3.9
It contains the Folder Structure
Go to Control Panel\User Accounts\User Accounts  Change My Environment Variables
Set/new GROOVY_HOME = D:\GROOVY\groovy-2.3.9 (don’t put : semicolon)
Set PATH = C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_25\bin;%GROOVY_HOME%\bin;
Add groovy-all.jar to CLASSPATH
D:\ GROOVY\ \groovy-2.3.9\embeddable\groovy-all-2.3.9.jar;.
Close and Open Command and Say –groovy
For console -groovyConsole

xjc :GConf Error: Failed to launch configuration server: Failed to fork child process (Cannot allocate memory)

I would like to unmarshal this xhtml in to Java objects. I have downloaded the dtd and using the following command to unmarshal it.
The dtd is
And the command I am using is:
[/opt/downloads/test/Original_dtd]# xjc -dtd xhtml-mobile10.dtd
parsing a schema...
GConf Error: Failed to launch configuration server: Failed to fork child process (Cannot allocate memory)
How can I unmarshal the dtd ? Or is there any way to convert the dtd to xsd and unmarshal it ? will it be easier to transfer the dtd to xsd for unmarshalling using xjc?
Try to increase the memory for your JVM:
[.../Original_dtd]# XJC_OPTS="-Xmx512m" xjc -dtd xhtml-mobile10.dtd
