forbidden paths in a graph - graph

We are provided with a directed graph (data flow graph). We want to forbid the data from reaching some nodes of the graph, which means we will have forbidden paths to delete but must keep the graph connected.
I propose a simple example to make the problem clear:
Let us have the following graph:
A ------>B-------->C-------->D
I want to forbid data from reaching the node C, so the edge B-C will be removed. At the same time I want the data to reach D. So a new edge from B-D will be created.
Is there an efficient algorithm for the above task?
Thank you.

Every node X that is not allowed to be reached has i incoming edges and j outgoing edges. As we talk about a data-flow graph it is not sufficient for a node before X to only reach one of the j nodes after X. Either you can insert a dummy (Steiner) node X' that has no function except for not being labeled X where you send all i edges and also connect the j outgoing edges. Otherwise you might have to connect every node where one of the i incoming edges originates and connect it to all j nodes where the outgoing edges of X lead. (Otherwise the data flow is broken.)
To repair one to one node is a constant time operation, but repairing all relations for one such node X takes O(i*j) time, i.e., it is quadratic in the number of incident edges.
Data from a,b, and c flows to X and from there to either x,y, or z.
Thus, data from a can reach x,y, and z.
To remove the edge from a->X we have to add edges from a to all nodes that are reachable from X. Since we have to do this for every edge that reaches X we get a quadratic complexity.
EDIT: (Due to the comment) For two forbidden nodes X and Y were there is an edge form X to Y, such an edge can stay. After all edges to all forbidden nodes (except from a forbidden node) are removed the forbidden nodes may form connected components of size > 1. This is not a problem as every such connected component contains only forbidden nodes and edges and can not be reached from the remaining flow-graph.
After this, we only remove edges that lead from a valid node to a forbidden node. These edges have to be removed in order to fulfil the demand. No other edge is removed, thus this is the minimum amount that fulfils the request. (I don't think there is much else to prove here.)


How to efficiently determine which nodes can leave a graph while maintaining connectedness?

Suppose I have a graph with node weights, for example:
If a node has weight -1, it is "happy". If a node has positive weight, it is "unhappy", and wants to leave the graph.
How do I efficiently calculate which nodes I should kick out of the graph in order to minimize unhappiness (i.e., total graph weight), while making sure that the graph remains connected?
For instance, in this case, I can't get rid of the 10, 8, and 10 nodes, since that would disconnect the graph. The optimal solution in this case seems to be 10 + 8 + 5 = 23.
Small correction : the optimal solution in your example is 2 + 10 + 8 + 5 = 25. Nothing prevents you from removing all but connecting "unhappy" nodes.
On the discussion about bridge : bridge are edges, here you remove nodes. This makes a big difference : when removing edges, the nodes remains, and thus you cannot remove too many of them. When removing nodes, their attached edges are removed too, and you can be much more aggressive. So much that you only need to keep path between clusters of "happy" nodes. Everything else is removed.
How do you do that ?
Replace each cluster of happy nodes (happy nodes that are connected) by one happy node. (keep track of the replaced nodes)
For each edge between an happy and an unhappy node in the starting graph, make an edge between the node representing the cluster of the happy node, and the same unhappy node. The weight is the same as the original weight.
For each pair of happy nodes (representing the original clusters), find the shortest path between them. If this path pass through a third happy node, ignore it. Else, make an edge between the two happy nodes, with a weight equal to the total weight of the shortest path. (keep track of the nodes making the path)
Remove every unhappy node
Find the MST (minimum spanning tree) of the graph. Only keep the selected edges.
Replace each remaining edge of your graph by the path it represents
Replace each happy node by the cluster of happy nodes it represents
I tried to keep this solution in a high language, I can edit it to be more rigorous if needed.

Pathfinding through graph with special vertices

So I've got this directed and/or undirected graph with a bunch of vertices and edges. In this graph there is a start vertex and an end vertex. There's also a subset of vertices which are coloured red (this subset can include the start and end vertices). Also, no pair of vertices can have more than one edge between them.
What I have to do is to find:
A) The shortest path that passes no red vertices
B) If there is a path that passes at least one red vertex
C) The path with the greatest amount of red vertices
D) The path with the fewest amount of red vertices
For A I use a breadth first search ignoring red branches. For B I simply brute force it with a depth first search of the graph. And for C and D I use dynamic programming, memoizing the number of red vertices I find in all paths, using the same DFS as in B.
I am moderately happy with all the solutions and I would very much appreciate any suggestions! Thanks!!
For A I use a breadth first search ignoring red branches
A) is a Typical pathfinding problem happening in the sub-graph that contains no red edges. So your solution is good (could be improved with heuristics if you can come up with one, then use A*)
For B I simply brute force it with a depth first search of the graph
Well here's the thing. Every optimal path A->C can be split at an arbitrary intermediate point B. A Nice property of optimal paths, is that every sub-path is optimal. So A->B and B->C are optimal.
This means if you know you must travel from some start to some end through an intermediary red vertex, you can do the following:
Perform a BFS from the start vertex
Perform a BFS from the endvertex backwards (If your edges are directed - as I think - you'll have to take them in reverse, here)
Alternate expanding both BFS so that both their 'edge' (or open lists, as they are called) have the same distance to their respective start.
Stop when:
One BFS hits a red vertex encountered by (or in the 'closed' list of) the other one. In this case, Each BFS can construct the optimal path to that commen vertex. Stitch both semi-paths, and you have your optimal path with at least a red vertex.
One BFS is stuck ('open' list is empty). In this case, there is no solution.
C) The path with the greatest amount of red vertices
This is a combinatorial problem. the first thing I would do is make a matrix of reachability of [start node + red nodes + end nodes] where:
reachability[i, j] = 1 iff there is a path from node i to node j
To compute this matrix, simply perform one BFS search starting at the start node and at every red node. If the BFS reaches a red node, put a 1 in the corresponding line/column.
This will abstract away the underlying complexity of the graph, and make an order of magnitude speedup on the combinatorial search.
The problem is now a longest path problem through that connectivity matrix. dynamic programming would be the way to go indeed.
D) The path with the fewest amount of red vertices
Simply perform a Dijkstra search, but use the following metric when sorting the nodes in the 'open' list:
dist(start, a) < dist(start, b) if:
numRedNodesInPath(start -> a) < numRedNodesInPath(start -> b)
OR (
numRedNodesInPath(start -> a) == numRedNodesInPath(start -> b)
numNodesInPath(start -> a) < numNodesInPath(start -> a)
For this, when discovering new vertices, you'll have to store the path leading up to them (well, just the nb of nodes in the path, as well as the nb of red nodes, separately) in a dedicated map to be fetched. I mention this because usually, the length of the path is stored implicitly as the position of the verrtex in the array. You'll have to enforce it explicitely in your case.
Note on length optimality:
Even though you stated you did not care about length optimality outside of problem A), the algorithm I provided will produce shortest-length solutions. In many cases (like in D) it helps Dijkstra converge better I believe.

Adjacency list indegree

I was solving this CLRS problem, which asked to find out the indegree of every vertex of a graph G(V,E). I found out the solution to be O(|E|) as we only have to scan through all the edges to find out the degrees of all vertices.
But most of the solutions, I found online, say that it is O(|V|+|E|). How come? How are the vertices accounting for the time taken?
If we suppose that the implementation of the digraph uses objects for vertices and each vertex has an associated list of successors and no additional data structures, then it will be impossible to iterate the edges directly.
If the digraph is connected, then each vertext has at least one associated edge. This means that iteration over the edges via iteration over the vertices takes O(|E|) time - the iteration over the vertices does not increase the running time, which is dominated by the number of edges.
If the digraph is not connected, then the iteration over the vertices is not necessarily dominated by the number of edges; even isolated vertices have to be processed just to find out that they have no associated outgoing arcs, which can be done in O(|V|+|E|) time.
In total, the runtime bound of O(|V|+|E|) is correct in either case; however, for a connected digraph (or an implementation which permits direct iteration over the edges regardless of the number of vertices) one can obtain a tighter runtime bound of O(|E|).

Cypher query to find paths through directed weighted graph to populate ordered list

I'm new to Neo4j and am trying wrap my mind around the following problem in Cypher.
I am looking for a list of nodes, sorted by ascending visitation order, after a run of n path iterations, each of which adds nodes to the list. The visitation sort depends on depth and edge cost. Because the final list represents a sequence of nodes you could also look at it as a path of paths.
My graph has an initial starting node (START), is directional, of unknown size, and has weighted edges.
A node can only be added to the list once, when it is first visited (e.g. when visiting a node, we compare to the final list and add if the node isn't on the list already).
Every edge can only be traveled once.
We can only visit the next adjacent, lowest-cost node.
There are two underlying hierarchies: depth (the closer to START the better) and edge costs (the lower the cost incurred to reach the next adjacent node the better). Depth follows the alphabetical order in the example below. Cost properties are integers but are presented in the example as strings (e.g. "costs1" means edge cost = 1).
Each path starts with the starting node of least depth that is "available" (= possessing untraveled outbound edges). In the example below all edges emanating from START will have been exhausted at some point. For the next run we'll continue with A as starting node.
A path run is done when it cannot continue anymore (i.e. no available outbound edges to travel on)
We're done when the list contains y nodes, which may or may not represent a traversal.
Any ideas on how to tackle this using Cypher queries?
Example data:
This is what happens:
We start at START and travel along the lowest-cost edge available to arrive at A. --> A gets the #1 spot the list and the costs1 edge in START-[:costs1]->a gets eliminated because we've just used it.
We’re on A. The lowest cost edge (costs1) circles back to START, which is a no-go, so we take this edge off the table as well and choose the next available lowest-cost edge (costs2), leading us to B. --> We output B to the list and eliminate the edge in a-[:costs2]->b.
We're now on B. The lowest cost edge (costs1) circles back to START, which is a no-go, so we eliminate that edge as well. The next lowest-cost edge (costs2) leads us to C. --> We output C to the list and eliminate the just traveled edge between B and C.
We're on C and continue from C over its lowest-cost relation on to G. --> We output G to the list and eliminate the edge in c-[:costs1]->g.
We're on G and move on to E via g-[:costs1]->e. --> E goes on the list and the just traveled edge is eliminated.
We're on E, which only has one relation with I. We incur the cost of 1 and travel on to I. --> I goes on the list and E's "costs1" edge gets eliminated.
We're on I, which has no outbound edges and thus no adjacent nodes. Our path run ends and we return to START iterating the whole process with the edges that remain.
We're on START. Its lowest available outbound edge is "cost3", leading us to C. --> C is already on the list, so we just eliminate the edge in START-[:costs3]->c and move on to the next available lowest-cost node, which is F. Note that now we've used up all edges emanating from START.
We're on F, which leads us to J (cost =1) --> J goes on the list, the edge gets eliminated.
We're on J, which leads us to L (cost = 1)--> L goes on the list, the edge gets eliminated.
We're on L, which leads us to N (cost = 1)--> N goes on the list, the edge gets eliminated.
We're on N, which is a dead end, meaning our second path run ends. Because we cannot start the next run from START (as it has no edges available anymore), we move on to next available node of least depth, i.e. A.
We're on A, which leads us to B (cost = 2) --> B is already on the list and we dump the edge.
We're on B, which leads us to D (cost = 3) --> D goes on the list, the edge gets eliminated.
Output / final list / "path of paths" (hopefully I did this correctly):
CREATE ( START { n:"Start" }),(a { n:"A" }),(b { n:"B" }),(c { n:"C" }),(d { n:"D" }),(e { n:"E" }),(f { n:"F" }),(g { n:"G" }),(h { n:"H" }),(i { n:"I" }),(j { n:"J" }),(k { n:"K" }),(l { n:"L" }),(m { n:"M" }),(n { n:"N" }),(o { n:"O" }),(p { n:"P" }),(q { n:"Q" }),(r { n:"R" }),
START-[:costs1]->a, START-[:costs2]->b, START-[:costs3]->c,
a-[:costs1]->START, a-[:costs2]->b, a-[:costs3]->c, a-[:costs4]->d, a-[:costs5]->e,
b-[:costs1]->START, b-[:costs2]->c, b-[:costs3]->d, b-[:costs4]->f,
c-[:costs1]->g, c-[:costs2]->f,
d-[:costs1]->g, d-[:costs2]->f, d-[:costs3]->h,
g-[:costs1]->e, g-[:costs2]->j, g-[:costs3]->k,
j-[:costs1]->l, j-[:costs2]->m, j-[:costs3]->n,
l-[:costs1]->n, l-[:costs2]->f,
m-[:costs1]->o, m-[:costs2]->p, m-[:costs3]->q,
q-[:costs1]->n, q-[:costs2]->r;
The algorithm being sought is a modification to the nearest neighbor (greedy) heuristic for TSP. The changes to the algorithm result in an algorithm that looks like this:
stand on the start vertex an arbitrary vertex as current vertex.
find out the shortest unvisited edge, E, connecting current vertex, terminate if no such edge.
set current vertex to V.
mark E as visited.
if the the number of visited edges has reached the limit, then terminate.
Go to step 2.
As with the original algorithm, the output is the visited vertices.
To handle the use case, allow for the algorithm to take in a set of already visited edges as an additional input. Rather than always starting with an empty set of visited edges. You then just call the function again but with the set of visited edges rather than an empty set until the starting vertex only leads to visited edges.
(Sorry, I'm new on the site, can't comment)
I was hired to find a solution to this particular query. I only learned of this question afterward. I am not going to post it at full here, but I am willing to discuss the solution and get feedback of anyone interested.
It turned out not being possible with cypher alone (well, I could not find out how myself). So I wrote a java function with the Neo4j bindings to implement this.
The solution is single threaded, flat (no recursion), and very close to the description of #Nuclearman. It uses two data structures (ordered maps), one to remember visited edges, another to keep a list of "start" nodes (for when the path runs out):
Follow path of smallest costs (memorize visited edges, store nodes by depth/cost)
On end of path, pick a new start node (smallest depth first, then smallest cost)
Report any new node in the order they are accessed
The use of hash sets, coupled with the fact that edges are visited only once makes it fast and memory efficient.

Directed Graph BFS without all nodes reachable

I'm doing a breadth-first search on a digraph. I'm lost at nodes c and f, and I'm not sure if and how they should be in the BF-tree or if you only go as far as reachable from the source node and don't start at another node in order to get all the vertices.
Here's what I'm getting so far. As you can see, letters mark the nodes. Distance and predecessor are marked by d and pi:
This was helpful BFS traversal of directed graph from a given node but I'm not familiar with graphs enough to understand how that applies to this situation. From what I'm getting from that question, it seems like in this case I would not include c and f at all.
In fact, it seems like I have the maximal number of nodes included already, just because I started at i. I think that the d=4 at the g node (also at k but that doesn't even connect to any other nodes), this is the greatest distance and max-depth possible in BFS in this graph.
