UNIX/vim - Verify syntax error - unix

How can I verify if my code on vim (Unix) has syntax errors?
Is there any command to test the code?
Thank you in advance!

Use a plugin which checks your code.
The one I use, and I'm not alone, is syntactic: https://github.com/vim-syntastic/syntastic
This works for a tons of different languages and even has multiple "lint" engines to choose from for each language. For instance, I use python and can configure syntactic to use one of the following checkers: flake8, pyflakes, pylint and the native python checker. And, yes, it checks vim script as well.
If you can't use any plugins AND only want to debug your vim-scripts, then your best bet is to use vim's own debugger (help debug-scripts). To use this mode:
Start vim in debug mode: vim -D my_broken_script.vim
use :debug to switch into debug mode.
use Ex commands to inspect local variables, echo idx, or global ones: echo g:idx, where idx is the var.
set breakpoints with :breakadd on either functions or files. And delete them with :breakdel
Use profile to investigate performance issues (help :profile): :profile start func and :profile stop


How to know which http server is this Clojure/ClojureScript project using? And how to make the HTTP server be `:dev-http`?

I have been using Clojure, ClojureScript, lein, shadow-cljs, Emacs, and CIDER to work on a Clojure/ClojureScript dynamic web app project.
Usually, I build the project by executing the command cider-jack-in-cljs in Emacs, choosing shadow-cljs, then shadow for REPL type, and, finally, app for the building option.
It works fine. I can watch changes on the UI on localhost:3005.
Based on this previous question, I would like to understand better which HTTP server I am using.
Doing a git grep, I can find:
Pedros-MacBook-Air:balance pedro$ git grep ":dev-http"
Pedros-MacBook-Air:balance pedro$ git grep ":http"
shadow-cljs.edn: :http-root "public"
shadow-cljs.edn: :http-port 3005
Hence, I suppose I can conclude the HTTP server is not :dev-http, right?
If so, how can I make :dev-http the default?
Just tweaking shadow-cljs.edn to add :dev-http?
Should I remove current :http-root "public" and :http-port 3005?
:http-root and :http-port in the :devtools part of the build config is the old (and deprecated) style of configuring http servers in shadow-cljs. :dev-http is the new notation.
So your config is identical to setting :dev-http {3005 "public"} (and removing the http parts from :devtools). They are functionally equivalent otherwise.

Is it possible to run mypy pre-commit without making it fail?

I would like to add the following to pre-commit for a team:
- repo: https://github.com/pre-commit/mirrors-mypy
rev: 'v0.720'
- id: mypy
args: [--ignore-missing-imports]
My team is worried that this might be too strict. To have a gradual introduction, I would like this hook not to make the commit fail, but only to show the issues. Is that possible?
you can, but I wouldn't suggest it -- warning noise is likely to have your whole team ignore the entire output and the entire tool
here's how you would do such a thing (note that it has reduced portability due to bash -- mostly because the framework intentionally does not suggest this)
- repo: https://github.com/pre-commit/mirrors-mypy
rev: v0.720
- id: mypy
verbose: true
entry: bash -c 'mypy "$#" || true' --
two pieces make this work:
verbose: true always produces the output -- this option is really only intended for debugging purposes, but you can turn it on always (it can be noisy / annoying though)
bash + || true -- ignore the exit code
disclaimer: I am the author of pre-commit
Also note that you can temporarily disable hooks by setting the environment variable SKIP. For example:
SKIP=flake8 git commit -m 'fix thing - work in progress'
This is especially useful when you just want to make local "checkpoint" commits that you'll fix later.
Side note on mypy specifically: there's a potentially big issue with using mypy in a non-blocking way like this. If you allow commits with type errors to be merged, everyone else will start to see those type errors in their pre-commit checks.
When developers are making further changes, it's confusing whether the mypy errors that appear were there from before, or due to their further changes. This can be a recipe for frustration/confusion, and also for allowing further type errors to accumulate.
I think the mypy guide on using mypy with an existing codebase is pretty good advice.
If you just need to temporarily skip mypy checks so you can checkpoint your work, push a PR for initial review, or whatever, you can just do SKIP=mypy as mentioned above.

umlauts and symbols in Jmeter

I want to make a simple HTTP-Request in JMeter. I'm using some variables of a CSV I just created. In this CSV are names like "Müller" or "Böhm".
So when I run the test I notice that Jmeter convert "Müller" into "Müller".
I create my CSV in Notepad++ (UTF-8 without BOM).
Furthermore I change Jmeter.properties:
An other idea was to use the post-Benshellsampler:
None of these worked for me.
Errorreport: http://pastebin.com/EydAjfdm
JMeter: 2.13 |
Plugins: Webdriver, Standard, Extra, ExtraLibs (1.3.1)
My expectation is that you need to change encoding of JVM. Add the following line:
log.info(System.getProperty("file.encoding") + " <--------------------");
to any Beanshell Test Element and look into jmeter.log file. If you see something other than UTF-8 - you have a problem which needs to be fixed
2015/12/15 19:05:37 INFO - jmeter.util.BeanShellTestElement: UTF-8 <--------------------
Remove all Beanshell tweaks (by the way, the one with request won't work)
Add the following line to system.properties file (lives under /bin folder of your JMeter installation)
Restart JMeter and that should be it.
List of Java system properties in general and file.encoding bit in particular
Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide - to learn more about different JMeter properties types and ways of working with them

How to pass command line arguments to a Meteor app?

I would like to pass command line arguments to my Meteor app on start up.
For example --dev, --test or --prod indicating whether or not it is running in dev, test or prod environments. It can then load different resources on start up, etc...
I tried something like this in a /server/server.js
var arguments = process.argv.splice(2);
console.log('cmd args: ' + JSON.stringify(arguments,0,4));
The I ran a test. And quite a few others with just random command line arguments.
meteor --dev
The output in the console is only this.
cmd args: [
What is the best way to get command line arguments into a Meteor app?
Or, is this even the correct way to solve the higher level problem? and if not, what is the correct way to solve this problem of distinguishing between running enviro?
Meteor doesn't forward command line args to your app, if it doesn't know them. You have multiple possibilities:
Rewrite parts of meteor.js to forward unrecognized args. This shouldn't be too hard, but it's not a pretty solution. And if updates occur you are in trouble. :D
You could write a small config file and change the behaviour of your app based on the configuration options in there. Take a look at this question.
The easiest thing to do is using environment variables. You can read env vars in node like this. After that you can start your app the "express.js" way: $ METEOR_ENV=production meteor
I hope I could help you! :)
The reason it doesn't work is because the meteor command starts a proxy (which gets the arguments you give) and then it starts the meteor app with --keepalive.
process.argv will have correct values if you build Meteor with meteor build --directory /my/build/path and run it.

PHPUnit - does nothing, no errors, no output

Sorry for another 'phpunit doesn't work' question. It used to work for years now. Today I reinstalled PEAR and phpunit for reasons not connected to this problem. Now when I run phpunit as I usually did. Nothing happens. The cli just shows me a new line, no output whatsoever.
Has anyone encountered this problem or has an idea what could have caused it.
PHPUnit Version: 3.5.15
PEAR Version: 1.9.4
PHP Version: 5.3.8
Windows 7
I'm on OSX and MAMP. To get error messages I had to adjust the following entries in php.ini:
display_errors = On
display_startup_errors = On
Please not that this has to go into /Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.3.6/conf/php.ini .
For future reference, for those who are facing any problem with PHPUnit, and PHPUnit is failing silently, just add this three lines inside phpunit.xml:
<phpunit ....... >
<ini name="display_errors" value="true"/>
After that run the tests again, and now you can see why PHPUnit is failing,
I know the orignal poster's question is already answered, but just for any people searching in the future: one thing that can cause PHPUnit to fail silently (i.e. it just stops running tests without telling you why) is that it has an error handler that it set up before each test run, which is intended to capture errors and display them at the end of the test run. The problem is that certain errors halt execution of the whole test run.
What I generally do when this happens, as a first step, is reset the error handler to something that will immediately output the error message. In my base test class I have a method called setVerboseErrorHandler, which I'll call at the top of the test (or in setUp) when this happens. The below requires php 5.3 or higher (due to the closure), so if you're on 5.2 or lower you can make it a regular function.
protected function setVerboseErrorHandler()
$handler = function($errorNumber, $errorString, $errorFile, $errorLine) {
echo "
Message: $errorString
File: $errorFile
Line: $errorLine
Create the simplest test class you can without a bootstrap.php or phpunit.xml to first verify that your new installation works. PHPUnit will stop without any message if it cannot instantiate all of the test cases--one for each test method and data provider--before running any tests.
You have already figured out how to get it to work, but my solution was a little different.
First thing you can do is check the exit status. If it's not 0, then PHP exited and because of the INI configuration settings set, none of the PHP error messages were outputted. What I did was to enable the "display_errors" INI setting, and set "error_reporting" to E_ALL. I was then able to identify errors such as PHP not being able to parse a certain script. Once I fixed that, PHPUnit ran properly.
I managed to spectacularly paint myself in a corner with a custom "fatal error handler" that in certain rare conditions turned out to output nothing. Those conditions, in accordance with Murphy's Law, materialized once I had forgotten the handler was in place.
Since it wasn't really a "PHPunit problem", none of the other answers helped [although #David's problem was at the bottom the same thing], even though the symptoms were the same - phpunit terminating with no output, no errors, no log and no clue.
In the end I had to resort to a step-by-step tracing of the whole test suite by adding this in the bootstrap code:
register_shutdown_function(function() {
foreach ($GLOBALS['lastStack'] as $i => $frame) {
print "{$i}. {$frame['file']} +{$frame['line']} in function {$frame['function']}\n";
register_tick_function(function() {
$GLOBALS['lastStack'] = debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS, 8);
If anyone ever manages to do worse than this, and somehow block stdout as well, this modification should work:
register_shutdown_function(function() {
$fp = fopen("/tmp/path-to-debugfile.txt", "w");
foreach ($GLOBALS['lastStack'] as $i => $frame) {
fwrite($fp, "{$i}. {$frame['file']} +{$frame['line']} in function {$frame['function']}\n");
an old thread this one, but one I stumbled across when having the same problem.
I had the same problem, nothing being returned to console including print, print_r, echo etc.
solved it by using --stderr as a test-runner option.
Check that you haven't written any logic into your code that just dies, with no output. For example,
if (!array_key_exists('SERVER_NAME', $_SERVER)) {
This was exactly my case; I'd made some assumptions about the environment which were correct when running the code via Apache, but weren't fulfilled when running from CLI and the code did not echo any output.
PHPUnit tried to include the bootstrap file before giving the usual init output, but died during the bootstrapping proccess, hence exiting with status 0 and no output.
If when you run from command line a recent version of phpunit like this
> php phpunit
> ./phpunit
> php ./phpunit.phar
> ./phpunit.phar
And you immediatly return to the prompt with no messages, this is probably due to a "suhosin secutiry" setup.
phpunit is now a "phar" package including all libraries. To be able to run such file when php has the suhosin security module enabled, you must first set this
suhosin.executor.include.whitelist = phar
into you php.ini file (for example, with debian/ubuntu, you may have to edit file /etc/php5/conf.d/suhosin.ini
i tried everything here, but nothing worked until i tried phpunit --no-configuration simpletest.php. that finally gave me some output, which implies that my phpunit.xml.dist file is broken. (i'll come back and update this once i debug it.)
the contents of simpletest.php are below, but any test file should work.
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
final class FooTest extends TestCase
public function testFoo()
$this->assertEquals('x', 'y');
Check if the phpunit you're running and the one you installed are the same:
$ pear list phpunit/phpunit
script /path/to/phpunit
Try to execute exactly that phpunit with the full path.
Then check your PATH variable and see if the correct directory is in it. If not, fix that.
If that does not help, use write something into the phpunit executable, e.g. "echo 123;" and run phpunit. Check if you see that.
For me the conflict was with Xdebug's directive
If you are using composer, check to make sure your included PHP files are not ending the code executions. The same goes for when you included certain PHP files explicitly.
In my case, I was working on a WordPress plugin and one of the PHP files I included directly in composer.json (which I don't want to load through PSR-4 because WordPress's coding standards don't support it yet) had this code on top;
if (!defined('ABSPATH')) {
exit(); // exit if accessed directly
And since ABSPATH will not be defined when I run the tests directly, the code was exiting.
This is because, since I told Composer to always load these files each time, this part of the code will execute, while the other files included though autoload PSR will load on demand.
So check to make sure any of the files you included are not stopping the code execution. If it happens, then even when you run phpunit --info the code will still exit and you won't see any output.
I was facing a seems problem. I could run phpunit from root directory but not from anywhere else. so I put the "--configuration" tag, and point it to my xml configuration.
$ ./<path_to_phpunit>phpunit --configuration <path_to_phpunitxml>/phpunit.xml
The path to phpunit is optinal, I used it because I installed locally by composer.
In /composer/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/TextUI/Command.php in main() function in catch (Throwable $t) {} block var_dump (echo / print_r) exception. If an exception exists, you, probably, will solve the current problem.
