Nested If-Conditions in Inform7 - inform7

I am implementing a phone in Inform7 without any extension.
Calling is an action applying to one topic.
Understand "Call [text]" or "[text] call" as calling.
Carry out Calling:
if the topic understood matches "Melissa":
say "You are calling Melissa … 'are you fine?'";
if player consents:
say "good???";
say "I see!";
if the topic understood matches "Dad":
say "Hey boy";
say "beeeeep – [the topic understood] is not answering";
So if I call Dad the procedure works. But if I call Melissa, she is answering the question and when the player consents, the whole procedure fails:
>call melissa
You are calling Melissa … 'are you fine?'
beeeep -
*** Run-time problem P39: Attempt to say a snippet value which is currently invalid: words 2 to 2.
is not answering

When you have this construction
if A
if B
Then the otherwise block will be executed in any case that B was not matched.
On the other hand, if you have
if A
otherwise if B
then the otherwise block will be executed if neither A nor B was matched.
So in your case, your
if the topic understood matches "Dad":
should be
otherwise if the topic understood matches "Dad":


Alexa adding extra character to slot value

​I am trying to get user response with option of a b c d or e . I have configured a slot with these possible values and reading the slot in my nodejs. when a user responds with the option a, c,d,e are returned ok in intent.slots.Answer.value (although option "a" is returned as lower case in slot value and C,D and E returns in upper case) but the bigger issue is option "b" is returned with an extra dot (.) appended like this "b." While I can parse it out, I hate to patch it before I know what is causing it. I have done console.log of slot values before any manipulation and it is as per above description. has anyone experienced this?
The slot values you provide are getting used when the language model get's build. But there is no guarantee, that those values will be recognized by alexa and forwarded to your intent. It could by anything alexa understands. I guess alexa is considering a, c, d and e as words, but in the case of b, she understands it's a single letter (which get's returned as "B."). Why? Welcome to the mysteries of black box Alexa :)
I would clean the value like this:
value.toLowerCase().replace(/\./, '')
Building on unnu's answer... I would just use whole word options like One, Two, Three...

Watson Conversation: condition matching input to context array

Taking the car dashboard example, I altered the initial #genre node to be #genre:classical. I also added a list to the contex
"choices":["Beethoven","Mahler 9","Brahms 3rd"]
and the Watson response is "I have 3 selections". The condition on the next node is $choices.contains(input.text). The "Found a match" response is just for testing. It looks like this:
When I test this in the api tool and type "Beethoven" both "Found a match" and "Great choice!..." appear. Same for the other two choices, but only if I type the exact choice, e.g., "Mahler 9". Typing "Mahler" or "mahler" doesn't get a match. I read through the SpEL documentation but couldn't see a way in a one-line condition to parse through the list looking for partial matches.
So my question is, is there an condition expression that would match partial user input, e.g., "Mahler"? I'll be using the Java SDK to code the app server, so alternatively I wondered if I could add a temporary #entity just for this sequence instead of using the context list then delete it when the conversation is done? Or is there a way to construct a more complex condition in the MessageRequest and will Watson recognize it? Or is this just not the right way to go about this? Any pointers, examples or docs much appreciated.
So my question is, is there an condition expression that would match partial user input
You can't add temporary entities or intents. As adding them forces Watson to start training itself (even if you could it through code).
You can however create quite complex regular expressions, pass them in as a context variable.
For example your advanced node can have:
"output": {
"text": "Please ask me a question."
"context": {
"rx": "fish|[0-9]+"
Then in you condition you would write.
This will then trigger if the person mentions a number, or the word fish. So you can create your partial user input checking that way.

Inform 7 error using If player consents

I'm trying to write a piece of interactive fiction using inform 7, I want to put a choice in there for the player and I want a simple yes or no I used the following code:
if the player consents say "You get a better view of the stranger."
say "You can't make out what's happening clearly, however, you notice the stranger walking out of the pub"
I then get this useless error message:
You wrote 'if the player consents say "You get a better view of the stranger."' : but I can't find a verb that I know how to deal with. This looks like an 'if' phrase which has slipped its moorings, so I am ignoring it. ('If' phrases, like all other such instructions, belong inside definitions of rules or phrases - not as sentences which have no context. Maybe a full stop or a skipped line was accidentally used instead of semicolon, so that you inadvertently ended the last rule early?)
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The punctuation is off. Phrases should end with a semicolon, and if phrases should use either begin..end blocks, or the "colon-and-indentation" style. So either:
if the player consents begin;
say "You get a better view of the stranger.";
say "You can't make out what's happening clearly, however, you notice the stranger walking out of the pub";
end if;
if the player consents:
say "You get a better view of the stranger.";
say "You can't make out what's happening clearly, however, you notice the stranger walking out of the pub";
Note the colons and semicolons and tabs in the second example.
Also, as the error message says, you need to specify when that question should be asked. If phrases must be inside rules or phrases. For example, if the question should be asked as a result of an action:
After examining the stranger for the first time:
say "Move closer?";
if the player consents begin;
say "You get a better view of the stranger.";
say "You can't make out what's happening clearly, however, you notice the stranger walking out of the pub";
end if;

Prolog: Recursion and splitting lists

I'm trying to write a game in which the program reads through a database, grabs attributes and asks the player if the Movie that the player is thinking of will have that attribute. The user will answer either yes or no and if yes, the game will ask about the next attribute until either the user has said yes to every attribute, at that point the program will output the name of the movie. Or if the user says no, the game will then move along to the next movie in the database and start asking about those attributes.
The game ends when either it finds a movie with all the attributes or there are no more movies in the database in which the program could ask about.
Here is the database file.
object_properties(flipper,[action_movie,australian, paul_hogan_movie,
object_properties(the_living_planet, [documentary,director_attenborough]).
object_properties(the_code, [documentary,nerds_love_it]).
object_properties(the_russian_revolution, [documentary,about_history]).
Here is my game file.
guess_object(Obj,[A|As]) :-
guess_object(5). %how do i do this specifically for the current Obj attributes?
guess(X) :- guess_object(_, X),
writeln('Does your object have the attribute '(X)'?'),
read(Input), Input=('yes') -> assert(object(X)) ; retractall(X), guess(X).
writeln('I guess that the film is: 'guess_object(Obj,_).
The main questions I have:
How do I split the object attributes in to a list like I'm trying to do on guess_object(1) through to guess_object(5) depending on whether the object has 2 attributes or 4 attributes, etc.
How do I make my guess(A) predicate recursive so once the user says no it will then go to the next object in the database file?
I'm not too great at prolog but any advice or pointers would be greatly appreciated, even if it's just pointing out a stupid mistake I may have made. I will also answer any questions anyone has to the best of my ability.

signalR message structure flags clarification?

I've read here about the structure of signalR's response message :
for example
For PersistentConnection
Persistent Response:
C - cursor
M - Messages
T - Timeout (only if true) value is 1
D - Disconnect (only if true) value is 1
R - All Groups (Client groups should be reset to match this list exactly)
G - Groups added
g - Groups removed
Question #1
What's wrong with sending only the message part ? why do i need all the "C" information ? The client only needs the message. A message number #N is not dependent with message number #N-1 (AFAIK) -- so I dont see the reason for this "C" section. ( and I assume Im wrong by missing something here).
Question #2
Even so , how can I understand what the tokens means ? I didn't see in the manual the "K,L,I,J,2CE" tokens.
Where / How can I understand what they are saying ? What if I don't want the server to send that info but only the message ?
Open Source has an often over looked feature. You can simply download the source and take a look around. By simply searching in the source for the string "R" I was able to find some of the information you are looking for.
Answer #2:
These shorthand property names directly map to the JsonSerialization of objects in SignalR.
S - State
R - Result
I - Id
E - Error
T - StackTrace
L - LongPollDelay
D - Disconnect
T - TimedOut
G - GroupsToken
Some of the others are not found in the current code base, and since the issue your referring to is 7 months old I would guess they have been refactored out.
Answer #1:
The metadata is important to how SignalR operates. The double edged sword of frameworks is that we offload the domain or what it solves to the framework and its creators, and we implicitly agree to let them be the domain expert. Sometimes that makes it a bit of a black box to use, if you want to see what each of these properties are actually used for download the source and follow the code. If for some performance reason you feel the need to trim out some of the code around what you determine to be extraneous fork the code and give it a shot.
