Building forvalues loops in R - r

[Working with R 3.2.2]
I have three data frames with the same variables. I need to modify the value of some variables and change the name of the variables (rename the columns). Instead of doing this data frame by data frame, I would like to use a loop.
This is the code I want to run:
#Change the values of the variables
vlist <- c("var1", "var2", "var3")
dataframe0[,vlist] <- dataframe0[,vlist]/10
dataframe1[,vlist] <- dataframe1[,vlist]/10
dataframe2[,vlist] <- dataframe2[,vlist]/10
#Change the name of the variables
colnames(dataframe0)[colnames(dataframe0)=="var1"] <- "temp_min"
colnames(dataframe0)[colnames(dataframe0)=="var2"] <- "temp_max"
colnames(dataframe0)[colnames(dataframe0)=="var3"] <- "prep"
colnames(dataframe1)[colnames(dataframe1)=="var1"] <- "temp_min"
colnames(dataframe1)[colnames(dataframe1)=="var2"] <- "temp_max"
colnames(dataframe1)[colnames(dataframe1)=="var3"] <- "prep"
colnames(dataframe2)[colnames(dataframe2)=="var1"] <- "temp_min"
colnames(dataframe2)[colnames(dataframe2)=="var2"] <- "temp_max"
colnames(dataframe2)[colnames(dataframe2)=="var3"] <- "prep"
I know the logic to do it with programs like Stata, with a forvalues loop:
#Change the values of the variables
forvalues i=0/2 {
dataframe`i'[,vlist] <- dataframe`i'[,vlist]/10
#Change the name of the variables
colnames(dataframe`i')[colnames(dataframe`i')=="var1"] <- "temp_min"
colnames(dataframe`i')[colnames(dataframe`i')=="var2"] <- "temp_max"
colnames(dataframe`i')[colnames(dataframe`i')=="var3"] <- "prep"
But, I am not able to reproduce it in R. How should I proceed? Thanks in advance!

I would go working with a list of dataframe, you can still 'split' it after if really needed:
df1 <- data.frame("id"=1:10,"var1"=11:20,"var2"=11:20,"var3"=11:20,"test"=1:10)
df2 <- df1
df3 <- df1
dflist <- list(df1,df2,df3)
for (i in seq_along(dflist)) {
df[[i]]['test'] <- df[[i]]['test']/10
colnames( dflist[[i]] )[ colnames(dflist[[i]]) %in% c('var1','var2','var3') ] <- c('temp_min','temp_max','prep')
# eventually reassign df1-3 to their list value:
# assign(paste0("df",i),dflist[[i]])
The interest of using a list is that you can access them a little more easily in a programmatic way.
I did change your code from 3 calls to only one, as colnames give a vector you can subset it and replace in one pass, this is assuming your var1 to var3 are always in the same order.
Addendum: if you want a single dataset at end you can use,dflist) or with data.table package rbindlist(dflist).
More details on working with list of data.frames in Gregor's answer here


Pass a function input as column name to data.frame function

I have a function taking a character input. Within the function, I want to use the data.frame() function. Within the data.frame() function, one column name should be the function's character input.
I tried it like this and it didn't work:
frame_create <- function(data, **character_input**){
some_vector <- c(1:50)
temp_frame <- data.frame(**character_input** = some_vector, ...)
Either use, names to assign or with setNames as = wouldn't allow evaluation on the lhs of =. In package functions i.e tibble or lst, it can be created with := and !!
frame_create <- function(data, character_input){
some_vector <- 1:50
temp_frame <- data.frame(some_vector)
names(temp_frame) <- character_input
Can you explain your requirement for using a function to create a new dataframe column? If you have a dataframe df and you want to make a copy with a new column appended then the trivial solution is:
df2 <- df
df2$new_col <- 1:50
Example of merging multiple dataframes in R:
cars1 <- mtcars
cars2 <- cars1
cars3 <- cars2
list1 <- list(cars1, cars2, cars3)
all_cars <- Reduce(rbind, list1)

How can lapply work with addressing columns as unknown variables?

So, I have a list of strings named control_for. I have a data frame sampleTable with some of the columns named as strings from control_for list. And I have a third object dge_obj (DGElist object) where I want to append those columns. What I wanted to do - use lapply to loop through control_for list, and for each string, find a column in sampleTable with the same name, and then add that column (as a factor) to a DGElist object. For example, for doing it manually with just one string, it looks like this, and it works:
group <- as.factor(sampleTable[,3])
dge_obj$samples$group <- group
And I tried something like this:
lapply(control_for, function(x) {
x <- as.factor(sampleTable[, x])
dge_obj$samples$x <- x
Which doesn't work. I guess the problem is that R can't recognize addressing columns like this. Can someone help?
Here are two base R ways of doing it. The data set is the example of help("DGEList") and a mock up data.frame sampleTable.
Define a vector common_vars of the table's names in control_for. Then create the new columns.
sampleTable <- data.frame(a = 1:4, b = 5:8, no = letters[21:24])
control_for <- c("a", "b")
common_vars <- intersect(control_for, names(sampleTable))
1. for loop
for(x in common_vars){
y <- sampleTable[[x]]
dge_obj$samples[[x]] <- factor(y)
2. *apply loop.
tmp <- sapply(sampleTable[common_vars], factor)
dge_obj$samples <- cbind(dge_obj$samples, tmp)
This code can be rewritten as a one-liner.
y <- matrix(rnbinom(10000,mu=5,size=2),ncol=4)
dge_obj <- DGEList(counts=y, group=rep(1:2,each=2))

Rbinding large list of dataframes after I did some data cleaning on the list

My problem is, that I can't merge a large list of dataframes before doing some data cleaning. But it seems like my data cleaning is missing from the list.
I have 43 xlsx-files, which I've put in a list.
Here's my code for that part:
file.list <- list.files(recursive=T,pattern='*.xlsx')
dat = lapply(file.list, function(i){
x = read.xlsx(i, sheet=1, startRow=2, colNames = T,
skipEmptyCols = T, skipEmptyRows = T)
# Create column with file name
x$file = i
# Return data
I then did some datacleaning. Some of the dataframes had some empty columns that weren't skipped in the loading and some columns I just didn't need.
Example of how I removed one column (X1) from all dataframes in the list:
dat <- lapply(dat, function(x) { x["X1"] <- NULL; x })
I also applies column names:
colnames <- c("ID", "UDLIGNNR","BILAGNR", "AKT", "BA",
dat <- lapply(dat, setNames, colnames)
My problem is, when I open the list or look at the elements in the list, my data cleaning is missing.
And I can't bind the dataframes before the data cleaning since they're aren't looking the same.
What am I doing wrong here?
EDIT: Sample data*
# Sample data
a <- c("a","b","c")
b <- c(1,2,3)
X1 <- c("", "","")
c <- c("a","b","c")
X2 <- c(1,2,3)
X1 <- c("", "","")
df1 <- data.frame(a,b,c,X1)
df2 <- data.frame(a,b,c,X1,X2)
# Putting in list
dat <- list(df1,df2)
# Removing unwanted columns
dat <- lapply(dat, function(x) { x["X1"] <- NULL; x })
dat <- lapply(dat, function(x) { x["X2"] <- NULL; x })
# Setting column names
colnames <- c("Alpha", "Beta", "Gamma")
dat <- lapply(dat, setNames, colnames)
# Merging dataframes
df <-,dat)
So I've just found that with my sample data this goes smoothly.
I had to reopen the list in View-mode to see the changes I made. That doesn't change the fact that when writing to csv and reopening all the data cleaning is missing (haven'tr tried this with my sample data).
I am wondering if it's because I've changed the merge?
# My merge when I wrote this question:
df <-"rbindlist", dat)
# My merge now:
df <-,dat)
When I use my real data it doesnøt go as smoothly, so I guess the sample data is bad. I don't know what I'm doing wrong so I can't give some better sample data.
The message I get when merging with rbind:
error in rbind(deparse.level ...) numbers of columns of arguments do not match

How to read and use the dataframes with the different names in a loop?

I'm struggling with the following issue: I have many data frames with different names (For instance, Beverage, Construction, Electronic etc., dim. 540x1000). I need to clean each of them, calculate and save as zoo object and R data file. Cleaning is the same for all of them - deleting the empty columns and the columns with some specific names.
For example:
Beverages <- Beverages[,colSums(<nrow(Beverages)] #removing empty columns
Beverages_OK <- Beverages %>% select (-starts_with ("X.ERROR")) # dropping X.ERROR column
Beverages_OK[, 1] <- NULL #dropping the first column
Beverages_OK <- cbind(data[1], Beverages_OK) # adding a date column
Beverages_zoo <- read.zoo(Beverages_OK, header = FALSE, format = "%Y-%m-%d")
save (Beverages_OK, file = "StatisticsInRFormat/Beverages.RData")
I tied to use 'lapply' function like this:
list <- ls() # the list of all the dataframes
lapply(list, function(X) {
temp <- X
temp <- temp [,colSums(< nrow(temp)] #removing empty columns
temp <- temp %>% select (-starts_with ("X.ERROR")) # dropping X.ERROR column
temp[, 1] <- NULL
temp <- cbind(data[1], temp)
X_zoo <- read.zoo(X, header = FALSE, format = "%Y-%m-%d") # I don't know how to have the zame name as X has.
save (X, file = "StatisticsInRFormat/X.RData")
but it doesn't work. Is any way to do such a job? Is any r-package that facilitates it?
Thanks a lot.
If you are sure the you have only the needed data frames in the environment this should get you started:
df1 <- mtcars
df2 <- mtcars
df3 <- mtcars
list <- ls()
lapply(list, function(x) {
tmp <- get(x)

How can I make a tibble/tbl_df/data_frame from a vector or vectors

I have a name and a vector <- 'data.values'
my.vec <- 1:5
and I'd like to make a tibble/tbl_df/data_frame with one column that has as the name of that column and my.vec as the values. What I have is
df <- data_frame(placeholder = rep(NA, length(my.vec)))
df[[]] <- my.vec
df[['placeholder']] <- NULL
Which just feels silly. Is there an easier way to do this?
I am also interested in the case where I have multiple vectors and multiple names, e.g.
my.name1 <- 'data.values.day1'
my.name2 <- 'data.values.day2'
my.vec1 <- 1:5
my.vec2 <- 2:6
I think the best answer came in a comment.
DirtySockSniffer recommended:
which generalizes nicely to the multiple column situation
as_data_frame(setNames(list(my.vec1, my.vec2),
c(my.name1, my.name2)))
You can create a data_frame first and then set its column names: <- data_frame(my.vec.1, my.vec.2, ...)
names( <- c(,, ...) # Order is important here
