bootstrap scaffolding.less is changing default style.css - css

enter image description here
I added a navbar called stretchy-navigation to the website. It has a lot of css and less files. it introduces miner changes to the body. Removing header fixes things, but i need the header. by the way, i add my header and footer with jQuery with "load" function.
enter image description here
this is stretchy-navigation file structure.

Without seeing the code there are a few things you can try.
Force your body css instead of bootstraps with !important
font-size:1.6rem !important;
Add a class to your <body> tag like <body class='mybody'> And then have your css selector target body.mybody{font-size:1.6rem;} By making your css rule more specific it may take precedence.
The order of your linking css files might matter. Try putting bootstrap first and then your custom css code.


How do I overwrite CSS generated from an outside widget?

I've embedded a widget on my page that links to this javascript file:
The widget is generating a header section which i'd like to remove.
I've inspected the element and was able to target the section and add a display: none to it. That worked, but when I copied the code into my CSS style sheets, it was not working. I even tried adding !important to it with no luck.
Is there something obvious that I'm missing?
This is the code I added to my stylesheets.
.registry-header {
display: none !important;
I also tried targeting the classes it was nested in, like so:
.row registry-header-section .col-xs-12 .registry-header {
display: none !important;
Other background info that might be helpful:
- My site is a Wordpress site using the Divi theme.
Establish where the current rules are being generated from in the Document Tree and then use this question and answer to find how to effectively overwrite these rules.
Possible Routes:
You may need to use an id tag on the element and apply the style to the #id, because this will overwrite .class level styling.
You need to be as specific as possible with your targetting; your second example is better than your first.
Remember if the widget uses just a JS file then it's probably editing the CSS via Javascript inline, so it will be doing so inline, therefore you may need to add the style adjustment overwrite inline into the page itself. Set your <style> block to appear as late in the <head> as possible and add !important to the elements required
Create your own Javascript script to load after their widget script and to force CSS to adapt as you want it, with javascript or jQuery code blocks.
Crazy idea.... but it might just work.
You would first need to export from your Browser Inspector the current applied styling generated by the widget and save this to your own (domain-local) CSS file.
You can then use Content Security Policy to specifically block 'unsafe-inline' and 'unsafe-eval' in your style-src: part to block javascript and other inline styling from being applied to the page.
Replacing this with your export CSS style sheet should avoid Javascript/inline styling and allow you to tweak the styling as you need by simply editing your CSS code. You ca fine tune this depending on your dependancies and codebase.

Enable (CSS) Stylesheet for only one div and it's contents

I was looking for a (simple) WYSIWYG Editor jQuery Plugin that's compatible with Bootstrap 3. I've seen a lot WYSIWYG Editors jQuery Plugin that were compatible with the previous Bootstrap, but my website uses Bootstrap 3, so each time I implemented such a jQuery Plugin, my Bootstrap 3 would ruin the buttons and mess the whole editor up.
So now I'm asking whether there is an option to enable the Bootstrap 2 stylesheet only for one div and its contents.
I assume a iframe could work, but then, I need the WYSIWYG Editor's contents (which are in the iframe then), along with text inputs on the 'non-iframe'.
One way you might be able to solve this would scope your css for that div. This is what I have implemented with a content management system that I have created.
Let say for example you give the WYSIWYG Div an ID of HTMLEditable.
you could target that div with your css and all the css within that div.
....css goes here
#HTMLEditable p{
....css goes here
The above css will only apply to that div.
Then its just a case of finding the correct css that you need in that div.
Note you may need to override/reset the css for that div to stop your bootstrap3 applying to it.
Here is an example of a reset css. (You will need to scope this as well to make sure you don't reset all your css).
To make this easier you can use LESS which is what bootstrap uses.
#HTMLEditable {
//import the modal css
#import "bootstrap.css";
you will need to make a file 'HTMLEditable.less'. Then Add the code to similar to the above.
The less will them compile the above into css and will scope everything in the css to #HTMLEditable
Check out the LESS site and look ate the nesting. This is what you are after. This site will also show you how to compile it.
You need to put the class or id of this div before all css rules. You can do it like this if you need a css file and not less.
paste in all of your css
than copy all of this paste it here: in the less area and it will generate the right css for you.

how can i customize default values of twitter bootstrap CSS? e.g class=container

in my <head> tags, ive placed the location of bootstrap.css
if i place <div class="container"> it creates a fixed width.
what i wanted to happen is manipulate the default values of the container width by importing another set of stylesheet.
another scenario is, if i placed a span8 how do i put background colors on it without actually editing the bootstrap.css rather, customize it using a new stylesheet.
does putting 2 stylesheet possible? then inherit / manipulate all values in the bootstrap.css in a new stylesheet?
i apologize if my explanation aren't that clear. its kinda hard to express verbally what i wanted to happen. :)
When you add a second stylesheet, you can override rules of the first one. Just make sure you add them to your html page in the right order.
If you want to make sure a rule won't be overridden you can add !important to it. Example:
.example {
color: red !important;
Yes it is possible. That is what the "Cascading" part of CSS is. Short answer is to add your own style sheet after the bootstrap.css and before the responsive.css and your styles will be used because they are the latest definition, i.e. the rules "cascade" down.
Long answer is take a look at the docs. There's a lot to learn there if you have the time.
Also have a look at the bootstrap customization page

CSS - Is it possible for html in an include to ignore styles from a file referenced in the main page?

I've developed a dynamic ad banner that consits of html and styles loaded into the host site via javascript. On one particular site, certain styles in the stylesheet for the main page are affecting the html that I'm dynamically loading.
Is there a technique for having the dynamically loaded html only render styles from the css I have loaded along with the html, and ignoring any styles in the host page?
Any advice appreciated.
Put your banner into an iframe.
Add !important to your CSS like
p { color: #ff0000 !important; }
Yeah there is a real easy way. Why dont you have your classes separated form the main page HTML. Give them a unique identification if you want there to be no conflict.
Your main page has a css class .input
Give your dynamically loading page as .Dybamically_input this will server something as a namespace.Also you can use !important to the properties which you definitely want to added.
There is an evolving standard to introduce scope blocks to CSS but that isn't yet supported enough to be of any use. You can use the !important directive, but that is likely also to affect the underlying document if you don't apply it carefully.
The best solution is to create a scope by including all the the HTML in your add banner inside a div with a uniquely named class (and use your own namespace eg. 'cog_myAd' to try to guarantee uniqueness. Then apply styles just to that class, using !important where you might need to override styles that could be changed lower down the cascade of styles.
If you have attached your CSS file to the HTML page then the only solution to it would be using !important for all conflicting CSS properties -
color: red !important;
Use inline styles (the style attribute on all your banner elements you want to style) instead of external css file - this way you will never have a conflict.
The other option as others suggested is to use IFrame.

Real Nested CSS? (Not Selector)

I am first time poster. A question. How do a make a css declaration that only works within one DIV, but, not overwriting the global css? I want to jQuery loading a page into a DIV, however, the page's CSS changed my own site's CSS. I don't want that. Also I can't just take out CSS because I want them looked as intended from the source.
Basically we are going to load an external HTML with its CSS style applied locally ONLY without it changing the style elsewhere. The external HTML is not using inline CSS since we don't have control over it. They are applied to class values or even all element type. We don't want their CSS declaration modifying our own existing CSS outside of the DIV container.
Is this even possible?
Thank You?
If I understand your question correct you would place an id in the div <div id="mystyle"> content </div>. In your CSS you would write #mystyle p { color:red; }. which have no effect on global paragraphs outside the "mystyle" div.
I guess you are asking how to apply an external stylesheet to just one div. There is no way to do this using just CSS. You might be able to emulate this using JavaScript, but it's going to take quite a bit of work. Here's an outline of how you might go about doing this:
Grab the stylesheet filename from the loaded HTML and then get the contents of the CSS file via AJAX.
Somehow parse the CSS and prefix your div ID to each CSS rule, so that it applies only within your div.
Inject the modified stylesheet as inline text into the loaded HTML.
Steps 1 and 3 are relatively simple, step 2 requires a CSS parser written in JavaScript. (There seems to be one available here although there is no documentation.)
