Access attribute of parents context in Meteor Blaze - meteor

In my scenario, I'm using "with" to switch the context to a related object, I'm getting from my helper, based on the ID of the parent.
my_related_object: function(){
return MyRelatedObjectsCollection.findOne({parentId:this_id});
<template name="my_template">
{{#with my_related_object}}
<span>{{name}} is related to {{here I want to display the parents name}}</span>
How can I access the attributes of my parent object within the "with" context?

You can use directory style directory navigation in blaze templates to access ancestor data contexts. In your case:
<template name="my_template">
{{#with my_related_object}}
<span>{{../name}} is the name of the parent object</span>


Meteor Blaze : dont wait for child template rendering before rendering parent

playing with Blaze i realized the following :
if i have a parent template where i include a child template with {{> child_template }}
then Blaze will wait for child template to be rendered before rendering parent. This can be good in some cases but not all.
For e.g if my parent template contains a <h1>Welcome to my page</h1> and child a list of 10 000 items. I would like a way to display <h1> asap and wait for the 10 000 items to appear later
what i'm doing currently to manage that is the following :
Blaze.render(Template.child, document.body);
it is working but i wonder if anyone have a better solution for this problem that seems pretty common. thanks
You could pass a custom boolean argument to the child component that's false by default, but the parent component's onRendered sets it true. And the child component should check this argument and not render anything unless it's true.
Template.parent.onCreated(function() {
this.state = new ReactiveDict();
"canRender": false,
Template.parent.onRendered(function() {
this.state.set("canRender", true);
canRender() {
return Template.instance().state.get("canRender");
Pass the state to the child component:
<template name="parent">
{{>child canRender=canRender}}
<template name="child">
{{#if canRender}}
<p>Millions of items go here.</p>
As you say, your Child Template has a list of 10000 items. so, this means you have subscribed to some collection. You can us below code to solve your issue.
<template name="Parent">
<h1>Welcome to my page</h1>
{{#if Template.subscriptionsReady}}
{{> Child}}
<p>Loading Child Items...</p>

meteor spacebars run a helper whose name is available as a string in context

I am using meteor 1.4 for building a real time task assignment app.
I am stuck at a point when i want to include a template passing in an argument the template helper of that template to run.
Now when i pass the argument, it is passed as a string and i want to call that template helper. But i cannot find any way in spacebars to call a template helper when i have the helper name available as a context variable of string type.
Please tell whether it is possible and if yes, then how ??
Thanks in advance
Edit 1 - For ex.
<template name="parent">
{{> children helperParameter="someHelper"}}
<template name="child">
{{> child2 value=helperParameter }}
<template name="innerchild">
So basically, I want to pass the value returned by someHelper to the template innerchild and i want to decide which helper (in this case someHelper) to run in child by passing the name of that helper to child template from parent template.
Now, i can not run that helper in child template where i have its name in parameter helperParameter as a string.
Try Template.dynamic.
<template name="layout">
{{> Template.dynamic template=template}}
<!-- This is equivalent to
{{> nameOfNeededTemplate}}
template: function() {
return 'nameOfNeededTemplate';

How to properly find a conditionally rendered element from onRendered callback?

I’d like to find a conditionally rendered element after the template is rendered.
The template:
<template name="one">
<div class="normal">Normal</div>
{{#if active}}
<div class="conditional">Conditional</div>
The code: {
The above will log the ‘.normal’ but null for the ‘.conditional’ (the condition is true, both elements are present in the final DOM). The reason for that is well documented: onRender runs before {{#if}}s. But I want to run after the whole template is rendered, with all its {{#if}}s.
Is there a way to find that .conditional without making it a separate template?
I'm facing the same issue. This is because what's inside the {{#if}} block is rendered as a dynamically generated template.
So, the best workaround I've found so far is to render a specific template inside the {{#if}} block and add a callback to this specific template:
Here's what you should do:
<template name="one">
<div class="normal">Normal</div>
{{#if active}}
{{> activeTemplate}}
<template name="activeTemplate">
<div class="conditional">Conditional</div>
Template.activeTemplate.onRendered(function() {
You won't find the DOM element because it doesn't exist.
It doesn't exist because active is false.
If you want active to return true:{
"active": function() { return true; }

Meteor template: Pass a parameter into each sub template, and retrieve it in the sub-template helper

I am trying to figure out how to pass a parameter into a sub-template that is in an each block and use the parameter in the sub-template as well as sub-template helper. Here is what I tried so far:
<template name="parent">
{{#each nodes }}
{{> child myParam}}
<template name="child">
{{ paramName }}
Template.parent.nodes = function() {
//return a list
Template.parent.myParam = function() {
return {"paramName" : "paramValue"};
Template.child.someOtherHelper = function() {
//How do I get access to the "paramName" parameter?
So far, it hasn't been working, and it seems somehow mess up my input node list also.
Thanks for help.
When you use {{> child myParam}}, it's calling the child template and associates myParam as current template data context, meaning that in the template you can reference {{paramName}}.
In someOtherHelper you could use this.paramName to retrieve "paramValue".
However, when you're using {{#each nodes}}{{> child}}{{/each}}, it means that you pass the content of the current list item (fetched from a LocalCursor or directly an array item) as the template data of child, and you can reference the list item properties using {{field}} in html or this.field in js.
What's happening here is when you call {{> child myParam}}, the myParam helper content OVERWRITES the current node item as template data, that's why it's messing your node list.
A quick (dirty) trick would be to simply extend the myParam helper so that it also contains the template data from the {{#each}} block.
// simulate typical collection cursor fetch result
return [{_id:"A"},{_id:"B"},{_id:"C"}];
// here, this equals the current node item
// so we _.extend our param with it
return _.extend({paramName:"paramValue"},this);
return "_id : "+this._id+" ; paramName : "+this.paramName;
<template name="parent">
{{#each nodes}}
{{> child myParam}}
<template name="child">
{{! this is going to output the same stuff}}
<div>_id : {{_id}} ; paramName : {{paramName}}</div>
Depending on what you're precisely trying to achieve, there might be a better approach but this one gets the job done at least.

Can Meteor child templates access parent template helpers?

Say we have a parent template and a child template:
<template name="parent">
{{> child }}
<template name="child">
{{#if show}}
//Do something
If we assign 'show' to the parent template:
if (Meteor.isClient){ = function(){
return Session.get('isShowing');
Is there any way for the child template to have access to it?
You could make a universal handlebars helper so you could use Sessions values anywhere in your html:
Client js
Handlebars.registerHelper('session', function(key) {
return Session.get(key);
Client HTML
<template name="child">
{{#if session "show"}}
//Do something
Similarly, you could also use {{session "show"}} / {{#if session "show"}} in your parent template and not have to use the helper anymore.
Regarding the use of ../ notation. There are certain scenarios it may not work: Basically it works within {{#block helpers}} but not with templates, but it would work in a block helper if it contains a subtemplate.
<template name="child">
{{#if ../show}}
Do something
You can also register a common helper :
Template.registerHelper('isTrue', function(boolean) {
return boolean == "true";
And call it just like that in your html:
<input type="checkbox" checked="{{isTrue attr}}"/>
