Where are default atom packages? - atom-editor

I'm looking to remove/modify the autocomplete-plus package that is bundled together with atom on install.
After a while of struggling and failing, I come to the wisdom of stack-overflow for how I can either:
Modify behaviour of autocomplete-plus
prevent it from loading in the first place (i.e. remove it from the bundle)

The default packages are stored inside an asar file (i.e. Atom.app/Contents/Resources/app.asar on macOS), so it's highly impractical to tamper with its contents, not to mention that your changes are getting lost with each Atom update.
Since you haven't given us a reason why you would want to do that, there is no ideal answer to your question. Generally speaking, I think there are better alternatives:
Disable the autocomplete-plus package and install your fork as you would install any other package. The Atom API offers ways to disable packages programmatically, if you want your fork to handle this.
Build your own custom version of Atom that suits your needs. The default packages are listed as packageDependencies in package.json.

You can go to edit->preferences in the main menu, then check under 'packages' in the left-hand menu, search for 'autocomplete-plus' and then click on 'disable.


Is there a easy way to protect, or revert Qt source code?

I just accidentally refactored QList to QSet, and Qt faithfully did it, to all of its own sources too... (yup, that was dumb!)
Thankfully my code is source controlled, I just reverted everything, would it be feasible/sensible to make a git repo for the Qt sources too? (I have the free version so I didn't think I could modify them anyway...?)
Is there a hidden setting that will prevent its sources from being modifiable, to stop me from doing this again?
I'm currently using the maintenance tool to install a newer version of Qt, but other than update or add/remove, there wasn't a re-install option that I could see, am I missing something?
There's no point to using source code control for an install: it's not source code. It's artifacts. You already know how to protect artifacts of all sorts from modification. Proper filesystem attributes will do it just fine.
Your finished Qt installation should not be writable by you. It would be by default on Unix systems when installed using a privileged package manager. Elsewhere: you need to make it read only. If you build from source, then recursively making the install folder read-only as the last step after installation is all it takes; and since you should be already automating your Qt build, then adding the "make read-only" step is trivial.
Thankfully my code is source controlled, I just reverted everything, would it be feasible/sensible to make a git repo for the Qt sources too? (I have the free version so I didn't think I could modify them anyway...?)
Feasible? Definitely. Sensible? Perhaps, assuming that by "make a git repo" you mean "cloning the official Qt repos from Git". It depends on how many times you plan on making the same renaming mistake. :D But seriously, I think there are benefits to building Qt yourself:
You can easily debug and check the implementation of API that you're using.
You can configure Qt to skip building stuff that you're not interested in.
You can easily patch Qt if there's a bug that you know of a fix for but hasn't been merged into Qt itself yet.
There are downsides too, though. You might run into build issues if you're using configure flags that the CI doesn't use (such as a -no-foo option). It can take a while to build depending on how many submodules you have and what kind of machine you're building on.
In general, if you're not using API that's in dev and not yet released, it's probably not worth bothering.
If you're still interested, this page has instructions for building Qt from Git:
Is there a hidden setting that will prevent its sources from being modifiable, to stop me from doing this again?
Couldn't you set some permissions on the source directory? I've never had to do this, but have been bitten by it on unrelated occasions before, so I know it works. :D
I'm currently using the maintenance tool to install a newer version of Qt, but other than update or add/remove, there wasn't a re-install option that I could see, am I missing something?
Remove and add is your only option, I think. Otherwise, you can always keep a backup of the source by just copying the whole directory.

Is it good to add symlinks of all 3rd party apps in /usr/bin?

I install all 3rd party apps in "/opt" which I need to install manually i.e without any package manager.
So to use all those manually installed apps from TERMINAL I need to add them in PATH variable.
But I find that PATH variable should not be longer otherwise it can make system slower, very negligible but it will. So I added symlinks of the executables in a path which is already added in PATH variable like "/usr/bin".
My question is I didn't find any side effects of this technique, it's working well.
But I want to know if there will be any problem later by doing this. As far I know "/usr/bin", "/bin", "/sbin" this folders are managed by package managers. So will it make any problem to package managers by adding symlinks like this?
That would only confuse package managers if the packages might use those same pathnames. There are a few drawbacks to the symlink approach:
you have to maintain the links (and remember to remove broken links if you remove the packages which they correspond to).
occasionally you will encounter a package which is run via a shell script that checks to see where it is run from (such as the symbolic link in /usr/bin) and then assumes that all of its other parts are available on the same path (again /usr/bin). If that extends into sibling directories such as /usr/lib, it can be tedious to manage the links.
One way to deal with the links would be to make a meta-package of your own which installs the packages and adds your own post-install/uninstall rules to maintain the links.

Is It Necessary to Activate Addons to Make Them Work?

Usually I have to activate my available add-ons in order to make them working. But I find collective.geo.behaviour and my custom transmogrifier package seem working well without activating them. This make me wonder what is the trick behind the scenes. Will something go wrong if I keep using these addons without activating them?
Python packages that are installed for use in your Plone environment show up in your add-on list because they have Generic Setup profiles for addition to a Plone environment. Usually these profiles do things like set browser layers, add skin layers, add types or setup the catalog. They can also specify that the Generic Setup profile for some other add-on(s) should be run when this package is installed.
The two cases you mention here have different things going on:
crgis transmogrifier has a GS profile, but -- as far as I can tell based on examining its repository -- does not need one. It's GS profile does nothing. So, the install add-on choice will do nothing. Drop a note to the add-on author and tell them that.
Collective Geo Behavior's GS profile does nothing but specify that a couple of other add-on GS profiles be run. If you have already done the add-on installation for those, then this step does nothing. But, don't rely on that fact for future installations.
I think it's because these profiles don't do anything different than declare dependencies and the Code & ZCML are loaded at startup. So as long as you already have imported the dependencies listed in the profile you should be fine.
Also I think you could have packages without a profile, if you don't have a dependency or need to register something.

Drupal how to override someone else's function

I downloaded someone's Drupal module (non core) I changed 1 function in there. I want my changes to not be over written by future module updates however still able to enjoy new updates.
How do you do this?
Generally if you have changed something, this means you are no longer having the version that can be maintained by the original developer (unless he applies the same change in his/her module).
But your options are:
making original module more flexible / expanding it: If you are familiar with the concept of Drupal's hooks, you can use them to build your own module and that way modify the way this module behaves. If it has no hooks in the feature you need, you can add them and ask author to merge the changes so when someone installs your module, it seamlessly integrates with his/her module.
using version control system: Alternatively you can check the updates in a different way, not from Drupal itself. You can use Git to download that module (drupal.org modules directory provides you with Git access), and use it to merge new versions to your code - then what you need is to be more familiar with Git versioning system.
Better to use hooks, but if there are no other solutions ...
Simplest solution : create a diff, apply a patch manually after module's automatic update.
Or You could edit try to edit Your module's info file, overriding the configuration of the version & the datestamp of Your module, to avoid automatic updates.
If your changed function fix a bug or something else, is better to create a path and propose your modification to the maintainer.
Otherwise, if you just modify the function to help your project, you should also create a patch and apply it after every update of your module.
Another solution, but less elegant, its to clone the module and create your own with the modified function (like this, your module can be out of updates).

Manually re-creating an install profile

I've been reading about drupal install profiles, and I'm wondering if there's much of a difference between using a packaged install profile vs. installing core + manually installing the modules listed in the install profiles?
I'd like to do the latter (manually installing each) to control the versions of each module installed, which I can't control with a packaged install profile that may not have been maintained.
But should I or will I be opening the door to something I'm not aware of? Shouldn't the 2 be identical, just one automated and other is manual?
What kiamlaluno said, plus the fact that installation profiles may perform custom configuration of settings on install, might construct custom views/content-types/etc (especially by means of features.module, which you can see heavy use of in OpenAtrium), and might provide other custom code in distro-specific module.
The short answer is, no you can't just replicate an install profile by downloading a clean drupal with all those modules -- best bet is to use the install profile. If you're worried about module versions, just make sure you're using a profile that's actively maintained.
The difference is that an installation profile includes the right version of all the modules it needs.
This means that differently from manually installing each module, you don't need to verify the correct version of the module X that effectively works together the module Y; there are few cases where one module doesn't work well when version A of another module is installed, and you need to install version B of the same module, if you don't want problems.
An installation profile can have a custom installation page that allows you to change some parameters of your site; it also allows the installation profile author to define a patch that needs to be applied a module, in order to fix a bug of the module, or to make it work better with another module.
If you need to set a site to work for a particular purpose, installation profiles are useful for you as they allow you to set the site correctly without to know all the details about how a Drupal site needs to be set.
I believe you can specify the versions of the modules you want to install see
