if watson conversation response message can include rich text and picture - watson-conversation

does anyone know if conversation response message can include rich text and picture? or the response message can only be text. Thanks.

Appears to be only text per API:

You can add images by putting < img src="..."> in the response. You won't be able to see the image in the tool you use to make the dialog and create intents but they will appear in your finished application.


PDF OCR Google cloud vision keep spacing

I don't know if it's possible, but I'm receiving forms in PDF format. I need to take the text from the PDF in the exact same position it is in the file and place it in a text document I can parse like:
Line 4 startCharacter 50 endcharacter 60
This would give me whatever text is in that position.
Is this possible?
At the moment, it is not possible to do this. I found a Feature Request made to Cloud Vision API to take a PDF file and export it as a searchable PDF which might resolve this issue. I recommend you to subscribe to the Feature Request (click on the star next to the title) so it can get more visibility.
In the meantime, you can check the documentation on PDFs recognition to try it out and see if you can get the desired behavior.
If the forms you are working with have a determined format, you might be able to solve the issue by going through the TextAnnotation response from the API. The response gives you the text, plus additional insights on it, like the pages, paragraphs, etc.

How can I send a message with a lot of images and text in a telegram chat like in the template below?

I am trying to write a telegram bot.
I want that my bot sends a message like in the following template with a lot of images and text. But I can't figure out which method is responsible for this. What is the correct approach to implement it?
Just write your text inside telegram the way you want it, then copy it to your ide. Almost all editors support emojis. But in case your doesn't, you can always use this website:
The method to be used is send message.

Linkedin doesn't display article description after sharing by customized URL

I don't know if anyone else experienced the same problem, but I just don't know why article description is not visible on my feed page after sharing.
I used these recommendations for customized URL sharing:
i.e. my link looks like this:
If you follow this link, you'll see that the summary ("My favorite developer program") is visible in the preview. However, this summary is not visible in my feed after sharing.
The same happens if I use tag within page markup instead of specifying "summary" directly in URL
I'll be very grateful for your advice.
You can only choose one option:
Indicate an image with an og:image tag, and your image will display.
Don't indicate an image, and then your description will display.
Do you want both an image and a description to display? Currently just not possible. Maybe put the text of the description into the image? I have no idea, it would just be nice if they made their API work according to their own documentation.
Source: Arguing with LinkedIn Support for 2 Weeks.

how can we create a hyperlink icon on watson conversation?

We'd like create a hyperlink icon on watson conversation, when user click that icon, it redirects to watson explorer or discovery or any internet url, any advice would be appreciated.
Conversation returns text. It is up to your applications UI to render what is sent back.
So you can use HTML or any kind of meta tags.
HTML can be added and sent back in the response.text field, have a look at how its done in the image below, its pretty straight forward:
Image Link: Embed HTML in Watson Conversation response
Also, you may like to go through this guide on Watson Conversation: https://console.bluemix.net/docs/services/assistant/tutorial.html#tutorial
Hope this helps.

Screen reader and error messages

In general, how do you display client-side validation messages on a web page to make it easy to read out? Alerts are read out nice but are forbidden in the current design.
I'd suggest using a paragraph or similar (optionally invisible) with a role of alert.
<p id="error-msg" role="alert"></p>
When something goes wrong, put the text in the error-msg element, with Javascript of some description.
document.getElementById("error-msg").innerHTML="What are you doing you fool!";
Or something to that effect.
I believe this is what YouTube uses to let a user know when a new video in a playlist is loading.
Hope this helps.
