Qt: How to create a directory in project file? - qt

I just want to crossplatform make a single directory from *.pro file. I use some commands like $(COPY_DIR) and $(COPY_FILE) well. And I saw in internets a many examples with command $(MKDIR) but it did not work for me.
It prints:
C:/Projects/installer/installer.pro(24): Extra characters after test expression.
when I used $$(MKDIR) on line 24.
C:/Projects/installer/installer.pro(24): '$' is not a recognized test function.
when I $(MKDIR).
What the proper way to create a directory in qmake projects?

Short answer
Use QMAKE_MKDIR like so:
mytarget.commands += $${QMAKE_MKDIR} $$shell_path($${OUT_PWD}/foo)
Long answer
qmake provides variables holding useful commands. Take a look at Undocumented QMake article on Qt Wiki. The one you are looking for is QMAKE_MKDIR, but you might also be interested in QMAKE_CHK_DIR_EXISTS.
If the values given by qmake do not suite you, you can use the environment to retrieve the mkdir command:
$(MKDIR) $$shell_path($${OUT_PWD}/foo)
$$(MKDIR) $$shell_path($${OUT_PWD}/foo)
The $(...) syntax retrieves the environment variable when make (or nmake...) is run while $$(...) retrieves it when qmake is run.
Also the mkdir command should be call in the context of a "make target" declared with QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS. See Adding custom targets in qmake documentation.


CMake - Copy DLLs to the runtime output directory

I am trying to create a simple CMake that retrieves the DLLs of Qt and copy it in the directory in which cmake creates my executable.
It works great using g++ or clang, but MSVC (Visual Studio 2017) creates a Debug or Release directory.
I can't find a way to retrieve the path to the real directory in which the executable is written (${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} returns the directory parent of Release or Debug).
I've seen people using the target property RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY but it is empty when I use it.
Any idea how I can do this ? I do not want to change the output directory, I just want to know its path (so I do not want to change the value of RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY)
In Visual Studio, during configuration step (when CMakeLists.txt files are processed) build type is not set, so no build-type-dependent variable or property is usable directly. Instead, generator-expressions should be used.
E.g., output directory for executable or library target can be extracted with $<TARGET_FILE_DIR:tgt> generator expression. It will return full directory, with "Release/" or "Debug/" already appended.
Note, that generator expressions can be used only when their usage is explicitly allowed in documentation. E.g., they cannot be used in message() command.
Alternatively, you may explicitely set variable CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY, so for every build type will just append appropriate subdirectory to it. But for extracting this subdirectory, you should again resort to generator expressions: $<CONFIG>.
Technically, it is possible to set the same output directory for any build type. But this is not recommended, because a file from one build type will be overwritten by the file from another build type.
Example for Visual Studio 2022 and CMake.
Place this at the end of CMakeLists.txt:
if (WIN32)
COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/external/c.dll" "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}"
See list of CMake variables.
Note the "qcpp" in the preceding command. This is the project name and should match this line at the start:
project ("qcpp")
Appendix A - Testing
To verify, if you generate a Visual Studio Project using mkdir x && cd x && cmake .., you can see that CMake has added a post-build step to the solution config:
As of CMake 3.21+, the $<TARGET_RUNTIME_DLLS:tgt> generator expression can help copy dependent DLLs to the build tree. Quoting the documentation:
List of DLLs that the target depends on at runtime. This is determined by the locations of all the SHARED and MODULE targets in the target's transitive dependencies. Using this generator expression on targets other than executables, SHARED libraries, and MODULE libraries is an error. On non-DLL platforms, it evaluates to an empty string.
This generator expression can be used to copy all of the DLLs that a target depends on into its output directory in a POST_BUILD custom command.
Docs link: https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/manual/cmake-generator-expressions.7.html#genex:TARGET_RUNTIME_DLLS
An example of how to use this (adapted from the docs) follows:
find_package(foo REQUIRED)
add_executable(main main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(main PRIVATE foo::foo)
if (WIN32)
COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different
endif ()
The if (WIN32) check ensures that $<TARGET_RUNTIME_DLLS:main> won't be empty, which would cause the command to fail (rather than do nothing). COMMAND_EXPAND_LISTS makes sure that the semicolon-delimited list returned by $<TARGET_RUNTIME_DLLS:main> will be split into multiple arguments, rather than passed as a single argument with (escaped) semicolons in it.
Note also that UNKNOWN libraries will be ignored by this generator expression. These are common when using the built-in Find modules, rather than using a library's first-party CMake config-mode package. In these cases, you will have to manually inspect the module variables to find the library paths and add custom commands for each one yourself.
For Qt specifically, I would expect the newer CMake integration in Qt6 to "just work", though I haven't tested it. It might also work in Qt5, but again I haven't tested it.

How to run a script after qmake?

I want qmake to run a (python) script automatically. This script modifies the makefiles, so it has to be executed after qmake generates the makefiles but before make.
So far I've only found 2 ways to run a script from qmake:
Using system() in my .pro file, but this runs before qmake - too soon:
win32: PYTHON=python.exe
else: PYTHON=python
system($$PYTHON ./test.py)
or via custom build target using QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS, but this is invoked by make (too late).
Is there any way to run a script from qmake after it generates the makefiles?
Since we are using TEMPLATE = subdirs for our project, I solved this by creating new subdir, that is parsed by qmake as a last one. In its pro file I'm using TEMPLATE = aux and running the script by system() call.
It's not the best solution, but it works quite well.
The following has worked well for me for several years.
Create a .cmd or .sh script that invokes qmake, and then your script:
%QTDIR%\bin\qmake %*
python.exe test.py
Save the script where it can be found via the PATH environment
In your .pro file add the following:
QMAKE_QMAKE = myqmake
Then simply invoke myqmake rather than qmake
If the script will be run outside the Qt enviornment, (such as from an IDE), then it may need to define the QTDIR and QMAKESPEC environments.
Cotire (compile time reducer) for CMake might me your friend.
It has the following the feature you're looking for to speed up builds:
Automatically generates a single compilation unit (aka unity source file) for a CMake target.
I did not use it but it is recommended in a C++ best practice list.

Copy files before compilation

I've a master project with many sobprojects, that I compile using qmake.
In a sub-project I must copy some files before compilation (some header file). I've seen some command to perform operation before and after linking, but I'd like to know if it's possible to perform some shell operation before start compilation. I can't refer to them, but I must to copy them (don't ask why please, it's not my fault :-( ). Any suggestion?
Thanks in advance for your replies.
see my last answer on nearly the same question:
Copy some file to the build directory after compiling project with Qt
the only difference for you is to change in point 5:
POST_TARGETDEPS += copyfiles ## copy files after source compilation
PRE_TARGETDEPS += copyfiles ## copy files before source compilation
when executing qmake there have to exist all files already in filesystem before
I think what you want to do can be accomplished with careful use of the QMAKE_EXTRA_COMPILERS and QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS variables. The Qt Labs article The Power of QMake gives a reasonable introduction to it. The ".commands" part of the extra compiler can be any arbitrary command, including a shell command.
The other suggestion I found in this e-mail exchange is to "... take a look at mkspecs/features/*.prf - especially those of moc and uic.." for other possible ways to do it.
I also just played around with QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS to solve the question, but could not manage to get it done ;)
One other (simple) solution which might work for you is to wrap the call to gcc/g++: in the .pro file, set QMAKE_CXX=./g++Wrapper and in the g++Wrapper shell script, call the original compiler while doing anything you want before and after the call:
g++ $*
By evaluating the command line parameters, you could also restrict your actions to specific files.

How to execute shell command after compile finished from .pro in QT?

What changes must I make to the .pro file if I want to execute chmod command, execute the output binary file, or do some other operations.
I had a similar problem. I wanted a special tool (versioner) to run over the code every time the Makefile was executed. Here's the solution:
(to be read in the Qmake Manual, Configuring qmake's Environment, Section: Customizing Makefile Output)
Create you own Makefile target. Specify the command etc.
mytarget.target = .buildfile
mytarget.commands = touch $$mytarget.target
This way, you have an extra target you can call with make mytarget for example. If you want to tie it together to the actual buildtarget you'll have to add:
Hope that helps.
Best regards
Another way to make things in given order is to use empty "super" target:
super.depends = target_pre first target_post
Where first - is default qmake target, and target_pre and target_post some custom targets. Now make super just do the thing.
EDIT: looks like in last versions of Qt build of dependencies is running in paralell so this solution wouldn't work.
If you are using Qt Creator, you can add custom build steps in the Projects panel: http://doc.qt.nokia.com/qtcreator-2.1/creator-build-settings.html#adding-custom-build-steps
The right answer depends on exactly what you want, and when. However, as seen in some previously posted comments here QMAKE_POST_LINK is probably what you want rather than POST_TARGETDEPS.
Check out this related post:
QMake: execute script after build
For one, when you use POST_TARGETDEPS that fires off BEFORE your exe is created (in Windows) or BEFORE it is recreated (in Linux)! QMake works differently depending upon the platform and the complier.
I needed to do some "symbols processing" on an exe when it was recompiled. POST_TARGETDEPS gave me problems in both Windows (using mingw) and Linux (using gcc). In Windows, it executed my script prematurely, and in Linux it overwrote my exe after I had modified it (i.e. added back my debugging info to the exe after I had stripped it in my external script). QMAKE_POST_LINK worked perfectly, however, in both cases. It's also short, sweet, and more clear by comparison!

How can the install path be set for a qt project

I'm looking for the equivalent to ./configure --prefix= for qmake. Basically, I want to override the default install/deployment directory. How is this specified with command line qmake? I also use QtCreator to build a lot of my gui projects, and I'd like to know how to do the same thing while building inside of QtCreator. Is there a variable that I can manipulate in the .pro files to do this, or do I change my project settings?
For me, it seems that qmake PREFIX=/usr/local doesn't work
(try with the source of qtcreator)
So the solution is to use qmake normally, but then, you do
INSTALL_ROOT=/usr/local make install
I've found the solution to this, and it is just as easy as specifying the --prefix option to configure.
For qmake on the command line, you simpy add a PREFIX= parameter:
qmake PREFIX=/usr/local
There are two ways to do this in QtCreator. First, you could change your .pro file to include an explicit PREFIX variable definition. However, this is not recommended, as the prefix is a preference specific to each user, and it is preferable to keep the distributed project files generic. A better way to do this, is in your own project settings. Simply go to the build configuration that you are using, expand the qmake settings, and add PREFIX= to the additional arguments.
