Sass how to access variables' list - css

$red:"#111", "#222", "#333";
$orange: "#444", "#555","#666";
$green: "#777","#888","#999";
$color-collection: $red, $orange, $green;
#each $color in $color-collection {
.color {
#for $i from 1 through length($color-collection) {
$c: nth($color-collection, $i);
.colours--#{$i} {
background: $c;
The output prints all colours,
.color .colours--1 {
background: "#111", "#222", "#333";
.color .colours--2 {
background: "#444", "#555", "#666";
.color .colours--3 {
background: "#777", "#888", "#999";
I want to print as #each, so how to access $color-collection's $red? doesn't look like this $color-collection[$red]
I want to print like below
.color .colours--1 {
background: "#111";
.color .colours--2 {
background: "#222";
.color .colours--3 {
background: "#333";
and so on

You were almost there, I've modified your code slightly to get the result you are after!
You can view the working demo here.
$red:"#111", "#222", "#333";
$orange: "#444", "#555","#666";
$green: "#777","#888","#999";
$color-collection: $red, $orange, $green;
#each $color in $color-collection {
.color {
#for $i from 1 through length($color-collection) {
$c: nth($color, $i);
.colours--#{$i} {
background: $c;
Although this does answer your question, in it's current setup each loop overwrites the previous class, so just be aware of this ...

This will put you on the correct path I think.
What I use to do, is use maps, and map-get property, like this:
#function color($collection, $key) {
#if map-has-key($collection, $key) {
#return map-get($collection, $key);
#warn "Unknown `#{$key}` in $collection.";
#return null;
$red: "#111", "#222", "#333";
$orange: "#444", "#555", "#666";
$green: "#777", "#888", "#999";
$colorcollection: (red: $red, orange: $orange, green: $green);
.element {
color: color($colorcollection, red);
You only have to repeat the sentence for each element in the color, to achieve exactly what you're trying to get.
You can see running example here:
Sassmeister example

Give this a shot:
$red: "#111", "#222", "#333";
$orange: "#444", "#555", "#666";
$green: "#777", "#888", "#999";
$color-collection: join($red, $orange);
$color-collection: join($color-collection, $green);
#each $color in $color-collection {
.color {
#for $i from 1 through length($color-collection) {
$c: nth($color-collection, $i);
.colours--#{$i} {
background: $c;
This does exactly what you want however its not going to scale well at all.
You need to join the lists together into one list instead of an list of lists.


scss interpolation help for passing the values

I need to create dynamic classes for which I am creating a scss code to create the classes for all the possible values. Below is my code:-
$colors: (
"black": "0,0,0",
"white": "255,255,255",
"red" : "255,0,0"
#for $i from 0 through $opacity {
#each $color, $rgb in $colors {
$rgba: "#{$rgb},#{$j}";
.background-#{$color}-#{$i} {
background: #{$rgba};
I want it to give out put as :-
.background-black-0 {
background: rgba(0,0,0,0);
.background-white-0 {
background: rgba(255,255,255,0);
.background-red-0 {
background: rgba(255,0,0,0);
.background-black-1 {
background: rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
.background-white-1 {
background: rgba(255,255,255,0.1);
.background-red-1 {
background: rgba(255,0,0,0.1);
struggling with the interpolation for rgba(). Otherwise its getting the exact values I want. If you check my code in you will see it.
You could use directly your colors as rgb color in your map and then add opacity in your #for loop:
$colors: (
"black": rgb(0,0,0),
"white": rgb(255,255,255),
"red": rgb(255,0,0)
#for $i from 0 through $opacity {
#each $color, $rgb in $colors {
.background-#{$color}-#{$i} {
background: rgba($rgb, $j);

SASS – looping through map via mixin doesn’t compile CSS

what I have is a simple SASS color map:
$brand_col: (
def: blue,
mus: red,
ser: yellow
The following:
#each $brand, $col in $brand_col {
body.#{$brand} {
background: $col;
leads to expected output:
body.def { background: blue; }
body.mus { background: red; }
body.ser { background: yellow; }
When I try to put the same thing into a mixin like so:
$color: null;
#mixin branding {
#each $brand, $col in $brand_col {
&.#{$brand} {
$color: $col;
.body { #include branding { background: $color; } }
I would expect the same output, but nothing is getting compiled at all. I copied the mixin from a sass specific site and don’t fully understand the whole process. Any hints what I'm doing wrong?
To achive the same result as in your first example, have two options:
Option 1
Make a simple non-reusable mixin:
$brand_col: (
def: blue,
mus: red,
ser: yellow
#mixin branding {
#each $brand, $col in $brand_col {
&.#{$brand} {
background: $col;
.body {
#include branding;
This will compile to:
.body.def {
background: blue;
.body.mus {
background: red;
.body.ser {
background: yellow;
Option 2
Make a reusable mixin, so you can pass the color map to apply:
$brand_colors: (
def: blue,
mus: red,
ser: yellow
#mixin branding($colors) {
#each $class, $color in $colors {
&.#{$class} {
background: $color;
.body {
#include branding($brand_colors);
// Latter you can use it to apply the same 'branding' for any other element
div {
#include branding($brand_colors);
Will compile to:
.body.def {
background: blue;
.body.mus {
background: red;
.body.ser {
background: yellow;
div.def {
background: blue;
div.mus {
background: red;
div.ser {
background: yellow;
You could even implement a second parameter to the mixin to specify which css property you want to apply, with background as a default:
#mixin branding($colors, $property: background) {
#each $class, $color in $colors {
&.#{$class} {
#{$property}: $color;
// Latter you can use it to apply the same 'branding' for any other element and property
h1 {
#include branding($brand_colors, color);
Will compile to:
h1.def {
color: blue;
h1.mus {
color: red;
h1.ser {
color: yellow;
You can find out more about mixins here.
Hope it helps!
What do you mean by $color: $col;? no such property like "null" in CSS, because when you set $color: null at top and then trying to set a property $color: $col; you actually trying to set like that null: blue; this is nothing mean anything to compiler.
I think you no need #content directive use here. You should try just following way:
$brand_col: (
def: blue,
mus: red,
ser: yellow
#mixin branding {
#each $brand, $col in $brand_col {
&.#{$brand} {
background: $col;
.body { #include branding(); }

Sass ampersand and two parents together in mixin?

I'm faced with the task of theming the site. I found a suitable mixin. Everything would work well, if not for the mixin for events. It turns out that I need to do something, so that if the topic's mixin is invoked in the mixin of events, then the class did not go cascade, but substituted for the topic class, the .no-touchevents class on the html tag.
Ideally, that would be so on the output:
.card {
color: #fff;
.t-dark .card {
color: #000;
.no-touchevents .card:hover {
color: #000;
} .card:hover {
color: #fff;
It's a little hacky (or maybe a lot hacky) but by adding an additional parameter to the themify mixin and building our selector manually, you can achieve the output you're looking for.
$themes: (
dark: (
colorDark: #000,
colorLight: #fff
#mixin on-event() {
.no-touchevents &:hover {
#mixin themify($themes, $flat: ' ') { // Add a parameter to separate by default
#each $theme, $map in $themes {
#at-root .t-#{$theme}#{$flat}#{&} { // Build our selector manually
$theme-map: () !global;
#each $key, $submap in $map {
$value: map-get(map-get($themes, $theme), '#{$key}');
$theme-map: map-merge($theme-map, ($key: $value)) !global;
$theme-map: null !global;
#function themed($key) {
#return map-get($theme-map, $key);
.card {
color: #fff;
#include themify($themes) {
color: themed('colorDark')
#include on-event() {
color: #000;
#include themify($themes, '') { // Tell themify not to separate selectors
color: themed('colorLight')

Sass - What's the difference between map-get and simple variable?

I'm new with Sass stuff and I've been reading about different ways to use variables, this principle I'm trying to apply is just for colors, some of the solutions I've found were something like this (map-get):
$colors: (
lighestGray: #F8F8FA,
lightGray: #A5ACBA,
light: #FFFFFF,
dark: #000000,
link: #428bca,
linkHover: #555,
navBlue: #7AC243,
navGreen: #009CDC,
Then you use it on your class like this:
.my-class {
color: map-get($colors, dark);
And the other way is to use:
$color-black: #000000;
Then you use it like this:
.my-class {
color: $color-black;
My question is, which option is better? or map-getfunction has another purpose?, has Sass a pattern for this or it depends on each web-developer?.
Thanks for helping me out!.
The differences is that when you use $map variables, they are best designed for using through iterations or using #each.
Sample case:
// Map variable
$icons: (
facebook : "\f0c4",
twitter : "\f0c5",
googleplus : "\f0c6",
youtube : "\f0c7"
// Mixin doing the magic
#mixin icons-list($map) {
#each $icon-name, $icon in $map {
#if not map-has-key($map, $icon-name) {
#warn "'#{$icon-name}' is not a valid icon name";
#else {
&--#{$icon-name}::before {
content: $icon;
// How to use it
.social-link {
background-color: grey;
#include icons-list($icons);
// CSS Output
.social-link {
background-color: grey;
.social-link--facebook::before {
content: "";
.social-link--twitter::before {
content: "";
.social-link--googleplus::before {
content: "";
.social-link--youtube::before {
content: "";
This code was taken from my own answer in the following post but the answer is a case use of #each :)
Hope this help you
Example making a theme with css variables with fallback color
see codepen css variables
// -------------------
$theme-base: #70c1ac;
$theme-base-aa: adjust-color($theme-base, $blue: 125);
$theme-color: $theme-base;
$theme-color-dark: darken($theme-color, 20%);
$theme-color-light: lighten($theme-color, 20%);
$theme-color-mixed: mix(#fff, $theme-color, 75%);
$theme-color-trans: transparentize($theme-color, .4);
$theme-color-aa: $theme-base-aa;
$theme-color-aa-dark: darken($theme-color-aa, 20%);
$theme-color-aa-light: lighten($theme-color-aa, 20%);
$theme-color-aa-mixed: mix(#fff, $theme-color-aa, 75%);
$theme-color-aa-trans: transparentize($theme-color-aa, .4);
$theme-colors: (
"aa-dark": $theme-color-aa-dark,
"aa-light": $theme-color-aa-light,
"aa-mixed": $theme-color-aa-mixed,
"aa-trans": $theme-color-aa-trans,
aa: $theme-color-aa,
dark: $theme-color-dark,
light: $theme-color-light,
mixed: $theme-color-mixed,
theme: $theme-color,
trans: $theme-color-trans,
#mixin themeColor ($prop, $color: null) {
#if ($color) {
#{$prop}: map-get($theme-colors, $color);
#{$prop}: var(--theme-color-#{$color})
} #else {
#{$prop}: map-get($theme-colors, theme);
#{$prop}: var(--theme-color);
#mixin setThemeColors($base1: "", $base2: "") {
$color-base: $theme-base;
$color-aa: $theme-base-aa;
#if ($base1) {
$color-base: $base1;
$color-aa: $base2;
$color-aa-dark: darken($color-aa, 20%);
$color-aa-light: lighten($color-aa, 20%);
$color-aa-mixed: mix(#fff, $color-aa, 75%);
$color-aa-trans: transparentize($color-aa, .5);
$color-aa: $color-aa;
$color-dark: darken($color-base, 20%);
$color-light: lighten($color-base, 20%);
$color-mixed: mix(#fff, $color-base, 75%);
$color-trans: transparentize($color-base, .5);
--theme-color-aa-dark: #{$color-aa-dark};
--theme-color-aa-light: #{$color-aa-light};
--theme-color-aa-trans: #{$color-aa-trans};
--theme-color-aa: #{$color-aa};
--theme-color-dark: #{$color-dark};
--theme-color-light: #{$color-light};
--theme-color-mixed: #{$color-mixed};
--theme-color-trans: #{$color-trans};
--theme-color: #{$color-base};
:root {
#include setThemeColors($theme-base, $theme-base-aa);
body {
#include themeColor("background","mixed");
font-size: 2rem;
ul {
list-style: none; /* Remove default bullets */
ul li::before {
content: "\2022"; /* Add content: \2022 is the CSS Code/unicode for a bullet */
#include themeColor("color","dark");
font-weight: bold; /* If you want it to be bold */
display: inline-block; /* Needed to add space between the bullet and the text */
width: 1.2em; /* Also needed for space (tweak if needed) */
margin-left: -.8em; /* Also needed for space (tweak if needed) */
li {
#include themeColor("color", "light");
#include themeColor("background", "aa-dark");
Why pick one when you can have them both.
$color0 : white;
$color1 : red;
$color2 : green;
$color3 : blue;
#use "variables";
#use "sass:map";
#use "sass:meta";
#use "sass:list";
#function dynamic($variable){
$i: 0;
$list: ();
#while(variable-exists($variable + $i)){
$list: list.append($list, map.get(meta.module-variables(variables), $variable + $i));
$i: $i + 1;
#return $list;
$colors: dynamic('color'); // white red green blue
Import both into your scss files and use the list when you need to loop and the variables for shorthand when applying styles.
map-get is used for getting css value from more kind of object.
suppose you have $param where you have defined multiple properties and now you want to assign. you can use it in following ways -
color: map-get($params, "color");
Where else simple variable holds only single value
map-get to get css value from object holding multiple values whereas
variable to hold single value

Is it possible to take the variable's name in SASS?

I tried to make the following code look fancier with an #each or a #for loop (without any usable result).
.btn[data-btn-color="black"] {
#include colored-btn($black);
.btn[data-btn-color="blue"] {
#include colored-btn($blue);
.btn[data-btn-color="red"] {
#include colored-btn($red);
// ... and more colors ...
My current approach is to take value from the variable to use it as the value for the data-btn-color attribute and put that snippet into an #each loop.
Something like
#each $color in ($black, $blue) {
#include colored-btn($color);
which compiles into:
.btn[data-btn-color="black"] {
background-color: #000; // $black
.btn[data-btn-color="blue"] {
background-color: #00f; // $blue
Is there any function, which allows me to do such a thing?
You were so close! You don't want the () around what you want to go through in #each. I think Sass would just see what you have as one list item with a two item list inside.
Here is what I think you're trying to do:
$red: #f00;
$blue: #00f;
$black: #000;
$colors: red $red, blue $blue, black $black;
#mixin colored-button($background-color: #000){
background-color: $background-color;
#each $color in $colors {
$name: nth($color, 1);
$hex: nth($color, 2);
#include colored-button($hex);
Which would result in:
.btn[data-btn-color="red"] {
background-color: red; }
.btn[data-btn-color="blue"] {
background-color: blue; }
.btn[data-btn-color="black"] {
background-color: black; }
