sunburst.R total frequency count is incorrect - r

I am plotting a sunburst donut and I cannot figure out why the total is incorrect.
reports <- data.frame(
sequence = c("SVP-VP-Dir-end","SVP-VP-Dir-end","SVP-VP-Dir-end","SVP-VP-Dir-end","SVP-No VP-Dir-end","SVP-No VP-Dir-end","SVP-No VP-Dir-end"),
freq = as.numeric(c("167","60","51","32","5","1","1")))
sunburst(reports, count = TRUE)
It is supposed to be 100% 317 of 317 . Anyone know how to fix this? There is not much documentation on this great package.
Also, I would like it to have a default value in the center of donut.
If there is another way to create an interactive donut using R, please let me know.
Thanks you in advance.

It looks like the default function generating the message in the center of the donut rounds the total value to the nearest ten.
But you can customize this function using the explanation argument of sunburst. Oddly, the customized function (in javascript) must be provided as a string.
Try the following function:
custom.message = "function (d) {
root = d;
while (root.parent) {
root = root.parent
p = (100*d.value/root.value).toPrecision(3);
msg = p+' %<br/>'+d.value+' of '+root.value;
return msg;
sunburst(reports, explanation = custom.message )
will generate the donut displaying exact total values. The count argument is no longer needed, as it is used by the default explanation function.
The value returned by custom.message is html code. As you can see, I've just inserted a line break (<br/>). You can modify the msg return value to further customize the look and feel.


Applying function to image bands based on table values in Earth Engine?

firstly apologies: I am a beginner in Earth Engine, but googling my question hasn't yielded any results. I have a reasonable amount of experience with other languages/platforms.
I have a table of data with headers 'name' and 'value' with N entries, I also have a multiband images in which the bands are named the same as the 'name' column in my table.
I want to apply a functions to each band in the image, based on its corresponding value in the table.
I'm struggling to find a way to do this without using loops and getInfo(), both of which I understand are not efficient and generally frowned upon.
I think perhaps I'm missing something fundamental here regarding the interaction between local variables and things occuring serverside - help would be greatly appreciated!
You could perhaps iterate over the band names in the image:
var updatedImage = ee.Image(
function (bandName, acc) {
bandName = ee.String(bandName) // Must cast from ee.Element to actual type
var feature = features
.filter(ee.Filter.eq('name', bandName))
var value = feature.getNumber('value')
var bandWithFunctionApplied =
.add(value) // Apply some function
return ee.Image(acc)

Pine Script Issue Percentage Change

I am trying to create a normalized percentage change script on the interaday charts, identical to the percent setting when clicking the bottom left gear button and then clicking "percent" in the tradingview chart, allowing the user to compare two securities accumulated price movement expressed in terms of percentages on any given timeframe in this case I am using duration of only 1 day with 1 minute bars. In python it would be similar to the .rebase() function or .pct_change() function.
My Current Issues
The first is that the percentage return being returned from the script does not replicate the percentage return shown on the graph for SPY.(Although the shape of the SPY indicator line generated by the script does match the SPY line just that the value as shown in the below pictures does not match.)
My script does not start at some indexed (ie. normalized value) lets say 0% when including another security to the script. To explain my issue easily I have only included one security within the code below for this post.
First Attempt using the ta.change() function
//Using the change() function
indicator("var float accum_base", format = format.percent, overlay=false)
// Add the script's inputs
symb3 = input.symbol(title="SPY", defval="AMEX:SPY")
//Retrieve Symbol Price Data
SPY =, timeframe.period, close)
//Percentage Change Calc
change = ta.change(SPY, 1) / SPY[1]
//acum method to accumulate all percentage changes from first bar
var float accum = na
accum := nz(accum + change)
Using the ta.change() function script SPY returns -0.12% vs the displayed SPY return of -1.66%
Second Attempt using the ta.roc() function
indicator("roc function", format = format.percent, overlay=false)
// Add the script's inputs
symb3 = input.symbol(title="SPY", defval="AMEX:SPY")
//Retrieve Symbol Price Data
SPY =, timeframe.period, close)
//Percentage Change Calc
base = ta.roc(SPY, 1) / SPY
//Acummulated Percentage Change
var float accum_base = na
accum_base := nz(accum_base + base)
plot(accum_base, title= "SPY", color=color.purple)
Second attempt using the ta.roc function the script SPY returns -0.03% vs the displayed SPY return of -1.66%
I have tried everything and could not resolve the issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Filter vertices on several properties - Julia

I am working on julia with the Metagraphs.jl library.
In order to conduct an optimization problem, I would like to get the set/list of edges in the graph that point to a special set of vertices having 2 particular properties in common.
My first guess was to first get the set/list of vertices. But I am facing a first issue which is that the filter_vertices function doesn't seem to accept to apply a filter on more than one property.
Here is below an example of what I would like to do:
g = DiGraph(5)
mg = MetaDiGraph(g, 1.0)
And I want col to find vertex 3 and no others.
But the filter_vertices would only admit one property at a time and then it makes it more costly to do a loop with 2 filters and then try to compare in order to sort a list with the vertices that have both properties.
Considering the size of my graph I would like to avoid defining this set with multiple and costly loops. Would any one of you have an idea of how to solve this issue in an easy and soft way?
I ended up making this to answer my own question:
for f in fil1
if get_prop(mg,f,:prop2)==2
But tell me if you get anything more interesting
Thanks for your help!
Please provide a minimal working example in a way we can simply copy and paste, and start right away. Please also indicate where the problem occurs in the code. Below is an example for your scenario:
using LightGraphs, MetaGraphs
g = DiGraph(5)
mg = MetaDiGraph(g, 1.0)
function my_vertex_filter(g::AbstractMetaGraph, v::Integer, prop1, prop2)
return has_prop(g, v, :prop1) && get_prop(g, v, :prop1) == prop1 &&
has_prop(g, v, :prop2) && get_prop(g, v, :prop2) == prop2
prop1 = 1
prop2 = 2
col = collect(filter_vertices(mg, (g,v)->my_vertex_filter(g,v,prop1,prop2)))
# returns Int[3]
Please check ?filter_vertices --- it gives you a hint on what/how to write to define your custom filter.
EDIT. For filtering the edges, you can have a look at ?filter_edges to see what you need to achieve the edge filtering. Append the below code excerpt to the solution above to get your results:
function my_edge_filter(g, e, prop1, prop2)
v = dst(e) # get the edge's destination vertex
return my_vertex_filter(g, v, prop1, prop2)
myedges = collect(filter_edges(mg, (g,e)->my_edge_filter(g,e,prop1,prop2)))
# returns [Edge 1 => 3]
I found this solution:
function filter_function1(g,prop1,prop2)
return filter
This seems to work and is quite easy to implement.
Just I don't know if the filter_vertices function is taking a lot of computational power.
Otherwise a simple loop like this seems to also work:
function filter_function2(g,prop1,prop2)
for f in fil1
if get_prop(g,f,:prop2)==prop2
return filter
I am open to any other answers if you have some more elegant ones.

Get word at position in Atom

From a linter provider, I receive a Point compatible array(line, column) where the error occured. Now I would like to hightlight the word surrounding that point, basically the result one would get if that exact point was double-clicked in the editor. Something like
const range = textEditor.getWordAtPosition(point)
Is what I hoped for, but couldn't find in the documentation.
Thanks for your help!
After looking around for a while, there seems to be no API method for the given need. I ended up writing a small helper function based upon this answer:
function getWordAtPosition(line, pos) {
// Perform type conversions.
line = String(line);
pos = Number(pos) >>> 0;
// Search for the word's beginning and end.
const left = Math.max.apply(null, [/\((?=[^(]*$)/,/\)(?=[^)]*$)/, /\,(?=[^,]*$)/, /\[(?=[^[]*$)/, /\](?=[^]]*$)/, /\;(?=[^;]*$)/, /\.(?=[^.]*$)/, /\s(?=[^\s]*$)/].map(x => line.slice(0, pos).search(x))) + 1
let right = line.slice(pos).search(/\s|\(|\)|\,|\.|\[|\]|\;/)
// The last word in the string is a special case.
if (right < 0) {
right = line.length - 1
// Return the word, using the located bounds to extract it from the string.
return str.slice(left, right + pos)
Here, the beginning of the word is determined by the latest occurance of one of the characters (),.[]; or a blank.
The end of the word is determined by the same characters, however here the first occurance is taken as a delimeter.
Given the original context, the function can the be called using the API method ::lineTextForBufferRow and the desired postion (column) as follows:
const range = getWordAtPosition(textEditor.lineTextForBufferRow(bufferRow), 10)

how to increase the limit for max.print in R

I am using the Graph package in R for maxclique analysis of 5461 items.
The final output item which I get is very long, so I am getting the following warning:
reached getOption("max.print") -- omitted 475569 rows
Can somebody please provide me the pointers with how to increase the limit
for max.print.
Use the options command, e.g. options(max.print=1000000).
See ?options:
‘max.print’: integer, defaulting to ‘99999’. ‘print’ or ‘show’
methods can make use of this option, to limit the amount of
information that is printed, to something in the order of
(and typically slightly less than) ‘max.print’ _entries_.
See ?options:
You can use the options command to change the max.print value for the value limit you want to reach. For example:
options(max.print = 1000000)
There you can change the value of the max.print in R.
set the function options(max.print=10000) in top of your program. since you want intialize this before it works. It is working for me.
I fixed it just now. But it looks busty. Anyone make it simple please?
def list_by_tag_post(request):
# get POST
all_tag = request.POST.getlist('tag_list')
arr_query = list(all_tag)
for index in range(len(all_tag)):
tag_result = Tag.objects.get(id=all_tag[index])
all_english_text = tag_result.notes.all().values('english_text', 'id')
arr_query[index] = all_english_text
for index in range(len(arr_query)):
all_english_text = all_english_text | arr_query[index]
# Remove replicated items
all_english_text = all_english_text.order_by('id').distinct()
# render
context = {'all_english_text': all_english_text, 'all_tag': all_tag}
return render(request, 'list_by_tag.html', context)
