Is it possbile that request is sent but response is failed? - http

I'm new in programming and recently writing a hobby angular 2 app that make a network request within the application, The request is AJAX with http object.
During writing the application, I wonder.. is it possible the request that made by client application is accepted and processed by the server, but the server failed to make a response to the client due to connection error?
If that possible, how do I avoid multiple request being processed?

In the OSI model, HTTP is application level layer which is transported over transport layer i.e. TCP to the peer for sending OR receiving messages.
Transport layer has following attributes: reliable/non-reliable, connection/connection-less, flow-control, congestion, etc. To support these features TCP or UDP protocols are used.
Since we are transporting HTTP PDU, even if PDU gets dropped (due to various reasons), it will be retransmitted as TCP support sliding-window. And only after receiving FIN (final) from peer the connection is closed. Until then you can consider all your PDU will be transported faithfully. TCP also has timeouts and retries, they are configurable too.
But if server is dead or not responding then you will get appropriate error message while making HTTP request, because mere TCP connection itself will fail. Following are well defined error messages. Enable logging OR console traces to notice these errors.

you can check the connection at the time of response back.
Please also check the below points
Check the return type from the server.
Is your angular program is expecting the same type of response which is returned from the server?


how does "HttpResponse.IsClientConnected" work?

if HTTP is connection-less, how does response property, HttpResponse.IsClientConnected detect client is connected or not?
HTTP is not "connection-less" - you still need a connection to receive data from the server; more correctly, HTTP is stateless. Applications running on-top of HTTP will most likely actually be stateful, but HTTP itself is not.
"Connectionless" can also refer to a system using UDP as the transport instead of TCP. HTTP primarily runs over TCP and pretty much every real webserver expects, and returns, TCP messages instead of UDP. You might see HTTP-like traffic in UDP-based protocols like UPnP, but because you want your webpage to be delivered reliably, TCP will always be used instead of UDP.
As for IsClientConnected, when you access that property it calls into the current HttpWorkerRequest which is an abstract class implemented by the current host environment.
IIS7+ implements it such that if it previously received a TCP disconnect message (that sets a field) the method would now return false.
The ISAPI implementation (IIS 6) instead calls into a function within IIS that informs the caller if the TCP client on the current request/response context is still connected, though presumably it works on the same basis: when the webserver receives a TCP timeout, disconnect or connection-reset message it sets a flag and lets execution continue instead of terminating the response-generator thread.
Here's the relevant source code:
It all starts with an HTTP request. Inside it, you can, for example, spawn worker threads, that can outlive the request itself. Here is where IsClientConnected comes in handy, so that the worker thread knows that the client has already received the response and disconnected or not.

How HTTP client detect web server crash

From HTTP:The definitive guide :
But without Content-Length, clients cannot distinguish between
successful connection close at the end of a message and connection
close due to a server crash in the middle of a message.
Let's assume that for this purpose the "server crash" means crash of the server's HW or OS without closing the TCP connection or possibly link being broken.
If the web server crashes without closing TCP connection, how does the client detect that the connection "has been closed"?
From what I know, if FIN segment is not sent the client will keep waiting for the data unless there is a timer or it tries to send some data (failing which detects TCP connection shutdown).
How is this done in HTTP?
If the web server crashes without closing TCP connection, how does the client detect that the connection "has been closed"?
Since the closing will be done by the kernel that would mean, that the whole system crashed or that the connection broke somewhere else (router crashed, power blackout at server side or similar).
You can only detect this if you sent data to the server and don't get any useful response back.
From what I know, if FIN segment is not sent the client will keep waiting for the data unless there is a timer or it tries to send some data (failing which detects TCP connection shutdown).
How is this done in HTTP?
HTTP uses TCP as the underlying protocol, so if TCP detects a connection close HTTP will too. Additionally HTTP can detect in most cases if the response is complete, by using information from Content-length header or similar information with chunked transfer encoding. In the few cases where the end of response is only indicated by a connection close HTTP can only rely on TCP do detect problems. So far the theory, but in practice most browsers simply ignore an incomplete response and show as much as they got.

Is HTTP 1.1 Full duplex?

wondering whether any one can provide a convincing explanation about the whether HTTP 1.1 is half duplex or full duplex in the context of pipelining? As far as I understand,multiple requests can be send over the same persistent connection before the client gets the response. So does that mean that server can respond for the previous request while client sends a new request?
HTTP is request-response protocol. The client sends request. The server waits till the complete request is received. Then sends a response. The client and server cannot send simultaneously.
Full Duplex channel implies that client and server can send data simultaneously. Phone lines are example of Full Duplex. To achieve full duplex in Web, Web sockets is the recommended standard. Once a Web socket connection is established, both parties can exchange messages simultaneously. Web sockets work on top of TCP and does not use the HTTP protocol.
Let's have a look at the standard, in this case RFC-2616. There we find in paragraph 8.1.1, Persistent connections:
- HTTP requests and responses can be pipelined on a connection.
Pipelining allows a client to make multiple requests without
waiting for each response, allowing a single TCP connection to
be used much more efficiently, with much lower elapsed time.
and a bit later in the document: Pipelining
A client that supports persistent connections MAY "pipeline" its
requests (i.e., send multiple requests without waiting for each
response). A server MUST send its responses to those requests in the
same order that the requests were received.
As in both cases it's clearly stated that the client can send requests without waiting for a response, I think it's safe to state that HTTP 1.1 supports full-duplex.
EDIT: in RFC-7230, part of the RFC set that replaces RFC-2616, this statement becomes:
A client that supports persistent connections MAY "pipeline" its
requests (i.e., send multiple requests without waiting for each
response). A server MAY process a sequence of pipelined requests in
parallel if they all have safe methods (Section 4.2.1 of [RFC7231]),
but it MUST send the corresponding responses in the same order that
the requests were received.
Most implementations do allow full-duplex HTTP (for 2xx responses).
A formal discussion can be found at
As it is using tcp, that doesn't mean every application protocol on tcp is a full duplex.
HTTP uses a request-response paradigm, not a full-duplex streaming paradigm. Let me repeat it: HTTP is a request-response protocol! This means that the client sends a request, and when the complete request has been sent then the server sends the response. This is the case even if so-called keep-alive is used, i.e. multiple requests are sent over the same TCP connection. Because this behaviour is fundamental to the protocol most implementations make certain (valid) assumptions which make it difficult to create a full-duplex connection.
If you want a full duplex go for websockets, which are designed for an entirely different purpose.

How does a http client associate an http response with a request (with Netty) or in general?

Is a http end point suppose to respond to requests from a particular client in order that they are received?
What about if it doesn't make sense to in the case of requests handled by cluster behind a proxy or in requests handled with NIO where one request is finished faster than the other?
Is there a standard way of associating a unique id with each http request to associate with the response? How is this handled in clients like http componenets httpclient or curl?
The question comes down to the following case:
Suppose, I am downloading a file from a server and the request is not finished. Is a client capable of completing other requests on the same keep-alive connection?
Whenever a TCP connection is opened, the connection is recognized by the source and destination ports and IP addresses. So if I connect to on destination port 80 (default for HTTP), I need a free source port which the OS will generate.
The reply of the web server is then sent to the source port (and IP). This is also how NAT works, remembering which source port belongs to which internal IP address (and vice versa for incoming connections).
As for your edit: no, a single http connection can execute one command (GET/POST/etc) at the same time. If you send another command while you are retreiving data from a previously issued command, the results may vary per client and server implementation. I guess that Apache, for example, will transmit the result of the second request after the data of the first request is sent.
I won't re-write CodeCaster's answer because it is very well worded.
In response to your edit - no. It is not. A single persistent HTTP connection can only be used for one request at once, or it would get very confusing. Because HTTP does not define any form of request/response tracking mechanism, it simply would not be possible.
It should be noted that there are other protocols which use a similar message format (conforming to RFC822), which do allow for this (using mechanisms such as SIP's cSeq header), and it would be possible to implement this in a custom HTTP app, but HTTP does not define any standard mechanism for doing this, and therefore nothing can be done that could be assumed to work everywhere. It would also present a problem with the response for the second message - do you wait for the first response to finish before sending the second response, or try and pause the first response while you send the second response? How will you communicate this in a way that guarantees messages won't become corrupted?
Note also that SIP (usually) operates over UDP, which does not guarantee packet ordering, making the cSeq system more of a necessity.
If you want to send a request to a server while another transaction is still in progress, you will need to create a new connection to the server, and hence a new TCP stream.
Facebook did some research into this while they were building their CDN, and they concluded that you can efficiently have 2 or 3 open HTTP streams at any one time, but any more than that reduces overall transfer time because of the extra packet overhead cost. I would link to the blog entry if I could find the link...

Detecting missing responses to long running HTTP (SOAP) requests

I need a way to detect a missing response to a long running HTTP POST request. This problem arises when the network infrastructure (firewalls, proxies, unplugged cables, etc.) drops the response packets. The server may detect this failure, but the client cannot send additional bytes after the POST to probe the state of the TCP connection. The failure may be limited to a single TCP connection. For example I may be able to subsequently open a new TCP connection to the server.
I'm looking for a solution that still uses HTTP POST and does not change the duration of the server side processing.
Some solutions that I can think of are:
Provide a side channel interface to retrieve request & response history. If the history lists the response as having been send (presumably resulting in a TCP error) but I have not yet received it within a reasonable time I can generate a local error.
Use an X header to request that the server deliver "spurious" 100 Continue provisional responses on a regular interval. If I fail to see an expected 100 Continue or a non-provisional response I can generate a local error.
Is there a state of the art solution for this problem?
It sounds to me like you are using Soap for something that would be much better done using a stateful connection, or a server side push technology.
