Rotate CSS 3D generated cube on drag - css

I have a 3D generated Cube made with CSS and it rotates perfectly when hovered on.
What I need is to add the draggable function to make it rotate with the mouse.
So far I have this:
In order to make the hover work you need to uncomment the following CSS:
/*.box-scene:hover .box {
-webkit-transform: rotateY(-90deg);
I use draggable function from JQueryUI to try to make it work but somehow it is not working.
PS: I only need it to rotate on Y Axis.
Any help will be appresiated.

Ok so I got it working finally.
Apparently the error was that JSFiddle doesn't load external resources if they are requested without SSL.
The code that was loaded initially is actually correct.
The final working fiddle is:
Final Javascript:
var offset = 0, startX;
var elem = document.getElementById("box");
$('#box-scene').on('mousedown', function (e) {
startX = e.pageX - offset;
.on('mouseup', function() {
startX = null;
.on('mousemove', function (e) {
if(startX) {
offset = e.pageX - startX;['-webkit-transform'] = 'rotateY(-' + offset + 'deg)';
Thank you #Andrew and #Armand Maree for your help.
Hope this works for future reference.

I don't think draggable is what you want; that widget allows you to move objects around on the page. It looks like you want to be able to click the mouse and move it, and then see the cube rotate proportionally to how far you've moved the mouse. I don't know of a way to do that in pure CSS, I would suggest javascript similar to the following:
var dragging = false;
var originalX;
originalX = e.pageX;
dragging = true;
dragging = false;
if (dragging){
var DeltaX = e.pageX - originalX;
var rotation = CalculateRotationDegrees(DeltaX);
In this example, the method CalculateRotationDegrees would take the distance the user has moved the mouse and figure out how far the cube should rotate based on that distance.

An idea would be to have a boolean variable that indicates whether the mouse button is pressed down. And then adjust the rotation when the mouse moves.
var mouseDown = false;
var mouseButtonDown = function () {
mouseDown = true;
var mouseButtonUp = function () {
mouseDown = false;
var mouseMove = function (event) {
if(mouseDown) {
// get mouse coordinates and do rotation in jquery
<div onmousedown="mouseButtonDown" onmouseup="mouseButtonUp" onmousemove="mouseMove"></div>


How can I reposition the map center to fit the infobubble?

I can easily get the marker to be centered. However, it does not count in the size of the infobubble.
I'd like to reposition the map when clicking a marker such that the info bubble fits. This can be as simple as aligning center horizontally and bottom vertically.
I tried manipulating the position for centering the marker. However, that surprisingly moves the marker to the new location also.
Can you please try to add below JS snippet, as it allows marker movement ,but restrict its movement when the map is dragged.
I hope this will help you to achieve the desired outcome.
function addDraggableMarker(map, behavior){
var marker = new{lat:42.35805, lng:-71.0636});
// Ensure that the marker can receive drag events
marker.draggable = true;
// disable the default draggability of the underlying map
// when starting to drag a marker object:
map.addEventListener('dragstart', function(ev) {
var target =;
if (target instanceof {
// re-enable the default draggability of the underlying map
// when dragging has completed
map.addEventListener('dragend', function(ev) {
var target =;
if (target instanceof {
}, false);
// Listen to the drag event and move the position of the marker
// as necessary
map.addEventListener('drag', function(ev) {
var target =,
pointer = ev.currentPointer;
if (target instanceof {
target.setPosition(map.screenToGeo(pointer.viewportX, pointer.viewportY));
}, false);

Use AS3 to write IOS like slide up menu

In an AS3 mobile App, I would like to have a menu of buttons or icons that slides up from the bottom. Using a SlideViewTransition, I can get part of what I want.
var transition:SlideViewTransition = new SlideViewTransition();
transition.direction = ViewTransitionDirection.UP;
transition.mode = SlideViewTransitionMode.COVER;
view.navigator.pushView(ShareView, null, null, transition);
This works, but it does not do two things that I need to do.
1) I want the new transition to only go up 1/2 of the screen so that the top part of the screen displays the view underneath.
2) I want the new view that covers to be partially transparent. By setting the alpha of the incoming view's contentGroup background alpha, the new view is transparent as it comes in. But, once it covers the view underneath the view becomes opaque.
this.contentGroup.setStyle('backgroundAlpha', 0.5);
Does anyone have any ideas of how I would have a view slide up 1/2 way and be transparent? I have no idea where to start, view skinning?, or subclass transition?, or use something in flash namespace instead of a spark view.
I decided it would be simplest to just use the lower level ActionScript and do the animation myself using methods that are normally applied to a Sprite, but in this case use a VGroup so that I could add spark elements to it. The following is the base class I wrote.
public class SlideUpDialog extends VGroup {
private var pctHeight:Number;
private var stopHeight:Number;
private var vertIncrement:Number;
public function SlideUpDialog(pctHeight:Number) {
this.pctHeight = pctHeight;
if (stage) {
} else {
addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, addedToStageHandler);
private function addedToStageHandler(event:Event=null) : void {
removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, addedToStageHandler);
graphics.beginFill(0xEEEEEE, 0.8);
graphics.drawRect(0, 0, stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight * pctHeight);
var bevel:BevelFilter = new BevelFilter(4, -45);
this.filters = [ bevel ];
x = 0;
y = stage.stageHeight;
stopHeight = y * (1 - pctHeight);
vertIncrement = y / 2 / 24 / 4;
public function open() : void {
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, openFrameHandler);
private function openFrameHandler(event:Event) : void {
if (y > stopHeight) {
y -= vertIncrement;
} else {
removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, openFrameHandler);
public function close() : void {
... the reverse of open

Specific .js files for stage, rectangle and other shapes to be used in Canvas

I want to currently work on Canvas in HTML5. I am new to canvas and want to start working on it. I am using easeljs for implementing canvas. But can anybody specify any particular .js file to implement Canvas. As when I am using this .js I am getting error : "0x800a1391 - Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'Stage' is undefined If there is a handler for this exception, the program may be safely continued."
Here my piece of code where we getting the above specified error. I have copied this code from internet only:
//EaselJS Stage instance that wraps the Canvas element
var stage;
//EaselJS Shape instance that we will animate
var circle;
//radius of the circle Graphics that we will draw.
//x position that we will reset Shape to when it goes off
var circleXReset;
//EaselJS Rectangle instance we will use to store the bounds
//of the Canvas
var bounds;
//initialize function, called when page loads.
function init() {
//check and see if the canvas element is supported in
//the current browser
if (!(!!document.createElement('canvas').getContext)) {
var wrapper = document.getElementById("canvasWrapper");
wrapper.innerHTML = "Your browser does not appear to support " +
"the HTML5 Canvas element";
//get a reference to the canvas element
var canvas = document.getElementById("stageCanvas");
//copy the canvas bounds to the bounds instance.
//Note, if we resize the canvas, we need to reset
//these bounds.
//bounds = new Rectangle();
//bounds.width = canvas.width;
//bounds.height = canvas.height;
//pass the canvas element to the EaselJS Stage instance
//The Stage class abstracts away the Canvas element and
//is the root level display container for display elements.
stage = new Stage(canvas);
//Create an EaselJS Graphics element to create the
//commands to draw a circle
var g = new Graphics();
//stroke of 1 px
//Set the stroke color, using the EaselJS
//Graphics.getRGB static method.
//This creates a white color, with an alpha
//of .7
g.beginStroke(Graphics.getRGB(255, 255, 255, .7));
//draw the circle
g.drawCircle(0, 0, CIRCLE_RADIUS);
//note that the circle has not been drawn yet.
//the Graphics instance just has the commands to
//draw the circle.
//It will be drawn when the stage needs to render it
//which is usually when we call stage.tick()
//create a new Shape instance. This is a DisplayObject
//which can be added directly to the stage (and rendered).
//Pass in the Graphics instance that we created, and that
//we want the Shape to draw.
circle = new Shape(g);
//set the initial x position, and the reset position
circle.x = circleXReset = -CIRCLE_RADIUS;
//set the y position
circle.y = canvas.height / 2;
//add the circle to the stage.
//tell the stage to render to the canvas
//Subscribe to the Tick class. This will call the tick
//method at a set interval (similar to ENTER_FRAME with
//the Flash Player)
//function called by the Tick instance at a set interval
function tick() {
//check and see if the Shape has gone of the right
//of the stage.
if (circle.x > bounds.width) {
//if it has, reset it.
circle.x = circleXReset;
//move the circle over 10 pixels
circle.x += 8;
//re-render the stage
The only thing in the above code is just to add "createjs" before every even.
//EaselJS Stage instance that wraps the Canvas element
var stage;
//EaselJS Shape instance that we will animate
var circle;
//radius of the circle Graphics that we will draw.
//x position that we will reset Shape to when it goes off
var circleXReset;
//EaselJS Rectangle instance we will use to store the bounds
//of the Canvas
var bounds;
//initialize function, called when page loads.
function init() {
//check and see if the canvas element is supported in
//the current browser
if (!(!!document.createElement('canvas').getContext)) {
var wrapper = document.getElementById("canvasWrapper");
wrapper.innerHTML = "Your browser does not appear to support " +
"the HTML5 Canvas element";
//get a reference to the canvas element
var canvas = document.getElementById("stageCanvas");
//copy the canvas bounds to the bounds instance.
//Note, if we resize the canvas, we need to reset
//these bounds.
//var s = new Shape();
//"#f00").drawRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
bounds = new **createjs**.Rectangle();
bounds.width = canvas.width;
bounds.height = canvas.height;
//pass the canvas element to the EaselJS Stage instance
//The Stage class abstracts away the Canvas element and
//is the root level display container for display elements.
stage = new createjs.Stage(canvas);
//Create an EaselJS Graphics element to create the
//commands to draw a circle
var g = new **createjs**.Graphics();
//stroke of 1 px
//Set the stroke color, using the EaselJS
//Graphics.getRGB static method.
//This creates a white color, with an alpha
//of .7
g.beginStroke(createjs.Graphics.getRGB(255, 255, 255, .7));
//draw the circle
g.drawCircle(0, 0, CIRCLE_RADIUS);
//note that the circle has not been drawn yet.
//the Graphics instance just has the commands to
//draw the circle.
//It will be drawn when the stage needs to render it
//which is usually when we call stage.tick()
//create a new Shape instance. This is a DisplayObject
//which can be added directly to the stage (and rendered).
//Pass in the Graphics instance that we created, and that
//we want the Shape to draw.
circle = new createjs.Shape(g);
//set the initial x position, and the reset position
circle.x = circleXReset = -CIRCLE_RADIUS;
//set the y position
circle.y = canvas.height / 2;
//add the circle to the stage.
//tell the stage to render to the canvas
//Subscribe to the Tick class. This will call the tick
//method at a set interval (similar to ENTER_FRAME with
//the Flash Player)
//function called by the Tick instance at a set interval
function tick() {
//check and see if the Shape has gone of the right
//of the stage.
if (circle.x > bounds.width) {
//if it has, reset it.
circle.x = circleXReset;
//move the circle over 10 pixels
circle.x += 8;
//re-render the stage
I have marked as bold what we have to add before every function or event.

How do I get list item selection working when using a png mask in an item renderer in a Flex 4.5 mobile app?

I'm creating a mobile app in which I need to show a calendar with months at the top. The months are part of a component that extends from SkinnableDataContainer (and has some custom scrolling/behaviour - which is why I did'nt use a spark list). I need the months to be shown as a 'trapezium' shaped tab and so I'm using a png image as a mask in the item renderer for the component.
When the mask is not applied, it all works well - the months render, the list/data container selection works when I click on a month and so on.
When the mask is applied, it renders well, scrolling and everything else seems to work well - but when I click on a month, nothing happens visually. And from the trace statements in my code, it appears list item selection is not changing. Looks like mouse clicks are not working.
Any ideas on how to fix this?
I've looked for similar sounding questions (but ask the opposite thing) here on SO. (
public class TopCalendarMonthRenderer extends LabelItemRenderer {
private static var TrapeziumMask:Class;
private static var trapeziumMaskInstance:BitmapAsset;
override protected function createChildren():void {
private function createMask():void {
if (!this.maskShape){
if (!trapeziumMaskInstance){
trapeziumMaskInstance = (new TrapeziumMask()) as BitmapAsset;
maskShape = new Sprite();
//maskShape.visible = false;
//maskShape.mouseEnabled = false;
maskShape.cacheAsBitmap = true;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
//this.hitArea = maskShape;
override protected function drawBackground(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number):void {
//don't call the parent's draw: because we draw our own background
var bgColor:uint = 0x555555;
if (this.selected)
bgColor = backgroundColor;
var g:Graphics =;
g.drawRoundRectComplex(0, 0, unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight, 3, 3, 0, 0);
//TODO: make the mask a hitArea - so the user can interact with it - HOW?
private function drawMask():void {
var g:Graphics =;
var img:BitmapData = trapeziumMaskInstance.bitmapData;
g.beginBitmapFill(img, null, false, true);
//g.beginGradientFill(GradientType.RADIAL, [0xffffff, 0xff0000], [1, 0], [0, 255]);
g.drawRect(0, 0, img.width, img.height);
this.mask = maskShape;
//this.hitArea = maskShape;
I finally found this:
This explains how setting a PNG image as an alpha mask on a DisplayObject breaks mouse events.
A work around is also provided in that article - which worked for me :)

How to prevent a component from being dragged out of the stage in Flex 3

I think there is a simple solution to this question, just not simple enough for me to find it.
How do you constrain a TitleWindow in Flex 3 from being dragged off the screen/stage? Is there a way to restrict the TitleWindow to the viewing area?
Example: Let's say I have an application that take 100% of the screen. Next, I create a TitleWindow via the PopUpManager. I can then proceed to click and hold (drag) that window off the screen, then release the mouse button. That window is now lost off-screen somewhere. Is there a way to keep the window from being dragged beyond the viewing area?
Thanks for the help in advance.
this is a very old post, but here's another way of doing it:
Whether you are extending the component or not, in the TitleWindow definition add the following line: move:"doMove(event)"
Import the Application library (import mx.core.Application;)
and add the doMove function:
private function doMove(event:Event):void
{//keeps TW inside layout
var appW:Number=Application.application.width;
var appH:Number=Application.application.height;
For flex 4 the answer is here:
You can set its isPopUp property to false to prevent it from being dragged in the first place.
var popupWin:TitleWindow = PopUpManager.createPopUp(this, TitleWindow);
popupWin.isPopUp = false;
I don't know if the DragManager class in flex supports bounds checking, but if you really want to allow dragging but limit its bounds, you can still set isPopUp to false and implement the dragging code yourself so that the component never goes outside the limits specified by you. Check startDrag() method for an example. Bounds rectangle is the key.
Flex 4
<s:TitleWindow xmlns:fx=""
protected function windowMovingHandler(event:TitleWindowBoundsEvent):void
var appBounds:Rectangle = parentApplication.getBounds(DisplayObject(parentApplication));
// for better precision, corect appBounds manualy, or, instead of "parentApplication.getBounds..." create new rectangle of your application size
Subclass the TitleWindow and add a canvas over the title bar as a drag proxy. Then you can explicity call startDrag with a boundary rectangle.
This is pretty skeletal, but should put you on the path...
The reason for the proxy is you may get some weird behavior when you click the titleBar label if you don't have the canvas over it.
public class MyTitleWindow extends TitleWindow
public var titleBarOverlay:Canvas;
override protected function createChildren():void
titleBarOverlay = new Canvas();
titleBarOverlay.width = this.width;
titleBarOverlay.height = this.titleBar.height;
titleBarOverlay.alpha = 0;
titleBarOverlay.setStyle("backgroundColor", 0x000000);
override protected function updateDisplayList(w:Number, h:Number):void
super.updateDisplayList(w, h);
titleBarOverlay.width = this.width;
titleBarOverlay.height = this.titleBar.height;
private function addListeners():void
titleBarOverlay.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onTitleBarPress, false, 0, true);
titleBarOverlay.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onTitleBarRelease, false, 0, true);
private function onTitleBarPress(event:MouseEvent):void
// Here you can set the boundary using owner, parent, parentApplication, etc.
this.startDrag(false, new Rectangle(0, 0, parent.width - this.width, parent.height - this.height));
private function onTitleBarRelease(event:Event):void
You could simply override the move function and prevent "illegal" movement (it is called internally by the Panel drag management).
I think that you also should listen on stage resize, because reducing it (e.g. if the user resize the browser window) could send your popup out of stage even without actually moving it.
public class MyTitleWindow extends TitleWindow {
public function MyTitleWindow() {
// use a weak listener, or remember to remove it
stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, onStageResize,
false, EventPriority.DEFAULT, true);
private function onStageResize(event:Event):void {
override public function move(x:Number, y:Number):void {
super.move(x, y);
private function restoreOutOfStage():void {
// avoid the popup from being positioned completely out of stage
// (use the actual width/height of the popup instead of 50 if you
// want to keep your *entire* popup on stage)
var topContainer:DisplayObjectContainer =
var minX:int = 50 - width;
var maxX:int = topContainer.width - 50;
var minY:int = 0;
var maxY:int = topContainer.height - 50;
if (x > maxX)
x = maxX
else if (x < minX)
x = minX;
if (y > maxY)
y = maxY
else if (y < minY)
y = minY;
In your TitleWindow's creationComplete handler add the following:
This will do the job.
On the other hand, if you have a custom skin, you can remove the "moveArea" part. This should work, too.
